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Saturday, July 11, 2020

How is this happening? Who is filling American heads with lies that make them attack each other?

It kinda makes me feel good when the rest of the world starts saying same things I've been saying for months or years and I start hearing words like "genocide" and "killing Americans without firing a shot" in the news. Only kinda makes me glad. These days it's more making me scared, as I'm seeing we are going in a Very Scary direction and…
I can't stop thinking that any day now people near me may pick up guns and start shooting "liberals." I even saw a meme that said, "Time to shoot all the Democrats" on the Facebook page of one of my low income senior neighbors. 
All it wil take is a few key words uttered at the right time by Tucker Carlson and the brainwashed will start shooting left-wingers all over the country.  (I'm only exaggerating a little bit.)  Fox News and QAnon watchers are primed and ready to start shooting, and already a bit wacko after months of coronavirus confusion. 
This is what it feels like when a very smart hostile nation attacks USA using disinformation to create Chaos.
I've heard it now several times on the news about Covid, Americans are being killed in numbers higher than any war, but "without a shot fired" and I've heard the word "genocide" several times in news, seen it in hashtags. 
Right now it's quizzical to me why so many of the same phrases are used by the "Nancys" calling police on black neighbors and "Gigis" staging events in stores by insisting on shopping without a mask then posting the videos.  "Go home" "Go home" you can find women in their forties and fifties and older, all over the internet, shouting at people who speak with accents. In one a little old lady comes after a couple waving a hammer. 
How are these people getting riled up this way? If I were an investigator I'd look into who is producing the media they consume.
A few weeks back I watched dozens of "reopen" rallies around the country on video, most of it citizen journalism, so raw and real. Over and over protesters repeated "99 percent of Covid cases recover, it's not that bad. It only has a one percent death rate."
Then last week the president of the United States said "99 percent of Covid cases recover, it's not that bad."
That statement is not true at all. How is this happening? 
Wow, just now this article showed up in my Facebook news feed:

COVID-19 Cases Are Rising, So Why Are Deaths Flatlining?
Kay Ebeling

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