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Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Trump is igniting shooter/terrorists, Malcolm Nance states proof on Stephanie Miller show

"These terrorists are following the ISIS jihadist playbook. As a matter of fact an article in an edition of ISIS' Aspire Magazine actually said, buy a gun in the United States, choose a mass target and hit it.  The only difference here is Trump is not declaring allegiance to ISIS."

(Malcolm Nance was just on the Stephanie Miller Show and I took these notes.)  

The recent USA shootings are much like ISIS attacks, the leaders use asymmetrical communication systems where they often never have face-to-face contact.
This isn’t just people on the far right listening to a guy like David Duke, this is the highest authority in the United States, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, moralist in chief, supposedly, encouraging the shooters who think of his words as a call to arms.  He's not actually giving orders, but Trump used the word Invasion two thousand times in online advertisements in his campaign in 2016.
U.S. counter intelligence is now strictly and only working with Islamic terrorists, First thing in office Trump removed all terrorism work in FBI to Islamic terrorists away from white supremacists, discontinuing decades long investigations of organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan.
Militias today are virtually unknown because they are not the number one risk of FBI, they're individual young men who are  hearing from their "imam" Donald Trump every day in the news on television, he's mobilizing and weaponizing individuals who believe his crazy white supremacist ideology. 
(Steph asks about Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting. )
M Nance:  Don’t think that because the Garlic shooter/terrorist said he was going to go after both sides, he's not supporting this agenda.  Vice TV recently did an interview with Q Anon followers who said they were not Republicans, they were Trumpicans.  There are cabals out there who think the world is putting them down and they have a right to attack back, and Trump never addresses that.  He goes after the nearest and lowest common denominator going after Latinos and Blacks.
These terrorists are following the ISIS jihadist playbook, as a matter of fact this actually was in an edition of ISIS' Aspire Magazine.
The article said, buy a gun in the United States, choose a mass target and hit it.  The only difference here is Trump is not declaring allegiance to ISIS. 
S:  And the shooters inspire each other.
M: The Norwegian 2011 mass killer Anders Behring Breivik's manifesto broke down how he'd do it, how he'd train, here's how I will kill.  In the chapter "Hale Hydra" in my book Plot to Destroy Democracy I wrote about this. 
After Breivik's trial for mass murdering children he said he did it to eliminate the next generation of Norwegian "Liberal Leadership" who were allowing their racial purity to be infected.
North Korea is very skilled at hacking and stealing, they get databases and sell them, then blackmail people, such as in ransomware attacks on hospitals. 
North Korea did the Sony hack.
Imagine if they do something like that to our voter databases, for example, during the election in 2020.

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