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From 2017, read Transcripts documenting the coup interviews with Malcolm Nance
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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Right Wingers Side with Pedophile Priests

While Opus Dei in D.C. told its target Republican parishioners that priests molesting children was not that big a deal, Donald Trump rose to power.

New Research for book in progress: There IS a connection between people who defend pedophile priests and right wing politics. it's not my imagination. It's Opus Dei, which for 70 years has actively groomed politicians in D.C. with its own OD church and massive amounts of Vatican cash. It's the theme of the book I'm writing online which is linked below. Linked also here is article in New York Magazine from September 2024 that got me going this AM, hopefully I won’t run out of steam before I finished writing about this…

Whenever I get harassed about my blog exposing pedopriest crimes*, the person harassing me is also a wild-eyed Trump supporter. I hope to write about this more, the conclusion is: 

Thanks to Opus Dei, right wingers side with pedophile priests. 

Opus Dei converted: Robert Bork, columnist Robert Novak, Kansas senator Sam Brownback, Larry Kudlow, Newt Gingrich, Laura Ingraham, Pat Cipollone

"J.D. Vance, a convert to conservative Catholicism by way of Opus Dei–"

"The now-infamous Project 2025 was cooked up under the auspices of the Heritage Foundation’s conservative Catholic and Opus Dei–connected president, Kevin Roberts. All three of the Trump-appointed Roe-wrecking Supreme Court justices (two of whom are Catholic) got there thanks in part to the tireless dark-money-funded efforts of the right-wing Catholic Leonard Leo, a major CIC donor who has also become the go-to conservative disburser of anonymously donated big bucks to political causes. The three other justices in the Dobbs majority are hard-right Catholics. Beyond the high court, current and former Washington power lawyers and influencers have Opus Dei connections. The current CIC board chairman, Brian Svoboda, is a partner with the big-shot law firm Perkins Coie. Former board members include Trump-administration attorney general Bill Barr, Trump White House counsel Pat Cipollone, and Kirkland & Ellis partner Thomas Yannucci. Opus Dei affiliates sit on the board of another giant in the right-wing political-donor network, the Bradley Foundation (which is currently pouring money into the rightist stream, including far-right Trumpist groups run by Stephen Miller and Charlie Kirk).


more to come as I read through this article:

NYMag article:

My book "USA sided with pedophile priests, and soon after, the nation fell" still in progress:

*my blog exposing pedopriest crimes


Imagine you're a numerary at an Opus Dei house in 1990s when first pedophile priest lawsuits were being filed and reported in the news. You moved in as a young priest passionate to resist temptations of the secular world, and here you are in your job responding to news queries at the CIC in Washington D.C. having to come up with an explanation for the growing number of pedophile priest crimes being reported. The Congress members and staff and other Capitol insiders who fill your pews five times a week are asking questions

In the 1990s a young priest numerary is assigned to the News Office for Opus Dei in Washington D.C. He would likely have to respond to breaking news about criminal activity among priests, to questions from influential politicians in his new OD parish; 

Someone in that Opus Dei public relations office in D.C. in 1990s had to cook up excuses to defend the pedophile priests- like saying the victims were just after money, or what?  

As one of the victims, I want to let Opus Dei know that because they made that leap of no-faith to open a branch in D.C. and influence politicians to become  right wing, Opus Dei went SO FAR AWAY from anything resembling Christ’s message or what real Christianity is that-

Me- a little old lady with a laptop, I get bullied everywhere I go because as one of the victims I wrote a blog about the pedophile priest crimes.

Because the hatred and evil let loose by Opus Dei connecting Catholics to right wing politics has created a world where Catholics have no choice but to defend pedophile priests and Republicans have no choice but to defend Donald Trump.  

And now the hatred overflows and contradicts everything in American culture, giving us MAGA et al.

Same people where I live who are supporting Trump with religious mania think I am the enemy, an old woman trying to get the world to see this horrible crime so many of us lived through. I now see the horrible effects of pedophile priests in the Catholic Church, and-

The Catholic Church's refusal to deal with its pervert priests' crimes, in a humane reconciliatory way, is having devastating effects on the entire world

Because while Catholic hierarchy were claiming that priests molesting children is not that big a deal, Donald Trump rose to power. 


All these Opus Dei Republicans converted to Catholicism AFTER thousands of priests got away with pedophilia in that church, which to me says a lot.


More from the New York Mag article: 

"Opus Dei has seen its sway rise and fall in the Vatican over the decades, with the more traditionalist popes, including John Paul II and Benedict, more sympathetic. Recently, the more progressive Pope Francis has tried in various ways to rein in the forces of conservativism. But right now, in the U.S. anyway, the organization is on a roll."

"The founder of Opus Dei was a priest, Josemaría Escrivá, now Saint Josemaría, who envisioned a lay brotherhood of men who would engage in the Work of God, a brotherhood that ultimately thrived under Franco’s fascist regime."

"The corporal mortification that The DaVinci Code made much use of is, in fact, real. "

'"wrote Escrivá. “We are an intravenous injection, inserted into the circulatory torrent of society … to immunize the corruption of mankind "'

" The CIC was supposed to be just “a shopwindow for Opus Dei,” Gore writes. But within a decade, it became a hub for converting powerful D.C. players to a version of Catholicism shared by a tiny minority of American Catholics."

"The conservative Catholic convert community in Washington includes some power players in this long game: One is Ginni Thomas, who converted in 2002,...Ginni Thomas has credited the Opus Dei–affiliated Scalias — Maureen Scalia, wife of the late Supreme Court justice Antonin “Nino” Scalia, has been spiritually directed at Opus Dei — for bringing Thomas back to the church. “Both Nino and Maureen [Scalia] really loved and prayed Clarence back to the Church,” Ginni Thomas has said."

"Larry Kudlow, former Trump-administration director of the National Economic Council,  converted after recovering from a drug and alcohol addiction."

"Rev. C. John McCloskey, who ran Opus Dei D.C. for decades 'til he died in 2023, appeared on NBC saying that priests accused of sexual misconduct ought to be protected"

HERE IS THE QUOTE FROM a 2002 event where SNAP (pedopriest victims) were handing out flyers in front of a bishops meeting in D.C.)

During press conference abuse survivor Mark Serrano says "This is about regular Catholics protecting their children. It's about victims getting the chance to heal, and it's about church leaders living up to basic moral standards". MS: Panning shot of sexual abuse victims during press conference. GFX: Graphic with supers with header Proposed Reforms and documents, priests could continue to minister while under investigation. INT MS: In interview Catholic Information Center's Father John McCloskey says "You have to protect both the victim who has a right also to keep their privacy if they want, and also the priest that's been accused".


In 2002, the priest running Opus Dei in D.C. at a press conference arranged by pedophile priest victims quoted, sticking up for the priests. 

OMG there's more: 

"a woman McCloskey counseled lodged a complaint with Opus Dei that he had been touching her inappropriately during their sessions... in December 2003, McCloskey abruptly and without public notice disappeared from Washington. In 2005, Opus Dei quietly paid the woman almost a million dollars — a pile of money that came with a nondisclosure agreement. The payoff was not revealed until 14 years later, when the woman approached the Washington Post after reading a glowing article about McCloskey, who was by then ministering in Palo Alto."

McCloskey was by then ministering in Palo Alto

Where Peter Thiel who groomed J.D. Vance lives just 14 miles north in Foster City 

More to come shortly

While Opus Dei D.C. told its Republican parishioners that priests molesting children was not that big a deal, Donald Trump rose to power.

So Fr. McCloskey left D.C. Opus Dei after a woman he groped during counseling sessions got a settlement in 2005. He became a priest in Palo Alto, CA, where he likely “ministered” to Peter Thiel and JD Vance. Once a priest is in Opus Dei, he is always in Opus Dei, no matter where he is geographically. Vance converted to Catholicism while under the influence of Peter Thiel and Opus Dei. Probably in Palo Alto...

All these Opus Dei Republicans converted to Catholicism AFTER thousands of priests got away with pedophilia in that church, which to me says a lot.


Rick Santorum’s journey to devout Catholicism, view of religion in governance Wapo March 19, 2012 In January 2002, prominent Catholics from around the world gathered in Rome to celebrate the Spanish priest who founded one of the church’s most conservative and devout groups, Opus Dei. The event drew cardinals, bishops and other powerful Vatican officials. And among those invited to speak was a future presidential candidate: Rick Santorum, whose faith had become so essential to his politics that on federal documents he listed the trip, paid for by an Opus Dei foundation, as part of his official duties as a U.S. senator from Pennsylvania. In a speech at the gathering, Santorum embraced the ideas of Opus Dei founder Josemaria Escriva, who had urged ordinary Catholics to bring an almost priestly devotion to Catholic principles in every realm of life and work. 

More to come...

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Earth will reclaim her space.

[Update Wednesday: Wow, I was really depressed when I wrote this. Almost took it down but no, because it's sad but it's true:]

I find myself thinking, it doesn't matter. The Earth will win in the end. Humans have shown they won’t take responsibility for the damage they're doing to the planet or change their lives an iota if it tramples their “rights,” no matter how many toxins they're pouring into the air water and soil. I think it doesn't matter anymore because the damage is so bad now in 2024 that it's inevitable, Earth will reclaim her space.

One way or another, fires floods, Earth will reclaim her space/time. Me I'm siding with the planet, I'll hide in the trees until this passes, or I do. 

Meantime, expect to see a lot more wiped out towns.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

I was among first to learn of global warming, in 1979 as a writer at NASA Houston

My Timing: decades of Forrest Gump moments MEMOIR 

I once thought of writing an autobiography where I was a kind of Forrest Gump character, who through my weird behavior, ended up in the middle of many significant events. Through a kind of serendipity, I’d just happen to be there when they happened.

So I ended up getting to know Timothy Leary and singing on stage in HAIR! and my weird compulsions even got me a job as a Public Information Specialist at NASA in Houston. writing press releases and escorting reporters into Mission Control during space missions

The Gump experience I write about today is: I was one of the first non scientists to learn that planet Earth is heating up alarmingly fast, and I also was among the first to witness scientists becoming afraid to say anything more about it.

The Gump moment that I keep thinking of now is around 1980, when the Air Force showed up and NASA changed from a workspace that was laid-back and civilian, where guards at the entrance on Nasa Road One just waved pretty much anyone through the gates, into a tight security, heavily sealed off piece of land with lots of Air Force uniforms everywhere you looked, and guards at the gate scrutinizing everyone’s badges closely. 

Now years later…

Why think about this now decades later?

Because of global warming.

In 1979 I interviewed a scientist about his work on a totally different subject; and as I was packing up to leave he stopped me, “Wait, what you really should write about is how fast the planet is heating.”

He then described the alarming rate at which the polar ice caps were melting, how over past years you could see an ominous change happening, then he started talking really fast about the implications of a heating planet and it was all way over my head, one year out of college.

Then awhile later I was in my little office trying to come up with story ideas for Space News Roundup of which I was editor, and I remembered what that geologist had told me about the planet heating.  It was Houston, I could have just come from a walk across the mall on a summer afternoon feeling the heat-

I called him and asked him if he could elaborate a little bit more about the planet heating-

“I don't know what you're talking about,” he answered abruptly. Then I’d see him with colleagues in the employee cafeteria and he’d barely acknowledge me.

When the Air Force showed up, I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. I’d been surprised that a person with my background had gotten hired by NASA to begin with. To get hired, I passed a basic security clearance even though I’d been on paid staff of the Peace and Freedom party in California when I was twenty years old, and I really did spend time in 1969 on a commune in Laguna Canyon where Tim Leary did drop in now and then, so I probably had an FBI file.

Still they hired me to have the run of Johnson Space Center and make appointments to interview pretty much anyone who worked there. What a great job to get straight out of college in 1978.


I was one of the first non scientists to learn that planet Earth is heating up alarmingly fast, and I also was among the first to witness scientists becoming afraid to say anything more about it.


Now abruptly a 20 page top secret security form was dumped on my desk. “Everyone’s got to have red badges from now on,” they said, and I knew my days there were numbered.  I mean not to mention the blue movies I made, I mean it, I don’t mention those…

NASA changed then, at same time as scientists were starting to talk about global warming then stopped. Only now in 2024 did I think of that connection. It may be coincidence... 

Why Forrest Gump? 

Point is, that compulsion led me to strive and finagle myself into the inner circles of many places.  I got to perform in HAIR! because I was hanging around backstage and some cast members just took me in.  I got to go to Peace and Freedom Party meetings when I was still a teenager because as soon as I heard about war crimes going on in Vietnam, I became compulsed to become an activist, antiwar work took over my last year of high school.

I know compulsed is not a word. Unless you've had PTSD for decades, then compulsed is a word.


So I had my own office with windows and steel gray furniture in Building Two of Johnson Space Center within months after graduating with my journalism degree in 1978.

Hmm. One thing bringing up this memory is watching The Trial of Christine Keeler on Max recently, then buying her autobiography which I am stalled in reading.

Men in uniform, especially officers, guys who work in intelligence, they sniff out a woman like me, just like Stephen Ward and John Profumo sniffed out Christine Keeler. They sense when a woman has something inside her that makes her fall for men in power, even ugly totally unattractive guys.  I was one of those women, likely many of women like us had histories of sexual assault as children that made us so confused. I don't think Keeler lived long enough to make that connection.

I know now that most of that weird behavior of being a sexual aggressor at the same time as I was a straight arrow public affairs person for NASA was the result of being molested by a Catholic priest when I was age five-six. But in the seventies and eighties I was deep into my Faster Than the Speed of Life period, which doctors in the nineties told me was “PTSD since age five” and I didn't believe it first time I heard it. But it explained everything. All the scandalous, out of control behavior that had ruined every job I got, it was because of compulsion placed in me at the fingertips of a pervert priest in 1953.

But I digress. 


At NASA in 1980, once the newly arrived uniformed Air Force officers sniffed me out, they started hanging out in my private office with windows in Building Two, gangs of them. And I did have sex with more than one of them, that's what I did. They even set me up one time with a general. Honest, the guy at the top floor of a tower on the Air Force Space Command site that you’d see as an exit south of L.A. off the Four Oh Five.

Nothing happened in that "job interview" in fact it freaked me out and I think I ran out of the general’s office and out of the building into my rental car, never to contact them again.

Hmm. Earlier in Houston, the first time I met with the AF general, next day I showed up for work dressed really slutty, more than I ever had before or since, a tight pencil skirt and a white sweater that was… not loose. People in the office noticed the change in my dress as I walked past. My usual look was Dress for Success, Just now thought of that. But then meeting in LA with the general up in that tower was weird, I mean, weird. 


The Forrest Gump moment here is- I ended up being among the first journalists to hear that the planet was heating, and I was among the first journalists to then observe scientists as they apparently became afraid to warn people about it. All that happened around 1980 at a time when NASA changed from being civilian to military dominated, even though the USA was not in any way close to war anywhere. 

It's only today in 2024 at age 76, sitting at my desk writing with a national forest out my window across the street, that I made that connection. The AF more or less took over NASA soon after scientists started reporting that the planet is heating; and soon after that, this massive coverup and lying campaign started that went on for fifty years. Until it's impossible to deny that CO2 and other human emissions have caused a global-wide heating we are going through now in 2024, with growing disastrous results.

When it was obvious in 1984 I’d never have a future at NASA without the now required top secret clearance, I went home to L.A. and got a job at Rogers & Cowan Public Relations in Beverly Hills, who hired me on the spot off the street, because of my years at NASA, and I got to work with movie stars and big name producers. Just now I looked at the bldg at Bedford and Wilshire on Google Maps street view, and all the green lush Bev Hills foliage has turned so brown and dry. So are the trees in 2024 across the street in the national forest in Tahoe, all turning brittle and dry. 

When it was obvious in 2015 that Earth had passed a tipping point, too late to stop the heating crisis time to find a way to survive, I made my way to a town in the Sierra Nevada mountains 6000 feet up near a mile deep lake. 

I've been following the story of global warming ever since the 1970s. I moved to Tahoe mainly because it's going to stay cooler here and we have cleaner air than most and lots of water. But the residents are seriously misinformed thinking that the disasters heading for the USA on so many levels will avoid us.

I'm avoiding them.

-kay ebeling


I was a teenage anti Vietnam war activist


Memoir by Kay Ebeling, featuring Nancy Pelosi and the Black Panthers

In 1968 at age twenty, I was probably the youngest paid staffer in the Peace and Freedom Party... 


TRIGGERED MEMORY: With the general, he led me into an elevator, said we were going up, but we rode a long time so the elevator must have been going down... there is no tower in the admin bldg at AF Space Command in El Segundo. I think


Christine Keeler died in 2017 at age 75 so I guessed wrong... 

Friday, October 11, 2024

We will see things we've never seen before or imagined as global warming progresses. Find a place to survive, and watch.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Those who told USA that global warming is a hoax are now getting Americans killed. They use lies as weapons, AKA Information Warfare, and need to be Stopped.

Sorry folks, I hurt my neck and can barely hit a keyboard so Transcripts for Harris/ Walz is over... will focus on climate change videos after the election. Adios for now.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Yes climate change is global 1

Marseilles France today Oct 8 2024, second flood like this in a month, sewage overflowing...


 CofA Blog will focus on climate after the election here is a preview 

As Global crops get wiped out, the availability of food will go down.


As Great Salt Lake in Utah dries, it releases arsenic and other poisons in dust 


 Watch for more at CofA Blog
More footage from Marseille France Oct 8


 More to come at CofA Blog

Friday, October 4, 2024

Bruce Springsteen endorses Kamala Harris/ Tim Walz, transcript here

[Another transcript for Harris/ Walz]

Hi I'm Bruce Springsteen.

Friends fans and the Press have asked me who I'm supporting in this most important of Elections, and with full knowledge that my opinion Is no more or less important than those of any of my fellow citizens, here's my answer.

I'm supporting Kamala Harris for president and Tim Walz for vice president and opposing Donald Trump and JD Vance. Here's why

We are shortly coming upon one of the most consequential elections in our nation's history. Perhaps not since the Civil War has this great country felt as politically spiritually and emotionally divided as it does than at this moment.

It doesn't have to be this way.

The common values, the shared stories that make us a great and United Nation, are waiting to be rediscovered and retold once again. Now that will take time, hard work, intelligence, faith, and women and men with the national good guiding their hearts.

America is the most powerful Nation on Earth not just because of her overwhelming military strength or economic power but because of what she stands for, what she means, what she believes in, Freedom social justice equal opportunity- the right to be in love who you want- these are the things that make America great.

Donald Trump is the most dangerous candidate for president in my lifetime.

His disdain for the sanctity of our constitution, the sanctity of democracy, the sanctity of the rule of law, and the sanctity of the peaceful transfer of power should disqualify him from the office of president ever again. He doesn't understand the meaning of this country. Its history. Or what it means to be deeply American.

On the other hand Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are committed to a vision of this country that respects and includes everyone regardless of class religion race your political point of view or sexual identity, and they want to grow our economy in a way that benefits all not just a few like me [LAUGHS] on top. 

That's the vision of America I’ve been consistently writing about for fifty five years.

Now everybody sees things different and I respect your choice as a fellow citizen. But like you I’ve only got one vote, and it's one of the most precious possessions that I have. That's why come November 5th I’ll be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Thanks for listening.


Transcripts for Harris Walz at City of Angels Blog continues

Read "USA sided with pedophile priests, and soon after, the nation fell" book/ series I am writing online at

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Transcript: Liz Cheney and Kamala Harris in Ripon Wisconsin together today: speeches

[Another addition to Transcripts for Harris/ Walz]

HARRIS: In the global struggle between tyranny and  democracy the president of the United States must always be on the side of Freedom; CHENEY: President Harris will be able to unite this nation. HARRIS: Regardless of party affiliation, there is a factor that binds us all. Anyone who has called for termination of the Constitution of the United States as Donald Trump has must never again stand stand behind  the Seal of the President of the United States. CHENEY: In this election putting patriotism ahead of partisanship is not an aspiration, it is our duty.

TRANSCRIPT: 32:37 in, video linked below

Liz Cheney: I have to tell you all, Wisconsin is special for me for a particularly important reason. Way back in 1966 when a very young Dick Cheney and Lyn Cheney were graduate students at the University of Wisconsin.

I was born here and so [OVERLAPPING]  go Badgers exactly.

So coming back to Wisconsin always feels to me more than a little bit like coming home. I want you to know the last time that I was here campaigning was years ago in and although politics divided us certainly in that year, we were United in our admiration for the Packers, legendary bartar. And one of the most special and memorable days I had on any campaign was the day that we got to spend with him which included a personal tour of Lambo field so very very special to be back again.

Now you all know of course that that here in Ripon, the Republican party was founded. It was founded in a meeting in in the little white Schoolhouse, and it was founded by people who were opposed to slavery. It was that Republican Party The Party of Lincoln and Eisenhower party of Reagan and Bush. It's that party that I belonged to my entire life. I volunteered on my first presidential campaign I already told you how old I am so I’ll tell you in 1976 when I was 10 years old and I was sealing envelopes for President Ford's reelection campaign .

I cast my first vote ever in 1984 for Ronald Reagan. I served in the State Department in both Bush administrations and I served in the United States House of Representatives for three terms, including as the third highest ranking Republican in house leadership, so in other words-

I was a Republican even before Donald Trump started spray tanning.

I am a Ronald Reagan conservative.

I believe in limited government, I believe in low taxes, I believe in a strong National Defense, and I believe that the private sector is the engine of growth of our economy. I believe that the family and not the government is the most important structure in our society. I know that our security and our freedom depend upon a world in which America with our allies leads. And above all else I know that. I tell you I have never voted for a Democrat but this year I am proudly casting my vote for president Kamala Harris [OVERLAPPING]  you thank you thank you thank you.

But mostly, we're not going back, Vice President Harris is standing in the breach at a critical moment in our nation's history. She's working to unite reasonable people from all across the political spectrum.


As a conservative, as a patriot, as a mother, as someone who reveres our constitution, I am honored to join her in this urgent cause as we meet here today


Vice President Harris has dedicated her life to Public Service [OVERLAPPING] I know I know that she loves our country and I know that she will be a president for all Americans.

As a conservative, as a patriot, as a mother, as someone who reveres our constitution, I am honored to join her in this urgent cause. As we meet here today, our Republic faces a threat unlike any we have faced before, a former president who attempted to stay in power by unraveling the foundations of our Republic, by refusing to accept the lawful results confirmed by dozens of Courts of the election.

We cannot turn away from this truth. In this election putting patriotism ahead of partisanship is not an aspiration, it is our duty.

At the very heart of our survival as a republic is the peaceful transition of power. Ronald Reagan said this was nothing short of a miracle that every four or eight years. The most powerful office in our land indeed the most powerful office in the world is passed peacefully to a new president.

In the United States of America violence does not and must never determine who rules us, voters do.


We may disagree on some things but we are bound together by the one thing that matters to us as Americans more than any other, and that's our duty to our Constitution and our belief in the miracle and the blessing of this incredible Nation.


And in this country under our constitution, our president has a particular solemn obligation, to ensure and guarantee the peaceful transfer of power. Since the beginning of the Republic, every president in our history has fulfilled that duty every president until Donald Trump.

When Donald Trump woke up on the morning of January 6th, his intention, despite having lost the election, was that he would remain president rather than accept his loss and concede defeat.

He had spent months overseeing a multi-part plan to attempt to seize power and remain in office. He ignored the rulings of the courts. He corruptly pressured state legislators, including here in Wisconsin, to overturn the results of their election. He told the justice department to lie for him. He conspired to have fake electoral votes cast, and he corruptly pressured his vice president to take illegal and unconstitutional actions.


The most conservative of conservative values is Fidelity to our constitution


He summoned a mob to Washington DC with his lies and he sent the armed mob to the United States Capitol in an effort to stop the counting of electoral votes.

As the violent mob attacked our capital in Donald Trump's name, as they brutally beat Law Enforcement Officers, as they hunted the vice president and the Speaker of the House, Donald Trump watched the attack on television for hours, for hours, sitting in the dining room next to the Oval Office. He refused repeated pleas from his family, from his closest advisers, from the most senior officials in his campaign, and in our government to tell the mob to leave.

And when Donald Trump finally did speak publicly after hours of violence, after the capital had been invaded, he praised the rioters, he did not condemn them. That's who Donald Trump is, those facts those-

Those facts that we know about what Donald Trump did, including what he did when our Capital was under siege, those facts do not come from Donald Trump's political opponents. Those facts come from the people closest to him. They are the ones who testified that Donald Trump did not want to stop the violent attack on our Capital. When he learned that vice president Pence was not going to abandon his oath and help Trump seize power, Trump sent out a tweet attacking Pence and further inflaming the mob.

One of Trump's aides testified that shortly after that, this Aide received a phone call alerting him that the vice president had been evacuated for his own safety from his office off the floor of the Senate, this Aide recalled rushing to the dining room to tell Trump hoping that this information would convince him to take immediate action to ensure the vice president's safety.

Instead after this Aide delivered that news, Donald Trump looked up at him and said so what.

He said so what.

It is Donald Trump's closest aides who also told us this. They said that while the attack on our Capital was happening, Donald Trump was handed a note informing him that a civilian had been shot at the door to the Chamber of the United States House of Representatives. Donald Trump put the note down on the table in front of him, continued to watch the attack on television, and still refused to tell the mob to leave the capital.

Donald Trump was willing to sacrifice our Capital, to allow Law Enforcement Officers to be beaten and brutalized in his name, and to violate the law and the constitution, in order to seize power for himself.

I don't care if you are a Democrat or a Republican or an independent, that action of Trump’s is depravity and we must never become numb to it.

Any person any person who would do these things can never be trusted with power again.

We must defeat Donald Trump on November 6th, in that election 66 years ago when we were campaigning in Wisconsin and all across the country, we were campaigning as compassionate conservatives.

What January 6th shows us is that there is not an ounce not an ounce of compassion in Donald Trump. He is petty, he is vindictive, and he is cruel and Donald Trump is not fit to lead this good and great nation.

Now sometimes people will say you know January 6th wasn't that big a deal.

In a time when I have heard many pretty stunning things from Republicans, one of the most stunning was yesterday from your former governor Scott Walker, who said basically people are over January 6th.

When you think about what that means, that an elected official, a former elected official, is so willing to minimize what happened to say things like I’ve heard from others to say don't worry our institutions held that day-

We have a responsibility all of us to remind people that our institutions don't defend themselves. We the people have to do that. We the people defend our institutions and our institutions held on January 6th because there were brave men and women including elected officials at every level of our government who did their Duty who stood up for what was right, who resisted Donald Trump's efforts to pressure them to violate their Oaths.

And our institutions held especially because of The Braver of the men and women in law enforcement and in our military, in our Capitol Police, our secret service the Metropolitan Police. They are the ones who defended our Capital, our democracy, and our lives. Many of them fought a bloody bloody hours long battle on the west front of the capital.

Go watch the video of that battle.

It is sickening they're the ones who held the line and prevented far worse from happening that day. They are the true profiles in courage.

Do not let anyone lie about what happened and what they did.

Our institutions also held because of Vice President Mike Pence who refused [[APPLAUSE] he refused to violate his oath to the Constitution and that is why Mike Pence is not Donald Trump's running mate today.


Vance has said repeatedly that he would have done what Donald Trump wanted, that he would have rejected electoral votes, he would have thrown out the votes of the people. That is tyranny.


Instead JD Vance is on the ticket. Vance has said I mean that's true-

Vance has said repeatedly that he would have done what Donald Trump wanted, that he would have rejected electoral votes, he would have thrown out the votes of the people of Wisconsin because he didn't like the way that you voted.

That is tyranny and that is disqualifying.

History teaches us again and again that democracies can fall they fall to populists they fall to strong men strong men who beguile their fellow citizens with conspiracy theories and false emergencies. As my friend the late Charles Crammer taught us the lesson of our history is that the task of merely maintaining strong and sturdy the structures of our constitutional order is unending.

It is the continuing and ceaseless work of every generation and that responsibility now falls on all of us in this election.

This great country of ours requires leaders of character. We must choose men and women who have what Abraham Lincoln called a sincere heart. Our nation's second President John Adams put it this way. On the first night he ever spent in the White House he wrote a letter to his wife Abigail; and his letter included a prayer a prayer that is so special President Kennedy had it engraved in the mantlepiece in the state Dining Room in the White House.

And in his letter John Adams said this: May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof.

Now I'm confident [OVERLAPPING] just a second I am I am confident that John Adams meant women too. [APPLAUSE]


The United States of America is the  greatest idea Humanity ever  devised, the nation that inspired the world to believe in the possibilities of  a representative government.


In this election a broad Coalition has come together to support support vice president Kamala Harris.

Now we may disagree on some things but we are bound together by the one thing that matters to us as Americans more than any other, and that's our duty to our Constitution and our belief in the miracle and the blessing of this incredible Nation.

We have a shared commitment, a shared commitment, as Americans to ensure that future Generations live  in a nation where power is transferred peacefully. Where our leaders are men and women of good faith. And where our public servants set aside partisan battles to do what's right for this country.

So today I ask all of you here and everyone listening across this great country to join us. I ask you to meet this moment. I ask you to stand in truth to reject the depraved cruelty of Donald Trump. And I ask you instead to help us elect Kamala Harris for president [OVERLAPPING] I know I know that president that a president Harris that President Harris will be able to unite this nation. I know that she will be a president who will defend the rule of law and I know that she will be a president who can inspire all of our children- and if I might say so especially our little girls- to do great things.

So help us right the ship of our democracy so that history will say of us: when our time of testing came, we did our duty, and we prevailed, because we loved our country more.

And now and now it is my great honor to introduce you to our vice president and the next president of the United States Kamala Harris


Kamala Harris: Can we hear it for Liz Cheney. It is so good to be back in Wisconsin I thank you everyone for being please have a seat I thank you all for being here but I just-

I have to emphasize that every time I come here and and and, Liz, I was actually a kid here too. When my parents were at the University of Wisconsin. So we have that in common as well. In fact Tony [INAUDIBLE] always says when I land, welcome home. But I say all that to say-

Every time that I’ve come here recently one of the conversations that we have all of us together is how much we love our country, and that really is The Binding factor in us all being together and taking the time to be together.

To really just renew and remind everyone of what is at stake, but born out of love, that we have this fight.

And I want to thank you, Liz Cheney, for reminding us that that regardless of party affiliation, there is a factor that binds us all.

And so I thank you for your support and your leadership and your courage I also want to thank all the other great leaders who are with us today….

I do want to say a bit more about Liz Cheney.

You all know her leadership and she has obviously and so importantly been a leader for the people of Wyoming. But she has also been an extraordinary national leader, and has served with great honor. And her talk today recognizes that character is among the most important attributes of leadership.

But she also personifies that attribute.

And she possesses some of the qualities of character that I most respect in any individual and any leader: courage especially at A Moment Like This, where there are so many powerful forces that have been intent on trying to demean and belittle and make people afraid.

And there are many who know it is wrong.

And then there are those who have the courage to speak out loudly about it, and the conviction to speak truth, and you know-

It is so admirable when anyone does it- and especially when it is difficult to do in an environment such as this- but Liz Cheney really is a leader who puts country above party, and above self, a true patriot.

And it is my profound honor my profound honor to have your support and I also o want to thank your father Vice President Dick Cheney for his support and and what he has done to serve our country.


We both love our country and we Revere our democratic ideals and we both also believe in the nobility of public service and we know that our oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America is a sacred oath an oath


Every endorsement matters and this endorsement matters a great deal.

And it carries the special special significance because as you said, we may not see eye to eye on every issue, and we are going to get back to a healthy two-party system I am sure of that, where we will have vigorous debates. And as you said you may not have have supported a Democrat for president before, but as you have also said, we both love our country and we Revere our democratic ideals and we both also believe in the nobility of public service and we know that our oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America is a sacred oath, an oath that must be honored and must never be violated.

And your words today are the reason we are all here today, I think really do underscore perhaps one of the most fundamental questions that is facing the American people in this election.

Who will obey that oath? Who will abide by the oath to to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. I have had the American: privilege thank you thank you thank you thank you thank American: you thank you and I have sworn and oath to uphold the Constitution six times in America: [[TECHNICAL]

Therein lies the profound difference between Donald Trump and  me, he who violated the oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of  America. And make no mistake he who if given the chance would violate it  again.


He [Trump] has called for jailing  journalists, political opponents. Anyone he sees and deems as  being an enemy.


Donald Trump lost the election  and as you have heard and know, he refused to accept the will of the people  and the results of an election that was free and fair. As you have heard he sent an armed  mob to the United States capital where they assaulted Law Enforcement  Officers. He threatened the life of his own vice president and refused to engage in the  peaceful transfer of power.

And let us be clear about how he  intends to use power if elected again. He has called for jailing  journalists, political opponents. Anyone he sees and deems as  being an enemy. He has pledged to destroy the independence of the Department of Justice  and he called for deploying our active duty military against our own  citizens.

Well listen. I believe that anyone who recklessly tramples on our  democratic values as Donald Trump has, anyone who has actively and  violently obstructed the will of the people and the peaceful transfer of  power as Donald Trump has, anyone who has called for I quote  termination of the Constitution of the United States as Donald Trump  has must never again stand stand behind  the Seal of the president of the United  States never  again never  again.


The Tragic Truth that we are facing in this  election for President of the United States is that there is actually an  honest question about whether one of the candidates will uphold the  oath to the Constitution of the United States


And The Tragic Truth Truth The Tragic Truth that we are facing in this  election for President of the United States is that there is actually an  honest question about whether one of the candidates will uphold the  oath to the Constitution of the United States. That is The Tragic Truth of this  election that this is actually an honest question that we are having As  Americans.

I know the vast majority of us agree that upholding the Constitution must be a basic requirement  we expect of anyone seeking the highest office in the land.

I know the vast  majority of us regardless of your political party agree we must hold  sacred America's fundamental principles from the rule of law to free  and fair elections to the peaceful transfer of  power.

And if you share if you share that view, no matter your political party , there is a place for you with us and in this campaign. Because those  principles I know unite us across party lines and in this election I take  seriously my pledge to be a president for all Americans.

My entire  career my entire career I’ve only had one client, the people .and when I say  that and when I say that I mean all the people, not just those who share share my  politics.

Through all my decades in law enforcement I never asked a  victim or a witness are you a Republican or a Democrat. The only question I ever asked  was are you okay. And that is the kind of President  we deserve, and I pledge to you that is the kind of President I will be.

Because the president of the United States must not look at our country  through the narrow lens of ideology or Petty partisanship or  self-interest, the president of the United States must not look at our  country as an instrument for their own Ambitions, our nation is not some spoil  to be won.

The United States of America is the  greatest idea Humanity ever  devised, the nation that inspired the world to believe in the possibilities of  a representative government.

And so in the face of those  who would endanger our magnificent experiment, people of every party must  stand together, and let me be clear-

Democracy and freedom are not only  at stake here at home, they are also at stake around the  world.

As President of the United States I will strengthen not abdicate America's Global Leadership.

Last week I met with Ukraine's president Zalinski and the message I delivered was the same message I’ve shared with him  every time I’ve seen him.

I stand with Ukraine and I always will.  

And I told him as I have before, I want Ukraine to  Prevail.

By contrast, in our debate, Donald Trump couldn't even bring  himself to say he wanted Ukraine to win the war, couldn't even bring himself to say  that a war that Putin, a brutal dictator , launched against a free and independent people-

Trump wants to force Ukraine to give up its Sovereign territory, a Bedrock  principle upon which we stand and fight for and you know who else wants them to  give up their Sovereign absolutely territory [OVERLAPPING]   Putin Putin and that's not a plan for peace  it's a plan for surrender.

Well I believe that in the global struggle between tyranny and  democracy the president of the United States must always be on the side of  Freedom. So we are gathered here today in Ripon not far as the congresswoman  mentioned from a small building where the Republican party was born in 1854. Liz Cheney stands in the finest tradition of its  leaders.

And if people across Wisconsin and our nation are willing to do what Liz is  doing to stand up for the rule of law our democratic  ideals and the Constitution of the United States,, then together I know we  can chart a new way forward, not as members of any one party, but as  Americans, Americans who are united, united in our devotion to the country we  love.

[OVERLAPPING] I thank you all may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America thank you all thank  you

END OF TRANSCRIPT of “VP Kamala Harris and Congresswoman Liz Cheney Live from Ripon Event | Harris-Walz 2024” watch it on YouTube here:


Another addition to Transcripts for Harris/ Walz at City of Angels Blog by Kay Ebeling, documenting our strange election in print so years from now people can come here and read what people said and try to figure out what happened.