“For God & Country Patriot Roundup” Wow what a totally made up concept straight from St. Petersburg, via the Kremlin, via Saudi Arabia. How better to round up enough Americans to create a massive crevice and tear us apart. This weekend's event is the last of more than ten years of information warfare against USA and who's the spearhead speaker but Michael Flynn. I can't wait to find out who he's been really working for all this time, last known foreign client was Turkey- hmm.
Sunday, May 30, 2021
They won the information war, wonder what is going to happen next...

Saturday, May 29, 2021
Did bats create covid in a lab? Neither did humans, likely
How did the bats get covid to begin with? I believe when the origins of covid are finally investigated, they will find it came from melting glacier waters from global warming. AND there will likely be more new (novel) viruses as Earth keeps heating.

Thursday, May 20, 2021
Since 1970s scientists have predicted new viruses would emerge as Earth gets hotter. Now Earth is heating and there are new viruses. So the Fox Zombies blame China...
I really hope we start investing in Education in USA soon.

Thursday, May 13, 2021
When will U.S. media finally report what is really going on? We are under attack with disinformation as weapons.
By Kay Ebeling
In America, when Facebook started in '04 and Twitter in '06 we embraced them with abandon. In Russia they saw it as a wonderful way to
attack us. Imagine, a roomful of KGB guys, all military officers. Instead of the rigors of
war on the ground, they're in a comfortable office. All they have to do is surf the internet
using their trained English skills and go to Washington Post,
Alternet, all over the world. Open an account, create a profile, and start
![]() |
St. Petersburg, Russia |
Clinton used the words "information warfare" while she was Secretary
of State.
2013 I've seen the Russian footprint all over the internet. I read a lot and so have learned- especially in
Malcolm Nance books but several others since then- that around 2013, several Russian intelligence agents
moved into a brick building in St. Petersburg and started posting comments on
news stories in USA. I noticed the
arrival of the 'bots, as I read a lot online. As soon as an article showed up on a news site, the comments would fill
up with right wing knee-jerk reactions. Dozens of them. I'd wonder, could there really be this many people
who believe this? Either they are all unemployed or someone is paying them.
The anti-American
tenor underlying these messages was shocking and more obvious on Fox News, Twitter, and Facebook. Once
they saw how easy it is to get Americans to believe things that are not true, that
contradict our own history and Constitution, the intelligence operation got
more brazen. One America Network, 4chan, QAnon Comes out of nowhere without identifying its author and Americans believe it. It's astounding that we've allowed it to get this bad. This intelligence operation
included a deep reading of our own laws, finding ways to use them against us. Because of our First Amendment, we allowed
this brazen attack to continue, and become more brazen.
brazen brazen. This week the Opposite World News reports the January sixth attack
was little more than tourists passing through the D.C. Capitol.
Since 2013
it's gotten so much worse. We're at the point
that mainstream media are finally pointing out, "the Big Lie" we even
have a sound byte for it. The Big Lie, they even say it on Morning Joe.
I'm waiting
for someone to point out: No one expected them to fly airplanes into our buildings
warfare got Donald Trump elected, he then prepared the way for environmental collapse,
he started a Rwandan 1994 radio messaging campaign to turn half of America against
the other half, and then the environmentally dying Earth produced Covid 19, with more new viruses to come as the planet heats…. Convenient,
exactly the kind of event the disinformation laid the groundwork for. A mutated media machinery
convinced half of America to be anti-mask and help spread a killer virus.
Now we have
character assassination at a level I haven’t seen since the beginning of the USSR
in early 1950s. Of course, one of the first victims would be Liz Cheney, daughter of Dick.

Sunday, May 9, 2021
Will anyone realize ever?
Human activity destroys Earth's atmosphere making all living things struggle to breathe.
Then Earth produces a virus that keeps humans from being able to breathe.
Plus covid spreads mainly in large crowds and overpopulation is cause of most harm humans are doing to planet...
Makes me think Earth is a living entity with an active immune system that's fighting the killer human virus.
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Blog Posts coming soon
He told me he had a vasectomy and I believed him. That's why I had a baby alone at age forty, I'm not stupid
Russian propaganda wizardry still amazes me, even though it's my nation that's being targeted successfully.
I am one of first persons to be treated for PTSD with weed, San Francisco 1995
Friday, May 7, 2021
If Only we spent as much on schools as on political campaign ads
Disinformation does not work on informed persons. My generation would never believe propaganda currently metastasizing all over USA because we went to funded functioning public schools. Then we protested Vietnam. Maybe that's why there's so little public education anymore, hmm.


Thursday, May 6, 2021
CEOs knew covid was coming in Fall 2019
Production slowed to a halt in film/TV starting Nov 2019 and no one told workers why. Now it's obvious that corporate CEOs knew then that covid was coming and protected their assets, not their people. By Jan 2020 all my work as a contractor producing transcripts had already disappeared, and we were not given any information to explain why.
The execs took off for their offshore island homes and left us here to deal.
These are same companies that made us all contractors starting in 1990s so they would be free of workers comp, unemployment, sick leave, payroll taxes- dumped it all on us.
You know. Freedom.
THANK GOD for Gavin Newsom who made it possible for contractors in California to get unemployment during covid pandemic and also for Joe Biden who added a stimulus payment to EDD.
(Reading Premonition by Michael Lewis just released prompted this post) https://www.npr.org/2021/05/03/991570372/michael-lewis-the-premonition-is-a-sweeping-indictment-of-the-cdc?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_medium=social
PLUS here is a bonus footnote:
Same people who would not wear masks for months in 2020, calling covid a hoax, now think, thanks to big pharma vaccines, pandemic's over

Same people who would not wear masks for months calling covid a hoax now think, thanks to big pharma vaccines, covid is over

Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Trump still screwing USA with big pharma big lies
Wonder how much big pharma is profiting from a vaccine that leaves us still having to social distance and wear masks, that they can control the distribution and pricing of, that Donald Trump spearheaded. . .
PAOs could have explained in January 2020 the need to lockdown in USA, and made it mandatory then. Wuhan China has had almost no Covid since March 2020. No anti-mask rallies there. But Trump fired all the career government journalists in PAOs soon as he took office and Americans got their science from iPhones
I've written about this before:
MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021
Covid Vaccine is last F-U to USA from Donald Trump
Wait a minute. Once vaccinated, a person can still get covid but will not be hospitalized and may not even have symptoms…? Doesn't that mean vaccinated persons will get covid and not know it so go out unprotected and continue to spread the virus? With the vaccine we aren’t stopping spread of covid, we're just giving the virus a place to live and mutate in hiding? Shaking my head, as I don't know, but when Trump said "every time you see a vaccine, see my face" or something like that last month, I got chills. Because to me, main persons benefiting from vaccines are big pharma stockholders. It would have been smarter when https://cityofangels25.blogspot.com/2021/03/vaccine-is-last-hurrah-to-usa-from.html

Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Footnote re post from yesterday
It was like a perfect storm that my sister and I, after both being sexualized by Father Horne in the 1950s, were now entering this population of "sexually liberated" women, as our dysfunction almost went unnoticed in that crowd. Post linked here:
We didn't call ourselves hippies, that name appeared years after the movement had started
By Kay Ebeling (email cityofangelslady @ yahoo )
First time I heard the word "hippie" was around 1970 when, as many of the females of our tribes did, I found work as a naked model. I had hitchhiked to Hollywood from Laguna Beach where

Monday, May 3, 2021
If you don't want rampant spread of new viruses, STOP DESTROYING THE ENVIRONMENT and heating the planet. Duh.
Climate change includes disease, so now we have to learn to live with it, not run with hubris of thinking Big Pharma just saved the day.
I do not think vaccines have ended the crisis. Instead people are going back out too soon, feeling false sense of protection, and in a few months we will be spiking again. Sorry. I'm an old science reporter (1970s) and climate change includes disease. Learn to live with it.

We didn't call ourselves hippies, that name appeared years after the movement had started
By Kay Ebeling (email cityofangelslady @ yahoo )
First time I heard the word "hippie" was around
1970 when, as many of the females of our tribes did, I found work as a naked
model. I had hitchhiked to Hollywood from Laguna Beach where I'd spent several weeks
taking LSD with followers of Timothy Leary, who himself dropped in from time to time. I
knew that there was a thriving job market for people
who'd take off their clothes and "simulate" sexual poses for photographers
who sold the photos to X-Rated magazines that filled newsstands at the time. You could zip
into town, make one or two hundred dollars in a day, and go back to the commune or the tribe,
or, in my case, the little room where I was living in a hut at the entrance to the
path that led to the lab where they made Orange Sunshine.
The modeling job was in an office on the second floor of a Hollywood Boulevard
structure, above a hot dog or souvenir shop. The man in charge said I wasn’t what they were looking for, that he wanted girls with big hips not "hippies," heh heh heh. He laughed and laughed at his joke but I didn't get it. So this little
old man with an accent maybe from Israel was the first to tell me that because we were hip and new, my generation
of dropouts were being called "hippies" by … the civilized world.
There is a direct connection between the appearance of hippies and the Vietnam war. A lot of the guys with kaleidoscope eyes in the 1970s wearing handmade clothes had once been among the nation's smartest. It was people from Berkeley and Rensalier and other universities who dropped out; the kids in community colleges went on to Vietnam or hourly wage jobs to survive… like it or not.
Several incidents pre dated the birth of the hippie. A massive anti war demonstration in D.C. was infiltrated by CIA types who passed out "free acid" and caused a whole bunch of people to get sick, real sick. It may have been the birth of the expression "bad acid trip". I don't know if anybody died, but it was devastating for the anti war movement, and apparently never reported in the news. That attack using fake LSD had a major deflating effect, because at that demonstration there were plans to do big things, and instead everyone just went home sick.
I at age 20 or so had babbled my way to a paid staff job at Peace and Freedom Party offices on Western Avenue in L.A. In 1968 there was a huge demonstration in Century City. My job was to stay in the office that day with Jack Weinstein, a Berkeley organizer of renown at the time, taking phone calls, giving people directions to the march. I'd answer the phone and pass important callers to Jack.
I don't remember today the details of the Century City 1968 antiwar march, I just remember at one point things went South. We went from jubilation and victory at the Size of the crowd to horrible defeat as the police showed up with tear gas, and peaceful demonstrators were getting trampled and gassed. To our white educated patriotic and, yes, privileged sensitivities, it was a shock.
Then there was Kent State and the Democratic convention in Chicago and the whole anti-war movement went south, to the point where people got exhausted, disillusioned, not sure if we wanted to even be American anymore, many left for Canada, or farther away places.

It wasn’t unusual for the females to fall back on nude jobs in those days for quick cash. As dropouts, getting a real job would be rejoining and supporting "the establishment" but we still needed cash. My sister danced topless as did many others. Many of us who'd Dropped Out were living on wilderness compounds or communes. When we'd run out of money, we would trip into town to take advantage of the newly created nude modeling or topless dancing jobs. As a follower of John Lennon and Timothy Leary, back then I had few inhibitions about going naked; people had sex in front of each other in some places I stayed. I'll never forget the days I spent at the Rogue River in southern Oregon. A waterfall had drawn a collection of humans my age from many places, we were all naked splashing in the ponds, for days as I remember it, an event that happened in 1969 or thereabouts.
In 2017 I drove through Rogue River area and it was full of Trump supporting snarling new Oregonians and I have no idea where the waterfall went, just felt Very Unwelcome. I had to spend the night and it was as if that woman at the motel front desk Knew, just Knew, I was one of the hippies who used to hang out there come now to look for a lost utopia, and she treated me really bad.
The original hippies were smart, educated, and passionate about
America and freedom but with a passion based on knowledge and history. Some dropouts dropped back in a few years later and
went back to college and became professionals such as lawyers or like me, journalists.
Today's anti-government protesters listen to sound bytes telling
them to hate their politicians and neighbors without asking who's writing the message. They seem to have no understanding of world or
U.S. history, and seem like they never read anything until the invention of iPhones. They believed Donald Trump. The Jan
6 insurrectionists bear no resemblance to the anti-government activists of the 1960s
and 1970s.
Footnote re post from yesterday
It was like a perfect storm that my sister and I, after both being sexualized by Father Horne in the 1950s were now entering this population of "sexually liberated" women, as our dysfunction almost went unnoticed in that crowd.
This song illustrates my point so well