We pull out and give Syria to Russia, US troops become mercenaries for Arabia, and THEN Baghdadi gets killed?
Who was the "leader of ISIS" working for all along?
Trump has done Most Damage to CIA since first week in office so...
There was always something unreal and manufactured for shock value about ISIS. Now it took USA leaving Syria to destroy it?
Could it be ISIS was a covert op by USA and someone else all along, and now Trump's guys are getting rid of the evidence?
I wish we could have put Baghdadi on trial and questioned him
ISIS killed thousands of Muslims off camera and a handful of westerners on camera
In 2014 I watched a lot of ISIS footage including beheadings, and always felt like it was a show, real but staged for cameras for maximum effect. Something about everything in politics in last five years feels unreal and manufactured to manipulate
Funded by readers through PayPal, available for all to read
Monday, October 28, 2019
Was ISIS ever real?

Sunday, October 27, 2019
More Brexit, Trump parallels
(Below are quotes from UK pundits, phrases I heard listening to news clips describing their country now, 3 years after Brexit vote, eerily similar words to those used in USA now, 3 years after electing Trump. )
Lost credibility globally
The country is split
We're throwing around phrases, language so un civil it's shocking
Constituents want us to stop talking about Brexit just want it to be over after 3 and a half years.
(Critical issues such as health care, education, transit, the budget, are being neglected in both countries while lawmakers stay embroiled in arguments over what people voted for three years ago, saying those elections were mistakes, co-opted, controlled. )
In one Parliament session, a "remain" MP spoke of people losing jobs and businesses closing, and laughter erupted. She said, "They are laughing, Mr. Speaker. I'm talking about people's lives and the Tories are laughing."
Lost credibility globally
The country is split
We're throwing around phrases, language so un civil it's shocking
Constituents want us to stop talking about Brexit just want it to be over after 3 and a half years.
(Critical issues such as health care, education, transit, the budget, are being neglected in both countries while lawmakers stay embroiled in arguments over what people voted for three years ago, saying those elections were mistakes, co-opted, controlled. )
In one Parliament session, a "remain" MP spoke of people losing jobs and businesses closing, and laughter erupted. She said, "They are laughing, Mr. Speaker. I'm talking about people's lives and the Tories are laughing."

California fires are also burning in Baja as Earth ignores walls
I heard legends of ancient L.A. a population of humans that dug tunnels to live and traverse while the surface was on fire. Some even call them "lizard people" bk the tunnels they built were like those of lizards, but legend goes there were humans who survived ancient fires in the area that is Los Angeles today... in Tunnels... They were in cliffs along the coast and the tunnels had air intakes... my memory is flaky but I saw a drawing of their air intake system that used cliffs and the ocean... hmm.
Is Trump's border wall fireproof? Are we about to find out?
What it's going to be like as climate crises increase: Rich hire firefighters. Wonder how refugees in Tijuana camps are doing https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/26/style/private-firefighters-california.html
Every time I think of moving someplace, a catastrophe strikes there. Tecate Mexico is a town I visited in 1970(?) and thought of going to for a while now, then this news of fire there- plus there was a big fire in Tecate in August. So I'll stay hiding in my little room in the mountains with a building maintenance guy on CB radio nearby
Is Trump's border wall fireproof? Are we about to find out?
What it's going to be like as climate crises increase: Rich hire firefighters. Wonder how refugees in Tijuana camps are doing https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/26/style/private-firefighters-california.html
A small but growing number of wealthy people are hiring their own teams.
At least two people were killed and two others were injured in a brush fire that sparked at around 1 a.m. Friday in the border city of Tecate, Mexico.
At least two people were killed and two others were injured in a brush fire that sparked at around 1 a.m. Friday in the border city of Tecate, Mexico.

Friday, October 25, 2019
It's the CO2
It's CO2 not just from cars and planes but now escaping from soil that was under Arctic ice for thousands of years and is now melting. I think humans everywhere ingest more and more CO2 daily, making them mean and stupid. I know as an old woman on my own, people are getting astonishingly mean, as if they are missing basic human instincts such as respect for elderly. All over the globe, humans are voting in STUPID and dangerous ways. I think it's the CO2, not just heating the planet but destroying human brain cells

Thursday, October 17, 2019
They removed the name Trump off Trump Istanbul two years ago and I wouldn't be surprised if his name goes back up on the building after this. (Malcolm Nance 10.16.2019)
Malcolm Nance called the Stephanie Miller Show on October
16 2019 here are my notes:
S: Malcolm, what is going on?
M: The United States surrendered yesterday to the
Russian forces is only way to actually describe this. They left the town halls and vending machine
full of food, all of our heavy equipment.
Usually all we take is our ammunition and our weapons, an absolute
disaster for the United States foreign policy.
Whoever the next nominee is for the Democrats should shove this video in
their faces every day.
S: Like pulling down American flag to raise Russia's
in former U.S. bases in Syria?
M: Yes and the
ISIS flag is now flying over Syria, we know that at least 800 of their fighters
escaped because the - All of this was a travesty, everyone knew this was going
to happen. Another thing that's
interesting is the highest value ISIS members were turned over to the Kurds. So
top ISIS leadership might escape or be let go, this is an absolute disaster,
everything from last four years has literally been thrown out the window
because Putin told Trump to do it.
S: (Points out Nance first book is on ISIS so he would
M: In less than a week, he did it one day. There is so much behind that phone call. We are going to have to find out what did Trump get, what was the quid
pro quo. Within days there was Godzilla
versus [INAUDIBLE] and let them fight it out. At that point we'd only pulled out a few
special forces soldiers then within a day all U.S. personnel contractors
special-ops literally flew out of the country, it's an absolute disaster and
ISIS will now be flying their flag and carrying out terrorist attacks. And worse, they'll be part of the Assad army.
S: This is not
just on trump who's losing globally, it's all Americans.
M: There's no differentiation in the rest of the world
between Donald Trump and a U.S. citizen and it's as simple as this, you voted
for it, that's what they think…. Any person who did not vote for Hillary
Clinton is responsible for this. I don't
care what state, doing a protest vote, or you wrote in Bernie Sanders, you are
responsible for this. Everyone of the
fifty one percent of the electorate that did not bother to vote, they are
responsible for this. Donald Trump is still bragging he's best for the
military, we literally got disgraced the other say.
S: And now
Erdogan is refusing to meet with us, it is humiliating.
M: In my new book
The Plot To Betray America, Chapter 2 is Vladimir Putin, a man with a leash. Chapter
3 is Donald Trump a Dog to be Walked. It
outlines all of the national security compromises- and we find out today that
Rudy Giuliani had taken up the mantle of Michael Flynn and was trying to get Fethullah Gulen [cleric that Erdogan wants in Pennsylvania] extradited again.
S: Same thing Flynn went to prison for. The Kurds are
undergoing ethnic cleansing, how do we undo this?
M: It's an
absolutely shocking dynamic and we are watching Trump literally sell the United
States, because nothing is done over there for anything less than real
money. In that part of the world, the
only thing that Donald Trump would dance to is money. They removed the name
Trump off Trump Istanbul two years ago and I wouldn't be surprised if his name
goes back up on the building after this. There are going to be impeachment
articles by the dozen because if we don’t, we are lost.
S: What about
Tulsi Gabbard? Regime Change war
M: Who are the
people voting for Tulsi Gabbard and giving her money, who, I want to know? I do not need Moscow's candidate involved in
this game. We already had spoilers that
gave us Donald Trump and she's just another one-
S: We know
Russia has its tentacles everywhere in the election. For Kamala Harris three
times Russian bots attacked her, then there goes Tulsi Gabbard using their
entire research book on her in next debate.
M: You
know what, nobody gets out of this alive except Donald Trump, okay. These people are using every tool in the
book, Russians, vigilantes, liberals who want to damage the Democrats, the
crazy ones who started Tulsi Gabbard is not black enough, they're supporting a
voter suppression against blacks. It's
happening ten times stronger this time around, everyone has to rally around the
flag and stop this destruction of our Constitution.

MSNBC reports Russians are moving into former US bases in Syria. groovy
Wonder how much Mike Flynn has to do with current Syria situation, from prison. Just watched Rachel Maddow Show Oct 14 and learned Turks, Saudis, Iran, Assad's Syria, and ISIS- all five- are now coalescing against USA and in Turkey our DOD has dozens of "tactical nuclear weapons" in "secret" underground storage … um. U.S. troops in Syria now are "bracketed in" by Turkish artillery fire so unable to leave.
And people still think Trump is working for United States.
Russia propped up Assad but now with Americans gone, Kurds siding with Assad because they're abandoned as are U.S. troops who are "pinned down and bracketed by Turkish artillery fire."
Turkish troops control a key road out of the region. Maddow quotes this article:
And people still think Trump is working for United States.
Russia propped up Assad but now with Americans gone, Kurds siding with Assad because they're abandoned as are U.S. troops who are "pinned down and bracketed by Turkish artillery fire."
Turkish troops control a key road out of the region. Maddow quotes this article:
All the warnings were there. But President Trump’s reliance on his instincts, and his relationships, led him to ignore the consequences of a move that has emboldened Russia, Iran and the Islamic State.
Richard Engel on Maddow MSNBC Oct 14:
Turkey has enormous army but using Arab militias, critical to this story because some of these "shock Troops that have been coming in attacking the Kurds include ISIS and Al Quaeda members, according to multiple U.S. officials It was these shock troops moving through the area killing civilians that caused the Kurds to panic and choose sides."
Made a deal with Assad troops backed by Russia made a deal while they see American forces leaving. Assad and Turk forces both taking as much as can, so each will have something in hands to negotiate with. Americans stuck between two colliding forces trying to find a way to get out. President Trump started this, the Turks moved in with a brutal force that shocked a lot of people, and now it's up to Trump to fix this. Vice President Pence is coming now on a diplomatic mission to work out a deal between the Kurds and Turkey
Turkey has enormous army but using Arab militias, critical to this story because some of these "shock Troops that have been coming in attacking the Kurds include ISIS and Al Quaeda members, according to multiple U.S. officials It was these shock troops moving through the area killing civilians that caused the Kurds to panic and choose sides."
Made a deal with Assad troops backed by Russia made a deal while they see American forces leaving. Assad and Turk forces both taking as much as can, so each will have something in hands to negotiate with. Americans stuck between two colliding forces trying to find a way to get out. President Trump started this, the Turks moved in with a brutal force that shocked a lot of people, and now it's up to Trump to fix this. Vice President Pence is coming now on a diplomatic mission to work out a deal between the Kurds and Turkey
Above video no longer available
Maddow: do you agree the ultimate beneficiaries of this are Russia Syria and Iran?
WJB: And ISIS yeah. Quite a foursome.
Talking to Ambassador William J. Burns re this article:
WJB: And ISIS yeah. Quite a foursome.
Talking to Ambassador William J. Burns re this article:
Not since Joe McCarthy has the State Department suffered such a devastating blow.

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