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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Kinzinger 'vaporizes' Trump, quotes here on Abbey Gate, Arlington, and unseen Republicans- Bulwark podcast 08.29

AI generated transcript video linked at bottom

Kinzinger (Politico)

[JUMP TO 09:15]

Part 1: Q: Where are Other Republicans Speaking Out Against Trump?

"They're concerned about their ability to make money"

Where was everybody else? Have you talked to Chris Christie have you talked to Mitt have you talked to John Kelly? There was a riot at the Capital that's how it went

AK: Here's the reality. A lot of these folks they're making money now okay, so they got out of politics, they're making money. Their money is not in media their money is in-

If I'm going to work at private Equity or I'm going to be a consultant, they can survive in that role if they are not overly aggressive against the Republicans. You can survive with a past but not a future that's aggressive against the Republicans. And that's why they're being quiet.

If all of a sudden you come out against Donald Trump and you work for a private Equity Firm and that private Equity Firm has defense contracts and they're worried that Trump's going to win and then violate that defense- turn against that defense company, because of that that you're a liability all of a sudden.

And this is why a significant amount of people are staying quiet.

Not all of them, like I don't know what Liz Cheney is doing or anything like that, but some of them I can tell you for for a fact because i've talked to them and they've told me.

They're concerned about their ability to make money.

Look, if you were in the Bush Administration 20 years ago, I don't think you still have a responsibility to always speak out. There's a point at which you do your duty and then you can move on.

But if you were recently in government you saw this stuff and you actually care about the future of the country, I mean, you've got to speak out.

This is like the most important moment. You can shut up after November, you can shut up all you want after November, but this is like this moment-


Making it about money is even more depressing than some of the other theories to be honest.

"if you were recently in government you saw this stuff and you actually care about the future of the country, I mean, you've got to speak out."

PART 2: Trump’s Altercation at Arlington National Cemetery 


AK: First off to go after this lady [employee] for a mental health episode, look she probably was Irate. Because she knew exactly what was being done. And if you think about it if you're an employee or a volunteer in this area, your whole being is focused on honoring these folks and keeping politics out of it.

I mean this is not political.

And they can try to say well wherever we were, that family wanted us there, okay, fine, guess what. You don't get to make that decision even if you have somebody you love that's resting in that area. You don't get to make that decision on behalf of the thousands of others there either.

You don't get to do a thumbs up and smile even though you may want your picture with the former president. Because it's not just-

If this was a cemetery with just your fallen loved one, I would agree, you get to make that decision.

But this is a decision as a country that we have decided to keep this out....

JUMP to 23:29 in VIDEO

By the way, I guarantee you that whoever his staff was that had this confrontation has never served a day in their life, never considered serving a day in their life, and frankly it's the same people that are on the internet that are going after veterans that don't like Donald Trump, and saying that they're betraying their country.

How many times I've been called a traitor despite the fact that it's by these kids that have never served a day in their life, like fine whatever, but I hope America sees through this. I beg it yes.

There was a little karma in that photo op.

"I guarantee you that whoever his staff was that had this confrontation has never served a day in their life, never considered serving a day in their life"


"Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump cut the worst deal"

[JUMP TO 26:51]

AK: Trump people have used Abbey Gate now as a political weapon.

As terrible as it was, we need to be clear about something.

The whole reason we were faced with an Abby Gate is-

Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump cut the worst deal with the Taliban and basically put Biden in a situation where he either had to increase troop numbers, which was politically untenable for him, or withdraw. Now the execution of that withdrawal was a disaster; I'm not sure how much better it could have gone with the exception of keeping Bogram Airbase open instead of Kabul international airport but yes.

"The whole reason we were faced with an Abbey Gate is- Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump"


The Democratic Party used to be the Working Man’s party, right, the party of maybe a little different than the Republicans but still were kind of unabashedly America's role in the world and they're reclaiming that territory.

Donald Trump's just a whining belly aching- America sucks- you say you love America but you only love America as as you envision it 50 years ago, you hate the America of today. And those are the kinds of things that even if not in two months over the next couple years will really start to seep in.

If it wasn't Trump, if we lived in Earth Two, where like Nikki Haley could have been the Republican nominee on the other side it wasn't somebody that was a criminal that down talked America that wanted to up the Constitution, it would have

Taken away the potency from a lot of what she [Kamala] said.

The other thing that always bewildered me about the Haley Trump thing and how the party just collapsed with Trump is look, Haley I think probably could have won this election, right. And not only could she have won she would have been president for eight years, like it was hard to imagine a chance that she wouldn't have gotten reelected.

Just do the inverse. Just flip it. Like let's say that Biden was a stubborn old fart and stayed it out and the Republicans had powerful people like Nancy Pelosi like Mitch mcconnell that were able to push Trump off of The Edge and they replaced him with Haley, it would like we would it would have just been a total inverse situation totally. Again you would have had the presidency for eight years.

Now what they did is they bet on a guy, they backed a guy that probably hopefully can't win, but has less of a shot of winning, and can only be president for four years.



AI Generated transcription of  

"Kinzinger VAPORIZES "Weak Man" Trump (w/ Adam Kinzinger) | Bulwark Podcast" on YouTube, watch here Https//

Another addition to the CofA Blog Transcript Project

Weblogged by Kay Ebeling

Volunteering for Harris/Walz with passion to get USA to stop self destructing under Trump 

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