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From 2017, read Transcripts documenting the coup interviews with Malcolm Nance
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Friday, July 24, 2020

Russia brought down USA through our TV sets

I've found a way to make sense of Trump. Every time he says something outrageous, think of him as reading a script written by Russian KGB trained propagandists. The message is not just to be heard by Americans, it's going out to the whole world. In between Trump's lines and in his inflections, you learn: "Americans claimed for decades to be the greatest and now look at them."
This is more than information warfare. I find myself amazed at how brilliant this coup really is, even though I live on the losing side.
They brought down USA through our TV sets.
When Trump says, "We're in great shape," while thousands of Americans die daily in overflowing hospitals, think of him as speaking for Putin and the Prince: Mass death of Americans is their goal. 
I keep remembering 2 years ago when I was still speaking to my neighbors, and one was going on about how happy she was she voted for Trump, when I mentioned Brexit and she did not know what Brexit was, because she does not read news it's too depressing. In my usual serenity I said to her, "Americans deserve everything they're about to get."
I think of what I said to her when I see her now outside walking her dog, finally wearing a mask. "Americans deserve everything we are about to get."  Finally in June the low income Trump voters in my building have started wearing masks; a couple still won't and they are always in the laundry room so I'm washing all my clothes by hand and finding I really like washing stuff by hand, even my sheets. 
Kay Ebeling
A lot of us broke old people have been shouting, "They don't care, they want us to just die" about US govt for years. It's kinda gratifying to see the rest of the population find out we weren't lying

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Who is Chad Wolf and how does he get to use Homeland Security to invade American cities?

I'm going who is Chad Wolf? Young new "Acting Secretary of Homeland Security" handsome, I check to see, maybe he has military service or something that makes him qualified. No, turns out he got a bachelor's from SMU and then became a professional Republican. Every job he's had has been on staff of an office holder or as a lobbyist, then upwards into Transportation Dept, one of those six-figure jobs where all they do is meet for lunch, then dinner, all on taxpayer dime. Now for Trump as DHS leader, he's ordering strikes against Americans in Portland, Chicago, Albuquerque, New York, and claims in tweet linked below that it's "inaccurate & irresponsible" to call the U.S. Federal Police paramilitary, but how would he even know. He Has No Credentials at all no experience, he's just there because he's loyal to the President who he believes is real and will do whatever the guys over him tell him to do. He thinks he is working for Donald Trump. . . like most of the people in the White House now, too uninformed and inexperienced to even know what they don’t know and how they are being used.
There on Twitter Chad announces: This headline and others like it are grossly inaccurate & irresponsible.
U.S. Homeland Security confirms three units sent paramilitary officers to Portland
Wolf tweets (while on taxpayer paid duty) 'Our officers are not "paramilitary." They are civilian law enforcement doing their job — enforcing federal law."'
Headline to which he refers: "U.S. Homeland Security confirms three units sent paramilitary officers to Portland" (Reuters: )
I responded to his Tweet: "Chad Wolf could Not Get Hired at Reuters"

Hope this Trumpfeld Ad helps make the enraptured Snap Out Of It - Lincoln Project

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Malcolm Nance: There is no bottom.

Quoted here: 

Where are those right wing oathkeepers, the people who went nuts over Jade Helm? -Malcolm Nance

Where are those right wing oathkeepers and those right wing three percenters who claim that they formed their militias to stop- to get sworn law enforcement officers in military vehicles to not attack American citizens.
These are the people who went nuts when special forces held a training exercise called Jade Helm that had nothing to do with operations in the United States, they were these mirror images of cities in Russia and China that were just being held in West Texas, but these hillbillies all showed up with rifles claiming that the U.S. government is occupying the country.  
I noticed now they support Donald Trump's secret police almost to a man, they want to be on it, they almost think the militias have a role in it.
We are now going into the second phase of this after George Floyd.  Policing in the United States needs to be turned on its head. Get officers that will comply, have a national disgraced cop database, we have to de-militarize them, stop this warrior cop mindset. [Yes, like Bishop Accountability dot org for the pedophile priests. ]
They think they are in a war against American citizens.
-Malcolm Nance on Stephanie Miller Show just now 

Watch on her YouTube channel .
or video at CofA Blog here:
Posted by Kay Ebeling
Nance also said:
Trump thinks he's doing a strong law and order thing, I'm afraid he's recruited people who might think it's a good thing to have a civil war, it might be a good thing to spark a shooting, they think they have superior firepower. We are in a dangerous place right now. 

Trump is a Trojan Horse, she said for the thousandth time (Stream of consciousness rambling)

More than two years ago, I called Donald Trump a weapon. Like a Trojan horse, he was dangled outside our country with colors and bells and whistles and the people let him through the gate by voting for him. I said then, every time he opened his mouth, it was like more soldiers pouring out of the horse statue's mouth and attacking the people of Troy USA. Now several institutions are destroyed such as the CIA FBI Congress EPA and now CDC in the middle of a pandemic that was controlled in every other country in the world but about ten, including USA, because our President hollered out "Liberate Michigan" instead of explaining why people wear masks in a pandemic.
I'm over thinking again.
Point is, he's a weapon, he was put in office to attack USA from within, the virus was a convenient episode to use for attack, just go on TV and say stupid things like it'll disappear like a miracle so people all over the country keep going out partying and shouting dispersions at their more informed neighbors because we're wearing masks.
AYAYAY this was going to be a short post.
Trump Is A Weapon, it wasn’t just Kay smoking too much weed again when I said that over and over again in 2017, I was right. I hope more people realize it soon because listening to news pundits decry over and over why is Trump doing this why is Trump doing this is driving me insane.  He's a weapon placed in USA by Putin's manipulations and none of this bad shit is going to stop until we stop calling him President and start saying it like it is and attacking back.
Elections… yes, that is the only weapon USA seems to have to fight this Trojan Horse.
And it was Cassandra of Troy who tried to keep the people of Troy from opening the gates and letting in the weapon.  And no one would listen. I have that same Cassandra curse
By Kay Ebeling
I wrote about this several times before:
MONDAY, JULY 29, 2019

Trump is a weapon like a Trojan Horse, whose mission is to destroy USA from within. Think of him that way and everything he does makes sense.
ORIGINAL POST:  was  MONDAY, MAY 29, 2017 then:

Dimwit rich guy thinks he's cool for all the cash he's getting for turning USA over to a nation that vowed to destroy us only decades ago.

Instead in USA they keep trying to stop this attack with... talk - Cassandra
She says, "He's mean," and I holler back, "He's a weapon," then wonder if this is how Cassandra felt when the Trojan Horse came

Saudi Russia conducted an info warfare attack over 30 years, at great expense and sacrifice. It wasn't just so trolls could dominate Twitter. Now as Congress closes in on impeachment, the real military purpose of our trojan horse president is revealed

…a subtle and effective way to attack a country using Disinformation and a Trojan horse President as weapon.

MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2020
That is one dang convoluted but effective way to attack a nation, thanks Saudi/Russia. military history books will remember you well.

Trump's weird response/non-response is part of the attack on USA, he's an actor playing

Americans voted this in. Like the people of Troy, we invited this trojan horse in by electing him president and now he's killing us.

There are probably more posts where I mention it, I just wish the Mainstream would get it. -ke

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Why is no one connecting Covid-19 with melting glaciers and icecaps which are releasing new viruses?????

Ironically, we are not hearing more about viruses in melting glaciers bc scientists haven't been able to return to Guliyana Tibet to collect more samples due to the Covid pandemic that may have started in those very ice caps... but just wait: 'In a worst-case scenario, this ice melt could release pathogens into the environment,” the researchers wrote.' I still think Covid-19 is a result of climate change: melting icecaps releasing new viruses. And I still think there will be more new viruses bk the Planet Is Heating Up and more eon year old ice is melting.

Jan 7, 2020 - In silico host predictions linked 18 of the 33 viral populations to co-occurring abundant ... Mix represents a sample from the melted ice of a control ice core section prepared ... RSS Feeds, 19 May 2020.
by ZP Zhong - ‎2020 - ‎Cited by 2 - ‎Related articles

Jun 1, 2020 - Irvine, Calif., June 1, 2020 – The melting of glaciers and ice caps in places as diverse as the Himalayas and Andes mountain ranges, the ...

Thwaites Glacier in fast-melting West Antarctica has the potential to contribute more ... the glacier is losing ice at such an alarming rate. Geophys. Res. Lett. (2020) ... A virus identified in China can infect human airway cells and seems to have ...

Apr 12, 2020 - But in the Arctic Circle the virus is disrupting climate science. It could leave ... Read more: Greenland ice sheet melting at 'exceptional' rate.

By Joe Pinkstone For Mailonline 06:26 EDT 14 Jan 2020 , updated 06:26 EDT 14 Jan 2020 ... Scientists found 33 viruses in two ice cores taken from a Tibetan ...

6:11 ET, Jan 23 2020; Updated: 16:04 ET, Jan 23 2020 ... Deadly viruses spreading into the environment from melting glaciers is reminiscent of the Sky Atlantic ...

May 10, 2020 - Ice MeltVirus Challenge Scientists. 5/10/2020 | 8:50 AM CDT.

Date: March 23, 2020; Source: University of California - Irvine; Summary: ... "The ice in West Antarctica has been melting faster in recent years, but the sheer size ...

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Jan 29, 2020 - The study warns that rapid glacier around the world has the potential to release ... Session ID: 2020-07-09:982a67f915578f9d64be7c2e Player Element ... "At a minimum, [ice melt] could lead to the loss of microbial and viral ...
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03.07.2020. Zach Boren ... There's ice in there but once it melts, the land remains. When that ... We are able to revive viruses out of ancient permafrost samples.

Thursday, January 23, 2020. by ... The report, "Glacier ice archives fifteen-thousand-year-old viruses," was published in the journal bioRxiv in ... possibly other pathogens could be released as the climate crisis melts glaciers around the world.

May 4, 2017 - Climate change is melting permafrost soils that have been frozen for thousands of years, and as the soils melt they are releasing ancient viruses ...

Updated 11:23 PM ET, Mon February 3, 2020. Scientist captures melting ice sheet in viral photo ... Scientist captures melting ice sheet in viral photo (2019) ...

Jan 29, 2020 - Climate change fears: Melting glaciers could unleash ancient viruses, scientists say. Summer Woolley. 7NEWS. Published: 29/01/2020 ...

As the temperature rises, ice melts, and out come novel viruses. And there are many viruses frozen in ice, ... Ancient viruses in glacier ice. 16 January 2020.

Glacial viruses are understudied, and climate change may keep it that way. ... January 13, 2020, 5:00am ... climate regimes; however, in a worst-case scenario, this ice melt could release pathogens into the environment,” the authors wrote.

May 19, 2020 - Are There Zombie Viruses — Like The 1918 Flu — Thawing In The Permafrost? Facebook; Twitter; Flipboard; Email. May 19, 20206:57 AM ET ... pose a potential threat to humans if the warming Earth continues to melt layers of frozen soil. ... Then something even creepier appears in the ice: a human molar.

Feb 26, 2020 - The next day, Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier lost a chunk of ice 130 square miles in surface area. A few days after that, scientists working at ...

23 JANUARY 2020 ... "At a minimum, [ice melt] could lead to the loss of microbial and viral archives that could be diagnostic and informative of past Earth climate ...
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Jan 22, 2020 - By Laura Geggel - Associate Editor January 22, 2020 ... Investigating these mysterious viruses could help scientists on two fronts: For one, these ... "However, in a worst-case scenario, this ice melt [from climate change] could ...

Feb 6, 2020 - Researchers have detected novel viruses in samples of glacial ice, suggesting global heating could lead to the re-emergence of historic ...

Jan 23, 2020 - Scientists drilled a 164-foot hole into the 15,000-year-old glacier. By Jennifer Leman. Jan 23, 2020.

January 24, 2020 report ... Each was then washed again with sterile water to melt off another 0.2 inches of ice. The team also created test samples ... Zhi-Ping Zhong et al. Glacier ice archives fifteen-thousand-year-old viruses, bioRxiv (2020).

Previously Unknown Viruses Discovered in Melting Glacier. By Jan Wesner Childs. January 23 2020 06:15 PM EST. <img ...

Ancient viruses found in Tibetan glacier. By Rodrigo Pérez Ortega Jan. 17, 2020 , 12:20 PM. In 2015, when researchers embarked on an expedition to retrieve ...

By Kristen Pope | Jun 4, 2020 ... As melting ice allows pathways to open up in the Arctic, people and ... It explores how melting sea ice may be facilitating the spread of a disease called Phocine distemper virus (PDV) among marine mammals.

Apr 14, 2020 - They've been found in everything from glaciers to permafrost, and ... by Arctic ice could be released by human activities or melting caused by ...

Jan 26, 2020 - MELTING ice could unleash deadly viruses which have been stored in the ... Session ID: 2020-07-15:d536e9b4f7da999c189d48d1 Player ...

May 25, 2020 - Could melting ice release potentially harmful bacteria and viruses into ... Alpinists on the Aletsch glacier, canton Valais. ... May 25, 2020 - 11:00.