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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Go up to 60 thousand feet, from home, and look down

There is more going on than covid 19. Climate change and Putin's creation of false news in USA and several other countries are all happening at same time as pandemic. And they are all affecting the totality of what's going on. WE ALL need to go up to 60 thousand feet, from home, and look down and see what is all working together. Scientists predicted virus pandemics as part of global warming for decades. Putin put Donald Trump in office and trumpism is spreading all over the world. None of it is happening in isolation.
Why don't more people start businesses from home instead of wanting to go back to a world that isn't there? And was kind of awful crowded polluted and destroying life on the planet. You can't just ignore disease. The new normal may be smaller communities, new ways to work, and... less population intensity. 

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