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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Kamala Did Not Fail Pedophile Priest Victims

If Harris had just handed over criminal case files to civil attorneys to use after the court ordered the criminal cases thrown out, those thousands of lawsuits in California that paid out MILLIONS to California victims would all have been thrown out
To All the pedophile priest victims now claiming Kamala Harris Failed Us, I was alive and paying attention when this happened, TRUTH: While Harris was a DA in San Francisco, the Catholic Church appealed the Burton Bill which had opened a 3 year window in SOL, the court threw out criminal cases, ruled only civil cases could go forward.
Victims Advocates did not appeal when the court threw out the criminal cases. Civil lawsuits went forward and Calif victims shared Billions in settlements. Kamala did what by law she had to do bk the church got the criminal cases thrown out in court.
STOP SPREADING THE LIE that Kamala Failed PedoPriest Vicrims sheesh do you think Trump gave a half a damn about us at allllll?????

Kay Ebeling

Repeat: If Harris had just handed over the docs to civil attorneys to use, those thousands of lawsuits in California would have all been thrown out.
After the Church appealed the Burton Bill that created the 3-year open window in SOL, the courts RULED that only civil cases could go forward. If Harris had just handed over the docs to civil attorneys to use in their lawsuits, those thousands of lawsuits would have all been thrown out. Harris did what by law she had to do. Victims attorneys could have appealed the court decision but chose instead to move forward with lawsuits.
I keep finding articles where SNAP is claiming Kamala Failed us. HOW DARE THEY claim to speak for victims and then be angry and So Misinformed, because Kamala did the right thing.
If Harris had just handed over criminal case files to civil attorneys to use after the court ordered the criminal cases thrown out, those thousands of civil lawsuits in California that paid out MILLIONS to California Victims would have all been thrown out.

=Kay Ebeling
(personal stuff)
really tired of repeating myself but just like 10 years ago, there's "SNAP" being quoted in news "speaking for victims" saying something I think is completely wrong, that Kamala's is bringing tears to victims' eyes. Only the victims who listen to SNAP and don't just read the news and see for themselves what is happening are crying. I Am So Tired of ths and DON"T wantn to be pulled into this snag of spiritually snagged @#$E%^Y&UIOP" again.
Kay Ebeling
Hmm just like trying to talk to someone who only watches Fox News... interesting; you repeat the truth then the lie pops up and you have to repeat the truth again then the lie pops up again. Ten years ago I thought I’d done enough of that with SNAP et al. Now it's happening again. And I'm seeing how eerily similar the two instances are. Hmm


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