Creepy: "You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in" - Donald Trump 2017. He's coming right out and telling us what he is. Wow.
Exclusive: Sources linked to the intelligence community say it is believed that a Russian hacker of the election, Pyotr Levashov, was paid directly by Boris Epshteyn on behalf of both Trump and the FSB.

Sources say the indictment on April 20th of Levashov in the US district court in Connecticut (where an FBI counterintelligence division is based) represents the first concrete move in court that openly leads towards the impeachment of Donald Trump and the prosecution of dozens of members of his team – because this hacker, the sources suggest, was compensated by Team Trump and the FSB jointly, and Team Trump, sources say, know it.
Mr. Epshteyn’s lawyers have denied to me in writing that he was ever an agent of Russia, and have said that neither he nor his parents were ever agents of the Russian state. However, I stand by my prior and current reporting on this public figure, who, until recently, was a member of the US Government as staff at the White House, as well as maintaining a constant public presence as a surrogate of Mr. Trump’s during the campaign, and on television for the White House after it.
Multiple sources with links to the intelligence community report that:
Trump Tower was a “command and control” center for the Kehlios botnet, dismantled by the FBI;
That the “Trump server” with a Trump Tower IP address, that was communicating with servers owned by Alfa Bank in Russia, and with Spectrum Health, had the data packets it sent opened on the hour by human members of Trump’s data team, located near to Trump Tower;
As I have previously reported here at patribotics, the server was ‘washing’ the DNC’s stolen, hacked ‘Vertica” database with voter registration databases – but new sources report further information that images were also sent from or to Russia, and opened by members of Trump’s own team on an hourly basis
That “Pyotr Levashov'” or “Peter Severa”, indicted by the FBI for running the Kehlios botnet, was recruited for the hacking effort by Mr. Epshteyn, who, sources say, was working for both the FSB and team Trump;
That in 2015, Trump Hotels was fined a pittance of $50,000 for malware and credit card fraud after it failed to correct an earlier “breach”, but that this was deliberate, as the credit card malware would later be repurposed to be used in the election;

That human accounts pushing out fake memes authorized by Russia were paid, via the Kelhios botnet being operated from Trump HQ, using bitcoin and a spam payments system previously used for pornography;
And that Pyotr Levashov, aka Peter Severa, is also connected to one Dante Jimenez, another top spammer who himself connects back to Hostkey – the Russian company controlled by Vladimir Putin, with servers in the Russian academy of sciences, that hosts Wikileaks
Sources further attest that the FBI intercepted the traffic between the Alfa Bank server and Mr. Trump’s server, and know exactly what was transmitted
Sources further report that there were at least two other “mother servers”, other than the one with the Trump Tower IP address, and the Spectrum Health server that simultaneously pinged Alfa Bank. Sources indicate that one of these two servers was at Spectrum Health, and transferred messages to Russia via a method called “iodine xfer transfer”, but that the US intelligence community intercepted all such messages
Sources close to the intelligence community indicate that the indictment of Pyotr Levashov in Connecticut this week represents the FBI ‘making its move’ to begin proceedings against Trump and his team, as, these sources say, Trump and many of those working for his campaign are well aware that they are tied by data to the criminal activities of Mr. Levashov
Multiple, other sources with links to the intelligence communities of more than one country, who were not the original sources on my exclusive story that Carter Page took a recording of Donald Trump to Moscow, confirm that this story is true.
There will be extensive further reporting on this exclusive story; please check back for updates.