When I was a little girl in Pasadena, you could drive all the way to Newport Beach in 40 minutes or so, an extra ten mins to Laguna, NOT on freeways, we breezed down two lane country roads. Yes, from Pasadena to Newport you took Brookhurst to... something and soon you pulled up on the ocean, strips of pristine sand, beautiful, on weekdays there were strips of beach with no people.
Now though there are several routes from Pasadena to Newport, it takes a good 2 hours and the trip is not as fun as riding with your windows open through Orange County smelling orange groves as you passed through little towns such as Buena Park.
You could just take off down those highways on impulse and go to Newport, drive up the rugged coast then take a dark curvy Sunset Boulevard back home and everything moved easily and smooth in the 1950s in Pasadena, where I lived a cushy and comfortable life like almost no one on Earth lives today... sigh.
Funded by readers through PayPal, available for all to read
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

I came of age politically as a teenager asking, Are we in Vietnam to defend corporations? Later I even met Eldridge Cleaver
I've been passionate about politics since high school, I keep thinking of that now. As soon as I learned truth about Vietnam War at age 16 (?) I joined up, went to anti war demonstrations and meetings. They invited my older sister and she wasn't interested and I chimed in, I'll Go! Then by age 19 I was even On Paid Staff (doing minutes of meetings) of Peace and Freedom Party. I was at Oakland meeting where Black Panthers took over the party, which was intimidating, as I remember it.
Met Eldridge Cleaver, he was dating my roommate...
CONTINUED 2 hours later:
Riding around smoking weed was a regular activity when I was in high school in the San Gabriel Valley. One night a guy who’d graduated a few years earlier had come home from the war in Vietnam in alarming condition, shaking suicidal, like so many others. As I passed the joint to him in the backseat, he stopped talking for a few minutes about the heroin he’d had to kick upon his return home because there was so much of it in the camps, you almost couldn't avoid it. He toked on the joint, I think we may have been even smoking Thai stick, because during the years USA was in Vietnam, you could get this wowser weed from Thailand
The guy in the backseat continued talking now about his platoon defending Michelin Plantation.
“What? Did you say Michelin?” I interrupted him.
“Yeah, it was Michelin Plantation.” And he continued with his rap. He said Michelin Plantation with that special pride soldiers have for a territory they've been occupying, whether they're right or wrong.
I said, “You mean we're in Vietnam fighting this war to defend corporations?”
He stopped talking, he may have even stopped shaking. Everybody in the car got quiet and thought about that.
He started shaking again and said, “Yeah I guess so that's about right.” Then others in the car nodded agreement, we continued on down whatever L.A. road we were cruising, continued smoking weed, I think my friend from the backseat ended up in several state hospitals over next years and then, as I always do, I moved away and lost touch with everyone.
Not long after that cruising night, my sister was home from UC Santa Barbara and some of her friends from San Marino High showed up where we were living now in much more humble surroundings of Arcadia. “We're going to a meeting of the Peace and Freedom party,” they told her and I was in the hallway listening. My sister shrugged, probably was doing her hair or something, and said she didn't want to go. As they were leaving, I rushed up and said, “I'll go.” They shrugged and said sure when no one in my family objected to me at age fifteen? Sixteen? Going off with these kind of seditious acting anti war activists, but I was already a news junkie so I knew there were brewings of underground protests against this war and I wanted to be part of it.
A few years later, I was released from jail after being arrested at a love-in, 1969 Griffith Park, I spent less than one night in Sybil Brand Institute when it was brand new and shiny but I was once again radicalized by the time I was bailed out by my mom and a suburban lawyer. I tracked down the Peace and Freedom Party now in offices on Western Avenue they shared with the Mike Hannah for District Attorney campaign. I was such an enthusiastic volunteer, and so skilled, and young with great legs and didn't always wear a bra, that I was hired to work in the office. When there were meetings I would go, along with the others who worked in the office, and do shifts taking notes then typing them up as minutes.
Which is funny because now at age 70 I still supplement my Social Security by doing transcription from home, typing what people are saying, but I digress.
So I was there at the Peace and Freedom Party meeting in 1970 (?) in Oakland when as we were being dutiful white liberals operating with Rules of Order, the back door of the gymnasium banged open and a bastion of tough and serious looking black guys with Loooooong afro head and wow, part of me remembers guns but I'm foggy on this whole memory.
The Black Panthers burst in the back door and strode through the auditorium. All us white liberals were shaken and surprised, because we really didn't know this was going to happen, it was a surprise.
They banged through, walked through the crowd up to the front, one of the guys took over the microphone, and that was it, they were in charge. They said, something like, this is ours now, we are in charge. There was much disruption but mostly the good white suburban liberals many of whom like me had come from far flung locales such as Pasadena, we were silent, we sat with mouths open and watched what happened, we listened to this Manifest reading of the Black Panther party points and they were so radical and wild that most of us just rejected them and left the room, left the meeting.
I was maybe 20 years old, I was there to take notes and type them up. I was taking these pills that were legal speed I was getting from a doctor because back then it was easy to get legal speed from a doctor. That helped me keep up with the long hours but it also makes my memory of this fuzzy.
I do know that men in clothes that were more ironed and new than the people I usually see came up to me later and asked me lots of questions about that meeting. I went home, my roommate was this woman with beautiful olive skin from somewhere back east who was a national organizer of the Peace and Freedom party, I rented a bedroom in her apartment off Beachwood Drive in Hollywood. One night Eldridge Cleaver was sitting in the living room with another young black guy, intimidating like the ones at the meeting, and soon after I came home, she left with them, I didn't go with them.
I moved somewhere else and did something else as the Black Panther takeover was my last interaction with the Peace and Freedom Party. I still stayed political astute though, to this day fifty years later.
(To be edited after I get done transcribing this AM)
“What? Did you say Michelin?” I interrupted him.
“Yeah, it was Michelin Plantation.” And he continued with his rap. He said Michelin Plantation with that special pride soldiers have for a territory they've been occupying, whether they're right or wrong.
I said, “You mean we're in Vietnam fighting this war to defend corporations?”
He stopped talking, he may have even stopped shaking. Everybody in the car got quiet and thought about that.
He started shaking again and said, “Yeah I guess so that's about right.” Then others in the car nodded agreement, we continued on down whatever L.A. road we were cruising, continued smoking weed, I think my friend from the backseat ended up in several state hospitals over next years and then, as I always do, I moved away and lost touch with everyone.
Not long after that cruising night, my sister was home from UC Santa Barbara and some of her friends from San Marino High showed up where we were living now in much more humble surroundings of Arcadia. “We're going to a meeting of the Peace and Freedom party,” they told her and I was in the hallway listening. My sister shrugged, probably was doing her hair or something, and said she didn't want to go. As they were leaving, I rushed up and said, “I'll go.” They shrugged and said sure when no one in my family objected to me at age fifteen? Sixteen? Going off with these kind of seditious acting anti war activists, but I was already a news junkie so I knew there were brewings of underground protests against this war and I wanted to be part of it.
A few years later, I was released from jail after being arrested at a love-in, 1969 Griffith Park, I spent less than one night in Sybil Brand Institute when it was brand new and shiny but I was once again radicalized by the time I was bailed out by my mom and a suburban lawyer. I tracked down the Peace and Freedom Party now in offices on Western Avenue they shared with the Mike Hannah for District Attorney campaign. I was such an enthusiastic volunteer, and so skilled, and young with great legs and didn't always wear a bra, that I was hired to work in the office. When there were meetings I would go, along with the others who worked in the office, and do shifts taking notes then typing them up as minutes.
Which is funny because now at age 70 I still supplement my Social Security by doing transcription from home, typing what people are saying, but I digress.
So I was there at the Peace and Freedom Party meeting in 1970 (?) in Oakland when as we were being dutiful white liberals operating with Rules of Order, the back door of the gymnasium banged open and a bastion of tough and serious looking black guys with Loooooong afro head and wow, part of me remembers guns but I'm foggy on this whole memory.
The Black Panthers burst in the back door and strode through the auditorium. All us white liberals were shaken and surprised, because we really didn't know this was going to happen, it was a surprise.
They banged through, walked through the crowd up to the front, one of the guys took over the microphone, and that was it, they were in charge. They said, something like, this is ours now, we are in charge. There was much disruption but mostly the good white suburban liberals many of whom like me had come from far flung locales such as Pasadena, we were silent, we sat with mouths open and watched what happened, we listened to this Manifest reading of the Black Panther party points and they were so radical and wild that most of us just rejected them and left the room, left the meeting.
I was maybe 20 years old, I was there to take notes and type them up. I was taking these pills that were legal speed I was getting from a doctor because back then it was easy to get legal speed from a doctor. That helped me keep up with the long hours but it also makes my memory of this fuzzy.
I do know that men in clothes that were more ironed and new than the people I usually see came up to me later and asked me lots of questions about that meeting. I went home, my roommate was this woman with beautiful olive skin from somewhere back east who was a national organizer of the Peace and Freedom party, I rented a bedroom in her apartment off Beachwood Drive in Hollywood. One night Eldridge Cleaver was sitting in the living room with another young black guy, intimidating like the ones at the meeting, and soon after I came home, she left with them, I didn't go with them.
I moved somewhere else and did something else as the Black Panther takeover was my last interaction with the Peace and Freedom Party. I still stayed political astute though, to this day fifty years later.
(To be edited after I get done transcribing this AM)
-ke -

Monday, March 25, 2019
Reading Twitter it's plain: Trumpsters are enabled by the Barr Report. All those autocratically inclined persons are now set free to snarl and lash at progressive voices, with Full Power of DOJ and President behind them.
this is fricking scary
this is fricking scary
Interesting: Brexit, which was another of Putin's disinformation campaigns to get citizens to vote for their own self destruction, is kicking in next week...

Can a nation vote out a dictator?
As a little girl I heard horror stories of life in the new Soviet Union. Americans were shocked that USSR citizens only got news reports that made their government look good, opposing ideas were stifled. If you showed signs of not believing, your own neighbors would cause you trouble for it, intimidate you, report you, you feared to express yourself bk of certain reprisal even prison and death...
Welcome to the Soviet Union of United States of America.
I think "wait for Mueller Report" was a disinformation tactic, a successful DIVERSION to keep any thinking person from taking action against Trump. Now I doubt we'll ever know How RUssia Took Over USA bk Nancy is afraid to do anything.
sorry dems, don't hate me, but knowing Nancy is leading the Dems here, well,
here we are
Worse part of release of Four Pages and calling it a Mueller Report that exonerates President:
Donald Trump is now more empowered than he was yesterday.
Kay Ebeling
A major nationwide mind f---
Now a 2 year investigation is cut down to a 4 page report that never used One Full Sentence quoting Mueller. Now all the Trumpers have today's news to throw in your face every time you go out as now they will be even more enabled and entitled and arrogant than they've been the last two years,
Nyah Nyah Nyah, Trump was "telling the truth" See, Told ya it was a witchhunt. etc. Now I am continuing to isolate as I live among Trumpsters and YES I AM going to move again, just need to figure out a way out of here hopefully out of USA bk if this is what Americans want, I'm not staying.
It's only Going To Get Worse now.
Plausible Deniability
Plausible Deniability*: While Trump and sons state to camera, "Sure, release it all, no redactions," their guy Barr releases 4 skimpy pages, from which Trump and sons then proclaim, See we're innocent, move on.
And watch. Americans will go along with that.
Just now I watched Fox News reaction to "Mueller report over" and it made me feel like a fool for having hope the past two years.
The guys in charge of the information warfare have got total control almost, MSNBC has Very Low Ratings as do Democracy Now, Freespeech TV, etc, the truth in US news has been all but eliminated in less than 3 years... My friend in Houston who reports on Climate Crisis ThorNews has been almost Eliminated from his YouTube channel.
At Fox they are making smart people look like assholes and No One is showing where the real assholes are to balance it. There is No Balance, there's just Dysinformation now.
I tried to point this out, the Information Warfare through Fox et al became Real Apparent to me way back in 2013 and I Took Shit in Lancaster, locally in the newspaper there, for trying to point it out. I ended up moving partly bk of it but didn't get away from it, just started hiding.
where can an old american go now?
*Trump and sons can plausibly deny that they wanted only a small part of report released, but they can celebrate that only 4 pages released now.
Kay Ebeling We waited 2 Frigging Years as if the Mueller Report was going to be something. Two Years of time wasted, two years of time for Trump to dismantle the structures that hold together USA.
In my opinion
Welcome to the Soviet Union of United States of America.
I think "wait for Mueller Report" was a disinformation tactic, a successful DIVERSION to keep any thinking person from taking action against Trump. Now I doubt we'll ever know How RUssia Took Over USA bk Nancy is afraid to do anything.
sorry dems, don't hate me, but knowing Nancy is leading the Dems here, well,
here we are
Worse part of release of Four Pages and calling it a Mueller Report that exonerates President:
Donald Trump is now more empowered than he was yesterday.
Kay Ebeling
A major nationwide mind f---
Now a 2 year investigation is cut down to a 4 page report that never used One Full Sentence quoting Mueller. Now all the Trumpers have today's news to throw in your face every time you go out as now they will be even more enabled and entitled and arrogant than they've been the last two years,
Nyah Nyah Nyah, Trump was "telling the truth" See, Told ya it was a witchhunt. etc. Now I am continuing to isolate as I live among Trumpsters and YES I AM going to move again, just need to figure out a way out of here hopefully out of USA bk if this is what Americans want, I'm not staying.
It's only Going To Get Worse now.
Plausible Deniability
Plausible Deniability*: While Trump and sons state to camera, "Sure, release it all, no redactions," their guy Barr releases 4 skimpy pages, from which Trump and sons then proclaim, See we're innocent, move on.
And watch. Americans will go along with that.
Just now I watched Fox News reaction to "Mueller report over" and it made me feel like a fool for having hope the past two years.
The guys in charge of the information warfare have got total control almost, MSNBC has Very Low Ratings as do Democracy Now, Freespeech TV, etc, the truth in US news has been all but eliminated in less than 3 years... My friend in Houston who reports on Climate Crisis ThorNews has been almost Eliminated from his YouTube channel.
At Fox they are making smart people look like assholes and No One is showing where the real assholes are to balance it. There is No Balance, there's just Dysinformation now.
I tried to point this out, the Information Warfare through Fox et al became Real Apparent to me way back in 2013 and I Took Shit in Lancaster, locally in the newspaper there, for trying to point it out. I ended up moving partly bk of it but didn't get away from it, just started hiding.
where can an old american go now?
*Trump and sons can plausibly deny that they wanted only a small part of report released, but they can celebrate that only 4 pages released now.
Kay Ebeling We waited 2 Frigging Years as if the Mueller Report was going to be something. Two Years of time wasted, two years of time for Trump to dismantle the structures that hold together USA.
In my opinion
I feel like for 2 years we've been set up to now look stupid for believing the Mueller Report would be something.
I think We Were All Set Up for this.
Entire Nation mind f---ed
The entire nation has been mind f---ed again bk Trump's guys saw during 2016 election saw how easy it was to mind f--- Americans
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Hello, NATO? Someone come rescue Americans trapped under Trump trance and mania
I feel like Trump is beyond stopping, he's got his fat thumb on every attempt to stop him before it can get started. He's not as dumb as he acts in public. No indictments, no impeachment, no new president in 2020.
I think Pelosi was blinking to the camera when she said "he's not worth it." I think perhaps trump is holding something over their heads Congress and Repubs who act weirdly like zombies supporting him now like L Graham- wow, could it be as bad as Trump threatening to use nukes? I mean, he has the codes.
Something about all this is weird, but while we are all still trying to figure it out, Trump's guys are sending nuke tech to Saudi Arabia and Iran has started building up everything it had stopped under Obama's deal and children are still being put in cages and pollution levels are rising and floods are being ignored, and a whole lot more awful stuff is going to happen in USA
Because we can't stop Trump. The Trojan Horse that Americans voted in bk of his bells and bright colors and whistles is now destroying USA from within and we can't stop him.
Hello? NATO? Can someone step in and stop this?
We can't stop him.
shouting to Facebook and the world, one old lady on a mountain top on a laptop, with millions of others probly doing same around the world, wondering why doesn't help come...
Germans went along with Hitler from the start bk he improved the economy so they looked the other way from his outrageousness which allowed him to get more outrageous....
I think Pelosi was blinking to the camera when she said "he's not worth it." I think perhaps trump is holding something over their heads Congress and Repubs who act weirdly like zombies supporting him now like L Graham- wow, could it be as bad as Trump threatening to use nukes? I mean, he has the codes.
Something about all this is weird, but while we are all still trying to figure it out, Trump's guys are sending nuke tech to Saudi Arabia and Iran has started building up everything it had stopped under Obama's deal and children are still being put in cages and pollution levels are rising and floods are being ignored, and a whole lot more awful stuff is going to happen in USA
Because we can't stop Trump. The Trojan Horse that Americans voted in bk of his bells and bright colors and whistles is now destroying USA from within and we can't stop him.
Hello? NATO? Can someone step in and stop this?
We can't stop him.
shouting to Facebook and the world, one old lady on a mountain top on a laptop, with millions of others probly doing same around the world, wondering why doesn't help come...
Trump on track for landslide win in 2020, multiple economic models say
Yeah I saw article above earlier and combined with the kinda shambles and disappointments I see in Dems and knowing T's ability wiht help of Fox et al and Putin/Saudis- I am grateful that I do not have a lot to lose. Trump won. I've accepted that and will keep watching and keep quiet mostly but the good guys are not fighting back, the warfare is being met with press statements and no one has figured out yet that this is an attack on USA so if you don't fight back, your nation becomes a different nation. We should have stopped these guys at least back in 2013. I'm enjoying old age knowing I don't have to be here when it gets really bad, but don't see any signs of ANYONE even beginning to fight this onslaught of Orange autocracy- oh well

Friday, March 15, 2019
Beto could be the bomb
Trump didn't get elected legally,
it will probably take something illegal to get him out.
the longer he's in there the harder it will be to get him out.
Trump is prepared to respond to every legal and procedural attack dems make on him. His guys know all those tactics in advance. ONLY way to get rid of Trump is do something completely unexpected, maybe illegal, and BIG.
Going through legal motions at this point is just feeding Trump with openings to attack again. They know about and are prepared for any legal attack on Trump...
I have no idea what dems should do but what they are doing now ain't gonna work.
I think. that's my OPINION
What Trump did was OUTRAGEOUS and it will take something OUTRAGEOUS to stop him.
Hmm, maybe Beto can make a "flower child" attack, trump ain't prepared for that...
We have to bust through the brainwashing that is going on on the right. It's as if something has a stranglehold on them keeping them mesmerized by Trump.
As long as Fox News propaganda is going on, we won't stop Trump.
that's it
that's the weapon
it's been so obvious for so long, this Sacred Cow of our first amendment is keeping us from stopping a massive propaganda machine from operating blatantly in the open. How do we stop all these people from being mesmerized by Fox News?
Only way to stop Trump is unplug Fox News.
Now and then I turn on Fox just to see how they are reporting things and it's astounding. An alternative universe.
PLUS their shows are like a party that I kinda wish I could be part of.
The anchors on Fox News look a lot like the people "down under" in "A Boy and His Dog."
just saying
Beto could be the bomb...
it will probably take something illegal to get him out.
the longer he's in there the harder it will be to get him out.
Trump is prepared to respond to every legal and procedural attack dems make on him. His guys know all those tactics in advance. ONLY way to get rid of Trump is do something completely unexpected, maybe illegal, and BIG.
Going through legal motions at this point is just feeding Trump with openings to attack again. They know about and are prepared for any legal attack on Trump...
I have no idea what dems should do but what they are doing now ain't gonna work.
I think. that's my OPINION
What Trump did was OUTRAGEOUS and it will take something OUTRAGEOUS to stop him.
Hmm, maybe Beto can make a "flower child" attack, trump ain't prepared for that...
We have to bust through the brainwashing that is going on on the right. It's as if something has a stranglehold on them keeping them mesmerized by Trump.
As long as Fox News propaganda is going on, we won't stop Trump.
that's it
that's the weapon
it's been so obvious for so long, this Sacred Cow of our first amendment is keeping us from stopping a massive propaganda machine from operating blatantly in the open. How do we stop all these people from being mesmerized by Fox News?
Only way to stop Trump is unplug Fox News.
Now and then I turn on Fox just to see how they are reporting things and it's astounding. An alternative universe.
PLUS their shows are like a party that I kinda wish I could be part of.
The anchors on Fox News look a lot like the people "down under" in "A Boy and His Dog."
just saying
Beto could be the bomb...
Kay Ebeling
weird time to be alive.
Monday, March 11, 2019
Work in Progress
For decades, before I'd sit down to write anything, I would journal for a while to "warm up" and I've saved all those journals. Today they form a book that I did not know I was writing while I was writing bk at that time, I did not know how it would end. Now as I edit it and make it ready to ... publish, I may be writing the ending as it happens as well.
wow. cosmic
It even has a beginning middle and end that it did not have as I was writing it but it has now.
It leads into the pedophile priest story.
March 5 at 7:59 AM ·
Having this incredibly wonderful experience.
For years I carted around a pile of boxes, from L.A. to Albuquerque to West Virginia to Chicago back to L.A. and now up to South Lake Tahoe- for almost ten years. I’d ship them or store them one place for a while then cart them somewhere else. When I finally got into Tahoe Senior Plaza last June, I finally had the boxes all in one place, and for the first months I was here, they were piled like some nightmare sculpture in a corner of my living space. Finally I unpacked them into a forty dollar set of shelves I got on Amazon.
This amazing thing happened. I have journals and journals, some on yellowing paper in smudgy print from the portable Smith-Corona I carried with me when I hitchhiked from L.A. to Alaska and ended up in Texas in 1970.
The typing machines could be a theme in the book- yes it's a book that I found, already completed in one draft, now all I have to do is compile and edit it that is the wondrous thing-
The typing machines over the ages, from my Timothy Leary inspired ramblings on the portable, to hand written scrawled things that it will take me a while to read (some of it is in shorthand, yikes)
There is an entire book here. The pages of manuscript from beginning to end is four or five inches thick and most of it is Good Writing and believe me I am my own worst critic. It's good writing. It even has a beginning middle and end that it did not have as I was writing it but it has now.
It leads into the pedophile priest story.
It even has a beginning middle and end that it did not have as I was writing it but it has now.
It leads into the pedophile priest story.
(felt like repeating that)
I know it's bad luck to talk about a work in progress but in short, the book is about a forty year old free lance writer in L.A. suddenly coming up pregnant and everything that happened after that, leading up to Lizzie turning age five and me remembering what happened to me at the hands of Father Horne-y at age five and then … well that's the next book. And it's already written on my blogs starting here http://cityofangels3.blogspot.com
What's wonderful about this is that writing a book is So Much Work that it's daunting to me now.
Going through a Found Manuscript and editing it, knowing that you have an actual book manuscript draft one completed and THAT'S why you were carting those boxes around for so long- that's a whole nother thing.
I’d forgotten what was in the boxes, just knew I had to keep the boxes.
The experience is all documented there, even the period of weird isolation that led to me remembering what happened with Father Horne around the time Lizzie turned age five.
So this will be book one.
Plan now is not to try to get it published but to post it all on my blog because hardly anyone makes any money from their first book anyway so why deal with publishers who want Ronan Farrow not me.
It leads into the pedophile priest story.
(felt like repeating that)
So last 6 hours I put the entire stack of stacks into a manuscript beginning to end. Next I start typing it into the machine. One page at a time. Watch this space for first posts when I put it on a blog, not sure which of Cityofangels 1-30 I am going to use. Stay tuned. It starts with me getting pregnant with Lizzie in 1987, ends with me looking up Father Horne at SF Library in archives in 1994... I have Draft One finished of an entire book manuscript and ... stay tuned.
Posting this story here: (http://cityofangels15.blogspot.com/)
wow. cosmic
It even has a beginning middle and end that it did not have as I was writing it but it has now.
It leads into the pedophile priest story.
March 5 at 7:59 AM ·
Having this incredibly wonderful experience.
For years I carted around a pile of boxes, from L.A. to Albuquerque to West Virginia to Chicago back to L.A. and now up to South Lake Tahoe- for almost ten years. I’d ship them or store them one place for a while then cart them somewhere else. When I finally got into Tahoe Senior Plaza last June, I finally had the boxes all in one place, and for the first months I was here, they were piled like some nightmare sculpture in a corner of my living space. Finally I unpacked them into a forty dollar set of shelves I got on Amazon.
This amazing thing happened. I have journals and journals, some on yellowing paper in smudgy print from the portable Smith-Corona I carried with me when I hitchhiked from L.A. to Alaska and ended up in Texas in 1970.
The typing machines could be a theme in the book- yes it's a book that I found, already completed in one draft, now all I have to do is compile and edit it that is the wondrous thing-
The typing machines over the ages, from my Timothy Leary inspired ramblings on the portable, to hand written scrawled things that it will take me a while to read (some of it is in shorthand, yikes)
There is an entire book here. The pages of manuscript from beginning to end is four or five inches thick and most of it is Good Writing and believe me I am my own worst critic. It's good writing. It even has a beginning middle and end that it did not have as I was writing it but it has now.
It leads into the pedophile priest story.
It even has a beginning middle and end that it did not have as I was writing it but it has now.
It leads into the pedophile priest story.
(felt like repeating that)
I know it's bad luck to talk about a work in progress but in short, the book is about a forty year old free lance writer in L.A. suddenly coming up pregnant and everything that happened after that, leading up to Lizzie turning age five and me remembering what happened to me at the hands of Father Horne-y at age five and then … well that's the next book. And it's already written on my blogs starting here http://cityofangels3.blogspot.com
What's wonderful about this is that writing a book is So Much Work that it's daunting to me now.
Going through a Found Manuscript and editing it, knowing that you have an actual book manuscript draft one completed and THAT'S why you were carting those boxes around for so long- that's a whole nother thing.
I’d forgotten what was in the boxes, just knew I had to keep the boxes.
The experience is all documented there, even the period of weird isolation that led to me remembering what happened with Father Horne around the time Lizzie turned age five.
So this will be book one.
Plan now is not to try to get it published but to post it all on my blog because hardly anyone makes any money from their first book anyway so why deal with publishers who want Ronan Farrow not me.
It leads into the pedophile priest story.
(felt like repeating that)
So last 6 hours I put the entire stack of stacks into a manuscript beginning to end. Next I start typing it into the machine. One page at a time. Watch this space for first posts when I put it on a blog, not sure which of Cityofangels 1-30 I am going to use. Stay tuned. It starts with me getting pregnant with Lizzie in 1987, ends with me looking up Father Horne at SF Library in archives in 1994... I have Draft One finished of an entire book manuscript and ... stay tuned.
Throughout manuscript I found letters to editor and guest columns I wrote, even a period of dipping my feet into Right Wing politics around 1988, most of those letters are hilarious with skewed post partum logic.
I plan to elaborate and exaggerate on a lot of parts to make them funnier or otherwise.
great to have a project like this (see previous FB posts this AM) to occupy me and lift me up next few years.
I plan to elaborate and exaggerate on a lot of parts to make them funnier or otherwise.
great to have a project like this (see previous FB posts this AM) to occupy me and lift me up next few years.

If Nothing Else
One cannot help but believe in a spiritual power of evil as one watches the Trump show unfold, so one hopes there is a balance of as much power for good as the evil on display. So far the good guys are weak and easily distracted. As Mitch McConnell and his colleagues speak on camera, I see and hear demons, almost cartoonish they are so obvious.
If nothing else, this Trump thing may make believers out of those of us who were questioning Spirit before. I believe now that there really is a Satanic influence on this planet and it preys on those who are borderline and vulnerable to seduce them into its armies. I see Secy of Homeland Security under oath say "those are not cages" and realize, there is a power greater than myself at play here.
and continue hiding in the trees
I keep being reminded of this post I put up in Oct. 2016:
"It was no collusion, it was a hoax." that's a confession. His presidency is a hoax and he's said it now over and over on TV, repeated that same carefully worded phrase 20 times a day lately.
"It was no collusion, it was a hoax."
Trump is an admitted hoax operating in plain sight.
Even that flag hugging, which made me cringe. Not only was his hugging the flag that way Saturday at CPac against "flag protocol" that you read in flag protocol handbooks.
For days now we have heard jokes in USA about Trump having sex with that flag, Stephen Colbert even opened Monday's show with a flag sex 800 number commercial.
Beloved institutions of the USA are being denigrated and demoralized in these insidious ways now. part of the attack on USA that goes on and on and on while Americans sit and watch
Interesting, this AM "commercial" satellites reveal North Korea is still building a missile launch site. Wonder where the US Govt satellites were pointed...
A laughing Roger Stone in a villain costume is my iconic image of USA from now on.
I have quit being angry about Trump and instead am marveling at what an effective military operation Russia / Saudis created for attacking USA. When we start trying to live with the debt and deficit Trump the Trojan Horse is creating, will Americans finally figure out what's being done to them? Or will they blissfully go along with their own destruction, because the rich guys on TV are going along.
As things get worse, the new rich rich guys will tear up their indictments and fly away to new villas in other nations, and Americans will be stuck here with crumbling walls and worn out MAGA hats. This attack will last decades with the high rates of pollution and crime the Trojan Horse is creating now continuing to kill us for years.
I see in the future for the USA a time of crumbling walls.
A laughing Roger Stone in a villain costume is our iconic image for history.
USA is now just another country in the world, run by oligarchs and organized crime thugs. Just like Russia. And most Trump supporters still think they won the 2016 election fair and square and a Great America is just around the corner.
Again, marveling at the depth and breadth of this information warfare attack.
I’d just turn on Fox News and join the mesmerized, but the message weapons ain’t targeted at me.
I'm not angry at Trump, but I Am Astounded that Americans are letting this happen.
Left Wing Media Bias explained:
Journalists do Lots of Research and the more you learn, the more you lean left, bk that's just the way the world is. No plot no scheme or attempt to have communism overthrow the world, just smart people writing what they learn.
If nothing else, this Trump thing may make believers out of those of us who were questioning Spirit before. I believe now that there really is a Satanic influence on this planet and it preys on those who are borderline and vulnerable to seduce them into its armies. I see Secy of Homeland Security under oath say "those are not cages" and realize, there is a power greater than myself at play here.
and continue hiding in the trees
I keep being reminded of this post I put up in Oct. 2016:
"Catholic Church leads downfall of civilization. Good morning
"If the catholic church had led the world and taken responsibility for its decades of crimes against children, it might have set the entire globe in a different direction, but instead the Pope on down chose to lie, manipulate information, defeat innocent people who protested. And now it seems the entire world is falling apart in very strange ways. Could there be a connection? Could the Church have changed everything by just being an example of truth and justice instead of corporate coverups in the name of greed? We'll never know."
"If the catholic church had led the world and taken responsibility for its decades of crimes against children, it might have set the entire globe in a different direction, but instead the Pope on down chose to lie, manipulate information, defeat innocent people who protested. And now it seems the entire world is falling apart in very strange ways. Could there be a connection? Could the Church have changed everything by just being an example of truth and justice instead of corporate coverups in the name of greed? We'll never know."
Jared Kushner met Tuesday with Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, to discuss “ways to improve the condition of the entire [Saudi] region through economic investment.”
The son-in-law who can't get a security clearance is giving nuclear technology to the Saudis right now...
good morning
The son-in-law who can't get a security clearance is giving nuclear technology to the Saudis right now...
good morning
The thought of nuclear weapons being in the hands of psychopathic Salman is terrifying.. The most dangerous foreign policy decision of the Trump administration—and I know this is saying a lot—is its decision to share sensitive nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia and authorize U.S. companies to ...
"It was no collusion, it was a hoax." that's a confession. His presidency is a hoax and he's said it now over and over on TV, repeated that same carefully worded phrase 20 times a day lately.
"It was no collusion, it was a hoax."
Trump is an admitted hoax operating in plain sight.
Even that flag hugging, which made me cringe. Not only was his hugging the flag that way Saturday at CPac against "flag protocol" that you read in flag protocol handbooks.
For days now we have heard jokes in USA about Trump having sex with that flag, Stephen Colbert even opened Monday's show with a flag sex 800 number commercial.
Beloved institutions of the USA are being denigrated and demoralized in these insidious ways now. part of the attack on USA that goes on and on and on while Americans sit and watch
Interesting, this AM "commercial" satellites reveal North Korea is still building a missile launch site. Wonder where the US Govt satellites were pointed...
A laughing Roger Stone in a villain costume is my iconic image of USA from now on.
I have quit being angry about Trump and instead am marveling at what an effective military operation Russia / Saudis created for attacking USA. When we start trying to live with the debt and deficit Trump the Trojan Horse is creating, will Americans finally figure out what's being done to them? Or will they blissfully go along with their own destruction, because the rich guys on TV are going along.
As things get worse, the new rich rich guys will tear up their indictments and fly away to new villas in other nations, and Americans will be stuck here with crumbling walls and worn out MAGA hats. This attack will last decades with the high rates of pollution and crime the Trojan Horse is creating now continuing to kill us for years.
I see in the future for the USA a time of crumbling walls.
A laughing Roger Stone in a villain costume is our iconic image for history.
USA is now just another country in the world, run by oligarchs and organized crime thugs. Just like Russia. And most Trump supporters still think they won the 2016 election fair and square and a Great America is just around the corner.
Again, marveling at the depth and breadth of this information warfare attack.
I’d just turn on Fox News and join the mesmerized, but the message weapons ain’t targeted at me.
I'm not angry at Trump, but I Am Astounded that Americans are letting this happen.
Left Wing Media Bias explained:
Journalists do Lots of Research and the more you learn, the more you lean left, bk that's just the way the world is. No plot no scheme or attempt to have communism overthrow the world, just smart people writing what they learn.
Kay Ebeling
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