In all the news reports about this week's blizzards, has anyone seen any mention of melting polar ice caps; disappearance of the cold air mass over USA that used to hold freezing currents to the north; desalination, heating water temperatures, and changing currents of the seas resulting from all the melted ice; or any of the other elements of global warming that are causing these storms? Or are we all just going to holler for prosecution of Southwest Airlines for canceling flights instead?
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Shallow humans point to snow and say, see, global warming is not happening...

Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Hot global truths
I first learned about global warming / climate change in 1970s, and since then I've kept up with news about it. Now I'm an old lady on a mountain top watching most of the predictions come true, plus many events no one imagined. It's much like living in a true life sci-fi story, where my character is a wise grizzled and wrinkled shrinking woman with a gap-toothed brainy grin, cackling at young 'uns who are just now figuring it out, and I'm mumbling, you should have been paying more attention.
(Above on Facebook, below on Twitter)
I first learned of climate change in 1970s and kept up on the topic. Now I'm an old lady on a mountaintop watching predictions come true. I live in a sci-fi story, a wise and wrinkled shrinking woman, cackling at young 'uns just now getting it, wishing they'd paid more attention
-Kay Ebeling, riding the planet one round after another

Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Speakers spread weaponized anti-American disinformation at county govt meetings
Open Letter to Orange County CA Board of Supervisors:
As a former resident of San Clemente and a former public information staffer for NASA and the U.S. Navy, I have watched recent BOS meetings in Santa
Ana with great interest. Disinformation is a weapon of war and it seems there is
a population of persons in Orange County who have been so well targeted with weaponized
propaganda that they fervently believe the lies. They are so adamant that they
are right and everyone else is wrong that they dominate every meeting by taking
the microphone to shout threats, make intimidating predictions, and wild-eyed repeat false
facts that can be proven false with five minutes of research to news
and government websites.
This propaganda is not just innocent lies. Claims that popular
elections cannot be trusted are a direct attack on the foundation of democracy.
Lies that it is not a virus that is killing people but the vaccine against the virus
that is killing people are a direct attempt to Kill Americans.
At yesterday’s meeting a public speaker claimed two Iranians were heroes for pointing out that voting machines produced fraudulent election results. In truth, on Nov 18 the DOJ released the story headlined “Two Iranian Nationals Charged for Cyber-Enabled Disinformation and Threat Campaign Designed to Influence the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election” reporting that two Iranian agents had been indicted for hacking into information systems and spreading false election information, including that voting machines produce fraudulent results.
The DOJ news release is copied at end of this post. Here is a link to the news release at DOJ website about their arrest:
Why didn't a supervisor stop the speaker right at that moment to point out the true story and that her claims are disinformation?
It's bad enough that this group of Orange County residents, mesmerized
into believing they need to spread anti-American messaging, are able to disrupt
every attempt by Supervisors to conduct business. Worse still is that this dissemination of
weaponized disinformation that is aimed at destroying USA and killing Americans
is being broadcast at every Board meeting.
I know you can't stop them from speaking. But is anyone working
to find out why so many Orange County residents believe this propaganda? Was
your region targeted by foreign agents as a soft target for weaponized disinformation?
If so, what is it about Orange County that makes so many residents vulnerable to
blatant lies and misreading of science and history, empowering them to show up
at every meeting certain that they have information that the rest of us need to
have, when actually the rest of us have heard it and know it's not true.
Can you make some effort to counter the disinformation, such as pointing out the obvious lies in the films “2000 Mules” and “Died Suddenly” to which these speakers refer to often as "Important Documentaries We All Need to Watch"?
They are about as credible as "Reefer Madness."
Also why is no news organization reporting on this misinformation
phenomenon in Orange County, where there seems to be a small local army ready
to spread every lie, not seeming t o realize that they are doing the work of
foreign agents whose purpose is to destroy USA and Democracy?
For instance the claim that paper ballots are more reliable
than electronic machines is easily refuted.
Machines leave a footprint that can be confirmed, pieces of paper can
easily end up in a poll worker’s pockets.
I AM ALARMED that disinformation that is aimed at destroying
USA is finding its way so easily into the population of Orange County and
apparently those in charge are not doing anything to make it stop, or to prove it
is disinformation, or to show the destruction these lies are causing.
Please don’t just sit there letting these public speakers
carry out an attack on USA.
Kay Ebeling
Temporarily living in South Lake Tahoe
Sent by email to:
As well as to members of local news media
Two Iranian Nationals Charged for Cyber-Enabled Disinformation and Threat Campaign Designed to Influence the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election
An indictment was unsealed in New York today charging two Iranian nationals for their involvement in a cyber-enabled campaign to intimidate and influence American voters, and otherwise undermine voter confidence and sow discord, in connection with the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
According to court documents, Seyyed Mohammad Hosein Musa Kazemi (سید محمد حسین موسی کاظمی), aka Mohammad Hosein Musa Kazem, aka Hosein Zamani, 24, and Sajjad Kashian (سجاد کاشیان), aka Kiarash Nabavi, 27, both of Iran, obtained confidential U.S. voter information from at least one state election website; sent threatening email messages to intimidate and interfere with voters; created and disseminated a video containing disinformation about purported election infrastructure vulnerabilities; attempted to access, without authorization, several states’ voting-related websites; and successfully gained unauthorized access to a U.S. media company’s computer network that, if not for successful FBI and victim company efforts to mitigate, would have provided the conspirators another vehicle to disseminate false claims after the election.
“This indictment details how two Iran-based actors waged a targeted, coordinated campaign to erode confidence in the integrity of the U.S. electoral system and to sow discord among Americans,” said Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security Division. “The allegations illustrate how foreign disinformation campaigns operate and seek to influence the American public. The Department is committed to exposing and disrupting malign foreign influence efforts using all available tools, including criminal charges.”
“As alleged, Kazemi and Kashian were part of a coordinated conspiracy in which Iranian hackers sought to undermine faith and confidence in the U.S. presidential election,” said U.S. Attorney Damian Williams for the Southern District of New York. “Working with others, Kazemi and Kashian accessed voter information from at least one state’s voter database, threatened U.S. voters via email, and even disseminated a fictitious video that purported to depict actors fabricating overseas ballots. The United States will never tolerate any foreign actors’ attempts to undermine our free and democratic elections. As a result of the charges unsealed today, and the concurrent efforts of our U.S. government partners, Kazemi and Kashian will forever look over their shoulders as we strive to bring them to justice.”
“The FBI remains committed to countering malicious cyber activity targeting our democratic process,” said Assistant Director Bryan Vorndran of the FBI’s Cyber Division. “Working rapidly with our private sector and U.S. government partners and ahead of the election, we were able to disrupt and mitigate this malicious activity – and then to enable today’s joint, sequenced operations against the adversary. Today’s announcement shows what we can accomplish as a community and a country when we work together, and the FBI will continue to do its part to keep our democracy safe.”
According to the allegations contained in the indictment unsealed today:
The Voter Intimidation and Influence Campaign
Starting in approximately August 2020, and proceeding until November 2020, Kazemi, Kashian, and other co-conspirators began a coordinated, campaign to undermine faith and confidence in the 2020 presidential election (the “Voter Intimidation and Influence Campaign”) and otherwise sow discord within U.S. society. The Campaign had four components:
- In September and October 2020, members of the conspiracy conducted reconnaissance on, and attempted to compromise, approximately 11 state voter websites, including state voter registration websites and state voter information websites. Those efforts resulted in the successful exploitation of a misconfigured computer system of a particular U.S. state (“State-1”), and the resulting unauthorized downloading of information concerning more than 100,000 of State-1’s voters.
- In October 2020, members of the conspiracy, claiming to be a “group of Proud Boys volunteers,” sent Facebook messages and emails (the “False Election Messages”) to Republican Senators, Republican members of Congress, individuals associated with the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump, White House advisors, and members of the media. The False Election Messages claimed that the Democratic Party was planning to exploit “serious security vulnerabilities” in state voter registration websites to “edit mail-in ballots or even register non-existent voters.” The False Election Messages were accompanied by a video (the “False Election Video”) carrying the Proud Boys logo, which purported, via simulated intrusions and the use of State-1 voter data, to depict an individual hacking into state voter websites and using stolen voter information to create fraudulent absentee ballots through the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) for military and overseas voters.[1]
- Also in October 2020, the conspirators engaged in an online voter intimidation campaign involving the dissemination of a threatening message (the “Voter Threat Emails”), purporting to be from the Proud Boys, to tens of thousands of registered voters, including some voters whose information the conspiracy had obtained from State-1’s website. The emails were sent to registered Democrats and threatened the recipients with physical injury if they did not change their party affiliation and vote for President Trump.
- On Nov. 4, 2020, the day after the 2020 U.S. presidential election, the conspirators sought to leverage earlier September and October 2020 intrusions into an American media company’s (Media Company-1) computer networks. Specifically, on that day, the conspirators attempted to use stolen credentials to again access Media Company-1’s network, which would have provided them another vehicle for further disseminating false claims concerning the election through conspirator-modified or created content. However, because of an earlier FBI victim notification, Media Company-1 had by that time mitigated the conspirators’ unauthorized access and these log-in attempts failed.
Background on Kazemi and Kashian
Kazemi and Kashian are experienced Iran-based computer hackers who worked as contractors for an Iran-based company formerly known as Eeleyanet Gostar, and now known as Emennet Pasargad. Eeleyanet Gostar purported to provide cybersecurity services within Iran. Among other things, Eeleyanet Gostar is known to have provided services to the Iranian government, including to the Guardian Council.
As part of his role in the Voter Intimidation and Influence Campaign, Kazemi compromised computer servers that were used to send the Voter Threat Emails, drafted those emails, and compromised the systems of Media Company-1. Kashian managed the conspirators’ computer infrastructure used to carry out the Voter Threat Emails campaign and he purchased social media accounts in furtherance of the Voter Intimidation and Influence Campaign.
Kazemi and Kashian are both charged with one count of conspiracy to commit computer fraud and abuse, intimidate voters, and transmit interstate threats, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; one count of voter intimidation, which carries a maximum sentence of one year in prison; and one count of transmission of interstate threats, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. Kazemi is additionally charged with one count of unauthorized computer intrusion, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; and one count of computer fraud, namely, knowingly damaging a protected computer, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.
Concurrent with the unsealing of the indictment, the Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated Emennet Pasargad, Kazemi, Kashian, and four other Iranian nationals comprising Emennet Pasargad leadership pursuant to Executive Order 13848, “Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.” Additionally, the Department of State’s Rewards for Justice Program, is offering a reward of up to $10 million for information on or about the Kazemi and Kashian’s activities.
The FBI’s Cyber Division and Cleveland Field Office are investigating the case.
Assistant U.S. Attorneys Dina McLeod and Louis A. Pellegrino and Trial Attorney Adam Small of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section are prosecuting the case.
An indictment is merely an allegation, and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
[1] In actuality, the computer intrusions depicted in the False Election Video were simulated intrusions created by members of the conspiracy using their own server and data obtained during the State-1 exploitation. Further, the FVAP could not actually be leveraged in the manner implied by the False Election Video.

Thursday, September 29, 2022
This pedophile priest victim can identify with Alex Jones defamation trial plaintiffs
(originally published today at City of Angels 12
The first time it happened, I was stunned. In 2012 I was embroiled in the experience of being a pedophile priest victim discovering there were hundreds of thousands of us all over the world. One day I went down to the mail room where residents in the senior housing complex where I lived gathered during the day to chat and someone asked me what I’d been doing, I said “writing on my blog.” I said “I'm one of the pedophile priest victims and I've been writing about those crimes now for about five years.” A guy near me rolled up next to me in his wheelchair and with a scowl and a sneer growled at me, “That never happened.” Then in an authoritative tone of voice he repeated things he’d heard and read, that there were not more than one or two errant priests, that the victims who came forward with decades old pedophile claims were just out to destroy the church and get money from lawsuit settlements.
I stammered, No, I've been researching and writing about this now for years, I know dozens of the victims, look at this web site and this web site where you can read about us and the thousands of priests who’ve been exposed. Type in “bishop accountability dot org” and read about thousands of perpetrator Catholic priests in the database, from A to Z. He would not listen. He was already certain that the pedophile priest survivor movement was a hoax. The other residents in the mailroom watched us and listened and said nothing.
Now as I watch the Alex Jones defamation trial, I can't help thinking how similar my situation is to these people testifying today. I've since moved three times, to three different senior housing complexes, and finally learned that it's best if I just don’t tell anyone I'm a pedophile priest victim or I'll have to move again. I've been bullied, harassed, chased around a building, a live bat was let loose to fly around my apartment before I started locking the door all the time. I've heard those same words from sweet looking senior citizens who suddenly become like vipers, “That never happened.” “Those stories in the news are all exaggerated.” “There were only a few priests and all they did was touch a child on the shoulder.” "Those people are just out to destroy the church."
I'm not narcissistic enough to think my experience is as important as what the Alex Jones defamation plaintiffs are describing, where total strangers accuse Sandy Hook shooting survivors of being actors, saying their murdered children never existed. But it does seem significant that a side effect of this era of disinformation in the USA is affecting the most innocent persons, causing us to withdraw from society, hide behind our doors, avoid intimate conversations with persons we meet. The bullies are in charge, the liars and maligners with mysterious agendas are winning the information war.
I now live in my fourth senior housing complex in ten years, after bullying incidents got so bad I had to move from the previous three, soon after I let it slip that I was a pedophile priest survivor. Now I don't mention my blog about predator Catholic priests to anyone, I don't even let people I meet know my last name so they can't google me.
There's a knock on my door just now. My blood pressure rises, I freeze in fear. I'll just stay quiet in here until whoever it is goes away…
(originally published today at City of Angels 12)
This pedophile priest victim can identify with Alex Jones defamation trial plaintiffs

Friday, July 29, 2022
For those who still think the whole Russia thing was a hoax:
Russian National Charged with Conspiring to Have U.S. Citizens Act as Illegal Agents of the Russian Government
As alleged in the indictment, from at least December 2014 until March 2022, Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov, a resident of Moscow, together with at least three Russian officials, engaged in a years-long foreign malign influence campaign targeting the United States. Ionov is the founder and president of the Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia (AGMR), an organization headquartered in Moscow and funded by the Russian government. Ionov utilized AGMR to carry out Russia’s influence campaign.
“Ionov allegedly orchestrated a brazen influence campaign, turning U.S. political groups and U.S. citizens into instruments of the Russian government,” said Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security Division. “The Department of Justice will not allow Russia to unlawfully sow division and spread misinformation inside the United States.”
According to the indictment, Ionov — working under the supervision of the FSB and with the Russian government’s support — recruited political groups within the United States, including U.S. Political Group 1 in Florida, U.S. Political Group 2 in Georgia, and U.S. Political Group 3 in California, and exercised direction or control over them on behalf of the FSB. Specifically, Ionov provided financial support to these groups, directed them to publish pro-Russian propaganda, coordinated and funded direct action by these groups within the United States intended to further Russian interests, and coordinated coverage of this activity in Russian media outlets. Ionov also relayed detailed information about this influence campaign to three FSB officials.
“Secret foreign government efforts to influence American elections and political groups threaten our democracy by spreading misinformation, distrust and mayhem,” said Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite, Jr. of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “The department is committed to ensuring U.S. laws protecting transparency in the electoral process and the political system are not undermined through foreign malign influence.”
According to the indictment, Ionov allegedly targeted U.S. Political Group 1 based in St. Petersburg, Florida. In May 2015, Ionov funded an all-expense paid trip to Russia for the leader of U.S. Political Group 1 (Unindicted Co-Conspirator-1, UIC-1) in order to “communicate on future cooperation” between U.S. Political Group 1 and AGMR. Following that trip, and for at least the next seven years, Ionov exercised direction and control over senior members of U.S. Political Group 1.
“The prosecution of this criminal conduct is essential to protecting the American public when foreign governments seek to inject themselves into the American political process,” said U.S. Attorney Roger B. Handberg for the Middle District of Florida. “We will continue to work with our partners at the FBI to investigate these events, and we will continue to follow the evidence to ensure justice is done.”
Early in the conspiracy, senior members of U.S. Political Group 1, UIC-1, UIC-2, and UIC-3 exchanged emails about the fact that Ionov was working on behalf of the Russian government. For example, in September 2015, Ionov paid for UIC-1 to attend an AGMR-sponsored “Dialogue of Nations” conference in Moscow. Upon his return to Florida, UIC-1 reported to the leadership of U.S. Political Group 1 that AGMR is “a solid institution of Russian politic,” and that it was “clear” that AGMR was “an instrument of [the] Russian government,” which, UIC-1 wrote, did not “disturb us.” The following week, in an email discussion, U.S. Political Group 1 leaders observed that it was “more than likely” that the Russian government was using AGMR “to utilize forces inside of the U.S. to sew [sic] division inside the United States.”
“The impact of Russian malign foreign influence cannot be overstated,” said Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division. “The FBI will aggressively pursue any foreign government that attempts to divide American citizens and poison our democratic process.”
Ionov used his control over U.S. Political Group 1 leaders to foster discord within the United States, to spread pro-Russian propaganda under the guise of a domestic political organization, and to interfere in local elections. For example, in January 2016, Ionov guaranteed financing for — and ultimately funded — a four-city protest tour undertaken by U.S. Political Group 1 in support of a “Petition on Crime of Genocide against African People in the United States,” which it had previously submitted to the United Nations at Ionov’s direction. Later, in 2017 and 2019, Ionov monitored and supported the St. Petersburg, Florida, political campaigns of UIC-3 and UIC-4. In 2019, before the primary election, Ionov wrote to a Russian official that he had been “consulting every week” on the campaign. After UIC-4 advanced to the general election, FSB Officer 1 wrote to Ionov that “our election campaign is kind of unique,” and asked, “are we the first in history?” Ionov later sent FSB Officer 1 additional details about the election, referring to UIC-4 as the candidate “whom we supervise.”
According to the indictment, Ionov’s relationship with U.S. Political Group 1 continued until at least March 2022. Specifically, in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, U.S. Political Group 1 repeatedly hosted Ionov via video conference to discuss the war, during which Ionov falsely stated that anyone who supported Ukraine also supported Nazism and white supremacy. In a report to the FSB, Ionov explained that he had enlisted U.S. Political Group 1 to support Russia in the “information war unleashed” by the West.
Alongside his malign foreign influence efforts with U.S. Political Group 1, Ionov also exercised direction and control over U.S. Political Group 3, an organization based in California whose primary goal was to promote California’s secession from the United States. In January and February of 2018, Ionov supported U.S. Political Group 3’s efforts — led by the organization’s founder (UIC-6)—to orchestrate a protest demonstration at the California Capitol building in Sacramento. Ionov partially funded the efforts and attempted to direct UIC-6 to physically enter the governor’s office. Later, Ionov sent various media reports covering the demonstration and U.S. Political Group 3’s broader efforts to FSB Officer 1, writing that FSB Officer 1 had asked for “turmoil” and stating, “there you go.”
According to the indictment, Ionov also directed the efforts of U.S. Political Group 2, based in Atlanta. For example, as recently as March 2022, Ionov paid for members of U.S. Political Group 2 — including its founder (UIC-5) — to travel from Atlanta to San Francisco to protest at the headquarters of a social media company that had placed content restrictions on posts supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Ionov sent UIC-5 designs for signs used at the protest and funded cross-country travel for UIC-5 and other members of U.S. Political Group 2. After the protest, Ionov sent UIC-5 a picture of a Russian news website’s social media page, which displayed a Russian-language news story about the protest.
Ionov is charged with conspiring to have U.S. citizens act as illegal agents of the Russian government. If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.
Assistant U.S. Attorneys Daniel J. Marcet and Risha Asokan, Trial Attorney Menno Goedman of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, and Trial Attorney Demetrius Sumner of the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section are prosecuting the case.
The FBI Tampa Field Office is investigating the case.
An indictment is merely an allegation. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
National Security
Criminal Division
National Security Division (NSD)
Press Release Number:

Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Weird that people believe covid went away at the same time politicians believe we don’t need stronger gun laws. Both ideas cause epidemics of death and destruction and leave thinking persons shocked on the sidelines shaking our heads.

I am not joining the national craziness pretending covid is not still spreading, disabling, and killing people.
I refuse to be part of the dum dum de dum

I am better off than most humans on the planet
Surrounded by electric fans, I watch one movie after another. For 99 cents a month I got STARZ, Showtime, AMC+, and PBS Masterpiece through September 4th; so as one show ends, I just click on the next that comes up. I used my Covid unemployment bonus last year to buy nine 20-inch and five 13-inch fans, and now with them strategically placed around my 1 bedroom apartment, it's better than AC because I still have fresh air. I am probably more comfortable than 80 percent of humans in the Northern Hemisphere this year. There is just enough transcription work, 2-3 hours 2-3 days a week, for me to keep a roof over my head, pay bills, and occasionally spree on Amazon or Target, buying baskets these days to organize the clutter. I got groceries delivered Sunday, enough to not have to go out my door for a month at least, except to get the mail, which I do in the middle of the night, to avoid my neighbors who seem to think covid is over so almost none of them are masking. It's not my job to educate them, just to stay away from them. I don't need ANYTHING. From around 3PM to 7 or so it does get extra warm in here, and my face flushes as if I had a sunburn. So I take a cool shower and stay where the fans blow straight on me. It's sometimes hard to hear the dialogue of the films because the fans are so loud but if that's my only complaint, how can I complain. I spent so much time working on my blog from 2007 to about a year ago that I missed ALMOST ALL FILMS and TV SHOWS from those years, so I'm able to see them now. Wow. I keep reminding myself, the heat and catastrophes are happening everywhere. I knew years ago from being an avid reader that all this climatic crisis was going to happen, so in 2015 I moved to Tahoe where the effect is minimal. Except for fires, but they're staying under control around me so far this season. I am patting myself on my back for being so smart to put myself in a good place to survive this apocalypse; and, oh, wonder what the Sundance production coming up is going to be like. Enjoying.

Saturday, July 2, 2022
Trump is still a Trojan Horse
I spent 2017-2020 hollering that "Trump is a Trojan Horse"! His judges, for example, are today soldiers pouring out of the statue. And no one is stopping it.
What happened to Troy when the statue got inside the gate in the original story?
According to ancient Greek history, the Trojan horse allowed the war-weary Greeks to enter the city of Troy and finally win the Trojan war. Legend has it that the horse was built at the behest of Odysseus, who hid inside its structure along with several other soldiers to ultimately lay siege to the city. Per History Science News on All Things Interesting
When you type Trojan Horse in my blog search engine, this is what you find:
Does anyone think I'm wrong now?
There are very few mentions of the Trojan horse in antiquity,
with the most famous coming in the Aeneid by Virgil, a
Roman poet from the Augustan era, who wrote the epic poem in 29 B.C. In
Virgil’s telling of the tale, a Greek soldier by the name of Sinon convinced
the Trojans that he’d been left behind by his troops and that the Greeks had
gone home. But his soldiers had left behind a horse, he said, as a dedication
to the Greek god Athena. Sinon claimed that his troops were hoping to curry
favor with the goddess after the Trojans laid waste to her land.
But the Trojan priest Laocoön quickly realized something was wrong. According to the Aeneid, he tried to warn his fellow Trojans about the impending danger. But it was too late — “the horse had entered Troy,” and the myth of the Trojan horse was born.
That's why my twitter name used to be CassandraofTroy as I kept trying to warn about the danger of the Trojan Trump Horse but no one listened.

Thursday, June 30, 2022
Google is making humans more stupid than they already are
A guy responded to my Craigslist ad with "mam" and then went on a hate rant against broke old people. I emailed back, "It's spelled ma'am" and he sent more paragraphs of wrath plus a screen shot of "Mam" that per Google is "informal dialect" for woman.
Then he wrote "see, Google says it's spelled m-a-m."
I live in a world where illiterate people can use a phone and do a one minute Google search and think now they know it all. They don't even know what they don't know. I do. I took down the Craigslist ad. I'll find a better way to find a place to live in L.A... if I even still want one...
A few weeks earlier for work I had to look up the names of Nazis prosecuted at Nuremberg and Google fed me:
Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, Alfred Rosenberg, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Fritz Sauckel, Alfred Jodl, Wilhelm Keitel, and Arthur Seyss-Inquart
Alfred Rosenberg was a WW2 Jewish-American Air Force hero who piloted bombers and dog-fought the Germans. Then the well known and renowned "Rosie" went on to be a PROSECUTOR at the Nuremberg trials.
Google is often not right. Yet we rely on it so much, Google will definitely make humans dumber than they already are.
Posted by City of Angels Blog
the city of angels is everywhere

Monday, June 27, 2022
Russian Gerasimov Doctrine now causing USA to destroy itself from within
8 CommentsRussia et al are conducting war against USA from computers in a building, likely in St. Petersburg. And most Americans don't even suspect they are being attacked
Russia et al are conducting war against USA from computers in a building, likely in St. Petersburg. And most Americans don't even suspect they are being attacked
There are likely more Garasimov disruptions going on now in USA, such as real estate developers building luxury condos while millions of Americans are homeless, such as the messaging from Big Oil (in which Russia and Saudi Arabia are major players) convincing Americans to buy huge SUVs and burn more gas, because global warming is a hoax...
It started around 2012 with comments showing up on every internet publication story, spreading the opinions we later saw from QAnon. the G Doctrine also placed agents in small towns near military bases where they wrote letters to the editor** to local newspapers spreading the same message that was suddenly appearing on Fox News. Since the lies were repeated on Fox, they had credibility, even though they were outlandish and contradicted history.
The Garasimov Doctrine report came out publicly in 2013
QAnon appeared in early 2017, soon after D Trump took office as president, with documented help from Russia. His election lay open a wide arena for the disinformation to spread anti-American messaging.
Now we have red white and blue splangled memes calling on social media for one group of Americans to pick up guns and shoot another group of Americans, posted proudly by assault rifle wielding candidates for local and national political offices.
on Facebook: Kay Ebeling
** Here us a sampling of letters to editor from 2014 that I read in Antelope Valley Press near Edwards Air Force Base that show the beginnings of Garasimov Doctrine at work in USA:
June 3, 2014
Do this or else?
President Barack Obama and the Democrats are using federal funding to blackmail America.
Joseph O, Palmdale
(No date or title saved for this one: )
They are confiscating our guns,
too in order to prepare us for planned slavery and death.
We should not stand for this and
we should stop it now, just as our founding leaders did who built this great
country. We must band together and fight tyranny and demand the enforcement of
our Constitution and Bill of Rights and to preserve our heritage.
Ed N, Palmdale
April 8, 2014 (note the editors say they will not publish letters longer than 300 words, yet:)
Administration is fleecing this
A fleecing of America and
burlesque pageantry continue under this administration. The recent face to face
meeting between our current president (sic) and the pope was a study in the
contrast of characters.
While one has devoted a lifetime
to the love and betterment of humanity, the other devoted himself to defrauding
the people who had hoped for better.
The pope has washed the feet of
the poor and non-believers and humbly avoided the trappings of office.
In contrast, our president's
contact with the poor is through speeches. His community activism seems to have
noticeably avoided the troubled kids of Chicago's projects in favor of
promoting unions.
As far as the concern with
elevating the impoverished and spreading the wealth of America to all, allowing
Michelle Obama and mother-in-law to play dress-up and begin an early farewell
tour of the world on the presidential aircraft, is more comparable to spreading
the bill to all Americans.
Pope Francis seems to shun his
papal trappings and probably blushes as some approach to kiss the pontiff's
ring. This is in contrast to our president, who fully embraces the symbols of
office and thoroughly enjoys the prospect of anyone approaching to kiss his uh, presidential trappings.
Substance or style? The
electorate needs to choose. Do you want to succeed on your own merits, or do
you want to continue casting protest votes for anyone promising to stick it to
the establishment and put "free beer in all the milk machines"?
Scott F, Quartz Hill
Vote them out and corruption goes
Reading about the corruption in
Sacramento by three high-ranking Democrats: I'm so disgusted by the corruption
in Senate. This is why when I hear anything about any gun-control laws by
liberals and the misinformed Brady Campaign, I roll my eyes at the notion that
these liberals actually think if they pass another gun-control law it will
actually save lives.
We all know the facts go against
these new laws. Notice you never hear the liberals talk about the corruption
that is going on in the Democratic party? From the IRS to the state Senate,
it's time to vote them out of office.
Randy A, Palmdale
Are there still doubts about his
Before I state my views of
President Barack Obama please let me disclose the following items:
Investigators for Arizona's
Sheriff Joe Arpaio recently stated that Obama's birth certificate is
Attorney Orly Taitz has a lawsuit
against the Social Security Administration for concealing records regarding
Barack Obama's use of a stolen Social Security number that formerly belonged to
Harrison Bounel (1890), who lived in Connecticut but moved to Hawaii not long
before his death.
Madelyn Payne Dunham, Obama's
grandmother, worked part-time in the Honolulu courthouse and had access to
Social Security numbers of deceased individuals.
Barack Obama had a communist
mentor at an early age called Frank Marshall Davis and he also associated with
others like Bill Ayers, a domestic terrorist.
The Communist Party USA actively
supported Obama's senatorial race.
If you were a communist and your
goal was to destroy America from within what would you do differently than
Obama is doing as our president?
Too many questions are not being
answered and if it were any other president he would be forced to be forthright
and answer to the American people. Where did he come from? How did he get
elected when no one had heard of him before? No college records have been
disclosed. He makes excuses for America, and on his visit to Muslim country he
bowed to their leader. That alone should get you wondering if he really does
have Americans in his best interest.
Sharon R, Lancaster
How did all these people in small town USA come to be repeating Fox News faux news sound bytes in letters to the editor of the AV Press in 2014?
The Garasimov Doctrine got to them...
Fox News is Attack on USA using Misinformation as Weapon (My LTE's 2014)
The American political landscape also offered a particularly soft target for dezinformatsiya, false information intended to discredit the official version of events, or the very notion of reliable truth. Americans [in 2016] were more divided
Fri the 13th before Friday the Inauguration of ???
Hiding in the Woods because...
glad I was not an employed journalist last two decades as when the Trump patrol comes to round up the reporters, it'll pass me by. I'm just a broke old lady in a resort town, hiding...
Hate to say it but Hillary fell for Trump’s reality show type trick in this election. She's spent the last months pointing out to people that he's a jerk when that was obvious. Trump was running as a jerk.
The USA is now more violent than ever in recent history.
No matter what your politics are, this is not a good development.
Posted by Kay Ebeling,
Producer City of Angels Blog since January 2007
The City of Angels is Everywhere
8 Commentsthey are conducting war against USA from computers in a building, likely in St. Petersburg. And most Americans don't even suspect they are being attacked