From 2017, read Transcripts documenting the coup interviews with Malcolm Nance
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Friday, September 27, 2019

Trump is a Trojan Horse, summarized

Trump is a Trojan Horse
U.S. under attack and just taking it

MONDAY, JULY 29, 2019

Trump is a weapon like a Trojan Horse, whose mission is to destroy USA from within. Think of him that way and everything he does makes sense.

MONDAY, MAY 29, 2017

Trump Is A Trojan Horse

Trump is a Trojan Horse, an espionage tool of war used by pre-Assyrians and Greeks in same region that we call Middle East today. The Trump Horse was used in 2016 election to attack USA, same guys, same military tactic, five thousand years later. hmm.

Trump appeared in a way that made us Want To invite him in (elect him), then he turned on us and started his attack. Interesting since the ancient battle where Trojan Horse arrived took place between Greeks and those who later became Assyrians and others in same region where Iraq and Iran et al are now. 

They did it again.

The only advantage Middle East Arab nations had over a military power the size of the USA was their thousands of years of civilization.  So why not use one of their first recorded combinations of espionage and war to attack once again?

The goal of the Trump presidency is obviously to Kill Americans. Every proposal he makes will kill Americans. He is a hostile foreign agent being used to attack us from within.
From Wikipedia for review from High School:
'The most detailed and most familiar version is in Virgil's Aeneid, Book II [7] (trans. A. S. Kline).
After many years have slipped by, the leaders of the Greeks,
opposed by the Fates, and damaged by the war,
build a horse of mountainous size, through Pallas's divine art,
and weave planks of fir over its ribs:
they pretend it's a votive offering: this rumour spreads.
They secretly hide a picked body of men, chosen by lot,
there, in the dark body, filling the belly and the huge
cavernous insides with armed warriors.
Then Laocoön rushes down eagerly from the heights
of the citadel, to confront them all, a large crowd with him,
and shouts from far off: "O unhappy citizens, what madness?
Do you think the enemy's sailed away? Or do you think
any Greek gift's free of treachery? Is that Ulysses's reputation?
Either there are Greeks in hiding, concealed by the wood,
or it's been built as a machine to use against our walls,
or spy on our homes, or fall on the city from above,
or it hides some other trick: Trojans, don't trust this horse.
Whatever it is, I'm afraid of Greeks even those bearing gifts." '


, and hid a select force of men inside. The Greeks pretended to sail away, and the Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a victory trophy. That night the Greek force crept out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army, which…

Trump is a Trojan Horse destroying USA from within.


Twin Towers are still tumbling down.

They used a new kind of weapon, hijacking airplanes and flying them into critical buildings in 2001. America responded with conventional warfare, and we got mired in Iraq and then Afghanistan within a year.  The U.S. is still at both wars today. Another unconventional weapon, misinformation,  had been attacking USA since arrival of Fox News in mid 1990s. After 9/11, they blanketed central and rural USA with hate radio and a distorted message about the First Amendment that put millions of guns into the hands of mentally deranged persons.

TUESDAY, JULY 17, 2018

Trump is a Trojan Horse

Trump is a Trojan Horse. Every time he opens his mouth more cyber soldiers pour out over USA attacking us. Until we see Trump Himself as a Weapon being used against us, we will not be able to stop him. PS Trojan Horse in history was near area now called Iraq.



Trump the Trojan Horse, continued

I've changed so much in the past two years. It's hard for me to even CARE about the Catholic Church and its cast of perverts right now, which I covered for 10 years at my other blog. Now I watch as the USA is under information warfare attack, which is likely being run by Putin and his country full of spy professionals, but is likely funded by Saudis. Right now, the war on USA by messaging is on the uptake, accelerating, becoming more bold and more aggressive, and we HAVE to stop trying to make sense of what our President is doing. He's not working for USA. I'm just afraid of what it will be like in ten years when Russia and Saudi Arabia have accomplished their goals here.
Trump is a Trojan Horse, slipped into our country through a weird election, and now every time he opens his mouth it's like little soldiers pouring out of the Trojan horse's body, going on attack and doing more and more damage to USA.
As someone who once served in the Naval Air Reserves and worked full time for the federal government, who once was patriotic and believed in democracy, I am astounded by how quickly our nation is being attacked and torn down.
The one similarity between what happened in the Catholic Chu-rch and what is happening to USA now is the way the humans most affected just sit there and DO NOTHING, so are just letting it happen.
But in terms of what is important and relevant now, it's much WORSE for me to watch my country be attacked and destroyed the way the Trump presidency is destroying us than it was for me to learn of the hundreds of thousands of pedophile priest crimes in the last century.
So glad I'm living now on top of a mountain where it would be hard for the tanks to get to me. I'm seriously scared.

-Kay Ebeling
On top of California, watching it all happen
* See also Trump is a Trojan Horse July 2018
And Trump is a Trojan Horse May 2017
Background from Malcolm Nance: 

“Russia fully understood the potential of the internet age to mold perceptions and create its own reality, and information warfare is a central tenet of Russian political, diplomatic, and military operations.  The internet age has just sped up the time that propaganda – both innocent and malicious – can infect the global information flow and corrupt whatever target Vladimir Putin desires.” (Malcolm Nance writing in The Plot to Hack America, published June 2016, p. 41)

Nance also predicted after Trump’s election that since Putin’s disinformation warfare had been so successful, the attacks would accelerate and become more sophisticated. 

We are living in that time now.

US under Attack by Russia and Saudis and just lying here taking it

Americans have had a message droned into them that they "love their guns," Now even in light of mass shootings, the "brainwashed" won't let go of their guns or change any laws regarding them. It's propaganda that began 30 years ago, there are now two generations in some regions who have listened mostly to Fox News and Hate Radio all their lives.
This was all planned.
"Hey, members of the press, connect the dots" - Beto O'Rourke Aug 4
Until Americans figure out they are under attack and attack back with Information, none of this will stop.
Bodies and blood everywhere and all these guys with phones in their ears...
How did we ever let a thing like QAnon and 8Chan happen?
To attack USA, Putin et al took advantage of our First Amendment rights, knowing Americans would not stop people's freedom of speech. They took advantage of our Second Amendment, beaming in a message by Fox News et al that the founding fathers wanted everyone to stock up on weapons of war with no regulation, ignoring the "regulated militia" words in the Amendment.
The Putin / Saudi machine that is destroying USA while we speak knows more about how USA works than Americans do.
probably were behind the move to cut funding to public schools too so most people would be too stupid to figure it out.
How come I can see it from 6000 feet in a near unemployment?
I just can.

Trump was a Trojan Horse put in office to destroy USA and this is what it looks like. 
USA has to attack back with information but how the heck do you do that? 
Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah? 
I don't think that will work... 
It looks to me like no one in US DOD has even planned for this kind of attack, or thought about it in advance. 
So Russia and Saudi Arabia are right now attacking USA and USA does not have a defense plan to combat it. 
oh boy

Russia did the work, Saudis paid for it, and Americans played Farmville. That sums up how USA fell. 

Kay Ebeling

Just now
Question: How does a nation under attack through "messaging" attack back, or defend itself?

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