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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Will Guantanamo become a Gulag?

Around 1920, the communist revolution in Russia was starting to fail, so leaders like Lenin and Stalin had to find ways to appease the people, explain why there was not enough food or heat. Don’t worry, this discomfort is only temporary, was the party line repeated over and over. There is no famine, leaders repeated, while millions of Russian citizens died of starvation.

Today the trumpsters say, don’t worry the current economic disruptions from tariffs and tax cuts are only temporary, while millions of Americans lose their assets.

In the thirties, as things in Russia got worse, rather than let the world see the failure of communism, Russians were not allowed to say negative things about their government. Those who criticized Stalin's Russia were sent to work camps, gulags, where they would disappear for decades and often die.

TODAY when an AP reporter tried to point out that tariffs hurt Americans, the White House press secretary seemed ready to make that hundred and fifty year old news agency disappear from the press pool. 

As things get worse in USA and more Americans start criticizing what Trump is doing, will our private prisons soon expand to hold, not just illegal immigrants, but protesters and podcasters and indy journalists who try to point out government failures?

Will Guantanamo become a Gulag?


Meanwhile I found 'The Gulag Archipelago' book by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn on YouTube as an audiobook, 7 files, each one hours and hours long. At age 77, I like to lie down and rest for a while every day, so over next weeks will be listening to this book thThe Gulag Archipelago [Volume 1]: An Experiment in Literary Investigationat was so important when it came out in the seventies but I never read. Hope to learn more.

Hmm, this YT channel that features Solzhenitsyn also features Ron Paul and lotsa right wing stuff. This could be a place to find common ground… maybe.

blogged by kay ebeling, still here 

The Gulag Archipelago [Volume 1]: An Experiment in Literary Investigation book; 

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