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Sunday, August 30, 2020
Twisted Logic
Isn't it twisted logic to say that since children might
be getting abused during a pandemic shutdown, USA should reopen? Wouldn't it be
better to address child abuse itself as a problem to be solved, while dealing
realistically with the pandemic?

It is not okay to shout 'Pedophile' in a crowd
Thing is, months later, I'm still repeating to myself things I should have said to the jerk shouting "Democrats are pedophiles" on the bus. I'd tell him, "Pedophilia is a serious crime, people who are victims live with repercussions the rest of our lives, last thing we want is to be reminded of it in irrelevant places." Or "Pedophilia is not something you just shout about in public places, there might be a victim of the crime nearby who is living with real consequences." Or "Think a minute. Pedophilia is a Pervert having Sex with a Child. Not a subject for idiots to shout about randomly in public places."
By Kay Ebeling
By Kay Ebeling
I don't remember people hollering about pedophiles in the years before Donald Trump changed everything. I would know if they did, because I'm a pedophile
priest survivor so I pay attention to these things. I moved to Tahoe to recover
from PTSD caused by discovering I'm not alone but one of hundreds of thousands Americans
who were molested by Catholic priests as children, then trying to get justice. Naively, I started a blog where I interviewed dozens of other victims, thinking that just publicizing these crimes would shock Americans
so much the Catholic Church would see widespread change. Instead, publishing the stories caused
strange things to happen in my personal life that finally intimidated me into
stopping the blog and running away to the top of a mountain behind a forest to get
away from them.
So last thing I wanted to hear while riding a South
Lake Tahoe city bus was a guy hollering, "The Democrats in D.C. are all pedophiles, you
just watch they'll all be in prison soon," and when I tried to tell him Pizzagate is not true, he
was allowed to shout loudly at me, "Shut the fuck up" over and over again because,
you know, it's a libertarian town. What's
even worse is at one point I had kind of wanted to get to know that guy better.
. .
I got off the bus and went back to my isolated life with yet
another layer around me of reasons not to interact with anyone.
Since that time, Covid-19 sent everyone home, and the crimes
of Jeffrey Epstein have made Americans suddenly care about pedophiles* although when
a hundred thousand of us Catholic Priest victims came forward last decade, you could hear a pin drop.
And since that day on the bus, the word "pedophile" has shown up all
over the place. I was posting about Covid-19 protests in Germany yesterday on Facebook and someone
I kind of know chimed in something about satanic pedophiles, I mean a total non
Plus Why?
Why is it okay to shout the word Pedophile in all kinds of out of context places now?
Plus Why?
Why is it okay to shout the word Pedophile in all kinds of out of context places now?
Odds are there are pedophile survivors being triggered by those shouts.
Like me.
There are so many sex crimes against children in USA that my favorite shrink once told me pedophilia is a norm, statistically. The numbers of old guys raping children are so high that on a statistical epidemiological scale, it could be considered a norm.
Like me.
There are so many sex crimes against children in USA that my favorite shrink once told me pedophilia is a norm, statistically. The numbers of old guys raping children are so high that on a statistical epidemiological scale, it could be considered a norm.
So the person hollering pedophile may be sitting next to a pedophile survivor on
that bus, a crime victim who's been trying for decades to make it through life without thinking
about the pedophilia, and now those memories are triggered.
When and how did it become okay to shout about pedophiles in
public places? Just one of many weird things that have happened in USA last
few years.
*PS to reporters: Jeffrey Epstein's victims make him an ephebophile, not a pedophile, one who molests teenagers, not children. At least learn about a subject before exploiting it.
*PS to reporters: Jeffrey Epstein's victims make him an ephebophile, not a pedophile, one who molests teenagers, not children. At least learn about a subject before exploiting it.

Saturday, August 29, 2020
Trump and Catholic bishops display same Evil
One other time in my life I encountered evil like I see every time Trump speaks. Last night his claim that Democrats are using covid to steal the election, knowing he's really using covid to engineer, to me, a genocide of Americans- watching that made me quiver and have the same revolting shaking reaction I had that other time I encountered shocking evil. It was while writing the pedophile priest stories, realizing the person I was talking to was not really a victims' advocate but was really working for the church. I can't go into detail the words that gave him away, it was more a compilation in my head of what he'd done compared to what he was saying to me, knowing the opposite was true, then getting a glimmer of who benefits from this lie. In the case of USA it's death of more Americans, exactly what Putin and the Prince have worked to accomplish with Trump as their tool. In the case of the church, it was using vulnerable people's vulnerabilities to make them think you're helping them when you're really doing subterfuge for the bishops. The base humanity was the same, an evil that to me is worse than murder or robbery or most felonies, an evil that transcends basic human instinct, all done just to benefit an even more evil presence that stays secretly in the shadows. -
Originally posted at my blog about pedophile priest crimes:
Kay Ebeling
to Kay EbelingOriginally posted at my blog about pedophile priest crimes:

Friday, August 28, 2020
Putin is the guy who is Communist, not Biden. Duh
UPDATE: I left out most important part when I wrote this: Putin was in East Germany working for KGB when Ronald Reagan delivered his famous "Mr. Gorbacev, Tear down that wall" speech. Vladimir Putin, young USSR agent, was in East Berlin just blocks away, full of verve for mother Russia and disdain for this actor turned politician American president. He and colleagues cooked up a scheme that is paying off now thirty plus years later. First they got into the minds of Americans with media messages, starting with Rush Limbaugh, who was rewarded this year with an American medal for his efforts. Putin et al found their audience, then inserted Fox News in all cable lineups first 12 stations before Americans even knew what was developing, which leads us to today's genocide going on while brainwashed Fox News viewers cheer on their own deaths.
People wonder why Trump seems to be endangering the lives of his own followers, the Republican capitalists. Well, through his entire career, Vladimir Putin and his KGB Soviet colleagues HATED capitalism and hated the likes of Trump. So, to me, I think Putin's team, who are orchestrating these years of chaos, KNOW the Americans who get sick and die from all Trump's crowded events are the Republicans. Since Putin supported Trump in 2016, the goal has been to destroy capitalists, same goal his Russian colleagues have had for seventy years or more. I predict we will find out someday that Putin and Russia never stopped being Communist, and they are determined now to use their tool Donald Trump to attack, mostly, the remains of Reaganism in America. I am only speculating. But I mean look at all the super spreader events with no masks that Trump is promoting. Maybe trump isn't even smart enough to know what Putin is doing, he's just believing promises. But the former KGB leader was a COMMUNIST, the part of USA the communists hate is the capitalists. Now the capitalists, the noodnik dry cleaner franchise and car dealership owners who now populate Mar a Lago- the Herman Cains are the ones who will die off more than others as Trump lets Covid 19 spread through USA. Mostly. I mean, I know this is not totally the whole story, but it's something I keep seeing and wondering about. Why is Trump killing his own base. I still get chills at the memory of the RNC convention, all those people packed unmasked into tight quarters at The White House. I think the fat cat capitalists were the targets of Russia to begin with when they cooked up this decades long information warfare attack on USA. I think. And just to remind us of Russian storytelling and prowess with irony, they got Trump's followers to call Democrats "communists" when PUTIN is the Communist. God! Americans are so dumb they kinda deserve what's happening to them. Meanwhile I don't just social distance, I shelter in place.
MORE RUSSIAN IRONY: Trump's promise to "build a wall" and Mexico would pay for it. A slap in the face through history to Ronald Reagan.
Washington Post Reports:
"Secret Service copes with coronavirus cases in aftermath of Trump appearances
"When President Trump gave a speech to a group of sheriffs in Tampa late last month, his decision to travel forced a large contingent of Secret Service agents to head to a state that was then battling one of the worst coronavirus surges in the nation. Even before Air Force One touched down on July 31, the fallout was apparent: Five Secret Service agents already on the ground had to be replaced after one tested positive for the coronavirus and the others working in proximity were presumed to be infected, according to people familiar with the situation. The previously unreported episode is one of a series of examples of how Trump’s insistence on traveling and holding campaign-style events amid the pandemic has heightened the risks for the people who safeguard his life, intensifying the strain on the Secret Service." (continue reading at WaPo here:)
That scene last night with High Donor Republicans at the White House jammed together laughing and shouting so spreading spit droplets? That was Vladimir Putin and the Saudi Prince getting hundreds more Americans killed. This is a slow moving genocide, I just hope I'm right that it's mostly going to kill Trump zombies and anti science numbskulls, so it won't get me. I ain't going to any Trump events or demonstrations or marches that are instigated by the right with Security by the Boogaloo Bois. Let them kill themselves.
People wonder why Trump seems to be endangering the lives of his own followers, the Republican capitalists. Well, through his entire career, Vladimir Putin and his KGB Soviet colleagues HATED capitalism and hated the likes of Trump. So, to me, I think Putin's team, who are orchestrating these years of chaos, KNOW the Americans who get sick and die from all Trump's crowded events are the Republicans. Since Putin supported Trump in 2016, the goal has been to destroy capitalists, same goal his Russian colleagues have had for seventy years or more. I predict we will find out someday that Putin and Russia never stopped being Communist, and they are determined now to use their tool Donald Trump to attack, mostly, the remains of Reaganism in America. I am only speculating. But I mean look at all the super spreader events with no masks that Trump is promoting. Maybe trump isn't even smart enough to know what Putin is doing, he's just believing promises. But the former KGB leader was a COMMUNIST, the part of USA the communists hate is the capitalists. Now the capitalists, the noodnik dry cleaner franchise and car dealership owners who now populate Mar a Lago- the Herman Cains are the ones who will die off more than others as Trump lets Covid 19 spread through USA. Mostly. I mean, I know this is not totally the whole story, but it's something I keep seeing and wondering about. Why is Trump killing his own base. I still get chills at the memory of the RNC convention, all those people packed unmasked into tight quarters at The White House. I think the fat cat capitalists were the targets of Russia to begin with when they cooked up this decades long information warfare attack on USA. I think. And just to remind us of Russian storytelling and prowess with irony, they got Trump's followers to call Democrats "communists" when PUTIN is the Communist. God! Americans are so dumb they kinda deserve what's happening to them. Meanwhile I don't just social distance, I shelter in place.
MORE RUSSIAN IRONY: Trump's promise to "build a wall" and Mexico would pay for it. A slap in the face through history to Ronald Reagan.
Washington Post Reports:
"Secret Service copes with coronavirus cases in aftermath of Trump appearances
"When President Trump gave a speech to a group of sheriffs in Tampa late last month, his decision to travel forced a large contingent of Secret Service agents to head to a state that was then battling one of the worst coronavirus surges in the nation. Even before Air Force One touched down on July 31, the fallout was apparent: Five Secret Service agents already on the ground had to be replaced after one tested positive for the coronavirus and the others working in proximity were presumed to be infected, according to people familiar with the situation. The previously unreported episode is one of a series of examples of how Trump’s insistence on traveling and holding campaign-style events amid the pandemic has heightened the risks for the people who safeguard his life, intensifying the strain on the Secret Service." (continue reading at WaPo here:)
That scene last night with High Donor Republicans at the White House jammed together laughing and shouting so spreading spit droplets? That was Vladimir Putin and the Saudi Prince getting hundreds more Americans killed. This is a slow moving genocide, I just hope I'm right that it's mostly going to kill Trump zombies and anti science numbskulls, so it won't get me. I ain't going to any Trump events or demonstrations or marches that are instigated by the right with Security by the Boogaloo Bois. Let them kill themselves.
Kay Ebeling

An Act of War against USA that USA cannot even see as it destroys USA
Putin did not go to trouble to insert Trump into White House for sound bytes. The response to covid by Trump/Putin is now killing Americans. This is an act of war, so new and unconventional that USA has no idea how to fight back. Yeah, Nov 3rd. But a lot can happen in 2 plus months of information warfare. Watching our Congress sit and wait for an election is like watching the nuclear bomb coming across the ocean heading right for my city while the mayor is holding a parade. We Are All So Screwed.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Trying to find word to describe what Trump is doing to USA
The Trump coup is getting intimidating, with a
sinister kind of messaging that leads to a 17-year-old going across state lines to shoot black people, just one of many guys who seem post-adolescent for life who are now walking around American towns with military grade rifles on their shoulders.
This is turning dark, I'm trying to find the word.
It includes helplessness. The attack on the Post
Office is, to me, their way of showing us what they can do, how impotent we are
with our caucuses and voting campaigns against the monster that has taken over
The guns, QAnon, they're all part of it. I'm terrorized
at this point. And no one really knows who's doing this, Donny Trump is an
actor, someone else is writing the script.
I'm so glad I don't have to go out of my house most
days because I don't want to go out of my house. I'm even planning my deliveries
for times when I know the least amount of my neighbors will be out, but even that
does not work.
For several weeks, I got my Instacart groceries
around the same time every Sunday morning, then for several weeks the same
Trumpzombie neighbor would be sitting in the lobby without a mask on every time
I'd go get my delivery. As I walked by
she'd cough without even covering her frigging mouth with her hand when I walked
by. When she was there and did that several
weeks in a row, knowing this woman is also one of the fundie Christians who
express hate everywhere so I already tried to avoid, I began to wonder if she
was coughing near me on purpose kind kind of like the videos of Karens in
grocery stores. So now I'm not keeping a
regular schedule, so she can't stalk me anymore Now even I don't know when I'm going
to call for another Instacart delivery- probably when I run out of vodka.
I think I got off topic.
Trying to find the word to describe
the turn USA is taking right now:
sinister, frightening, Christian Taliban, menacing from persons who
appear to be brainwashed, which makes them double scary. *
AND WE don't even know who is behind it. Who is writing Donny's scripts? Who is taking over our country?
I bet the kid who killed two people in Kenosha yesterday was reading QAnon posts.
"Idaho State Police personnel determined they could not have made arrests on the spot without elevating the potential for violence," and that an investigation was ongoing into any criminal behavior "that may have occurred."
On Monday, an Idaho State Police spokeswoman, Lynn Hightower, said she wasn't aware of any pending charges against protesters.

Who was Melania really working for in 1990s when she snatched Donald Trump?
I think she's a very successful agent working for Putin
Melania is a Red Sparrow who got her photograph nude "grabbing herself by the p---" published before meeting Donald at a party in 1998. Then she snatched him, married him, and stuck him in front of a TV set with Fox News on. That is how Melania the Spy helped destroy USA, she's likely one of the most successful undercover agents in world history.
Why was she holding 2 Bibles at the inauguration? One for hubby and one for her to silently take her own oath.
First they put Fox News on cable lineups in 1995, then they probly sent over several Sparrows to work on several target useful-idiot billionaires. Poor Melania, she succeeded and had to stay with this orange piece of wobbly flesh for all these years now
That pussy grabbing inclination of Trump's is something Putin the Spy would have known in 1990s.
She wore a military uniform to speak last night (photo), but didn't salute, bk she'd blow the cover of the Russian army intelligence officers nearby.
NOTE: I've written about Melania the Spy before:
Melania is a Red Sparrow who got her photograph nude "grabbing herself by the p---" published before meeting Donald at a party in 1998. Then she snatched him, married him, and stuck him in front of a TV set with Fox News on. That is how Melania the Spy helped destroy USA, she's likely one of the most successful undercover agents in world history.
![]() |
showing us who she really is |
Why was she holding 2 Bibles at the inauguration? One for hubby and one for her to silently take her own oath.
First they put Fox News on cable lineups in 1995, then they probly sent over several Sparrows to work on several target useful-idiot billionaires. Poor Melania, she succeeded and had to stay with this orange piece of wobbly flesh for all these years now
That pussy grabbing inclination of Trump's is something Putin the Spy would have known in 1990s.
She wore a military uniform to speak last night (photo), but didn't salute, bk she'd blow the cover of the Russian army intelligence officers nearby.
NOTE: I've written about Melania the Spy before:
Melania the Spy helped make this happen, that's what I think and I'm sticking to it
A critical moment when the coup gained ground was when Melania snared Trump at that party in 1995, moved in with him, then sat him in front of Fox News where a new kind of propaganda was...

Just like so many people predicted when Trump took Covid Data from CDC on July 15
USA is announcing this week that Covid cases are down. I don't believe it. There's been nothing done to stop infection spreading in USA. At same time there have been NUMEROUS super spreading events. Only thing Trump admin has done is take over control of the data on July 15, moving it from CDC to HHS where Trump's guys could manipulate numbers. DON'T BELIEVE THEM NOW. the pandemic is still going and spreading in USA, they want you to think it's over so more of us will die. Wow, hate to say it but... wow
Kay Ebeling trump's handling of Covid 19 in USA is genocide
New covid-19 deaths, yesterday: Spain: 52 France: 16 Japan: 15 Canada: 7 UK: 16 Germany: 9 Total Population of countries above: 426 million Deaths-United States: 1,290 Population of United States: 330 million
Kay Ebeling trump's handling of Covid 19 in USA is genocide
New covid-19 deaths, yesterday: Spain: 52 France: 16 Japan: 15 Canada: 7 UK: 16 Germany: 9 Total Population of countries above: 426 million Deaths-United States: 1,290 Population of United States: 330 million

Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Beware of Brain Covid
As I watch world news, I'm certain a form of Covid has been on the planet for longer than we realize. It affects people's brains, making their IQs lower and lower by day. For some reason Brain Covid affects persons in public life more than others, causing them to regurgitate words in endless streams of contradictions and outright falsehoods. So as Americans struggle with firestorms, hurricanes, and thousands of deaths a day from a spreading virus, lawmakers hold hearings about the post office; and the former Fox News host now dating the president's son appears on all the networks at the same time speaking at the RNC where she shouts, "The best is yet to come!" waving her arms as if summoning her own personal spirits. Obviously there's a pandemic of Brain Covid in the USA that deserves more attention.
Why does Brain Covid affect media personalities more than others? Perhaps
it enters somewhere between the ear piece AKA earwig, as in the INSECT! and the satellite connection to news
reporters questioning them from remote locations.
![]() |
Killer earwig? |

Monday, August 24, 2020
I am Buzz Kill with Brains
By Kay Ebeling
I think the planet itself created Covid 19, because
humans were doing so much damage. An act of Nature produced the simplest of
life forms, an RNA strand of virus targeted to attack humans, and released it into the atmosphere of Earth in 2019.
no amount of fires and floods would get the message to the humans to stop being
so destructive of the planet's surface.
So now, as humans try one way after another to
return to "the way life used to be," the planet is trying to send us
a message, Humans have to stop living the way life used to be.
I think the Covid 19 virus is showing us that nature
is bigger than all of us. As long as we don’t live in balance with other life
on the planet, Earth will shower us with viruses, until we finally figure it
As far back as 2015 when I moved to Tahoe, I
knew something critical was coming, but I thought it was going to be from the changing
climate. Then after Donald Trump got elected, I knew he'd herald in whatever horrible
thing was coming.
My plan then was to move to London. I had the hotel
picked out half my bags packed January 2020. Then Covid 19 hit.
When I was planning to go to London, I figured I'd
been wrong about Trump and the climate. The crisis that I thought was coming
did not strike yet in fall 2019.
Then Covid hit and I was not able to leave USA. I'm
glad I prepared though for a different crisis, I knew enough to move into ab
isolated place. In this apartment, I'm safe
and hidden and cut off from most people. Especially after living here a while, and
realizing how much my particular apartment is hidden from the world, hidden from
the sun, keeping me cool even on the hottest days under the shade of trees, I see-
I am smart and resourceful,
a survivor *
Cut paragraph:
See in 2015 when I moved here, I was almost in a state of panic, knowing that something critical was about to happen. I thought it was going to be the climate, the CO2 poisoning that everyone was denying because no one wants to give up their right to the drive through a burger joint.

The planet is saying same thing I am: Humans, You Have To Change
Or she will kill you, like she's doing now with Covid
Americans Are In Denial that their own lifestyles and conveniences are destroying the planet. I am watching California Burn and no one wants to let go of their steering wheels. Or turn off their ACs. Two hurricanes are heading towards Texas at once bk the Gulf is So Hot. Still Americans say, I Can't Change, there's no other choices. Funny, I'm a cripple on Social Security and I found a way to quit driving. I moved to a bus line in a town that's cool enough to not need AC. You Can do it, you can make changes in your life to save the planet. If you don't want to, well then, burn.
Every human driving a fossil fuel burning car is partly responsible for California fires.
Nothing less than a complete change of lifestyle will stop the fires. Nothing ,
-Kay Ebeling
I posted this on Facebook and immediately lost two friends who said I'm not being "fair" and am "judging" them. Snarling at me that they can't afford electric cars as if I could.
How can one see their lifestyle is destroying the planet and not change their lifestyle?
Once again I wonder why I am so weird and different. BUT I'm also safe as I moved years ago to a place out of the heat and fires where you don't even need AC all summer long. So, right now I'm grateful for my weirdness.
Americans Are In Denial that their own lifestyles and conveniences are destroying the planet. I am watching California Burn and no one wants to let go of their steering wheels. Or turn off their ACs. Two hurricanes are heading towards Texas at once bk the Gulf is So Hot. Still Americans say, I Can't Change, there's no other choices. Funny, I'm a cripple on Social Security and I found a way to quit driving. I moved to a bus line in a town that's cool enough to not need AC. You Can do it, you can make changes in your life to save the planet. If you don't want to, well then, burn.
Every human driving a fossil fuel burning car is partly responsible for California fires.
Nothing less than a complete change of lifestyle will stop the fires. Nothing ,
-Kay Ebeling
I posted this on Facebook and immediately lost two friends who said I'm not being "fair" and am "judging" them. Snarling at me that they can't afford electric cars as if I could.
How can one see their lifestyle is destroying the planet and not change their lifestyle?
Once again I wonder why I am so weird and different. BUT I'm also safe as I moved years ago to a place out of the heat and fires where you don't even need AC all summer long. So, right now I'm grateful for my weirdness.

I have to avoid Facebook dialogues with fake humans
Yesterday on Facebook I got drawn into it again.
I commented that when I read a post from someone who supports Trump, I go to
their profile and there rarely is any mention of education. That's all I said,
an objective observation, no more no less. But I was soon bombarded with
comments from people who said they don’t need education, it only takes common
sense to see Donald Trump is greatest president ever. I almost closed out my FB
account thinking, Aarrgh the IQ average here has gotten way too low.
Then at 2 AM or so, a massive lightning bolt
blew out everything near me, internet phone electricity, and for 2 hours I could
only get NPR on my little battery radio, our local station "from atop
Harvey's" just played canned music while lightning continued and the town
was in the dark. As soon as the lights came on and the light on the modem
stopped blinking, I was on Facebook to see if others knew anything about the fires
and storms nearby.
So, Facebook serves a purpose, I just have to
stop wasting time in conversations with people who might not even really be people.
I mean, there seems to be a LOT of stupid people jumping in on my comments here
lately, highlighting my name so I see they've commented at me within seconds,
then I read it and it's another Fox News mesmerized brainwashed troll repeating
sound bytes from the right. Are there really that many people who support Trump,
or are there so many fake trolls on line repeating right wing messages that it
makes me feel like they're all around me, when they're not.
That could be it. In St.
Petersburg, Russia, there's ten guys on laptops in cubicles in the GRU offices, signed
on to Facebook with ten different accounts each, and they spend all day doing searches
for key words and as soon as you use one of them, they're in your life
commenting stupid stuff. It makes me
feel like they're everywhere, they outnumber the humans who still have brains, when
they are probably not even real

Thursday, August 20, 2020
It will get worse, the guns have not come out yet...
As Trump leads his people to QAnon, I wonder
about my armed and brainwashed neighbors who are stoned on disinformation about
Second Amendment. What's going to happen when the shooting starts?

Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Politicians make wonderful convention speeches while California burns
Politicians pontificate and pass the buck, not just this week, for years, while California burns. There are So Many things wrong in USA right now, yet our Congress is meeting about the Post Office, because everything is being manipulated by the guy in the White House. All our real problems in USA have been neglected last 4 years while the orange guy distracted and deflected continuously, this stuff with the Post Office makes me think I see guys in St. Petersburg Russia watching on their laptops laughing their heads off. How easy it is to manipulate Americans, oh my god what is going to happen next. Well, in California we're on fire, just like last year and the year before, only every year it's worse. If you don’t think the Trump presidency has been a four year long attack on the United States by Russia paid for by Saudis by now, please go back to school. Yet Democrats seem to act like everything is normal, not enough urgency at all exhibited at their Zoom Convention this week.
A few thousand feet below me the state is on fire. I open my window and it smells like being near a huge bonfire. We had rain yesterday and a few days earlier here in Tahoe, there is terrain and elevation between us and the valleys where most the fires stay, for now. It's almost a whole different world up here, we even had rain during the last drought. I feel pretty safe here for now, but these are truly strange times.
A few thousand feet below me the state is on fire. I open my window and it smells like being near a huge bonfire. We had rain yesterday and a few days earlier here in Tahoe, there is terrain and elevation between us and the valleys where most the fires stay, for now. It's almost a whole different world up here, we even had rain during the last drought. I feel pretty safe here for now, but these are truly strange times.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Scientists knew a heating planet would produce new viruses / pandemics as far back as 1970s
I first heard that the planet was heating in the
late 1970s, and that far back there was concern that as the planet heated,
ancient ice would melt and release ancient viruses. I was likely one of the first
non scientists to hear about global warming because when I graduated from UT
Austin in 1978 I was able to leverage my bachelor in journalism to a job at
NASA in Houston in the Newsroom at LBJ Space Center, and then proceeded to Blow It, but that is another story. My main job was editing a
house organ for the 28,000 employees there. While doing a feature story about asteroids
found in the Antarctic, I was interviewing the geologist who traveled to the far
southern continent of the planet every winter, their summer, to gather
asteroids that rammed into the planet while flying by. Every year he went to Antarctica then brought
the samples back to be studied in Houston, six months one place six the other,
for more than 20 years.
In the middle of the interview he stopped me mid
question to say, "You know what is more important. It's becoming real obvious that the ice caps are melting
fast, that the planet is heating at a faster rate than normal," or
words to that effect. "In a few years nothing will be more critical than the way the planet is heating. A few of us are seeing it now, but soon everybody will be affected, whole populations will have to migrate..." He seemed seriously
concerned, almost like a mad scientist, about the heating planet, and I nodded
and made note of it, but my assignment was to write about Antarctic meteorites…
That was in 1979. I left NASA to work in PR in L.A.
in 1983. In the next decades, I heard mention here and there about the planet
heating but it was not a high priority.
Still, as the story of global warming began to grow and show up in
science magazines, then more mainstream sources, I was one of the first to pay attention,
because I'd heard about it back in 1979. Now what the geologist said to me then
was true, there was evidence the planet was heating.
So I paid attention to the topic of global
warming / climate change since it first emerged in the scientific publications.
Viruses and pandemics were always, always in the
The first scientists discussing global warming knew
that as the planet heats, the polar ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctic and the
glaciers on the highest mountain tops in locations such as the Himalayas would melt,
ice that has been frozen and covering those parts of the planet for thousands of
Under that ancient ice are viruses.
Everyone who studied the evolving climate change/
heating of planet Earth since the 1970s included predictions of viruses and
pandemics after things emerge from that ice.
I don't understand why the connection is never made,
today in 2020, as Covid 19 spreads through the land. The glaciers and polar ice
caps are melting and releasing viruses that have been frozen for thousands of
years and Covid 19 emerged in 2019 and apparently a mutated version is emerging
in 2020. The Himalayas are just west of Hubei Province where scientists in
Wuhan first discovered Covid 19.
I don't think the current
coronavirus killing thousands of Americans a day is the last new virus that will
emerge next months, as the planet continues to heat. The scientific community predicted
the connection between viruses and global warming as far back as the 1970s, and no one
planned for it.Kay Ebeling
For now, just riding the planet
As I wait for the covid pandemic to pass, it's
like I'm riding the Earth as it's turning, day night day night day night, I ride the
The movement
is almost imperceptible; but earthlings are going a thousand miles an hour as
we rotate through a day and 67,000 miles per hour (30
kilometers a second) as we zip around the sun. That's fast traveling. Exciting.
Sometimes, I watch the wind in the trees from my window seat, holding on for dear life.

Monday, August 17, 2020
Covid is bigger than all of us
I don't think
there is a way to stop this. Americans do not seem able to follow rules or make
small sacrifices for the public good. I think things will just get worse and
worse, then hit a crisis, and FINALLY people will change. Meanwhile it's like
watching a loooooong disaster that keeps adding new elements. The crowds, the
trash, the carbon pollution, the chemical water, and now Covid. Oh and the
Plague... It's like Americans just want to party until everything explodes,
nothing will stop them. All i can do is stay in the trees watching
Covid, combined with
overtourism and a near genocide-suicide going on in USA, is really bigger than
all of us. Before we see any real change and protection from Covid in Tahoe, we'll
likely nationwide get to overflowing morgues and mass graves, public services
not working because too many employees are calling in sick, and a breakdown of
norms and standards of decency, kind of like we saw this weekend in South Lake,
with a stabbing from road rage and a car club meeting that was alarmingly
reckless and careless. No official with a clipboard is going to stop an
onslaught of humans desperate to get out of 116 degree heat in the nearby valleys.
There's an audacious brashness in the way some people are responding to
mandates, or even suggestions, to live by public health protocols in this
pandemic. For example, I don't think old ladies would have been spitting in people's
faces two years ago in grocery stores, but you can find several videos of that behavior
today on YouTube, since the pandemic started. American humans seem to have translated
the foolhardiness of a president who stares into the sun in eclipses to a
carelessness about human life, just in time for Covid-19. We can ask our leaders for help, we can
protest, write Letters to Editors, but I truly think this is bigger than all of
us, and when it's over, we will all learn a new way to live on the Earth.

Saturday, August 15, 2020
This is what Malcolm Nance meant by amped up information warfare. Americans are dying faster and more efficiently than in any war -Cassandra of Tahoe
I know what's going to happen and in Cassandra curse
fashion, I need to write it and tell it to the world, even though what
I say won't change much. Humans will never go back to life the way it used to
be. In the next years, lots of people are going to get sick and die, and after several
tries to reopen that result in rises in infections, humans will finally realize
this era of disease is bigger than we are.
This little RNA strand that is Covid 19 is finally
bringing the insanity of recent human life on planet Earth to a standstill,
forcing people to change the way they live. All over the world, they keep
thinking they've got it licked, but now New Zealand is closing down again and France
Spain and UK are in states of chaos almost, trying to figure out what the virus
is doing to their cultures.
I don't think it's an accident that the RNA
strand that is Covid 19 specifically kills humans in large crowds. Because it's humans in large crowds that are
destroying the surface of the planet.
Imagine if you had a parasite on your skin, and for
years you tried different treatments to stop its growth, such as floods and
fires of last years were a kind of warning to the humans that they had to change
but they did not, in fact they kept growing in numbers and expanding leaving their
gases and poison chemicals and trash and plastic debris everywhere they went.
So the planet produced a virus- the way a man would
go to a specialist to get rid of a destructive skin rash- the planet did what is
natural for a living organism to do, produced an antidote that will destroy
most of the parasite on its surface.
I watch from up here at six thousand feet, after
years of already feeling like an alien from somewhere else who's just here to
watch. I watch as humans blunder forward,
making decisions about a killer virus based on anecdotes of recoveries and questionable
test results, blunder forward wanting so much to go back to their lifestyles. And blunder forward until the planet knocks
them back again.
I think we need to respect that the planet
cannot survive the way humans have been living on it and we have to find a way
to live in harmony with nature. Then the coronavirus will recede.
There will still be growth industries in the pandemic,
such as grocery delivery, anything that makes it easier to live at home.
Meanwhile, I don't just think the president of the
United States is conducting a cruel genocide on his own people in conjunction with
Vladimir Putin funded by the Saudi prince who funded Nine-Eleven, (how stupid could
Americans be to elect him, we almost deserve everything that's happening to us)
by letting this virus spread out of control all over the country.
Also, in "movements" such as Black
Lives Matter and Anti-Mask rallies, someone is manipulating people to get out
into the streets and keep infecting each other.
All I can do is live with the visions of this
dang Cassandra curse, where everything over next few years is getting darker,
sadder, lots of tear puffed faces, lots of death, as humans slowly realize that
they have no choice but to change the way they live. A lot of bad stuff will
happen in the meantime.
Whatever happened to the Age of Aquarius that was
supposed to be here by now?
Soon after Trump won in 2016, Malcolm Nance, whose
books predicted all of this subterfuge and treason but no one could stop it, was
on several talk shows. He said over and over that because Trump/Putin got away
with what they got away with in 2016, the information warfare against Americans
would amp up.
Well, all those people hollering
that wearing a mask destroys their freedom are stoned on disinformation,
mesmerized by it, brainwashed, and they are helping to kill more Americans, by
repeating the messages of those attacking us with information warfare. Soon it won't matter what the "protesters" are shouting. The virus is bigger than all of us and it's not even as big as a strand of DNA.
Kay Ebeling
Friday, August 14, 2020
We are all screwed
Trump did not know enough history when he signed on to work with Putin to know how awful that was.
Perhaps at one point Trump realized this deal he made with Putin includes lots of Americans dying but it was too late for him to get out. So the Russian/Saudi agents handling Trump started giving him drugs so he would keep getting in front of news cameras, reading their scripts.
We are all screwed.
Perhaps at one point Trump realized this deal he made with Putin includes lots of Americans dying but it was too late for him to get out. So the Russian/Saudi agents handling Trump started giving him drugs so he would keep getting in front of news cameras, reading their scripts.
We are all screwed.

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