When I was a little girl in 1950s, June was rainy season. Thirty years later I returned to L.A. from Texas and found we now called a month of clouds each year "June Glooms." Twenty years after that, I came home from Chicago and now we have a 3-month-long fire season every year. So in my lifetime California went from having rainy seasons to having fire seasons. Hmm.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Rain to Fire in my lifetime

Monday, October 26, 2020
Positive spin
After years of covid, humans had to evolve in order to survive. A first drastic step was cities cutting themselves off, with sheriffs stopping cars at the only entrance into town and deciding who can enter, turning most people away. Some regions may have even built walls, to prevent persons who may have viruses from entering their area. Corporations find that the best way to avoid interruption and shutdown was to turn work sites into employment hubs, sustainable areas where people can live and work in the same place and always interact with the same persons, thus containing spread of viruses. You'd have to apply for visas between cities for in person visits.
humans may soon learn they prefer to travel by elaborately expanded versions of VR on Google Maps and Zoom that soon make physical trips a hassle compared to what you can see on your screen. Even though local school buildings have disappeared, the population of USA could be remarkably smarter than it was before covid, as children can now go from first grade through any college in the world at their own pace using broadband connections. So geniuses are discovered and able to develop from early ages. Each community soon has its own identity- music style colors. Gone is the monochrome of interstate turnoff/strip mall sameness. Now in post covid USA, when you do travel physically or digitally, you notice the uniqueness of each region, one of many unexpected positive new things that grew from a long-term killer pandemic changing the way humans live on the planet. Also, there's almost no need to drive a car, so the atmosphere of Earth is now clean and the climate is calming down.
by Kay Ebeling
Jokes about oldsters would almost always picture them holding suitcases.

Sunday, October 18, 2020
Covid 19 in USA is now Genocide
Why oh why doesn't anyone call this what it is: Genocide. Donald Trump has been a weapon of war attacking USA from within since 2015 and NOW covid 19 gives him an ideal situation to carry out the attack. Encourage Americans to let it spread and in a few years six million of us will be dead. Why oh WHY doesn't someone besides one old lady on a laptop say what is really going on? This is Genocide: "When you have congregate settings where people are crowded together and virtually no one is wearing a mask, that is the perfect setup to have an outbreak. It’s just a public health and scientific fact.” -Anthony Fauci.
Thursday, October 8, 2020
More on 2020 Covid-19 genocide on USA by Trump, the information warfare weapon
Trump's response to Covid-19 is genocide, purposeful, vicious killing of Americans, an act of war. Our President is a Trojan horse, a weapon destroying USA from within. We are under another unique attack, more inventive than 9-11, proving information warfare kills.
I think Trump is working for hostile foreign agents, his job is to kill Americans. USA is in genocide/information warfare attack, for example, spreading of "alternative facts" about Covid-19 has incapacitated most the US government. Trump is a Trojan Horse
Now that "alternative facts" about Covid 19 have nearly incapacitated the US government, will Americans finally realize we are under information warfare attack?

A little light reading
Search Rwanda on this blog to see articles I've written past year about possible genocide going on right now in USA https://cityofangels25.blogspot.com/search?q=Rwanda
Search Melania spy and find articles I've written past 5 years saying I think Melania has worked for Russia/Saudis since the mid-1990s, a Red Sonya sent here to recruit a politically active rich American. She snatched Donald Trump with her modeling looks, especially the near porn pussy photo, then she seduced him and stuck him in front of Fox News. The rest is history. https://cityofangels25.blogspot.com/search?q=Melania+spy

More Random Stuff
Same guys who called us sheep for wearing masks are now mindlessly going along with herd immunity.
Isn't it illegal to go out in public after Covid diagnosis? A while back, if you had AIDS and kept having unsafe sex, you could be charged with murder, so... ?
Humans are not farm animals. Herd immunity is for sheep

Wednesday, October 7, 2020
They needed Trump to become like a madman, because even Donald was balking at what putin and the prince were ordering him to do. The Covid virus was a convenient way to get Trump on steroid drugs, which enhanced the aggressive sociopathic parts of his brain. With him on a steady high dose, it was not hard to get the President to do acts even he had thought to be too evil, and finally complete the assignment he'd been given.
I think Melania has been a spy in USA since mid-nineties, a "red Sonja" sent w/others to lure in billionaires. She got her "p--sy" photo publicized, arranged to be at party where she could meet Trump, seduced him, and stuck him in front of Fox News, the rest is history.

random stuff
Worse thing about film Joker is it's coming true and it was really about Trump
Remember when T said he could stand on Fifth Avenue and kill people and get away with it? Well…
Trump 5:41 PM Oct 6: "I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!"

He's taking his followers into The Bunker (white house) to die with him. "Don't be afraid of Covid," Trump says, sounding like Jim Jones serving up kool-aid...

Why did Trump HAVE TO get out of hospital back to White House?
What does Trump have in White House that he could not get in hospital? A drug he's secretly addicted to? A direct line to Putin and the Prince who give him his daily orders? That weird exit from Walter Reed when he's still sick is a clue, to me, that something is going on in his Oval Office that he could not do in his hospital room, what is it? I can't think of anything else but some line of overseas communication that is so secret it can't be made mobile. Or… he's really addicted to cannabis and HAD TO get back to his pipe. I could understand that.
"If weed were involved, he'd be more reasonable and kind. (Comment from a friend)" on Facebook
Or his pep pills , you seen pictures of the Oval office looks like a ghost town maybe that's how Putin wants it (Another comment from a friend)

Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Re Trump saying 'don't be afraid of Covid'
Don't be afraid of birds, don't let them dominate your life
(I stole this idea from @alex_abads on twitter after Chris mentioned it on Stephanie Miller Show)

Genocide on Americans by Trump/Putin/Saudis continues, escalates
Trump is doing his job for Saudi/Russia killing americans from inside the White House. He had to come back from hospital early to access whatever phone he's using to talk to them, I think. They are convincing him he's doing some great thing for humanity, hence his bare chin jutted forward and weird messages, "Don't be afraid." I ALSO THINK the original Putin/Prince plan was going to be mass casualty events with guns, probably run over QAnon etc, but the virus turned the coup in a different direction, for now. I also think the mass shooter gun incidents are not permanently canceled, just on a back burner. I think the people directly working with Trump are like those who stayed with Hitler in the bunker. What really blows me away is I saw this was heading towards genocide in May 2019 bk of that Rwanda documentary I worked on, and I thought I was being mostly fictional . Search Rwanda on my blog and these articles appear:
He's taking his followers into The Bunker (white house) to die with him. "Don't be afraid of Covid" Trump says, sounding like Jim Jones serving up kool-aid...
More proof this is a dictatorship coup: Trumpsters talk about president as if he has godly powers, he's "stronger than nature with wonderful immune system to fight virus." That's how North Koreans would describe Kim Jung Un in this situation.
Trump couldn't talk to Putin in hospital, had to leave to continue carrying out coup

Monday, October 5, 2020
Is USA getting stupid or am I just getting old?
"This is real school. This isn’t the let’s-read-books school," D Trump said before sneaking out of hospital for a ride around the block
I am so obsessed with ignorance I see around me. I wonder, is this part of getting old? Are these people not stupid, they are just from a different time, and have I turned into that codger who keeps griping about how much things have changed... ?
Then Trump says "This is the real school. This isn’t the let’s-read-the-books school."
And I know it's not just me getting old, because Young People adore Trump, Americans raised since public education funds got cut to almost nothing. Americans Are getting stupid, and it's putting the entire world at risk. The UN needs to intervene and re-educate the USA.

Sunday, October 4, 2020
Traveling the world by Kitchen Nightmare episode and Google Maps
I'm taking a Kitchen Nightmares tour across UK. I still want to move new places and live there a year or two then move on like I used to, but at 72 serendipitous travel is kinda getting hard, plus with Covid it may be years beforelike it is even safe. So lately I watch an episode of Ramsay's tour of restaurants in England, then go to Google maps and find the restaurant, take the little google man down to street level, then meander from that town to London or Liverpool or Dover. DOVER! When I finally do get to take another trip, I want to stay in one of the beachfront hotels near Dover, with quick access to France. Anyway, lately sans Kitchen Nightmares I've been to Paris and several small towns in Italy. But the TV show helps because I see if I can understand the accents, see if I really even want to go to that town, and have decided I have no use for Liverpool anymore. Now MALTA* I'm good to go. My god the entire little island nation of Malta in the Mediterranean is wonderful, plus they have English signs everywhere. Low prices, as does Dover, surprisingly. Google maps shows you hotels and short term rentals, I could afford both place. I think USA military has a history in Malta hence all the English, or maybe I'm thinking of Humphrey Bogart…
Traveling by Google Maps saves me so much money, I get to eat food that I'm familiar with and not get groaty stomach, well I still do because I'm not the greatest cook… I have to admit, taking the Kitchen Nightmares tour of USA and now UK, I actually am glad I can't go out to eat or travel much these days. Most restaurants are not clean enough for a germaphobe like me. Plus the whole world looks like L.A. now, full of cars and congestion, well, except the north of England, I'm still fixated on UK. But the whole Western world looks rundown and crumbling, everything humans have built last few centuries is now crumbling. Asian cities look cleanest and most modern and I don't think they'd want a 72 year old almost broke American woman to show up, especially not now.
I'm better off vacationing from home, what's the word for it stay-cation? Imagine trying to avoid Covid in the train station of a foreign country. I'd have to wear diapers… not a good time for me to travel.

Friday, October 2, 2020
We are still under information warfare attack, remember. Russian disinformation has now caused the President and Several High Level U.S. govt personnel to get infected w/Covid.
Covid is really hard on people with lots of fat in their bodies, so, Donny...
I've wondered for months how Trump could hang w/people unmasked and not get sick...