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Monday, August 24, 2020

I have to avoid Facebook dialogues with fake humans

Yesterday on Facebook I got drawn into it again. I commented that when I read a post from someone who supports Trump, I go to their profile and there rarely is any mention of education. That's all I said, an objective observation, no more no less. But I was soon bombarded with comments from people who said they don’t need education, it only takes common sense to see Donald Trump is greatest president ever. I almost closed out my FB account thinking, Aarrgh the IQ average here has gotten way too low.
Then at 2 AM or so, a massive lightning bolt blew out everything near me, internet phone electricity, and for 2 hours I could only get NPR on my little battery radio, our local station "from atop Harvey's" just played canned music while lightning continued and the town was in the dark. As soon as the lights came on and the light on the modem stopped blinking, I was on Facebook to see if others knew anything about the fires and storms nearby.
So, Facebook serves a purpose, I just have to stop wasting time in conversations with people who might not even really be people. I mean, there seems to be a LOT of stupid people jumping in on my comments here lately, highlighting my name so I see they've commented at me within seconds, then I read it and it's another Fox News mesmerized brainwashed troll repeating sound bytes from the right. Are there really that many people who support Trump, or are there so many fake trolls on line repeating right wing messages that it makes me feel like they're all around me, when they're not.
That could be it. In St. Petersburg, Russia, there's ten guys on laptops in cubicles in the GRU offices, signed on to Facebook with ten different accounts each, and they spend all day doing searches for key words and as soon as you use one of them, they're in your life commenting stupid stuff.  It makes me feel like they're everywhere, they outnumber the humans who still have brains, when they are probably not even real

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