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Sunday, November 30, 2014
'Patriots' fomenting revolution
As I troll around I read "patriot" websites where they appear to foment for revolution, wish for race riots so all their predictions will come true. I think they are really just trying to justify years of unemployment and failure. We live in really pathetic times. I've never seen so much preparation for catastrophe that when it does not happen, no one acknowledges it, as they are preparing for the next predicted catastrophe. Is this Chaos Theory in action or just human stupidity? All of them on both sides just need jobs.
As I troll around I read "patriot" websites where they appear to foment for revolution, wish for race riots so all their predictions will come true. I think they are really just trying to justify years of unemployment and failure. We live in really pathetic times. I've never seen so much preparation for catastrophe that when it does not happen, no one acknowledges it, as they are preparing for the next predicted catastrophe. Is this Chaos Theory in action or just human stupidity? All of them on both sides just need jobs.
I don't want crickets peeps, whats happening here.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Dahboo7 is Rand Paul of American journalism
best place to stay up with what is happening is Dahboo777 hate to admit it, the guy is the Rand Paul of journalism right now…… Reboluionary Z Is in the Heart of the Action! As you will see in this clip , The Protesters get Bombed with gas and then ...

Tuesday, November 18, 2014
We debate net neutrality, but the internet is already corporatized. I remember when you did an online search and found obscure blogs. Now you spend a lot of time digging through sponsored and copy-pasted shit. they've already found ways to de-neutralize it. So enjoy it while we can, and hope for sanity among politicians but. . . when the debate ends up around Ted Cruz sound bites that make no sense and that is all we are hearing, I'm not real optimistic.

Saturday, November 15, 2014
Me and George O, cont'd
They know just what kind of stories to release and when, and they own almost all the media now. So the Corporation message gets out every day, then repeated over and over again, on every channel, all to keep us angry at each other so we won't notice all the outright corruption that has become their daily norm.
Hate campaigns- against immigrants, the homeless, working poor, disabled, the aged, unemployed – release of each day’s sound bite creates something very similar to the hate rallies in the novel and films 1984. Eerily, the message even comes through video screens that are everywhere. So we all get distracted by hatred of the current selected target, while the real criminals are thieving the country blind.
The misinformation campaign is designed to turn us against each other, keep the left and right blaming each other, and distract us while the Global Corporation drains wealth and resources out of our country.
George Orwell is not rolling over, but sitting up in his grave saying, hmm, there's definitely another story to write here.

I'm actually scared, not of terrorists, but of what this global corporate takeover is going to do to our country. I still think this has been an act of incidious war. They don't use conventional weapons, they use our institutions, turn them on us. They did it with airplanes in bldgs, buying up our banks. But now they are going to drill a pipeline down the middle of the country? Really? All while telling us it will bring us Jobs? Holy STromboli americans are so dumb we deserve what we are going to get!!!!

You Can't Know If You Don't Know
If you are informed, you can't believe their lies, bk you know already it can't be true. But by keeping Americans stupid, they can tell us anything and most people will just shrug and say, oh yeah, okay must be true, how would I know, and go on with their lives, wondering why everything is getting so screwed up but too busy with their three jobs and distracted by kim kardashian's ass to think about it. You can't know it's a lie based on what you know if you don't know anything. . . study read question

Friday, November 14, 2014
They Planned this Takeover decades ago
The campaign was designed from the start to turn Americans against each other, keep the left and right blaming each other for the mess the world is becoming, all while global corporate thugs, or The Owners, drain wealth and resources out of the country. They know just what kind of stories to release, and they own the media to release them, so they're sure their daily message gets out, all to keep us angry at each other so we won't notice all the outright corruption that has become their daily fare.
Where is George Orwell when we need him.
They planned this Misinformation Campaign as part of their takeover of the country and laid it out decades in advance, right down to stacking the Supreme Court with sycophants who then make sweeping decisions with no accountability. It's been documented that Clarence Roberts and the David Souter went on holidays with the same corporate execs whose cases they were hearing and then decided in the corporation’s favor.
They don't even try to hide the corruption anymore.
All while right wing media convinces you it's the illegal aliens siphoning off your wealth, it's welfare mothers cheating you.
Lies lies lies, they use our inherent instinct to distrust strangers, to hate people who are different from us- that's what makes it so obvious that this is an orchestrated --

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