"It's starting." Key characters in two Michael Lewis books say "It's starting" at pivotal moments. Both The Big Short and Premonition are true stories of very smart people who can see calamity coming while most the population is dancing a Charleston in denial, so to speak. In Big Short, Michael Burry says "It's starting" as the mortgage bubble is about to break in 2007 while investors keep betting on housing loans, and in Premonition, Charity Dean says "It's starting" as the covid virus is about to spread out of control while government scientists appear on TV saying, "It's okay to go dancing." Both books are true and feature key characters who can see what is happening before other people, not because they have mystical powers, but because they have autistic type brains that latch onto a topic and learn it so thoroughly they sound like prophets. "It's starting" is what I've been mumbling to my laptop as I read and sleep and do little else while the Big Heat of 2021 starts to take humans into the climate catastrophe that's been predicted and denied since the 1970s. As I absorb information as only a speed reader on the spectrum can and watch Americans dance a Charleston as wildlife washes up dead on banks and environmental managers wonder where the water went, I wish I'd meet the other seers out there; because realizing what's "starting" alone in a room in a strange town is, well, lonely. I keep having dreams where I'm somewhere different and surrounded by really smart people who also know what's coming, but I don't think we're on Earth anymore, so hope the dreams are prophetic. I also hope the likes of Michael Lewis and Charity Dean and Michael Burry will be there too.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
It's starting

Friday, June 25, 2021
To MSNBC, Free Speech TV, and other progressive broadcasters:
Nothing will get better until we stop disinformation at the source. Our enemies are taking advantage of the First Amendment in USA. They know no matter what, we will allow them to continue to flood our airwaves with anti American information warfare. No amount of reasoning works on people who have been brainwashed until you undo the brainwashing. SHAME ON USA for allowing this to happen, we should have stopped Fox News as soon as this started. Now it's branched into radio, dark websites. They are empowered now, and until we deal with this as warfare, an attack using information as weapons against us, nothing will change. I cannot even LISTEN anymore as progressives talk about filibusters and dither along trying to reach out to persons who have bought into a narrative designed to destroy USA. We Have To Attack Back. Somehow. Since Russia and Saudis Hate Democracy, I can only surmise that they are behind this, and as progressives babble about "reconciliation" they are laughing at us.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021
The USA is awash in radio-TV stations and websites that push us to hate each other and rile up anger. In the end, most of us don't know much more than what we've heard on radio-TV stations and websites... unless we read too.

Covid origins likely in Himalayan melting glacier waters more evidence?
In the case of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) – a disease caused by a beta coronavirus, like the current coronavirus – researchers first identified the virus in February 2003. Later that year, scientists discovered the likely intermediary hosts: Himalayan palm civets found at live-animal markets in Guangdong, China. But it wasn’t until 2017 that researchers traced the likely original source of the virus to bat caves in China’s Yunnan province. https://ap news.com/article/investigation-covid-origins-wuhan-lab-nature-850b7a6ee1005596bb0f8b2bc6b79dd5
Previous posts on likely Himalayan melting glaciers source of Covid 19: https://cityofangels25.blogspot.com/search?q=Himalayas
I know I'm going to be proved right, just wonder how many years it's going to take for the connection between a heated planet and new viruses to get to mainstream

Friday, June 4, 2021
I am leaving Amazon to shop online at Target and other stores after 14 years of cheerleading for Jeff Bezos. Here is why
Since 2007 I've been a cheerleader for Amazon, mostly because when I was in college in the 1970s I was a member of The Austin Video Users Club, a group of computer geeks and futurists. We knew a major transformation was coming as people started communicating with each other globally, but we didn't know it would be by computers. We thought the revolution would come in some form of home video. An article I wrote for a local paper got the headline "Soon you will talk back to your TV set." We hadn’t predicted the home computer, but we knew people would shop, get entertainment, and communicate personally over some form of what we now call the internet. In 1995 I got my first home computer and immediately signed on to AOL and started finding people with whom I have things in common.
So when I first saw Amazon, I was excited, thinking it was the culmination
of all the predictions, and for a time it was. In 2007 I became a regular customer, first with books,
then Amazon started offering household and kitchen items just as transporting
around town became more difficult and stores became nerve-wrackingly crowded. Since 2007 every chance I got, I sang
praises of Jeff Bezos, "He deserves every dollar he makes," I'd say
and mean it. Because Amazon really filled a need, the 2-day prime delivery was
reliable, and the TV shows and movies… wow.
But in last few years things have changed. With the covid pandemic
I understood delayed delivery, but wonder why they keep advertising 2-day delivery when they
aren’t doing it, and the pandemic has gone on more than a year, why can't they figure things out by now. For a year Amazon has had an awful policy of combining six - eight
items into one box, holding back delivery until they can fill a massive box
with huge items instead of separating them, even when I go to great lengths
to order items separately, because I'm 73 years old, I don't want to lug huge
heavy boxes to my door from the mailbox.
Then Amazon customer service went downhill. Another thing I used
to praise about Amazon was their no questions asked refunding policy. Now when there's a problem and I
contact the bot with a human name for "live chat," I get argued with,
told it's my fault the glass bottle of soy sauce bumped up against other items in the box
and spilled on everything, until I argue and argue and finally get a human.
Then came the final straw. I needed help sleeping so ordered Melatonin on Amazon, feeling safe as there was a big PR push recently that no more products from China would be sold there. The Nature's Bounty OTC medicine arrived (after about a week, jammed in a box with other stuff) and I took one pill for 3 nights and ended up with a horrible fungal infection in half a dozen places on my body, spreading aggressively. Obviously the medicine was impure, I did some research and it turns out Nature's Bounty was purchased by The Bountiful Company in China in January 2021, so likely the ingredients of the pills I was taking were toxic, not fresh, something caused this horrible reaction.
The Medicine Comes From China.
I contacted Amazon and told them about this shocking allergic reaction I was having and nobody cared. They just offered to refund me the whopping 12 dollars. However, you can go to Melatonin on their site and read the reviews, mine included, where dozens of persons are having horrible reactions to Nature's Bounty melatonin from Amazon.
Yet it's still on sale there, even at a marked down
price to promote more sales.
Through all this, I keep seeing that goofy look on Bezos's face as he plays at shooting rockets into the sky, while people are getting sick from the products he's selling with no quality control or oversight. I mean, no wonder he's so rich, he doesn't have to pay for malpractice insurance, he just doesn't care. He doesn't pay for quality control, he just lets the bots print your reviews and ignores them.
The experience of shopping at Amazon went from wonderful to
awful in less than a year.
Meanwhile Target has everything I need, the rest can be found at Instacart. ***
I hate watching Bezos fall, but he dropped the ball. He went from hero to just another rich guy who is clueless about the effect he's having on the world.
The last box I got from Amazon had three cartons of tomato
sauce that were so squashed up some of it spilled onto other items. The "breathable
cotton" head scarves I bought were the same cheap Chinese
"satin" as the last ones I bought and cannot wear as they make my
head sweat and so are very uncomfortable.
I accidentally ordered two Utz potato sticks and within minutes went to "my orders" trying to cancel one but the site would not let me, so I ended up
with two of them, crammed into that one big box.
I am looking now for other online places to shop, using
PayPal, which Amazon won't let me do, and totally enjoying the experience, because
these retailers Want My Business and seem to care, like Amazon used to care.
Goodbye, Jeff, I no longer want to contribute to your billionaire
status and really wonder how any human being can take all that money, and see all the homeless people
and whole nations that can't even vaccinate their populations, and use your
cash to buy a yacht to service your other yacht. You could write a check and
build apartments for every homeless person in USA but instead you want to send
rockets into space?