I believe that if the Catholic Bishops had responded to their pedophile priest crisis with justice, humility, and penance, it would have set an example for the rest of the world, and we would have entered a global period of balance and decency. INSTEAD from the Vatican on down, Church hierarchy led a movement to denigrate the victims, now adults, coming forward to report the crimes. American Bishops went to Great Lengths to protect corporate assets and screw the plaintiffs. The Catholic Church set an example for the world. Now several nations are electing fascist autocrats and destroying individual freedom, including USA. If Only the Vatican had responded about 20 years ago with a conscience. I think that was humanity's last chance. Blown.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
You can blame the Vatican handling of pedophile priests for everything going wrong in the world.

Thursday, February 11, 2021
Trump kept up his SAG membership through presidency, will his Defense now be, it was all an act?
QAnon appeared in 2017 after Trump took office. When will we find out who QAnon really is? Who wrote the script that Trump and QAnon delivered last four years?
When Trump rode down the escalator kicking
off his campaign, the reality show started.
I just wonder who has been writing the scripts and paying for his on camera acting the last six years, as Trump did not end his membership in SAG until he resigned very publicly in early 2021. Can he argue, some time in the future, that everything
he did on screen during his Presidency was as a professional actor performing, look, he
was even a member of Screen Actors Guild the whole time? But then who was the producer?
"This was all staged," I hear
"patriots" say in interviews, even about the January sixth insurgency,
and, you know what, sometimes I wonder.
It seems like a lot
of major news events lately are happening conveniently where a lot of people can video
them and post the footage. The best of the footage ends up in our news programs, the
very best gets played over and over again, drawing us all into the story.
Look at George Floyd's
murder, on camera, the cop staring right into the lens pointed at him as he
pushed the life out of Floyd. He knew everyone was watching. Look at all the events
that came about as a result of that piece of video, the entire Black Lives
Matter movement that no one really knows who's running, but everyone on the right
now believes is responsible for everything going wrong with country…
Then someone placed
Karens in every community sparking the anti-mask movement, starting with
Genevieve at Trader Joe's in L.A. setting the example. For months videos showed
up on YouTube of eerily similar women disrupting public places with eerily similar
sound bytes against covid mitigating masks.
So at the same time as
those amazing BLM marches through cities across America, there were anti mask
rallies in cities across America, and I just keep feeling like we're all being manipulated. All those marches and protests MUST have helped
spread covid in USA, we've just been so caught up in events as they happen that we can't stop for a
minute and see how one thing is affecting another. Misinformation warfare such as QAnon kills, indirectly.
I have PTSD. My official
diagnosis is PTSD since age five and as strange as that sounds, once I realized in 1997 that's what was wrong with me, I was able to begin my recovery. I don't act out
at all the way I did before I realized being molested by a Catholic priest had
skewed my sexuality. I was not born a whore.
However, I went from age five until age 55 going SO FAST, I was living in a state of frenzy and reactive panic. Going fast and reacting with frenzy was a survival mechanism that kept me from thinking of what I was doing and what was really happening. I even titled my blog about it Faster Than theSpeed of Life because that's how I survived my PTSD for 40 years, by never stopping long
enough to realize what was really going on.
Now I think the USA
has PTSD and is going faster than the speed of life in response to one trauma
after another being inflicted on us by whoever has been feeding Trump sound bytes last six years, and who could still be orchestrating things. QAnon et al Jan 6 showed us a frightening ability to brainwash masses of humans and convince them to commit violent acts. Kinda like Rwanda genocide in 1994, orchestrated by a mesmerizing radio station.
A lot of the stuff happening
last few years DOES seem staged, I have to agree with the rioters / insurgents on
that. Back before Trump even showed up, I had a theory that the oil and gas industry,
globally, was finding ways to distract us from realizing how much damage they
are doing to the planet, so they could in fact, keep us from worrying about impending
disasters that no one really CAN prepare for anyway, so let's just all be
distracted. I wondered, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, if there was not an agenda
behind the Las Vegas shooting, I also wondered if it and other mass shootings
were diversions.
I know one thing for
sure, Donald Trump did not write the script that he performed as president. Trump
did not figure out how to manipulate a whole population of people, he was playing
a role in a production, a lead role, but still he's an actor. He was inciting violence
the entire four years he was in office, leading up to January sixth with dark
web sources, Parler 8chan and others, aggrandizing his message.