Can't wait to see USA after Tesla puts entire country on self driving mode
Exclusive: Surveillance Footage of Tesla Crash on Bay Bridge
Sudden Braking by Tesla Allegedly on Self-Driving Mode ...
Been looking for this trojan horse image and just now found it, on my own blog, hahaha. Trojan horse as depicted in the Histoire des jouets (1902)j
Since 2015 I've been shouting, Trump is a Trojan Horse; in
fact search trojan horse on this blog and you find dozens of posts I've written,
saying they dangled him outside our border and Americans voted him in. It took
nine years, Melania helped, if you search Melania Spy on this blog you also
find dozens of posts.
We voted him in, he seduced voters with his rallies that put
them in trance-like states, he made them love him the way he fellated the microphone….
I hope Americans snap out of this soon. I'm age 76 and now that my job as a transcriber has disappeared, have nothing much more to do than blog and you know what? I have chronic pain, but when I'm blogging and expressing myself, I forget the pain for hours. So…
just as I published my previous post here, a Microsoft looking AI thing popped up and took over my screen saying, sorry for interruption, and rebooted my computer, like everything I was in the middle of writing got washed over and put back, looks like nothing was changed, but I can't help feeling some AI generated bot jumped in to copy and paste me because of a headline with Maddow and Russia in it. Can't wait to see how bad this is going to get in 2025.
Response to caller to Thom Hartmann today:
Re Caller: What Trump did first week in office was go visit CIA HQ and deliver a very strange speech where he vowed to tear down the columns. Then he tore them down, I think. I wrote about it here
that's the word I was looking for and I heard it on a call in radio show this morning.
I became a shut-in November 2021 when I returned from the Caldor fire evacuation. I hurt my legs with all the packing up and moving from hotel to hotel they made us do, I was still working in the hotel rooms, had a rental car loaded with all my equipment, had to load it and unload it every four days. Then on the way driving home this pain started in my legs and I have not been able to walk since, [I was already sick it just got much worse] I have not been off my apartment grounds since. I'm a shut-in. People forget you when you're a shut-in, even your neighbors, no one wants to see sickness. Or maybe it's me, I've never been popular. Anyway. I have not left my grounds now for 3 years plus a month and continuing, in fact in past years, people have become so shitty all over the place, I'm kinda seeing my crippledness as a wonderful excuse to avoid everyone. But I would be happier if someone cared enough to visit, notice that I need help like with the shower curtain, that I'm dangerously isolated, if I weren't so mentally healthy it would be dangerous. Instead I just watch with detached intellectual curiosity as all these “Christians” around me ignore a person in obvious need of help. Most other residents of my low income senior building are MAGA rabid Trump supporters, that's main reason we have not connected. I don't bring up politics, they do. They are mesmerized like zombies thinking Trump was sent by God himself. So I have to just stay to myself. Sad But I kinda expected this as I watched everyone around me get so stupid past few years. Wonder why this happened.
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