By Kay Ebeling
The woman who walked brazenly into Trader Joe’s in Palos Verdes Feb 2021, refusing to wear a mask while videoing the entire experience, now lives and agitates in Michigan. She kickstarted the movement of “Karens” who’d show up in stores refusing to cooperate with public health shouting "I'm a Patriot and can't inhale my own breath I'll die” and other insane stuff. It All Started With Genevieve Peters. So she is personally responsible for more deaths than would otherwise have happened in California, in my opinion.
She went through training in Turkey in 2013 (pics below). After she gained celebrity status from the L.A. mask
incident, Peters traveled up and down California, well funded living in an expensive
vacation rental for months, growing a small army
of followers who helped spread disinformation that allowed covid to
spread as if USA were a third world nation.
As far as I know, she is today in 2024 an election worker, possibly a state employee in Michigan. Genevieve Peters is counting votes or some other job in Michigan politics now.
I gathered info about her after her Trader Joe’s incident made me SO ANGRY. I don't think the former Long Beach public school teacher Peters is self funded. I think she's a foreign agent. Here is what I gathered about her a few years back: 
Genevieve the Patriot dresses to distract, a lot like convicted Russian spy Maria Butina, the gun pusher. Same training.
Genevieve went to Turkey in 2013
more from Genevieve's Facebook photos from her trip to Turkey
she visited Allied Air Command HQ to take pictures from outside with boyfriend/ handler(?) there
and met with a few people.
Who trained Genevieve Peters to be the chaos agent she is today among "patriot" protests?
Genevieve at boat parade June 14-15 weekend L.A.

What does that two fingers spread gesture mean?
Above video when working Hispanic looking woman is trying to speak, explaining why masks make her and others who must work in spite of pandemic more safe, you can hear Genevieve, live at this June 2020 hearing in Orange County, although Peters lives in L.A., shouting on her portable megaphone, shouting loud, repeating the "alternative fact" lies about Covid over and over. As woman is speaking, there's Genevieve's voice drowning her out shouting "Covid 19 is a hoax," "masks make you sick," making it almost impossible for the working woman who reporters are interviewing to make her legitimate and heartfelt points. Apparently it's Genevieve's job to shout and drown out the truth while helping get Americans sick, with a budget and plenty of free time to drive all over California and other places spreading disinformation designed to kill Americans.

Genevieve the Patriot dresses to distract, a lot like convicted Russian spy Maria Butina, the gun pusher. Same training.
Genevieve went to Turkey in 2013
more from Genevieve's Facebook photos from her trip to Turkey
she visited Allied Air Command HQ to take pictures from outside with boyfriend/ handler(?) there
and met with a few people.
Who trained Genevieve Peters to be the chaos agent she is today among "patriot" protests?
Genevieve at boat parade June 14-15 weekend L.A.

What does that two fingers spread gesture mean?
Above video when working Hispanic looking woman is trying to speak, explaining why masks make her and others who must work in spite of pandemic more safe, you can hear Genevieve, live at this June 2020 hearing in Orange County, although Peters lives in L.A., shouting on her portable megaphone, shouting loud, repeating the "alternative fact" lies about Covid over and over. As woman is speaking, there's Genevieve's voice drowning her out shouting "Covid 19 is a hoax," "masks make you sick," making it almost impossible for the working woman who reporters are interviewing to make her legitimate and heartfelt points. Apparently it's Genevieve's job to shout and drown out the truth while helping get Americans sick, with a budget and plenty of free time to drive all over California and other places spreading disinformation designed to kill Americans.
JOIN US ROAD TRIP July 1-6th for President Trump and Amp Fest Mount Rushmore! PM Me if you can JOIN US!
Peters also took a group of Michiganders to DC for Jan 6 but videos that she posted about everything have all been scrubbed.
PERHAPS SHE'S NOT A SPY, just a jerk
Here she gets thrown out on purpose from a Las Vegas hotel for not wearing a mask making Genevieve Peters seem like not a spy, just an entitled selfish person who refuses to cooperate with authority. (Video scrubbed)
More to come
Watch her be, if not a spy, a bodacious attention whore here on YouTube She worked her way up to the front then waved a T flag over Sanders's face and they cut the mic so she was likely doing her rat a tat nonstop rap about no one really dies from Covid or whatever. She's also posted in Oct MY PRESIDENT IS KICKING
Here she gets thrown out on purpose from a Las Vegas hotel for not wearing a mask making Genevieve Peters seem like not a spy, just an entitled selfish person who refuses to cooperate with authority. (Video scrubbed)
More to come
Now she's moved to Michigan where she posted this meme
OMGOODNESS I REALLY AM A WS! So are many of my black, Hispanic and Asian friends! LMBO! What morons!
While in Michigan she posted this stunt:
Bernie Sanders Has Mic Cut After Trump Supporter Flies Flag at Biden Rally.
In October GP also posted this
Re Above she wrote:
In the state Michigan Capitol lobby with fellow Patriots and LOADED WEAPONS! It’s what EXERCISING OUR PROTECTED 2nd AMEDMENT LOOKS LIKE!
This event followed shortly after by the way:
Inside the plot to kidnap
2 days ago — Thirteen men are accused in a domestic terrorist plot against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Here's how authorities say the scheme ...
Kay Ebeling
Honestly if my friend from Michigan hadn't contacted me recently i would have forgotten all about this stuff I gathered about her years ago and never posted. Now on first day of voting in Michigan I posted it... my internal eternal journalist is still at work
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