As I watch news clips each day, I wonder, ten years from now which ones will be rerun as lessons in history.
What happens to a nation when there's no more Justice Department? Um… not justice.
What happens locally when criminals see all the president's men getting released from prison wearing big grins? Local criminals start grinning too.
Who and what is going to turn this coup around in USA?
What next?
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Thursday, February 13, 2020
What next?

Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Malcolm Nance interview notes Feb 12 from Stephanie Miller Show in Free Speech TV
S: Re erasing Mueller investigation and empowering more Russian disinformation?
M: this is the plot of a really bad unfinished Tom Clancy novel, In this instance we have a president who is most likely an asset of a foreign power, under the sway of a foreign leader and under that sway is literally trying to rewrite history, where Russia is innocent, that Ukraine our ally and supporter of NATO were the guilty parties trying to say oh poor Putin. Trump's trying to pardon every person implicated in crime of his administration by turning it around- you know. Tyranny is when the law applies to you and not to the government and their friends.
M: this is the plot of a really bad unfinished Tom Clancy novel, In this instance we have a president who is most likely an asset of a foreign power, under the sway of a foreign leader and under that sway is literally trying to rewrite history, where Russia is innocent, that Ukraine our ally and supporter of NATO were the guilty parties trying to say oh poor Putin. Trump's trying to pardon every person implicated in crime of his administration by turning it around- you know. Tyranny is when the law applies to you and not to the government and their friends.
S: Even you couldn't have seen the horrors happening here. They're laughing at us on Russian television.
M: Literally. Because the interest of Russia is the interest of Trump and he sees Russia as an adversary but as a partner in a deal that Americans don’t know about. We're on the edge of a constitutional autocracy, or constitutional monarchy where the document is just a fig leaf over the dictator's whims. Republicans are relying on the opposition tearing itself apart. One colleague thought Donald Trump would be death of Republican party but instead he's destroying the Democratic Party. The two sides inside Democratic party are not looking at reality that they will cease to exist come November if they don’t stop the pettiness. We had a 17 percent drop in youth participation in primaries so far this year. Why? If you won't vote because you don’t get your preferred candidate, then you are voting for Donald Trump.
S: Congratulations to Bernie, Amy, Pete, don’t disparage each other's accomplishments. Understand what Russia has already done to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and what they can do to Bernie- you talk about obvious Chaos Agents such as Tulsi Gabbard- now retaliating against Vindman.
M: No he's not just going to retaliate against Vindman, the "now the revenge begins" comment was about all of us, not just those in government. There is no Justice Department anymore, it's all under control of Donald Trump, it is going to hemorrhage all the career lawyers that would be in there defending us. I'm for Biden but guess what, I don't care who is on top of Democratic ballot, they get my vote.
S: Woman on Twitter said if nominee is Bernie she might as well just vote for Trump-
M: Don’t get me started on the criticizing Buttigieg's service thing, if you attack his military record, I'm going t stomp on you. That guy wrote that Pete Buttigieg went outside the wire in Kabul- that was one hundred nineteen chances for him to die, a suicide bomber killed 22 men there in a dining facility. Criticizing Pete Buttigieg's
military record is a Republican game.

Friday, February 7, 2020
stock up
I keep thinking I'm a person in 1930s Germany, stunned at yet another news story about the new politicians, and wish I had more literary and film references on how people responded to growing fascism then. Author Graham Greene is one source plus lots of his stories are now films, The Third Man, The Tenth Man... I need more, role models. I'm channeling my Polish ancestors who hid in a basement throughout the Warsaw Occupation... stocking up on beans

The only nation Rush Limbaugh served enough to win a Medal is Russia.
Limbaugh got Medal of Freedom award as he did a great service to Russia, his show helped Russia beginning in 1980s to find "ditto heads", Americans who will believe and repeat hate-based propaganda even when it is blatantly anti American. Limbaugh's show laid groundwork for Fox News ClearChannel etc flooding USA with false news stories designed to turn us against each other. Rush may even have been a Russian agent, witting or unwitting, but the only nation Rush Limbaugh has served enough to win an award like this is... Russia. So, of course, Trump/Putin awarded him.
Rush L got award as his show did great service to Russia, let Putin see who hates what and how to get them to express it in USA starting in 1980s. Limbaugh identified Ditto Heads for future tools
Vladimir Putin loves Rush Limbaugh as his radio show in1980s paved the way and opened roads for Russian Propaganda that flooded nation on Fox News and Clear Channel etc. So of course another Vietnam era draft dodger gets honored with Our Highest Civilian Award, for helping Putin. "Radio host Rush Limbaugh was disqualified from the Vietnam-era draft due to a pilonidal cyst" Google it. He was a draft dodger like Trump, Putin legitimized both of them. I know from first hand experience that anti-Vietnam war groups were populated by Soviet agents. Some of them are probably still here working on all this ... Cheers
Rush L got award as his show did great service to Russia, let Putin see who hates what and how to get them to express it in USA starting in 1980s. Limbaugh identified Ditto Heads for future tools
Vladimir Putin loves Rush Limbaugh as his radio show in1980s paved the way and opened roads for Russian Propaganda that flooded nation on Fox News and Clear Channel etc. So of course another Vietnam era draft dodger gets honored with Our Highest Civilian Award, for helping Putin. "Radio host Rush Limbaugh was disqualified from the Vietnam-era draft due to a pilonidal cyst" Google it. He was a draft dodger like Trump, Putin legitimized both of them. I know from first hand experience that anti-Vietnam war groups were populated by Soviet agents. Some of them are probably still here working on all this ... Cheers
Have,mostly turned off news, watching and rewatching Cheers episodes from beginning to end, can't take anymore Trump

Dear Jay-Lo, put your clothes back on
I find myself on the same side of an issue as right wing Christian fundamentalists which makes me flummoxed.
When I saw the half time performance of Jay-Lo and Shakira I was so shocked I turned it off and had horrible imagery in my head afterwards, Mick Jagger-like tongues, rock solid female bare asses grinding in camera closeup, costumes that barely covered anything…
First thought I had was "the seedy side of town," as in when I was coming of age in the 1950s and 1960s women danced like this, but only in the seedy part of town where the strip joints were. I even remembered a teenage trip to Tijuana where the bar was a front for a whore house, and the stage was populated with bored girls dancing with the same basic movements as Jay-Lo minus the pole, then when a bell rang they'd pull down their bikini bottoms and show what was being offered for sale, then another alarm went off and they'd go back to dancing like Shakira and Jay-Lo.
A day or so after, the performance was still on my mind so I tracked down a video on YouTube and put a couple comments up giving my opinion, something like "thanks, our daughters need slut lessons."
Here in excited responses to my comment I was informed the halftime performance was a "demonstration of Diversity," that since I think the dancers looked same as whores have looked for centuries, I missed the point: that the Super Bowl performance was celebrating Cultural Diversity in America.
If I were from a centuries old Hispanic family and someone told me that pole dancing was somehow demonstrative of my heritage, I would indeed turn off the TV set. (or better yet, tell her what to do with her pole...)
I'm an old Polish-German woman and I have turned it off, just tracked down this one video out of curiosity.
Now on my morning progressive radio shows I hear I'm in line with out of date right wingers because I don't think that was dancing at all, I think females are being denigrated more and more in the name of "liberation" and in a few years a lot of us will wonder how we ended up back in dead end jobs or the kitchen again.
Put your fucking clothes back on.
When I saw the half time performance of Jay-Lo and Shakira I was so shocked I turned it off and had horrible imagery in my head afterwards, Mick Jagger-like tongues, rock solid female bare asses grinding in camera closeup, costumes that barely covered anything…
First thought I had was "the seedy side of town," as in when I was coming of age in the 1950s and 1960s women danced like this, but only in the seedy part of town where the strip joints were. I even remembered a teenage trip to Tijuana where the bar was a front for a whore house, and the stage was populated with bored girls dancing with the same basic movements as Jay-Lo minus the pole, then when a bell rang they'd pull down their bikini bottoms and show what was being offered for sale, then another alarm went off and they'd go back to dancing like Shakira and Jay-Lo.
A day or so after, the performance was still on my mind so I tracked down a video on YouTube and put a couple comments up giving my opinion, something like "thanks, our daughters need slut lessons."
Here in excited responses to my comment I was informed the halftime performance was a "demonstration of Diversity," that since I think the dancers looked same as whores have looked for centuries, I missed the point: that the Super Bowl performance was celebrating Cultural Diversity in America.
If I were from a centuries old Hispanic family and someone told me that pole dancing was somehow demonstrative of my heritage, I would indeed turn off the TV set. (or better yet, tell her what to do with her pole...)
I'm an old Polish-German woman and I have turned it off, just tracked down this one video out of curiosity.
Now on my morning progressive radio shows I hear I'm in line with out of date right wingers because I don't think that was dancing at all, I think females are being denigrated more and more in the name of "liberation" and in a few years a lot of us will wonder how we ended up back in dead end jobs or the kitchen again.
Put your fucking clothes back on.

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