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Friday, June 30, 2023

I'm pretty sure the Saudis own us now, USA is becoming a colony of global oil, gradually

So many things should be happening that are not happening that I've come to believe some foreign entity is running US govt behind the scenes, letting us down easy as we turn into a colony of Saudi Russia... or something close to it. We did lose 2+ wars... to the victor go the spoils.

PS I know I'm repeating myself but I've actually segued gradually over last few years from wondering if that could possibly be what is happening to being pretty sure of it. D Trump is just a distraction for both sides. Liberals have wasted six years obsessed over his audacity, rightwingers have stars in their eyes blind with love. Either way, Trump has done a good job for the prince who paid him, and in a decade or so he will end up with a villa in some East European nation, accessible by air only and Americans will be slave class except for a few slick connected rich., a colony. I had a good friend in college who was getting an MBA and studying Arabic (in Texas) and... wish I'd listened to her.
In a way this is my way to kind of forgive the democrats, who I have not been able to praise for a while, for not seeing this happening and stopping it while they could. We are all up against a power greater than ourselves. Something kept, for example, Congress from not taking easy steps, like subpoenaing all the Trump figures and appointees who lied to them under oath and prosecuting them.
The pelosi congress was immobilized more than ten years ago and it just got worse.
Someone intimidated US govt and those who serve it into inaction. That's what to me feels like the only explanation.
I can't get mad. Approaching age 75 my body can't take anymore massive enragement I mean I wrote about pedophile priests for 10 years and did damage to my nervous system doing that. talk about a power greater than yourself to battle. I aint got no battle left in me all I can do is watch. and figure it out the way I do and hide in the forest like I ended up doing.... hmm 
Kay E 

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