After getting millions in the auto industry bailout and using that money to send jobs overseas, Delphi, a global electronics corp owned partly by Mitt Romney, is now running ads in Michigan blaming Barack Obama for the lost jobs.
RFJ Jr. 4 days ago from FB |
Below is rough transcript of Robert Kennedy Junior interviewing Greg Palast author of Billionaires and Ballot Bandits on Ring of Fire Radio yesterday about jobs sent to China using auto bailout money and Romney is part owner of the company
made on auto bailout by Romney and donors
company used auto bailout to send jobs to China- Ring of Fire 10.27.2012
KENNEDY: The story is so sleazy, the
transactions between Bain Capital and Delphi Auto Parts, a firm that Romney
owned a piece of. They used the money
from the auto bailout and transferred thousands of workers off shore, the workers
left in the U.S. were stripped of unions and pensions.
below, but first, I've got to say this:]
The shakiness is
why I love to listen to Robert Kennedy Junior’s voice. The damage in his throat from Spasmodic laryngeal dysphonia evokes in me a sense of shared trauma.
Everyone in my generation
remembers the year 1968 when first Martin Luther King then Robert F. Kennedy
were assassinated within weeks of each other, the dread that permeated the nation,
and face it, the global corporate takeover that's happening in the USA today probably
started with the assassinations of the 1960s.
Bobby Kennedy
Junior’s damaged voice may not be a direct result of the trauma he experienced as
a child when first his uncle the President then his father about to become president
were assassinated. But as he shakes over
words and then is about to spill them out, describing the injustice happening daily in the
USA today, I feel myself just as shaky as his voice as I sit in my apartment in
a slum. Not just RFK Junior’s words but
the tone of his damaged vocal cords speaks to me deeply.
So I tune in to
Ring of Fire radio almost every Saturday and if it's an interesting interview, I’ll
also take notes and produce a City of Angels Winging It Transcript.
Today, it's his interview with Palast, about
“this extraordinary disclosure, which Greg
learned through top rank investigative reporting in The Nation Magazine”
KENNEDY: [It makes you cringe] when you see Romney in
debates saying he’d have saved Detroit, when [if you pay attention] you can see
exactly what he did.
PALAST: Sad punch line, I just got a phone call from Michael
Moore. Mitt Romney’s syndicate, the auto
parts division of General Motors and a vulture fund led by s silent partner of Mitt
Romney, used [SOUNDS LIKE] Slim Plants to buy up entire auto parts company at
low price. Then told U.S. Treasury and
G-M, said we will shut you down unless you give us money.
billion dollars from the U.S. government, once they got that money their shares
went from 22 and shot up.
got the government to take over pensions
KENNEDY: They stiffed their workers for seven billion
dollars in pensions and we the taxpayers had to pay for it.
PALAST: All the 25,200 jobs left and they created 25,800
new jobs in China. Closed 25 plants
Delphi, Michigan and Ohio. Today every
part is made in China. Because they got
rid of the United Auto Workers contract, now also don't have to pay for health
insurance. All of it for profit for Paul
the Vulture Singer and the Romneys.
hundred million in profit for the Romneys and they've emailed us saying our
numbers are not inaccurate.
KENNEDY: Robbing the American people of billions of
dollars during the auto bailout, sending jobs overseas, now in ads blaming
Barack Obama for that loss in pensions.
I'm Robert F. Kennedy Junior and we will be right back.
K: We're speaking with Greg Palast author of
Billionaires and Ballot Bandits, of which I wrote one chapter.
we are talking about the last chapter of the book which has this extraordinary
disclosure, which Greg learned through top rank investigation reporting and the
story is in The Nation Magazine this week.
acting as silent partner to Paul Singer vulture capitalist, got billions of
dollars from Obama’s TARP [by purchasing a] small company critical to getting
parts for General Motors. The company
then threatened the entire operation of GM, unless they got these dollars, [in
other publications they are] called The Barbary Pirates.
Then took all the jobs, stripped them of pensions, sent three quarters of the
jobs to China, stripped the remaining of unions.
ads by Romney’s associate super PACs [are running] showing workers from those
companies blaming Obama for stripping them of their pensions, when it was
Romney and Singer who stripped their jobs.
PALAST: It's Romney and Singer vulture capitalist who
said “we don't have pension obligation anymore.” Delphi was in bankruptcy court so they
could. Federal government now pays the
pensions for Delphi workers, taxpayers pay it.
Republicans put limit on how much workers can get if pensions fail.
in the case of General Motors who has no obligations to pay pensions still said
‘we will pay because of our contract with the unions.’ UAW had an agreement.
the way, that's a good reason to join a union.
KENNEDY: And then they used some of those profits to
buy a bunch of foreign parts companies from Bain Capital.
PALAST: Yeah [LAUGHS] to move 25 thousand jobs to
China, you need parts plants, so Delphi bought them from Bain.
left America a long time ago.
in last debate said I would do nothing to harm.
brought it up obliquely about moving jobs to China
said, I'm a son of Detroit. His daddy is
looking down on him with disdain.
over the country there are billionaires making more billions and donating
millions to the Romney campaign.
has moved their headquarters from Detroit, from Michigan, to the Isle of Jersey
off England coastline, so they don't have to pay taxes.
KENNEDY: So there’s two more insults to the injuries. One is the advertisements for Romney in
Michigan where workers have been hoodwinked, do not understand the nature of
the transactions, it's Romney who screwed them.
They're on TV saying Obama stole my pension.
addition, Delphi has moved their headquarters from Detroit, from Michigan, to the
Isle of Jersey off England coastline, so they don't have to pay taxes. This is the level of Mitt Romney’s
has moved their headquarters from Detroit, from Michigan, to the Isle of Jersey
off England coastline, so they don't have to pay taxes.
moved the money to the Isle of Jersey, a notorious tax haven, where no profits
get taxed.
PALAST: [Because he has not released his taxes] We
don’t know how much Romney has made, but we've guessed a hundred fifteen
PALAST: If Romney is elected, he’ll be able to take
profits from his auto profits company in China, and bring them back to USA tax
free. I have to tell you, I've done some
weird investigations, Bobby, this is truly one of the weirdest.
Romney didn't deny it.
blamed it [conditions that allowed Romney to profit] on Obama, said if it were
not for Obama and the bailouts, he wouldn't have made the money.
what Romney told us responding to our inquiries.
KENNEDY: One of the top investigative journalists in
the country today, Greg Palast, thank you for lifting up the rock over the Mitt
Romney money pile.
Palast's new elections guide book which
includes a 48 page comic by Ted Rall exposing the attempt to Steal 2012 by a
combination of billionaires' hidden cash ...
Oct 18, 2012 – The Romneys invested millions in a hedge fund
that bought GM's autoparts division, and it paid off big time.
Bobby Kennedy
Junior’s damaged voice represents the condition of most Americans. We share a sense of astonishment, what happened
to us that a president whose politics would once have been called moderate
republican is labeled a socialist. What happened
to our determination to fight a war on poverty?
Even Kennedy’s career seems to have been damaged by circumstances beyond
his control, yet he shines. His intelligence
pours out of each sentence, always complex thought, always a grasp of issues that
almost no national politician demonstrates.
audacity of presidential candidate Mitt Romney to profit from the auto bailout
while making speeches maligning the rescue of the auto industry.