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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Trump: Now if you had one really violent day, one rough hour, and I mean real rough, the word will get out, and it will end immediately.

Glenn Kirschner: Mass violence only policy position on which Trump has been consistent.

Transcript of Justice Matters podcast 09:30:2024, video linked at bottom:

Kirschner: So friends, Donald Trump is now suggesting that America's alleged crime problem could be solved if Government- if law enforcement would only engage in, quote, one really violent day, close quote, let's talk about that.

Because Justice Matters [Music] hey all Glenn Kirschner here. So friends one thing is painfully clear-

There is no bottom for Donald Trump.

He's advocating Mass violence. That's really the only policy position on which he has been consistent, frankly, it's the only policy position he has, that the answer to all of America's alleged problems is violence.

Let's start with the new reporting this from the Guardian headline [article linked at bottom of this post]

Trump condemned for suggesting one really violent day to combat crime. And that article begins:

Donald Trump has been accused of invoking plot lines similar to The Purge, a distopian horror film in which officially sanctioned murder is occasionally legal as a possible solution to crime in the US.

After saying it could be eradicated in quote one really violent day close quote in what was seen as an extreme display of demagog even by his standards, Trump drew cheers from an audience in Erie Pennsylvania with a picture of an out of control crime spree that he said could be ended immediately with one real tough nasty day or one rough hour.

Quote you see these guys walking out with air conditioners, with refrigerators on their back, the craziest thing, Trump said, and the police aren't allowed to do their job. They're told if you do anything you're going to lose your pension. They're not allowed to do it because the liberal left won't let them do it. The liberal left wants to destroy them. And they want to destroy our country- in a passage that provoked a storm on social media.


If somebody is on release in a felony case and they pose a danger to the community, they should be revoked on release and detained pending trial or pending sentencing


I only wish Donald Trump's incessantly violent rhetoric would provoke a response from the institutions 9 government- the prosecutors and the courts, my editorial Edition.

In a passage that provoked a storm on social media the former president and Republican nominee then said, if you had one day like one real rough nasty day with the drugstores as an example, where when they start walking out…

Trump then trailed off in a digression to falsely accuse Kamala, Harris the Democratic nominee, of introducing a practice in California when she was attorney general that exonerated thieves from prosecution of items worth less than $950.

Well Politico said the remark appeared to be a reference to prop 47 which downgraded some offenses from felonies to misdemeanors and was signed into law by the state's former Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, four years before Harris took office.

But of course Donald Trump would never let facts interfere with his determination to inspire violence. The article continues linking that issue to his theme.

Trump continued quote, you saw kids walk in with calculators they didn't want to go over $950. They're standing with calculators adding it up you know these are smart smart people. They're not so stupid. But they have to be taught.

Trump: Now if you had one really violent day, one rough hour, and I mean real rough, the word will get out, and it will end immediately.

You know, friends, I'm an old rock and roll fan music from the late sixties into the seventies yes I'm a big Beatles guy. And there is one Beatles song that always pops into my head when I think about Donald Trump's you know all purpose solution to everything that he tells us, America, you know, Donald Trump’s twisted perversion on the old Beatle song, All You Need Is Love.

No, as far as Donald Trump is concerned, all you need is violence.

Donald Trump is the single most dangerous person to the community, to the American people, and he's a defendant, on pre-trial release in multiple criminal cases, and he's a defendant pending sentencing on release in yet another criminal case. And i've argued till I'm blue in the face, you know exactly where I'm going, friends-

Because you've heard me say it countless times before the law provides, that if somebody is on release in a felony case and they pose a danger to the community, they should be revoked on release and detained pending trial or pending sentencing.

But i've pretty much given up hope that the institutions of government will apply the law as it was intended to be applied, as it would be applied to you me or anybody else in the country. They refuse to apply it to Donald Trump.

So I'm going to shift my focus, because the election is coming up and I don't expect prosecutors or courts to do anything about the danger Donald Trump poses to our country and her people. But maybe just maybe after he loses the election in a landslide, and he will, maybe the time will be right for the institutions of government better late than never to apply the rule of law to Donald Trump. He will no longer be a candidate for office, no reason for prosecutors or courts to be afraid to act and apply the law Law Without Fear or favor equally to Donald Trump.

And maybe after he loses the election we will see courts issue what are called show cause orders directing Donald Trump to show cause why he shouldn't be revoked on pre-trial release or revoked pending sentencing and detained in his criminal cases. That is certainly what should happen, should have happened long ago.  

I hope we don't have to wait for the second Donald Trump inspired and incited Insurrection.

We've seen that movie before and I don't know how much more our nation can take.

Because Justice Matters friends as always please stay safe please stay tuned and I look forward to talking with you all again tomorrow  


Trump's Solution to America's Alleged Crime  Problem "One Really Violent Day" by Law Enforcement

The Transcripts for Harris/ Walz project continues at City of Angels Blog by Kay Ebeling

Blogger:  Trump scary

Trump condemned for suggesting ‘one really violent day’ to combat crime
Trump condemned for suggesting ‘one really violent day’ to combat crime
Trump condemned for suggesting ‘one really violent day’ to combat crime


TO see why this really freaks me out, read here what comes up when you search Rwanda on this blog.

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