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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Transcript: Liz Cheney and Kamala Harris in Ripon Wisconsin together today: speeches

[Another addition to Transcripts for Harris/ Walz]

HARRIS: In the global struggle between tyranny and  democracy the president of the United States must always be on the side of Freedom; CHENEY: President Harris will be able to unite this nation. HARRIS: Regardless of party affiliation, there is a factor that binds us all. Anyone who has called for termination of the Constitution of the United States as Donald Trump has must never again stand stand behind  the Seal of the President of the United States. CHENEY: In this election putting patriotism ahead of partisanship is not an aspiration, it is our duty.

TRANSCRIPT: 32:37 in, video linked below

Liz Cheney: I have to tell you all, Wisconsin is special for me for a particularly important reason. Way back in 1966 when a very young Dick Cheney and Lyn Cheney were graduate students at the University of Wisconsin.

I was born here and so [OVERLAPPING]  go Badgers exactly.

So coming back to Wisconsin always feels to me more than a little bit like coming home. I want you to know the last time that I was here campaigning was years ago in and although politics divided us certainly in that year, we were United in our admiration for the Packers, legendary bartar. And one of the most special and memorable days I had on any campaign was the day that we got to spend with him which included a personal tour of Lambo field so very very special to be back again.

Now you all know of course that that here in Ripon, the Republican party was founded. It was founded in a meeting in in the little white Schoolhouse, and it was founded by people who were opposed to slavery. It was that Republican Party The Party of Lincoln and Eisenhower party of Reagan and Bush. It's that party that I belonged to my entire life. I volunteered on my first presidential campaign I already told you how old I am so I’ll tell you in 1976 when I was 10 years old and I was sealing envelopes for President Ford's reelection campaign .

I cast my first vote ever in 1984 for Ronald Reagan. I served in the State Department in both Bush administrations and I served in the United States House of Representatives for three terms, including as the third highest ranking Republican in house leadership, so in other words-

I was a Republican even before Donald Trump started spray tanning.

I am a Ronald Reagan conservative.

I believe in limited government, I believe in low taxes, I believe in a strong National Defense, and I believe that the private sector is the engine of growth of our economy. I believe that the family and not the government is the most important structure in our society. I know that our security and our freedom depend upon a world in which America with our allies leads. And above all else I know that. I tell you I have never voted for a Democrat but this year I am proudly casting my vote for president Kamala Harris [OVERLAPPING]  you thank you thank you thank you.

But mostly, we're not going back, Vice President Harris is standing in the breach at a critical moment in our nation's history. She's working to unite reasonable people from all across the political spectrum.


As a conservative, as a patriot, as a mother, as someone who reveres our constitution, I am honored to join her in this urgent cause as we meet here today


Vice President Harris has dedicated her life to Public Service [OVERLAPPING] I know I know that she loves our country and I know that she will be a president for all Americans.

As a conservative, as a patriot, as a mother, as someone who reveres our constitution, I am honored to join her in this urgent cause. As we meet here today, our Republic faces a threat unlike any we have faced before, a former president who attempted to stay in power by unraveling the foundations of our Republic, by refusing to accept the lawful results confirmed by dozens of Courts of the election.

We cannot turn away from this truth. In this election putting patriotism ahead of partisanship is not an aspiration, it is our duty.

At the very heart of our survival as a republic is the peaceful transition of power. Ronald Reagan said this was nothing short of a miracle that every four or eight years. The most powerful office in our land indeed the most powerful office in the world is passed peacefully to a new president.

In the United States of America violence does not and must never determine who rules us, voters do.


We may disagree on some things but we are bound together by the one thing that matters to us as Americans more than any other, and that's our duty to our Constitution and our belief in the miracle and the blessing of this incredible Nation.


And in this country under our constitution, our president has a particular solemn obligation, to ensure and guarantee the peaceful transfer of power. Since the beginning of the Republic, every president in our history has fulfilled that duty every president until Donald Trump.

When Donald Trump woke up on the morning of January 6th, his intention, despite having lost the election, was that he would remain president rather than accept his loss and concede defeat.

He had spent months overseeing a multi-part plan to attempt to seize power and remain in office. He ignored the rulings of the courts. He corruptly pressured state legislators, including here in Wisconsin, to overturn the results of their election. He told the justice department to lie for him. He conspired to have fake electoral votes cast, and he corruptly pressured his vice president to take illegal and unconstitutional actions.


The most conservative of conservative values is Fidelity to our constitution


He summoned a mob to Washington DC with his lies and he sent the armed mob to the United States Capitol in an effort to stop the counting of electoral votes.

As the violent mob attacked our capital in Donald Trump's name, as they brutally beat Law Enforcement Officers, as they hunted the vice president and the Speaker of the House, Donald Trump watched the attack on television for hours, for hours, sitting in the dining room next to the Oval Office. He refused repeated pleas from his family, from his closest advisers, from the most senior officials in his campaign, and in our government to tell the mob to leave.

And when Donald Trump finally did speak publicly after hours of violence, after the capital had been invaded, he praised the rioters, he did not condemn them. That's who Donald Trump is, those facts those-

Those facts that we know about what Donald Trump did, including what he did when our Capital was under siege, those facts do not come from Donald Trump's political opponents. Those facts come from the people closest to him. They are the ones who testified that Donald Trump did not want to stop the violent attack on our Capital. When he learned that vice president Pence was not going to abandon his oath and help Trump seize power, Trump sent out a tweet attacking Pence and further inflaming the mob.

One of Trump's aides testified that shortly after that, this Aide received a phone call alerting him that the vice president had been evacuated for his own safety from his office off the floor of the Senate, this Aide recalled rushing to the dining room to tell Trump hoping that this information would convince him to take immediate action to ensure the vice president's safety.

Instead after this Aide delivered that news, Donald Trump looked up at him and said so what.

He said so what.

It is Donald Trump's closest aides who also told us this. They said that while the attack on our Capital was happening, Donald Trump was handed a note informing him that a civilian had been shot at the door to the Chamber of the United States House of Representatives. Donald Trump put the note down on the table in front of him, continued to watch the attack on television, and still refused to tell the mob to leave the capital.

Donald Trump was willing to sacrifice our Capital, to allow Law Enforcement Officers to be beaten and brutalized in his name, and to violate the law and the constitution, in order to seize power for himself.

I don't care if you are a Democrat or a Republican or an independent, that action of Trump’s is depravity and we must never become numb to it.

Any person any person who would do these things can never be trusted with power again.

We must defeat Donald Trump on November 6th, in that election 66 years ago when we were campaigning in Wisconsin and all across the country, we were campaigning as compassionate conservatives.

What January 6th shows us is that there is not an ounce not an ounce of compassion in Donald Trump. He is petty, he is vindictive, and he is cruel and Donald Trump is not fit to lead this good and great nation.

Now sometimes people will say you know January 6th wasn't that big a deal.

In a time when I have heard many pretty stunning things from Republicans, one of the most stunning was yesterday from your former governor Scott Walker, who said basically people are over January 6th.

When you think about what that means, that an elected official, a former elected official, is so willing to minimize what happened to say things like I’ve heard from others to say don't worry our institutions held that day-

We have a responsibility all of us to remind people that our institutions don't defend themselves. We the people have to do that. We the people defend our institutions and our institutions held on January 6th because there were brave men and women including elected officials at every level of our government who did their Duty who stood up for what was right, who resisted Donald Trump's efforts to pressure them to violate their Oaths.

And our institutions held especially because of The Braver of the men and women in law enforcement and in our military, in our Capitol Police, our secret service the Metropolitan Police. They are the ones who defended our Capital, our democracy, and our lives. Many of them fought a bloody bloody hours long battle on the west front of the capital.

Go watch the video of that battle.

It is sickening they're the ones who held the line and prevented far worse from happening that day. They are the true profiles in courage.

Do not let anyone lie about what happened and what they did.

Our institutions also held because of Vice President Mike Pence who refused [[APPLAUSE] he refused to violate his oath to the Constitution and that is why Mike Pence is not Donald Trump's running mate today.


Vance has said repeatedly that he would have done what Donald Trump wanted, that he would have rejected electoral votes, he would have thrown out the votes of the people. That is tyranny.


Instead JD Vance is on the ticket. Vance has said I mean that's true-

Vance has said repeatedly that he would have done what Donald Trump wanted, that he would have rejected electoral votes, he would have thrown out the votes of the people of Wisconsin because he didn't like the way that you voted.

That is tyranny and that is disqualifying.

History teaches us again and again that democracies can fall they fall to populists they fall to strong men strong men who beguile their fellow citizens with conspiracy theories and false emergencies. As my friend the late Charles Crammer taught us the lesson of our history is that the task of merely maintaining strong and sturdy the structures of our constitutional order is unending.

It is the continuing and ceaseless work of every generation and that responsibility now falls on all of us in this election.

This great country of ours requires leaders of character. We must choose men and women who have what Abraham Lincoln called a sincere heart. Our nation's second President John Adams put it this way. On the first night he ever spent in the White House he wrote a letter to his wife Abigail; and his letter included a prayer a prayer that is so special President Kennedy had it engraved in the mantlepiece in the state Dining Room in the White House.

And in his letter John Adams said this: May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof.

Now I'm confident [OVERLAPPING] just a second I am I am confident that John Adams meant women too. [APPLAUSE]


The United States of America is the  greatest idea Humanity ever  devised, the nation that inspired the world to believe in the possibilities of  a representative government.


In this election a broad Coalition has come together to support support vice president Kamala Harris.

Now we may disagree on some things but we are bound together by the one thing that matters to us as Americans more than any other, and that's our duty to our Constitution and our belief in the miracle and the blessing of this incredible Nation.

We have a shared commitment, a shared commitment, as Americans to ensure that future Generations live  in a nation where power is transferred peacefully. Where our leaders are men and women of good faith. And where our public servants set aside partisan battles to do what's right for this country.

So today I ask all of you here and everyone listening across this great country to join us. I ask you to meet this moment. I ask you to stand in truth to reject the depraved cruelty of Donald Trump. And I ask you instead to help us elect Kamala Harris for president [OVERLAPPING] I know I know that president that a president Harris that President Harris will be able to unite this nation. I know that she will be a president who will defend the rule of law and I know that she will be a president who can inspire all of our children- and if I might say so especially our little girls- to do great things.

So help us right the ship of our democracy so that history will say of us: when our time of testing came, we did our duty, and we prevailed, because we loved our country more.

And now and now it is my great honor to introduce you to our vice president and the next president of the United States Kamala Harris


Kamala Harris: Can we hear it for Liz Cheney. It is so good to be back in Wisconsin I thank you everyone for being please have a seat I thank you all for being here but I just-

I have to emphasize that every time I come here and and and, Liz, I was actually a kid here too. When my parents were at the University of Wisconsin. So we have that in common as well. In fact Tony [INAUDIBLE] always says when I land, welcome home. But I say all that to say-

Every time that I’ve come here recently one of the conversations that we have all of us together is how much we love our country, and that really is The Binding factor in us all being together and taking the time to be together.

To really just renew and remind everyone of what is at stake, but born out of love, that we have this fight.

And I want to thank you, Liz Cheney, for reminding us that that regardless of party affiliation, there is a factor that binds us all.

And so I thank you for your support and your leadership and your courage I also want to thank all the other great leaders who are with us today….

I do want to say a bit more about Liz Cheney.

You all know her leadership and she has obviously and so importantly been a leader for the people of Wyoming. But she has also been an extraordinary national leader, and has served with great honor. And her talk today recognizes that character is among the most important attributes of leadership.

But she also personifies that attribute.

And she possesses some of the qualities of character that I most respect in any individual and any leader: courage especially at A Moment Like This, where there are so many powerful forces that have been intent on trying to demean and belittle and make people afraid.

And there are many who know it is wrong.

And then there are those who have the courage to speak out loudly about it, and the conviction to speak truth, and you know-

It is so admirable when anyone does it- and especially when it is difficult to do in an environment such as this- but Liz Cheney really is a leader who puts country above party, and above self, a true patriot.

And it is my profound honor my profound honor to have your support and I also o want to thank your father Vice President Dick Cheney for his support and and what he has done to serve our country.


We both love our country and we Revere our democratic ideals and we both also believe in the nobility of public service and we know that our oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America is a sacred oath an oath


Every endorsement matters and this endorsement matters a great deal.

And it carries the special special significance because as you said, we may not see eye to eye on every issue, and we are going to get back to a healthy two-party system I am sure of that, where we will have vigorous debates. And as you said you may not have have supported a Democrat for president before, but as you have also said, we both love our country and we Revere our democratic ideals and we both also believe in the nobility of public service and we know that our oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America is a sacred oath, an oath that must be honored and must never be violated.

And your words today are the reason we are all here today, I think really do underscore perhaps one of the most fundamental questions that is facing the American people in this election.

Who will obey that oath? Who will abide by the oath to to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. I have had the American: privilege thank you thank you thank you thank you thank American: you thank you and I have sworn and oath to uphold the Constitution six times in America: [[TECHNICAL]

Therein lies the profound difference between Donald Trump and  me, he who violated the oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of  America. And make no mistake he who if given the chance would violate it  again.


He [Trump] has called for jailing  journalists, political opponents. Anyone he sees and deems as  being an enemy.


Donald Trump lost the election  and as you have heard and know, he refused to accept the will of the people  and the results of an election that was free and fair. As you have heard he sent an armed  mob to the United States capital where they assaulted Law Enforcement  Officers. He threatened the life of his own vice president and refused to engage in the  peaceful transfer of power.

And let us be clear about how he  intends to use power if elected again. He has called for jailing  journalists, political opponents. Anyone he sees and deems as  being an enemy. He has pledged to destroy the independence of the Department of Justice  and he called for deploying our active duty military against our own  citizens.

Well listen. I believe that anyone who recklessly tramples on our  democratic values as Donald Trump has, anyone who has actively and  violently obstructed the will of the people and the peaceful transfer of  power as Donald Trump has, anyone who has called for I quote  termination of the Constitution of the United States as Donald Trump  has must never again stand stand behind  the Seal of the president of the United  States never  again never  again.


The Tragic Truth that we are facing in this  election for President of the United States is that there is actually an  honest question about whether one of the candidates will uphold the  oath to the Constitution of the United States


And The Tragic Truth Truth The Tragic Truth that we are facing in this  election for President of the United States is that there is actually an  honest question about whether one of the candidates will uphold the  oath to the Constitution of the United States. That is The Tragic Truth of this  election that this is actually an honest question that we are having As  Americans.

I know the vast majority of us agree that upholding the Constitution must be a basic requirement  we expect of anyone seeking the highest office in the land.

I know the vast  majority of us regardless of your political party agree we must hold  sacred America's fundamental principles from the rule of law to free  and fair elections to the peaceful transfer of  power.

And if you share if you share that view, no matter your political party , there is a place for you with us and in this campaign. Because those  principles I know unite us across party lines and in this election I take  seriously my pledge to be a president for all Americans.

My entire  career my entire career I’ve only had one client, the people .and when I say  that and when I say that I mean all the people, not just those who share share my  politics.

Through all my decades in law enforcement I never asked a  victim or a witness are you a Republican or a Democrat. The only question I ever asked  was are you okay. And that is the kind of President  we deserve, and I pledge to you that is the kind of President I will be.

Because the president of the United States must not look at our country  through the narrow lens of ideology or Petty partisanship or  self-interest, the president of the United States must not look at our  country as an instrument for their own Ambitions, our nation is not some spoil  to be won.

The United States of America is the  greatest idea Humanity ever  devised, the nation that inspired the world to believe in the possibilities of  a representative government.

And so in the face of those  who would endanger our magnificent experiment, people of every party must  stand together, and let me be clear-

Democracy and freedom are not only  at stake here at home, they are also at stake around the  world.

As President of the United States I will strengthen not abdicate America's Global Leadership.

Last week I met with Ukraine's president Zalinski and the message I delivered was the same message I’ve shared with him  every time I’ve seen him.

I stand with Ukraine and I always will.  

And I told him as I have before, I want Ukraine to  Prevail.

By contrast, in our debate, Donald Trump couldn't even bring  himself to say he wanted Ukraine to win the war, couldn't even bring himself to say  that a war that Putin, a brutal dictator , launched against a free and independent people-

Trump wants to force Ukraine to give up its Sovereign territory, a Bedrock  principle upon which we stand and fight for and you know who else wants them to  give up their Sovereign absolutely territory [OVERLAPPING]   Putin Putin and that's not a plan for peace  it's a plan for surrender.

Well I believe that in the global struggle between tyranny and  democracy the president of the United States must always be on the side of  Freedom. So we are gathered here today in Ripon not far as the congresswoman  mentioned from a small building where the Republican party was born in 1854. Liz Cheney stands in the finest tradition of its  leaders.

And if people across Wisconsin and our nation are willing to do what Liz is  doing to stand up for the rule of law our democratic  ideals and the Constitution of the United States,, then together I know we  can chart a new way forward, not as members of any one party, but as  Americans, Americans who are united, united in our devotion to the country we  love.

[OVERLAPPING] I thank you all may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America thank you all thank  you

END OF TRANSCRIPT of “VP Kamala Harris and Congresswoman Liz Cheney Live from Ripon Event | Harris-Walz 2024” watch it on YouTube here:


Another addition to Transcripts for Harris/ Walz at City of Angels Blog by Kay Ebeling, documenting our strange election in print so years from now people can come here and read what people said and try to figure out what happened.


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