Sunday, October 29, 2023
Don't settle for censored news about Gaza

Friday, October 27, 2023
Trump misspells 'US" claiming that U.S. Is Spelled 'Us'

Thursday, October 26, 2023
Within days of Acapulco and Europe from Spain to Scotland going underwater with unexpected hurricanes, a climate change denier takes over as speaker of the house USA. It's Biblical, the arrogance and ignorance and ...

Monday, October 23, 2023
I never leave my doctor's office feeling better
American doctors won’t prescribe drugs that actually make you feel good. They claim it's to protect us from getting addicted. They instead write an Rx for psychotropics or uptake inhibitors or derivatives of snake venom, etcetera, which come with a warning, Do Not Stop Taking Abruptly or you could die from “discontinuation syndrome” which leaves me shaking my head saying, um, you mean withdrawal? At age 75 I’d rather be addicted to something that actually makes me feel better than the pharms I get today. Most the drugs my doctors prescribe have such awful side effects that I'm distracted from the initial illness, so I guess you could say the drugs work. Such bad medicine we get in USA. Thank god for cannabis…

Saturday, October 21, 2023
Finally becoming just another human
I wish I had more energy I say to myself then think again. After a lifetime of being busy all the time, a workaholic who prided myself on being able to function on four hours sleep a night, an advocate so passionate that once I signed onto a project, I ate drank and slept it- I got up in the middle of the night to write press releases, gulped coffee while reading dozens of news sites in first hours of the day- I work-work-worked starting around age fifteen and don’t regret a minute of it: But now I'm tired At age 75 I want to linger over first cup of coffee and get around to making the second cup an hour later, sit sometimes like in a trance binge watching series on Prime or YouTube, laughing at senseless jokes; indeed I'm often mindless nowadays after decades of being so sharp I developed razor's edges all over my personality- I'm finally slowing down and softening, simplifying. Finally. It feels great,
On top of a manic approach to work, I was a single parent from age 40 on and I couldn't just bake cookies now and then. I had to be a Stepford Single Mom, rushing through days determined that everything be perfect- except for my relationship with my children, but that's another blog post… At one point I was riding L.A. transit to Burbank every evening and working overnight at a transcription company then riding back to our apartment in Thai Town where I worked a second job from home. During this time I invented “power sleep” a way to get all the rest you need for the day in about twenty minutes. You find the minutes before sunrise that are the absolute darkest minutes of the night, then lie down flat and repose, intensely. Then twenty minutes later as the day breaks, get up and start another jam packed workaholic day. I used to do that. Around 2005 to 2008 or so I did that several nights a week. Then I added producing City of Angels Blog about the pedophile priests to my schedule, and wrote all those stories, a full time job in itself, for ten years. No wonder I'm tired. Rightfully tired.
Honest, starting at age 15: June 2022 post: I was a teenage anti Vietnam war activist. Memoir by Kay Ebeling, featuring Nancy Pelosi and the Black Panthers

Friday, October 20, 2023
Biden has won me over
Biden is so poised, controlled, and competent in the midst of international crises, he has won me over past few weeks. Yeah he talks like an old man and I don't agree with everything he says but I'm an old lady and I don't agree with most Democrats. What USA needs now is a smart President and Biden’s brain is obviously still sharp and active. He's capable and comfortable wielding the benevolent power of the United States now when it's needed.
Best place to get coverage of Middle East crises, I think, is Al Jazeera, available on YouTube here:

Tuesday, October 17, 2023
revised version
If Jim Jordan becomes House Speaker, it shows that thousands of Catholic priests getting away with pedophilia did so much cultural damage, it penetrated America at its core and corrupted our nation's very foundation. I think

Thursday, October 12, 2023
The Twin Towers are still tumbling down
Between Congress having no speaker and all branches of US military incapacitated by Tuberville, I am FREAKING SCARED that USA is being set up for an attack from which we will not be able to defend ourselves. I'm stocking up on nonperishables meanwhile and staying alert...

Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Pedophile priests presaged USA self destructing
If Jim Jordan becomes House Speaker, it means the damage and moral sickness from thousands of priests getting away with pedophilia has penetrated into the American zeitgeist and is corrupting and destroying our nation's very foundation.