Stormy Daniels said, “I was nine years old again,” when asked why she had sex with Big T when she didn't want to. At age nine she’d been serially molested by a neighbor. She ended up growing up to produce her own porn films. I WISH the world would focus on the child sex assault part of the Stormy D story, how pedophile crime affects the victims for the rest of their lives, your sexuality is NEVER NORMAL after being turned on before you are ten. So often the victims can wreak havoc with everyone they encounter, until we, “Pick up our trauma and make it a sword” as Angela Shelton says.
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Stormy Daniels should join forces with Angela Shelton

Thursday, May 16, 2024
China subsidizes new stronger fentanyl production, as long as the drug is exported to nations like USA
Chinese companies making fentanyl precursors and analogues get Chinese state tax rebates after exporting the product, per the U.S. House Subcommittee on China in April saying it found evidence the Chinese government "directly" subsidizes manufacture and export of fentanyl. Per NPR:
70 percent of fentanyl pills found on US streets this year contain a fatal dose of the opioid. Synthetics like fentanyl and methamphetamine now kill more Americans every year than died in the Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars combined. Per Daily Mail
Fentanyl pills are getting deadlier amid deepening ties between Mexico's cartels and China: DEA report warns
"The mass importation of Chinese fentanyl is slaughtering Americans at an annual rate equal to that of our bloodiest year in World War II. China is actively encouraging and facilitating this campaign of mass murder."