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Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Come on people now, Breathe On One Another Right Now

Adapt or die, I think, has been true since the dawn of time.
To those who "have no life" if they have to stay home, I suggest, sit down and read a book from beginning to end. You'll be surprised at how satisfying it is, maybe even read another one. We All need you to sit down and read for a while. Communists had re-education, USA needs EDUCATION.
A Houston priest got Coronavirus, thought it was pneumonia, died, now five other priests in church where they had reopened serving Masses have COVID-19
On Twitter: 'New: Days after a priest died, five members of his religious order have also tested positive for Covid19. Two have been "active" at limited Masses that resumed three weeks ago under Gov. Greg Abbott's plan to reopen Texas'
From article: Three weeks after it resumed limited Masses, a Catholic church in Houston has again shuttered its doors after five leaders tested positive for COVID-19. The closure of Holy Ghost Catholic Church on Chetwood Drive comes five days after the death of one of its leaders, Rev. Donnell Kirchner, who church leaders said last week may have contracted the virus and exposed others to it before his death on May 13. (that's all HouChron will let me read here )
Adapt or die
Communists had Re-Education, USA needs Education.
Remember when you could trust your Catholic Church to run good schools (lololol lolol) Well now they are the Church of Trump and look what it's done for them: A Houston priest got Coronavirus, thought it was pneumonia, died, now five other priests in church where they had reopened serving Masses have COVID-19
On Twitter: 'New: Days after a priest died, five members of his religious order have also tested positive for Covid19. Two have been "active" at limited Masses that resumed three weeks ago under Gov. Greg Abbott's plan to reopen Texas'

Adapt or die

Monday, May 18, 2020
I have no idea who originally wrote this. All I know is that it really reflects reality.
Ok, so, here’s some venting and some explaining and if you don’t like it, I honestly don’t care. Move on and good day to you.
This has easily been the longest 2 months of my career, and, for that matter, my life. COVID-19 has changed everything. The way we live, the way our kids learn, the way we work. It has trashed the economy, exploded unemployment, and harmed businesses, many of them, sadly, beyond repair. But here’s the deal: it’s real and it’s here and it’s still spreading.
As a healthcare worker, I’m exhausted. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. As a manager in the healthcare industry, it’s been one of the longest, most stressful things I’ve tackled.
First off, the truthers and the conspiracy people and the protesters, you’re not helping. The people bitching CONSTANTLY about the governor’s or whatever level of government’s handling of things, it’s not constructive.
Do you want to know why medical people, real medical people, not some crackpot quacks and kooks with a YouTube account or Facebook page, are taking this seriously? Because it’s serious. And we’re serious people when it comes to people’s health and their lives.
Yes, it mostly kills at-risk populations (the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions) but it also kills perfectly healthy people with no prior diagnoses and we don’t know why. I’m so tired of people acting like there’s information that’s being cooked up or withheld. You know why there are lots of gaps in the information? Because we’re still learning about this virus every day. It’s new. It’s never been seen. How it acts, how it spreads, why it does the things it does is all new and we’re learning on the fly. Stop mistaking genuine lack of information for misinformation or withheld information.
The numbers: this one sticks in my craw like no other. “I heard they didn’t die from COVID-19, they died from a heart attack but they were positive so they called it COVID-19 to boost the numbers and scare people.”
Stop. It.
You know how many people died specifically from AIDS? Zero.
AIDS patients die from pneumonia or some other illness normal, healthy people fight off because the AIDS virus destroyed their immune system and they couldn’t fight off the infection. But at the heart of it, they died because of AIDS.
The coronavirus attacks the respiratory system. The respiratory system is, in case you didn’t know, pretty important to sustaining life. It also has a huge impact on how other organ systems, like the heart, work. Guess what, when your lungs don’t work because they’ve basically filled with brick mortar because the virus is attacking them, that puts a bit of a strain on your ticker and very well can cause it to fail. So unless you have a basic understanding of or want to understand how interconnected organ systems are and how the body fundamentally functions: stop.
I think I can speak for a lot of medical professionals when I say, we don’t mean to be arrogant, we don’t mean to be jerks, but damn it, this bullshit is frustrating and yes, we’re going to clap back to ignorance. Ignorance is not something to be flaunted and there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is being uninformed. Stop being willfully ignorant and even reveling in it because it doesn’t fit your preconceived narrative or opinion. Even worse, stop pretending you’re not ignorant because you watched some damn YouTube video or read some op-ed piece. That’s someone’s opinion, normally based on nothing. NOTHING. No research. That’s not information. That’s not factual. That’s not based on science. It’s click-bait with the sole intention of riling you up and getting you to let your guard down. And instead of being pissed at the virus that’s causing all this, it’s to direct your anger at the government or doctors or anywhere else their agenda wants it directed.
Medical people are fired up for a couple reasons. 1 month ago, we were all heroes and putting our lives on the line because this was dangerous stuff. Well, I think I can speak for most of us when I say we aren’t heroic, we’re just doing our job. But guess what, we’re still doing the same damn thing we were doing a month ago and this crap still hasn’t gone away but now we’re “just trying to scare people” because “it’s really no big deal.”
We aren’t looking for a pat on the back or even a thank you, we just want you to do what we all need to do to stop this thing and avoid the spread.
Listen, if you think that my big fat ass enjoys sweating like a whore in a church in an isolation gown, walking around like Mr. Magoo because my glasses are fogged up because of my mask, and wearing goggles that dig into the backs of my ears because I’m “just a sheep,” you are mistaken. It’s because I don’t want this virus and I don’t want to take it home to my family and I don’t want to infect my co-workers and other patients. We’re fired up because we’ve seen and even performed intubations. We don’t intubate for funsies. Outside of the surgical setting, intubation is basically throwing a Hail Mary to save someone’s life. And when the mortality rate once that plastic tube slides between your vocal cords with COVID-19 is 85-89%, yeah, that’s terrifying. This virus is dangerous.
Lastly, stop being spoiled children about public health advisories. Stop bitching about wearing a mask when you’re in public places. Stop pretending that that is somehow infringing on your rights. Get over yourself. I wish all businesses would grow a pair and refuse service to people who refuse to wear a mask “out of principle.”
Police aren’t inclined to enforce it and that’s fine but, spoiler alert, private businesses have and reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Don’t tell me it’s ok for a bakery to refuse service to a gay couple for a wedding cake on religious grounds but not ok for a convenience store to refuse service because they don’t want the outbreak monkey strolling through their place coughing all over other patrons and their staff.
Stay outside the 6ft bubble, wear a damn mask, and wash your hands. It’s that easy. Stop pretending they’re asking for a kidney. It’s as much to protect yourself as it is everyone else.
People wonder why we have things like stay-at-home orders and closing of non-essential businesses. It’s because of you, jackass, you’re the problem. It’s your lack of ability to exercise common sense and your refusal to follow simple, insanely simple advice that forces the government to exercise it for you. And even then, you still thumb your nose at it in all your ignorant glory. Sorry that you feel like they’re infringing on your right to be an irresponsible child.
Look, all I’m saying is I get that it’s frustrating and I get that it’s irritating and inconvenient and all the other bad things that it is, but please, continue to take this seriously, continue to do the little things that make a big difference. Stop denying facts, science, and the advice from people who have spent a lifetime doing what they do in the medical and research fields to ultimately make everyone’s lives healthier, safer, and better.
I’m done with my soapbox now
This has easily been the longest 2 months of my career, and, for that matter, my life. COVID-19 has changed everything. The way we live, the way our kids learn, the way we work. It has trashed the economy, exploded unemployment, and harmed businesses, many of them, sadly, beyond repair. But here’s the deal: it’s real and it’s here and it’s still spreading.
As a healthcare worker, I’m exhausted. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. As a manager in the healthcare industry, it’s been one of the longest, most stressful things I’ve tackled.
First off, the truthers and the conspiracy people and the protesters, you’re not helping. The people bitching CONSTANTLY about the governor’s or whatever level of government’s handling of things, it’s not constructive.
Do you want to know why medical people, real medical people, not some crackpot quacks and kooks with a YouTube account or Facebook page, are taking this seriously? Because it’s serious. And we’re serious people when it comes to people’s health and their lives.
Yes, it mostly kills at-risk populations (the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions) but it also kills perfectly healthy people with no prior diagnoses and we don’t know why. I’m so tired of people acting like there’s information that’s being cooked up or withheld. You know why there are lots of gaps in the information? Because we’re still learning about this virus every day. It’s new. It’s never been seen. How it acts, how it spreads, why it does the things it does is all new and we’re learning on the fly. Stop mistaking genuine lack of information for misinformation or withheld information.
The numbers: this one sticks in my craw like no other. “I heard they didn’t die from COVID-19, they died from a heart attack but they were positive so they called it COVID-19 to boost the numbers and scare people.”
Stop. It.
You know how many people died specifically from AIDS? Zero.
AIDS patients die from pneumonia or some other illness normal, healthy people fight off because the AIDS virus destroyed their immune system and they couldn’t fight off the infection. But at the heart of it, they died because of AIDS.
The coronavirus attacks the respiratory system. The respiratory system is, in case you didn’t know, pretty important to sustaining life. It also has a huge impact on how other organ systems, like the heart, work. Guess what, when your lungs don’t work because they’ve basically filled with brick mortar because the virus is attacking them, that puts a bit of a strain on your ticker and very well can cause it to fail. So unless you have a basic understanding of or want to understand how interconnected organ systems are and how the body fundamentally functions: stop.
I think I can speak for a lot of medical professionals when I say, we don’t mean to be arrogant, we don’t mean to be jerks, but damn it, this bullshit is frustrating and yes, we’re going to clap back to ignorance. Ignorance is not something to be flaunted and there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is being uninformed. Stop being willfully ignorant and even reveling in it because it doesn’t fit your preconceived narrative or opinion. Even worse, stop pretending you’re not ignorant because you watched some damn YouTube video or read some op-ed piece. That’s someone’s opinion, normally based on nothing. NOTHING. No research. That’s not information. That’s not factual. That’s not based on science. It’s click-bait with the sole intention of riling you up and getting you to let your guard down. And instead of being pissed at the virus that’s causing all this, it’s to direct your anger at the government or doctors or anywhere else their agenda wants it directed.
Medical people are fired up for a couple reasons. 1 month ago, we were all heroes and putting our lives on the line because this was dangerous stuff. Well, I think I can speak for most of us when I say we aren’t heroic, we’re just doing our job. But guess what, we’re still doing the same damn thing we were doing a month ago and this crap still hasn’t gone away but now we’re “just trying to scare people” because “it’s really no big deal.”
We aren’t looking for a pat on the back or even a thank you, we just want you to do what we all need to do to stop this thing and avoid the spread.
Listen, if you think that my big fat ass enjoys sweating like a whore in a church in an isolation gown, walking around like Mr. Magoo because my glasses are fogged up because of my mask, and wearing goggles that dig into the backs of my ears because I’m “just a sheep,” you are mistaken. It’s because I don’t want this virus and I don’t want to take it home to my family and I don’t want to infect my co-workers and other patients. We’re fired up because we’ve seen and even performed intubations. We don’t intubate for funsies. Outside of the surgical setting, intubation is basically throwing a Hail Mary to save someone’s life. And when the mortality rate once that plastic tube slides between your vocal cords with COVID-19 is 85-89%, yeah, that’s terrifying. This virus is dangerous.
Lastly, stop being spoiled children about public health advisories. Stop bitching about wearing a mask when you’re in public places. Stop pretending that that is somehow infringing on your rights. Get over yourself. I wish all businesses would grow a pair and refuse service to people who refuse to wear a mask “out of principle.”
Police aren’t inclined to enforce it and that’s fine but, spoiler alert, private businesses have and reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Don’t tell me it’s ok for a bakery to refuse service to a gay couple for a wedding cake on religious grounds but not ok for a convenience store to refuse service because they don’t want the outbreak monkey strolling through their place coughing all over other patrons and their staff.
Stay outside the 6ft bubble, wear a damn mask, and wash your hands. It’s that easy. Stop pretending they’re asking for a kidney. It’s as much to protect yourself as it is everyone else.
People wonder why we have things like stay-at-home orders and closing of non-essential businesses. It’s because of you, jackass, you’re the problem. It’s your lack of ability to exercise common sense and your refusal to follow simple, insanely simple advice that forces the government to exercise it for you. And even then, you still thumb your nose at it in all your ignorant glory. Sorry that you feel like they’re infringing on your right to be an irresponsible child.
Look, all I’m saying is I get that it’s frustrating and I get that it’s irritating and inconvenient and all the other bad things that it is, but please, continue to take this seriously, continue to do the little things that make a big difference. Stop denying facts, science, and the advice from people who have spent a lifetime doing what they do in the medical and research fields to ultimately make everyone’s lives healthier, safer, and better.
I’m done with my soapbox now

Getting Trump into office was just part of the coup
Now we know why Saudi/Putin created Fox News in 1995 and started a slow but steady stream of anti-American propaganda into USA, decorated in red-white-and-blue. People who watch Fox News are now Groomed Tools, brainwashed into behavior that is spreading a virus and killing people. The Kremlin spent 30 years spreading propaganda through Fox and its widespread network of repeaters, just waiting for the opportune time to use this Generation of Americans who have heard nothing but right wing media since childhood as brainwashed soldiers, cluelessly now getting Americans killed.

Who would say 'public health is tyranny' but someone who wants us to die?
Watching crowds shout and spit on each other at "reopen protests," I feel like I'm watching serial negligent homicides, all around the country, live streaming on my laptop at six thousand feet.
Imagine how this time in USA will be remembered in history... our grandchildren will watch video of our overfed selves hollering about tyranny and lost freedoms on wide open streets where police just stand and watch, shouting out of context patriotic phrases in each others' faces, almost mouth to mouth. Future viewers will know how many people became disabled or died from the Covid spike that's about to happen and these these... adamantly ignorant people... brainwashed into following directions straight out of the Kremlin. All that info is out there about Putin's influence on our president, plus all the science about SARS, We live in a time where technology USA developed makes More Information available to everyone than ever before, and Americans are wobbling into restaurants unmasked to sit and eat fried food and laugh spit droplets into the air. Glad I'm not in any of those videos.
Interesting that UK protesters use exact same phrases as in USA "I do not consent" etc. Weird. Public health has used contact tracking since at least the 1960s... with VD (now called STDs). These Brits are brainwashed same as Americans: "godless 5G masks"?
With some people not wearing masks because they are Donald Trump supporters, frankly, it's scary to me on more levels than just spreading the virus. It seems like it's setting us up for a civil fracture nationwide, with Trump hollering on Twitter who to shoot.
Military grade weapons at protests and masks as a way to identify who is on which side are two developments that … just make me want to stay home and hide. I don't think the weird things developing in USA are happening by accident, in fact, whoever is orchestrating this coup through misinformation is very sophisticated.
What scares me now is the new propaganda resulting in a large portion of Americans not wearing masks, because besides spreading virus, wearing a mask or not is a blatant way to identify who is on which side in current politics. I completely believe epidemiologists who say 80 percent of SARS transmission can be stopped by wearing masks in public, anyone can learn the science behind mask wearing through Google. So the ones not wearing masks are among the mesmerized, and who knows what they will be convinced to do next.
I'm staying home even without the virus for now.
They're being mesmerized. Like in Rwanda.
I worked on a documentary about Rwanda genocide in 2018, so now I marvel at similarities in USA. Rwanda used radio station broadcasts to convince one tribe to pick up arms and kill another tribe in 1994. In 1995 Fox News started its hate-your-neighbor message in USA, and now here we are, right-wing media convincing people to go to casinos and bars where they will likely spread a virus killing thousands.
How is this not an advanced act of Rwanda style genocide?
I am tired of hearing people say they have no life unless they can go out in public. I mean, five minutes of thought and you can think of a hundred things to do.
There's something "off" about humans going out partying while a pandemic is killing thousands of Americans every day and that number rising, a disconnect from reality that reminds me of Act Two of the disaster movie, after Act One where they refused to believe scientists...
"the data suggests that the protests may be epidemiologically significant events."
“The behavior we’re seeing at protests carries a high risk of infection. We can see protesters are going from a highly concentrated event and then dispersing widely,” Dr Rob Davidson added.
note from a friend:
Protester Sign:
Imagine how this time in USA will be remembered in history... our grandchildren will watch video of our overfed selves hollering about tyranny and lost freedoms on wide open streets where police just stand and watch, shouting out of context patriotic phrases in each others' faces, almost mouth to mouth. Future viewers will know how many people became disabled or died from the Covid spike that's about to happen and these these... adamantly ignorant people... brainwashed into following directions straight out of the Kremlin. All that info is out there about Putin's influence on our president, plus all the science about SARS, We live in a time where technology USA developed makes More Information available to everyone than ever before, and Americans are wobbling into restaurants unmasked to sit and eat fried food and laugh spit droplets into the air. Glad I'm not in any of those videos.
Interesting that UK protesters use exact same phrases as in USA "I do not consent" etc. Weird. Public health has used contact tracking since at least the 1960s... with VD (now called STDs). These Brits are brainwashed same as Americans: "godless 5G masks"?
With some people not wearing masks because they are Donald Trump supporters, frankly, it's scary to me on more levels than just spreading the virus. It seems like it's setting us up for a civil fracture nationwide, with Trump hollering on Twitter who to shoot.
Military grade weapons at protests and masks as a way to identify who is on which side are two developments that … just make me want to stay home and hide. I don't think the weird things developing in USA are happening by accident, in fact, whoever is orchestrating this coup through misinformation is very sophisticated.
What scares me now is the new propaganda resulting in a large portion of Americans not wearing masks, because besides spreading virus, wearing a mask or not is a blatant way to identify who is on which side in current politics. I completely believe epidemiologists who say 80 percent of SARS transmission can be stopped by wearing masks in public, anyone can learn the science behind mask wearing through Google. So the ones not wearing masks are among the mesmerized, and who knows what they will be convinced to do next.
I'm staying home even without the virus for now.
They're being mesmerized. Like in Rwanda.
I worked on a documentary about Rwanda genocide in 2018, so now I marvel at similarities in USA. Rwanda used radio station broadcasts to convince one tribe to pick up arms and kill another tribe in 1994. In 1995 Fox News started its hate-your-neighbor message in USA, and now here we are, right-wing media convincing people to go to casinos and bars where they will likely spread a virus killing thousands.
How is this not an advanced act of Rwanda style genocide?
I am tired of hearing people say they have no life unless they can go out in public. I mean, five minutes of thought and you can think of a hundred things to do.
There's something "off" about humans going out partying while a pandemic is killing thousands of Americans every day and that number rising, a disconnect from reality that reminds me of Act Two of the disaster movie, after Act One where they refused to believe scientists...
"the data suggests that the protests may be epidemiologically significant events."
“The behavior we’re seeing at protests carries a high risk of infection. We can see protesters are going from a highly concentrated event and then dispersing widely,” Dr Rob Davidson added.
note from a friend:
Protester Sign:

Friday, May 15, 2020
Cover your orifices, humans
Masks are Not Enough, you have to cover your head ears and eyes too, remove hats and shoes plus the top layer of clothing when you get home. I know this from watching home-produced YouTube videos in Jan and Feb from english speaking persons in China, mostly students frustrated at having to stay at their parents just bk they came home for a holiday and a lockdown happened. But CHINA KNEW that Covid 19 enters humans through the eyes and ears and lingers on hair and skin, so everyone in Wuhan if they went out was completely covered Jan-Feb-March until it sort of ended there. In USA I see pics of people with designer masks in short sleeves with ears and eyes uncovered and, once again, I am a space alien observing stupid Earthlings shaking my head. Thing is, if USA communicated better with China, we would have known a lot more about this SARS last March too. Now, Americans are half-covered with masks and that's okay for non crowded places, I guess, but... the virus is airborne and very light, and it lingers in the air until it lands or finds a new host with an open orifice, so... cover all your holes, including skin pores.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Coyote is always hungry, coronavirus is always seeking new hosts...
A woman where I live (senior housing) prances around very trumpian, chin jutted forward, no mask, never a mask as she drives away into town and back several times a day, making me say to myself as she walks by, there goes Mike Pence in drag...
You can't reopen economy until you conquer disease that closed it, how can humans be this stupid!?!?!?
I'd been a germaphobe for years before coronavirus hit, cringing if someone hugged me. When I smelled someone's breath, I always wondered if I was actually inhaling molecules that had been inside that person's mouth. Then two months ago Thom Hartmann said on his show that, indeed, when you smell garlic breath, you are inhaling tiny particles that have been inside that person's mouth and it's on those particles that Covid-19 travels from one respiratory host to another. I don't know if I'll ever be able to stand close to anyone again…
I swear some people act like they have Covid of the brain, we just haven't detected it yet. It would explain so much:
This is not first time in history that humans have had to take drastic measures to survive a pandemic. It is probably not first time that a sizable number of persons were ignorant and made the pandemic worse.
Why did Fauci et al go into quarantine but not Mike Pence?
Comment from friend in response:
Fauci is concerned who he might infect if he has COVID. Pence wouldn’t care
I hear or read another story of stupid humans demanding their right to party and do other crowded obviously dangerous stuff in a pandemic and all I can think of, repeating in my head is: Coyote is always hungry, coronavirus is always seeking new hosts.
You can't reopen economy until you conquer disease that closed it, how can humans be this stupid!?!?!?
I'd been a germaphobe for years before coronavirus hit, cringing if someone hugged me. When I smelled someone's breath, I always wondered if I was actually inhaling molecules that had been inside that person's mouth. Then two months ago Thom Hartmann said on his show that, indeed, when you smell garlic breath, you are inhaling tiny particles that have been inside that person's mouth and it's on those particles that Covid-19 travels from one respiratory host to another. I don't know if I'll ever be able to stand close to anyone again…
I swear some people act like they have Covid of the brain, we just haven't detected it yet. It would explain so much:
"It's disturbing to say the least," said Glenn Tolbert after hearing that a man threw a rock into the windshield of a DDOT bus because he was upset that the driver told him he had to wear a mask to ride. Tolbert, President of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 26, said they are working with officials with the City of Detroit to design a barrier that would keep drivers protected
*This is not first time in history that humans have had to take drastic measures to survive a pandemic. It is probably not first time that a sizable number of persons were ignorant and made the pandemic worse.
Why did Fauci et al go into quarantine but not Mike Pence?
Comment from friend in response:
Fauci is concerned who he might infect if he has COVID. Pence wouldn’t care
I hear or read another story of stupid humans demanding their right to party and do other crowded obviously dangerous stuff in a pandemic and all I can think of, repeating in my head is: Coyote is always hungry, coronavirus is always seeking new hosts.
Kay Ebeling
Monday, May 11, 2020
Coyote is always hungry; Coronavirus is not finished
To many Americans freedom means being able to do Anything But what you are supposed to do.
Covid virus finds humans watching Fox News and attaches to their brains and makes them progressively stupider and stupider... Fox viewers are open receptors, their brain cells welcome the virus.
Coyote is always hungry; Coronavirus is not finished
Since the beginning, humans who survive are ones who adapt to crises and act, not ones who pretend crisis is not there. sigh
tyranny of the educated by the ignorant
Americans are about to be greatly humbled, finally learn to respect science, and realize the reason one needs discipline. Meanwhile, I'm going to stay inside and wait and watch, sadly, and read a lot, hopefully, of smart articles such as this one in Rolling Stone:
Adapt, respond to a crisis, be alert, make the best of your circumstances, be smart.
To the bare faced: A lot of people kept having unprotected sex during AIDS epidemic too. Not all of them died...
Reopening and letting people decide to wear or not wear masks is like promoting birth control Sometimes to prevent pregnancy
USA needs The Hague crimes against humanity investigators to step in NOW!!!
The ignorant are in charge, run by very smart people who set this all up from some other country, it's too obviously Russia for me to think it's just them. This coup worked because they got the guys who should be good guys to be complicit in other ways ($$$$) so people like Democrats were made impotent in advance, hence that wimpy impeachment that did NOTHING. The ignorant were ginned up on 20 years of Fox News and its tentacles and the educated were conned into corporate liberalism which can't happen.
So now we American citizens are the impotent, watching wealth get drained out of our nation as death tolls rise. I am stocking up on supplies again for another onslaught of disease. Covid-20 coming to Tahoe soon as you can't stop them, the tourists Will drive in and the business owners will open their doors.
Human ignorance is now in partnership with Coronavirus to solve our over population problem, I guess, so all I can do for now is stay home and ride it out. And stay smart.
I sit here with a good 3 months' supply of the best weed in the USA, groceries including leavening and flour, powdered nonfat milk, garbanzo beans flour that makes a mean meat substitute, a freezer full of fish and vegetables, and an Instacart account to deliver more of anything I need when I need it.
Covid virus finds humans watching Fox News and attaches to their brains and makes them progressively stupider and stupider... Fox viewers are open receptors, their brain cells welcome the virus.
Coyote is always hungry; Coronavirus is not finished
Since the beginning, humans who survive are ones who adapt to crises and act, not ones who pretend crisis is not there. sigh
tyranny of the educated by the ignorant
Americans are about to be greatly humbled, finally learn to respect science, and realize the reason one needs discipline. Meanwhile, I'm going to stay inside and wait and watch, sadly, and read a lot, hopefully, of smart articles such as this one in Rolling Stone:
Adapt, respond to a crisis, be alert, make the best of your circumstances, be smart.
To the bare faced: A lot of people kept having unprotected sex during AIDS epidemic too. Not all of them died...
Reopening and letting people decide to wear or not wear masks is like promoting birth control Sometimes to prevent pregnancy
USA needs The Hague crimes against humanity investigators to step in NOW!!!
The ignorant are in charge, run by very smart people who set this all up from some other country, it's too obviously Russia for me to think it's just them. This coup worked because they got the guys who should be good guys to be complicit in other ways ($$$$) so people like Democrats were made impotent in advance, hence that wimpy impeachment that did NOTHING. The ignorant were ginned up on 20 years of Fox News and its tentacles and the educated were conned into corporate liberalism which can't happen.
So now we American citizens are the impotent, watching wealth get drained out of our nation as death tolls rise. I am stocking up on supplies again for another onslaught of disease. Covid-20 coming to Tahoe soon as you can't stop them, the tourists Will drive in and the business owners will open their doors.
Human ignorance is now in partnership with Coronavirus to solve our over population problem, I guess, so all I can do for now is stay home and ride it out. And stay smart.
I sit here with a good 3 months' supply of the best weed in the USA, groceries including leavening and flour, powdered nonfat milk, garbanzo beans flour that makes a mean meat substitute, a freezer full of fish and vegetables, and an Instacart account to deliver more of anything I need when I need it.
From this perch, I'm watching a mass genocide about to take place in USA nothing I can do but hide from it, and have nothing but gratitude that I landed in this remote place. No matter what happens there's an internet infrastructure for the wealthy who come here and own second and third homes where they are riding out this same acopalypse I am. I lucked out, and worked, and made my way up a waiting list that it was easy to fall of of, and got into this apartment where my rent is around 400 a month. Here I can close the blinds and turn on the fans and block out all of them, my neighbors, the uninformed who are everywhere surrounding me helping to spread this virus.
I can't help thinking this genocide has been orchestrated, have no idea who orchestrated it, sometimes wonder if it was God or some entity that humans misidentified a long time ago as God, come to take back this beautiful planet from us because we screwed it up so much. The Earth will survive, another Adam and Eve can start over again from scratch, but face it, humans today are too ignorant and undisciplined to be rescued. That seems to be what is happening. The planet itself has released a virus to kill us.
It's the people who watch Fox News and believe this anti-science message who are going to die in more numbers than those, even the poor, who are smart enough to find a way to protect themselves while this virus, which was produced by nature and turned on humans, passes over us like Passover, leaving behind devastation and death, and a phoenix from which to rise and begin again.
I can't help thinking this genocide has been orchestrated, have no idea who orchestrated it, sometimes wonder if it was God or some entity that humans misidentified a long time ago as God, come to take back this beautiful planet from us because we screwed it up so much. The Earth will survive, another Adam and Eve can start over again from scratch, but face it, humans today are too ignorant and undisciplined to be rescued. That seems to be what is happening. The planet itself has released a virus to kill us.
It's the people who watch Fox News and believe this anti-science message who are going to die in more numbers than those, even the poor, who are smart enough to find a way to protect themselves while this virus, which was produced by nature and turned on humans, passes over us like Passover, leaving behind devastation and death, and a phoenix from which to rise and begin again.

Friday, May 8, 2020
Reopening and letting people decide to wear or not wear masks is like promoting birth control Sometimes to prevent pregnancy

Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Caller: Isn't saying wearing a mask is optional like having a smoking section on an airplane?
Answer: Yeah, or like a peeing section in a swimming pool.
-Thom Hartmann show May 5
Answer: Yeah, or like a peeing section in a swimming pool.
-Thom Hartmann show May 5

Monday, May 4, 2020
Crosby,Stills, Nash and Young Four Dead in Ohio. I feel more awful today than I did 50 years ago
I remember how awful I felt this date 50 years ago "4 Dead in Ohio" at age 21 yet here I am feeling awful today at age 71 about 3000 Americans dying of covid every day... once again, our own govt turns against its own citizens. It's gotten worse. Revisiting that day it's the same gut-level awful feeling. We were the first generation of Americans who went to well funded schools and more of us went to college than ever before. When we realized the lie of the Vietnam War 50 years ago, we took to the streets to protest against illegal war. Now we have a generation whose school budgets were gutted and only the rich kids are going to college. When they believed the lie of Trump Putin, they took to the streets to protest against legal public health measures to stop Covid-19. We were trying to stop the killing, they are trying to let it go on. -ke

Saturday, May 2, 2020
When I hitchhiked from L.A. to Alaska, I ended up in Texas, part 1
(My Life Story, continued)
The airport was
just one little building, with two or three ticket counters along one wall then a waiting area that was one room. So I did
not blend in as I thought I would when I decided to spend the night there. I tromped in through the automatic glass door, dust in a cloud around me from head to toe and tried to act like I belonged there,
was just waiting for a later flight. As I entered, the noise of people talking became
noticeably less noisy, to my left and right people who looked foreign to me stared at me while trying not to stare.
This was my first
encounter with the population of humans just north of Los Angeles. The glares coming at me from the sprinkling of humans in the Santa
Maria Airport in 1970 were not welcoming. It was also one of my first encounters with humans who hated people like me on sight, our long untended hair- me now
showing up with a backpack almost as big as me and bedraggled.
All eyes were on me once I entered the waiting area. I curled up on a plastic chair, pulled out a book, and made myself comfortable. It did seem, though, that there was less and less activity in the area. Then the PA voice announced the arrival of last flight of the night, after which the airport would be closing. I popped back up, said to whoever was near me, "What? The airport is closing?"
All eyes were on me once I entered the waiting area. I curled up on a plastic chair, pulled out a book, and made myself comfortable. It did seem, though, that there was less and less activity in the area. Then the PA voice announced the arrival of last flight of the night, after which the airport would be closing. I popped back up, said to whoever was near me, "What? The airport is closing?"
A woman with a
hairstyle she must have gotten in the same beauty shop for 25 years was very close to me and
said, yes, this airport closes at 11 PM. Her tone told me it was something she'd
been wanting to say to me for the past hour. She eyed me up and down, all my gear. The few people left in the little airport. all seemed to be trying to tell me, there's no more flights and the doors are about
to lock.
I think I mumbled, "whoever heard of an airport that closes at night" as I gathered myself up and left.
I think I mumbled, "whoever heard of an airport that closes at night" as I gathered myself up and left.
Out the door, now where
was I going to sleep. In front of me was
a vast flat field. Looking on Google Maps today, I can see it was about 1.5 miles back to the
highway where the 1 branches off from the 101 and heads to Big
Sur. When I left the Integral Yoga Institute in Burbank earlier that day and
started my trip to Alaska at the Barham onramp getting in and out of cars heading North, I thought I'd get to Big Sur in time to set up a campsite. I had pans
and water containers and bags of food along with many changes of clothes and even a portable typewriter jammed into the monstrosity on my back that I'd bought at an Army Navy
Surplus store on Western Avenue just days earlier.
Little development had taken place yet in Santa Maria in 1970, so from the airport back to the highway it was all open space. I ended up sleeping in a pipe that night. Walking back toward the highway, I came to a
strip where massive pipes lay waiting to be placed underground as humans began to
build the miasma of suburbs you see there today, where houses and elementary schools and
animal clinics fill the land today between the municipal airport and the 135. I don't think there was even a 135 then, it
was all open space, nothing but these massive pipes for future construction, maybe of the 135.
I crawled into one
and could finally relax, pulled out my sleeping bag, a radio and
food from my pack and waited for sunrise.
For hours, I chewed on raw cashew nuts
and raisins, organic, in little bags from one of the early organic grocers in L.A. If
you chew raw cashews and raisins together, the flavors and textures blend in
such a satisfying way, I realized, as I sat up in my
sleeping bag, dry mud beneath me, no humans for miles around, chewing. Then I slept and was up at sunrise on my way to
Big Sur.

Worldwide Spread Of Corona Virus (31-Dec-19 to 30 April 2020) | Covid-19...
Watch USA become number one

Friday, May 1, 2020
Jebeebus sent coronavirus
I wonder why so many Bible quoters don’t see that maybe God himself sent
this virus. I mean, coronavirus is an RNA strand, a core of creation that hasn’t
been on Earth as a form of life in itself since the time of creation. If, like me,
you consider God and Nature to be the same, perhaps God sent this virus to wipe
out large numbers of humans because of the mess we are making of planet Earth. If
nothing else, next time someone quotes Jebeebus to you in regards to social
distancing, remind them that if there is a God, he gave us brains. We're supposed
to use them.

American can-do spirit has disappeared
Americans seem no longer able to sacrifice or put up with inconveniences for the public good. Wonder how many will be left next year.

Trump hangs out with porn stars, he should know better
Reopening America before it's ready reminds me: In midst of the AIDS epidemic, the porn industry in San Fernando Valley kept shooting explicit sex scenes. The producers told several news writers so it was reported several places, they thought getting performers tested for HIV once a month was good enough. A lot of porn stars died of AIDS as a result.
You'd think D Trump would know that.
Opening USA prematurely is like performing in a porn film or having unprotected sex during the 1980s AIDS epidemic: it's legal and it may even feel good, but it's likely deadly.
You'd think D Trump would know that.
Opening USA prematurely is like performing in a porn film or having unprotected sex during the 1980s AIDS epidemic: it's legal and it may even feel good, but it's likely deadly.

The science does not exist to engineer an RNA strand to do damage Covid-19 is doing to human bodies
I followed this coronavirus story since it began, must have been at least December, because when I went to ER on 27th I was already concerned the "new virus" could be in the hospital. And I think it was, from conversations I overheard. For months I especially watched China reports, lots of video on YouTube from people in Wuhan staying at home, it was kind of alarming how the local police would stand outside their buildings, they all had passes to go out for certain periods. I took note of how they dressed and several pointed out how you removed outer clothes and hanged them away from everything else when you came home. Your temperature was taken everywhere and often. All movement in the city was monitored, yet it seemed no one suffered, they kept infection and death low. No one went broke.
News sites I read and watch are not disinformation. I have news outlets from all over the world that I always watch and read and I saw dozens of stories on ordinary people in China, living through the six weeks or so in January February that Covid-19 moved through their region.
All through that time there were no hints that the Chinese created Covid 19 in a laboratory, not as reporters from the BBC to ABC to Al-Jazeera to France 24 to German public broadcasting to Reuters to AP and News 4 Australia and CBC and others covered the story.
The Chinese scientists were studying the new virus they had already found. Until Trump got elected there was an American scientist in the laboratory where they were studying it, Trump removed him as soon as he took office. I've heard that detail now on at least six credible mainstream or near mainstream news sites.
Lots of Chinese doctors and officials were also talking to the news during that time. They all admitted that not believing the first doctor who reported first cases was a grave mistake, a publicly admitted mistake, but from that time on the Chinese were actively engaged in keeping people alive and preventing the virus from spreading.
I don't believe for a second that Covid-19, this new SARS virus that appeared at the same time the glaciers are melting near Wuhan, was created in a laboratory. The science doesn't exist to engineer an RNA strand to do the damage SARS 5 is doing to human bodies. Americans are being sold a crock by a President whose job is to destroy the USA working for Saudis and Putin. Instead of responding to this crisis like intelligent humans, Americans are waving assault rifles and shouting for the crisis to stop. We Need a planned coherent response, not the chaos our President is taking us into.
Wake up.
News sites I read and watch are not disinformation. I have news outlets from all over the world that I always watch and read and I saw dozens of stories on ordinary people in China, living through the six weeks or so in January February that Covid-19 moved through their region.
All through that time there were no hints that the Chinese created Covid 19 in a laboratory, not as reporters from the BBC to ABC to Al-Jazeera to France 24 to German public broadcasting to Reuters to AP and News 4 Australia and CBC and others covered the story.
The Chinese scientists were studying the new virus they had already found. Until Trump got elected there was an American scientist in the laboratory where they were studying it, Trump removed him as soon as he took office. I've heard that detail now on at least six credible mainstream or near mainstream news sites.
Lots of Chinese doctors and officials were also talking to the news during that time. They all admitted that not believing the first doctor who reported first cases was a grave mistake, a publicly admitted mistake, but from that time on the Chinese were actively engaged in keeping people alive and preventing the virus from spreading.
I don't believe for a second that Covid-19, this new SARS virus that appeared at the same time the glaciers are melting near Wuhan, was created in a laboratory. The science doesn't exist to engineer an RNA strand to do the damage SARS 5 is doing to human bodies. Americans are being sold a crock by a President whose job is to destroy the USA working for Saudis and Putin. Instead of responding to this crisis like intelligent humans, Americans are waving assault rifles and shouting for the crisis to stop. We Need a planned coherent response, not the chaos our President is taking us into.
Wake up.

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