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Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Trump ain't the enemy, look in the mirror
I think I remember hearing all this Deutsche Bank/Trump news way back before the 2016 election, on progressive talk radio stations that aren't even there anymore. What's bugging me most is Almost All the info about Trump's finances was public way back when. So it's not Trump who was the fool and negligent idiot here, it was the press, and americans who just listened to one or two sources then voted. Democracy does not work unless the citizens are educated and participate. Americans preferred Shopping and it's not Trump's fault. TrumpPutin took advantage of the massive hole we left in our own democracy.
Trump said, "WikiLeaks, go after the emails, the press will reward you." He said "the press" will reward you. Yet you NEVER hear a news person include that part in the quote.
It's not Trump who has failed USA. It's our negligent press and incurious citizens.
Democracy only works if people take time to Learn who is running for office and Study their histories. It Was So easy to take over USA by just putting an orange clown in front of a crowd and having him arouse easy emotions.
After building a massive propaganda machine for 20 years to support it starting with Fox News.
USA deserves everything that is about to happen to it...
and i got nothing to lose
It's not Trump who has failed USA. It's our negligent press and incurious citizens.
Democracy only works if people take time to Learn who is running for office and Study their histories. It Was So easy to take over USA by just putting an orange clown in front of a crowd and having him arouse easy emotions.
After building a massive propaganda machine for 20 years to support it starting with Fox News.
USA deserves everything that is about to happen to it...
and i got nothing to lose

Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Meanwhile, sheltering in place while...
Russia funds NRA who then get Donald T to block laws to get war guns off US streets, then T evokes hatred and rage at his rallies and there's more mass shootings with those NRA backed weapons in hands of person who is mentally off balance but, thanks to DT's previous acts, still able to get guns and heard the message telling him to kill Americans on the Dark Web, probably from Russia.
Waiting for Americans to figure out they are under attack and... sheltering in place.
Waiting for Americans to figure out they are under attack and... sheltering in place.

Monday, August 19, 2019
If climate change a hoax, why does Trump want to buy Greenland now?
While beaming the lie that climate change is a hoax into US media. Russia has been building bases on new land emerging from under melting ice in its Arctic territories for years, and establishing naval routes through new waters.
MEANWHILE our President finally realized the Arctic ice really is melting and Greenland is not only full of rich minerals and unspoiled lands emerging from under ice, but best place left for USA to defend itself against the air and naval attacks now possible from Russia's arctic region. So Trump wants to buy Greenland now, as if the Danes want USA to buy it... hard to take it serious.
But... Trump said climate change was a hoax created by the Chinese...
nothing makes sense in USA anymore
MEANWHILE our President finally realized the Arctic ice really is melting and Greenland is not only full of rich minerals and unspoiled lands emerging from under ice, but best place left for USA to defend itself against the air and naval attacks now possible from Russia's arctic region. So Trump wants to buy Greenland now, as if the Danes want USA to buy it... hard to take it serious.
But... Trump said climate change was a hoax created by the Chinese...
nothing makes sense in USA anymore

US becoming a pile of trash, literally
Chinese have stopped buying America's recycled stuff, now it's all going into landfills in USA anyway, I recently learned.
One reason they stopped buying it is Americans don't take time to actually clean things before recycling them, so we were sending them plastic with dried up cheese and beans on it that couldn't be reused without a lot of work...
One reason they stopped buying it is Americans don't take time to actually clean things before recycling them, so we were sending them plastic with dried up cheese and beans on it that couldn't be reused without a lot of work...
yay usa usa usa
On top of that, Fox News et al claim this proves humans don't need to recycle it's a waste of time just a socialist scam.
On top of that, Fox News et al claim this proves humans don't need to recycle it's a waste of time just a socialist scam.
Now our landfills are filling up with more plastic and crap than ever
But I wonder, how environmentally sane is it to ship our recycling to China to begin with. Americans have lost their ability to do things themselves, and that is about to smack us all upside the head.
good morning
But I wonder, how environmentally sane is it to ship our recycling to China to begin with. Americans have lost their ability to do things themselves, and that is about to smack us all upside the head.
good morning

Wednesday, August 14, 2019
It was a clue, really, that a major platform used to dumb down, manipulate, and make Americans self destruct would have a name that reflects intelligence such as "Twitter"

Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Weed as solution to CO2 problem
New government solution for excess CO2 in air: Everyone must smoke weed. It is your civic duty to inhale marijuana and then exhale at least 77 kg a day into the atmosphere, in order to combat the negative effects of CO2. This is an edict by the stoned scientists now running Agriculture in the new nation of Caltexico.
Good morning.
Good morning.

Spoiled Rich Kids are the real problem in USA
I wonder why rich Catholic kids such as Ken Cuccinelli grow up to become Fox Zombies nee Trump cultists so easily.These are wealthy kids at level where an archbishop would come for dinner.
Cuccinelli is in news now saying the Statue of Liberty really means: "Give me your tired and poor as long as they can stand on their own feet" an abomination, further destroying USA in name of Trump.
Why do Catholic rich kids become Trump Fox Zombies so easily?
Our current Immigration idiot's father was Kenneth Thomas Cuccinelli: Vice president marketing and technical Consolidated Natural Gas Service Company, Pittsburgh, since 1987. Board directors CNG Energy Company, CNG Research. Guest lecturer Catholic University America, 1974—1976, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 1978.
Young Ken rarely worried about next month's rent or gangsters coming to kill his children and yet he can do this destruction to USA's rich history of tolerance and welcoming immigrants now, all because he works for Trump.

Sunday, August 11, 2019
I am one of first persons to use Cannabis to treat PTSD
I am one of first
persons to use Cannabis to treat PTSD, in the world probably. In 1995 I was
getting Great treatment at UCSF because I happened to live in San Francisco,
and if PTSD was your diagnosis, the doors were open for you to join the local Cannabis
Buyers Club. So I was
using weed legally to treat PTSD as early as 1995 making me a… pioneer, I think
is the word.
It was not exactly legal
in SF before the law passed, but weed sales or possession was made the "lowest
priority" crime for SF police. Then
the Buyers Club would be open only from 11 AM to 1 PM so during hours cops took lunch breaks. So there was no way
anyone would get arrested for marijuana sales in San Francisco during lunch
hour those years unless there was No Other crime being committed anywhere else
in the city at that time. The Buyers
Club was open those hours and I'd go there sometimes just to have a place to
sit and smoke and be around other people living with the slowing of life that comes
with illness.
I often thought briefcases
of cash must have transferred hands also, to help keep the Buyers Club open
before the law passed, as San Francisco is not like other cities.
It's also a wonderful use of bad for good that legal
marijuana started because so many gay men were dying of AIDS and there was no treatment for it they just were
dying. The first buyers club I went to was in the Castro District, a monthly meeting where we could buy medicine without fear of being arrested. It was almost all dying men, being kept alive by the appetite and will to live marijuana gave them.
If someone tried to
open a cannabis buyers club five years later, it wouldn't have worked because there
were other treatments for AIDS by then. The
early nineteen nineties were a perfect storm to get weed legalized for Medical Use,
a golden opportunity to get legalization everywhere kick started, and it worked.
Of course, I don't think Dennis Peron and other leaders who made this happen were thinking about future laws, they were really just trying to keep their loved ones alive.
Of course, I don't think Dennis Peron and other leaders who made this happen were thinking about future laws, they were really just trying to keep their loved ones alive.
At the San Francisco Buyers Club on Market Street,
first floor was registration, second floor was low price weed, third floor was
high priced weed, and fourth floor was headquarters for the Compassionate Use
Act first law ever passed in USA, in the world probably, to make weed legal at least for sick people.
Compassion Use Act.
Imagine a nation with
compassion in all its laws.

Have to observe Trump like a bug.
As a scientist wannabe I've watched climate crisis unfold since 1970s, now it's out of our hands. The downfall of USA is also out of our hands, and as long as I don't go out too much for a while I'll feel safe...
I think this is called "surrender"
I think this is called "surrender"

Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Trump is igniting shooter/terrorists, Malcolm Nance states proof on Stephanie Miller show
"These terrorists are following the ISIS jihadist playbook. As a matter of fact an article in an edition of ISIS' Aspire Magazine actually said, buy a gun in the United States, choose a mass target and hit it. The only difference here is Trump is not declaring allegiance to ISIS."
(Malcolm Nance was just on the Stephanie Miller Show and I took these notes.)
The recent USA shootings
are much like ISIS attacks, the leaders use asymmetrical communication systems where
they often never have face-to-face contact.
This isn’t just people on
the far right listening to a guy like David Duke, this is the highest authority
in the United States, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, moralist in
chief, supposedly, encouraging the shooters who think of his words as a call to
arms. He's not actually giving orders,
but Trump used the word Invasion two thousand times in online advertisements in
his campaign in 2016.
U.S. counter intelligence
is now strictly and only working with Islamic terrorists, First thing in office
Trump removed all terrorism work in FBI to Islamic terrorists away from white
supremacists, discontinuing decades long investigations of organizations such
as the Ku Klux Klan.
Militias today are
virtually unknown because they are not the number one risk of FBI, they're individual
young men who are hearing from their
"imam" Donald Trump every day in the news on television, he's mobilizing
and weaponizing individuals who believe his crazy white supremacist
(Steph asks about Gilroy
Garlic Festival shooting. )
M Nance: Don’t think that because the Garlic
shooter/terrorist said he was going to go after both sides, he's not supporting
this agenda. Vice TV recently did an interview
with Q Anon followers who said they were not Republicans, they were
Trumpicans. There are cabals out there who
think the world is putting them down and they have a right to attack back, and Trump
never addresses that. He goes after the nearest
and lowest common denominator going after Latinos and Blacks.
These terrorists are following
the ISIS jihadist playbook, as a matter of fact this actually was in an edition
of ISIS' Aspire Magazine.
The article said, buy a
gun in the United States, choose a mass target and hit it. The only difference here is Trump is not declaring
allegiance to ISIS.
S: And the shooters inspire each other.
M: The Norwegian 2011 mass
killer Anders Behring Breivik's manifesto broke down how he'd do it, how he'd
train, here's how I will kill. In the chapter
"Hale Hydra" in my book Plot to Destroy Democracy I wrote about this.
After Breivik's trial
for mass murdering children he said he did it to eliminate the next generation of
Norwegian "Liberal Leadership" who were allowing their racial purity
to be infected.
North Korea is very
skilled at hacking and stealing, they get databases and sell them, then
blackmail people, such as in ransomware attacks on hospitals.
North Korea did the Sony
Imagine if they do something
like that to our voter databases, for example, during the election in 2020.

Guns Are Not the Problem
I don't think Gun Control will completely solve this problem. We Need To Intercept and Stop the Hate Messaging. Then people can collect and play with their guns and shoot rabbits or whatever, without the "message" telling them to kill libtards neighbors blacks and people with dark suntans thinking they're mexican.
Ten times a day the idea pops in my head, They did it in Rwanda with radio. Just now I was wondering if the Chicago streams of shooting are somehow being encouraged over radio. I think 8Chan, even Fox News, Breitbart, were all an extension of the invention of radio MESSAGING that encourages people to pick up weapons and kill their neighbors. The genocide in Rwanda was 1994, Fox started its US cable channels in 1995...

Tuesday, August 6, 2019
More Rwanda Parallels with Trump Presidency
Trump calls Hispanic immigrants "an infestation, like cockroaches," Beto said this AM, and I jumped out of my skin. "Cockroaches" was the term the radio repeated to get the Hutus to pick up their machetes and start to slaughter their neighbors the Tutsis in1994 Rwanda. The word cockroach was a trigger. Now Trump repeats the word "infestation."
I swear a genocide is about to happen here, and after they are done attacking the immigrants, they will start in on people who don't support Trump, the "Dumocrats" and "libtards" of the hateful comments you read today.
I don't want to be here when all that starts and Right Now i'm glad I had an incident yesterday with a redneck bus driver yelling hate at me. It kick started my realization that I'm not imagining this, I need to get outta here.
I swear a genocide is about to happen here, and after they are done attacking the immigrants, they will start in on people who don't support Trump, the "Dumocrats" and "libtards" of the hateful comments you read today.
I don't want to be here when all that starts and Right Now i'm glad I had an incident yesterday with a redneck bus driver yelling hate at me. It kick started my realization that I'm not imagining this, I need to get outta here.

Monday, August 5, 2019
My Karma somehow
When I was 17, I'd wake up thinking about the Vietnam War. Now at 71, I wake up thinking about this weird attack on USA... it's in my DNA apparently.
Vietnam was the beginning of USA's downfall from greatness. Trojan Trump is the end.
Vietnam was the beginning of USA's downfall from greatness. Trojan Trump is the end.

Trump is a Trojan Horse put in office to destroy USA and now inciting mass shootings is part of it.

Yay Amazon
Amazon's business is about to double as people stop going to malls completely now and buy everything online.
I have PTSD and have not felt safe in crowded places for years.
Now everyone is going to be like me.
I have PTSD and have not felt safe in crowded places for years.
Now everyone is going to be like me.

US under Attack by Russia and Saudis and just lying here taking it
Americans have had a message droned into them that they "love their guns," Now even in light of mass shootings, the "brainwashed" won't let go of their guns or change any laws regarding them. It's propaganda that began 30 years ago, there are now two generations in some regions who have listened mostly to Fox News and Hate Radio all their lives.
This was all planned.
This was all planned.
"Hey, members of the press, connect the dots" - Beto O'Rourke Aug 4
Until Americans figure out they are under attack and attack back with Information, none of this will stop.
Bodies and blood everywhere and all these guys with phones in their ears...
How did we ever let a thing like QAnon and 8Chan happen?
To attack USA, Putin et al took advantage of our First Amendment rights, knowing Americans would not stop people's freedom of speech. They took advantage of our Second Amendment, beaming in a message by Fox News et al that the founding fathers wanted everyone to stock up on weapons of war with no regulation, ignoring the "regulated militia" words in the Amendment.
The Putin / Saudi machine that is destroying USA while we speak knows more about how USA works than Americans do.
probably were behind the move to cut funding to public schools too so most people would be too stupid to figure it out.
How come I can see it from 6000 feet in a near unemployment?
I just can.
Until Americans figure out they are under attack and attack back with Information, none of this will stop.
Bodies and blood everywhere and all these guys with phones in their ears...
How did we ever let a thing like QAnon and 8Chan happen?
To attack USA, Putin et al took advantage of our First Amendment rights, knowing Americans would not stop people's freedom of speech. They took advantage of our Second Amendment, beaming in a message by Fox News et al that the founding fathers wanted everyone to stock up on weapons of war with no regulation, ignoring the "regulated militia" words in the Amendment.
The Putin / Saudi machine that is destroying USA while we speak knows more about how USA works than Americans do.
probably were behind the move to cut funding to public schools too so most people would be too stupid to figure it out.
How come I can see it from 6000 feet in a near unemployment?
I just can.
Trump was a Trojan Horse put in office to destroy USA and this is what it looks like.
USA has to attack back with information but how the heck do you do that?
Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah?
I don't think that will work...
It looks to me like no one in US DOD has even planned for this kind of attack, or thought about it in advance.
So Russia and Saudi Arabia are right now attacking USA and USA does not have a defense plan to combat it.
oh boy
Russia did the work, Saudis paid for it, and Americans played Farmville. That sums up how USA fell.
Question: How does a nation under attack through "messaging" attack back, or defend itself?
Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah?
I don't think that will work...
It looks to me like no one in US DOD has even planned for this kind of attack, or thought about it in advance.
So Russia and Saudi Arabia are right now attacking USA and USA does not have a defense plan to combat it.
oh boy
Russia did the work, Saudis paid for it, and Americans played Farmville. That sums up how USA fell.
Question: How does a nation under attack through "messaging" attack back, or defend itself?

Sunday, August 4, 2019
Info Warfare like Mata Hari on steroids right now in USA
And nobody is stopping it
Malcolm Nance in 2017 was all over media saying, since no one stopped the info warfare attack of 2016 election, it would amp up and go to a whole new level.
Until USA treats this as info warfare and intercepts the hate messages beaming in like Mata Hari on steroids, this is not going to get any better.
I am so glad I have a place to hide from the world. I moved to Tahoe bk of the coming climate crisis, now I'm hiding also from stray gun fire.
We are This Close to Nevada where Fox and Hate Radio zombies buy guns then come to California to shoot liberals.
It is only going to get worse, thank god for amazon and instacart I may never go out again-
And won't miss a thing.
This won't stop until they get rid of Fox News, 8chan, 4chan, Hate Radio, and wherever else the gun nuts are getting this message to pick up weapons and kill their neighbors.
Same message a radio station blared out in Rwanda before and during 1994 genocide
happy sunday
Kay Ebeling
These shootings are Information Warfare. The killers get their ideas from 8chan HateRadio Fox News etc., yet to this day Not One Politician is calling it what it is. Someone Very Good at propaganda is getting guys to do these random mass killings.Malcolm Nance in 2017 was all over media saying, since no one stopped the info warfare attack of 2016 election, it would amp up and go to a whole new level.
Until USA treats this as info warfare and intercepts the hate messages beaming in like Mata Hari on steroids, this is not going to get any better.
I am so glad I have a place to hide from the world. I moved to Tahoe bk of the coming climate crisis, now I'm hiding also from stray gun fire.
We are This Close to Nevada where Fox and Hate Radio zombies buy guns then come to California to shoot liberals.
It is only going to get worse, thank god for amazon and instacart I may never go out again-
And won't miss a thing.
This won't stop until they get rid of Fox News, 8chan, 4chan, Hate Radio, and wherever else the gun nuts are getting this message to pick up weapons and kill their neighbors.
Same message a radio station blared out in Rwanda before and during 1994 genocide
happy sunday
If mass shooters aren't terrorists, then how come I'm so scared?

Saturday, August 3, 2019
Motrin, NSAIDS, cause Heart Disease, and FDA has not gotten around to warning people
High Dose of Motrin (ibuprofen, and other NSAIDS) can
cause high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, edema
Discovery was announced by FDA in
2015, but little public education followed. So City of Angels Blog is providing this
information for its readers and other members of the community.
Please help
spread this word to doctors, friends, and family, as the dangers of over the counter
NSAIDS are not yet widely known, and people could be getting very sick, even
dying, unnecessarily:
(If you are taking high doses of Ibuprofen or similar NSAIDS
such as Motrin aka ibuprofen and you also have high blood pressure or are developing
heart disease, there may be a connection. )
"NSAIDS such as
Ibuprofen increase the odds of having a heart attack or stroke, even in
people who aren’t at a high risk to begin with. This is especially true if you
have other health problems, when you take very high doses and when you use
the medication long-term to manage symptoms. (5) (Source: Take Painkillers Often? Here’s How to
Avoid Ibuprofen Overdose. By Jillian Levy,
CHHC. November 14, 2015 Read
more at:
aka ibuprofen also causes water retention that is associated with high blood
Possible warning signs of some serious
side effects that can occur during treatment with this medicine may include
swelling of the face, fingers, feet, and/or lower legs; Read more at:
(In 2015 the FDA released warnings re these new findings connecting
ibuprofen with heart disease: )
"Along with
several other NSAIDs, chronic ibuprofen use has been found correlated with risk
of hypertension[24] and myocardial infarction (heart attack),[25] particularly
among those treated chronically using high doses. On 9 July 2015, the US FDA
toughened warnings of increased heart
attack and stroke risk associated with ibuprofen and
related NSAIDs; the NSAID aspirin is not included in this warning.[26] (SOURCE: Staff (9 July 2015). "FDA
Strengthens Warning of Heart Attack and Stroke Risk for Non-Steroidal
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs" F D A . from the original on 11 July 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015. Continue research here:
(Ibuprofen was patented in the UK in 1962 as a treatment for
rheumatoid arthritis. When "Brufen"
was found to also relieve pain, it was made available as a prescription pain
killer. Now it's sold OTC in stores everywhere, with little warning going out
to the pubic about Motrin's connection to heart disease.)
"When he [Stewart Adams] and Nicholson
began trying to create a new nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug for rheumatoid
arthritis sufferers, they went through years of trial and error. Four compounds
failed clinical trials because of negative side effects. They patented their
fifth compound, Brufen, in 1962. It passed clinical trials at the Northern
General Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1966, and three years later was
available in Britain as a prescription treatment for rheumatic diseases." Read more at
(The U.S. FDA was to put warnings on all NSAID bottles re this connection
to heart disease in 2015, but a quick trip to a drug store to look at labels
reveals the mandate to include a warning on labels has not yet gotten to the manufacturers.)
Bottles of ibuprofen currently warn "do not take if you have heart disease." They do not say the ibuprofen or other NSAID will actually CAUSE heart disease as discovered in 2015.
Bottles of ibuprofen currently warn "do not take if you have heart disease." They do not say the ibuprofen or other NSAID will actually CAUSE heart disease as discovered in 2015.
(June 2015:) "In
the coming months, FDA will require manufacturers of prescription NSAIDs to
update their labels with more specific information about heart attack and
stroke risks. FDA will also request that the manufacturers of OTC NSAIDs update
the heart attack and stroke risk information in Drug Facts labels. FDA added a boxed warning to prescription
drug labels for this risk in 2005. More recent data and information are
prompting FDA to update NSAID labeling. Today we know that the risk of heart
attack and stroke may occur early in treatment, even in the first weeks."
If you are developing
symptoms of heart disease even though you are not otherwise a candidate for a
stroke or heart attack and you are also taking large doses of ibuprofen or
other NSAIDS and have been for a long time, there may be a connection.
by Kay Ebeling

Friday, August 2, 2019
Why Closed Captioning is So Awful
It's bk people like me had our jobs sent overseas.
And that was in about 2003.
If it IS good captioning, it was done by free lance court reporters living in U.S. who maintain a sh--load of equipment in their homes and pay all their own taxes etc as "independent contractors." (Freedom yay)
When it's unreadable, It's probably done in the Philippines or India or who knows where... and I don't know what they get paid but it's not much
I just think it's ironic since the ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, is a law that was meant to open jobs for disabled people as well as extend their access. Instead most the work is done in 3rd world nations and those typists are probly not real independent and the job is done so badly that it helps no one. But the guy who owns the business in India...
Life goes on
Kay Ebeling
The ADA mandated closed captioning on TV shows, which was great. But all the work is sent overseas to people who work cheaper than Americans, so the captioning is never done right... so if you are deaf and wonder why you can't read the captions, remember:It's bk people like me had our jobs sent overseas.
And that was in about 2003.
If it IS good captioning, it was done by free lance court reporters living in U.S. who maintain a sh--load of equipment in their homes and pay all their own taxes etc as "independent contractors." (Freedom yay)
When it's unreadable, It's probably done in the Philippines or India or who knows where... and I don't know what they get paid but it's not much
I just think it's ironic since the ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, is a law that was meant to open jobs for disabled people as well as extend their access. Instead most the work is done in 3rd world nations and those typists are probly not real independent and the job is done so badly that it helps no one. But the guy who owns the business in India...
Life goes on

Thursday, August 1, 2019
Buttigieg, Macron, is there a casting director running this coup?
Wow just realized. Not only is Pete Buttigieg a lot like Emmanuel Macron in politics. There are other parallels:
Macron's marriage would not have happened in USA and Buttigieg's marriage would not have happened in France.
Emmanuel Macron started dating wife Bridget when he was 15 and she was his 30-year-old school teacher. In USA she would have gone to prison as a sex offender.
Buttigieg is married to a man. which is not legal in France.
More weird parallels I observe as news clips play in background while I work...-ke
Macron's marriage would not have happened in USA and Buttigieg's marriage would not have happened in France.
Emmanuel Macron started dating wife Bridget when he was 15 and she was his 30-year-old school teacher. In USA she would have gone to prison as a sex offender.
Buttigieg is married to a man. which is not legal in France.
And when you watch Mayor Pete talk, he looks and sounds like Macron when he ran for Pres of France in 2016, same year as Trump and Brexit elections. Buttigieg speaks English in a high-toned voice with intelligence and eloquence, as does Macron speak French.
Both are short wiry brainy guys, handsome, indeed ATTRACTIVE and charismatic with dark hair and contrasting white skin. Both emanate integrity.
Both are short wiry brainy guys, handsome, indeed ATTRACTIVE and charismatic with dark hair and contrasting white skin. Both emanate integrity.

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