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Monday, August 19, 2024

How RFK Sr fits into the story

 Memoir 2 (part 1 is here)

The cops who arrested me had stopped at my apartment on the way taking me to jail, and while I waited locked in their backseat they searched my $20 a month Echo Park apartment.  On a table in the front room was this… it was supposed to be a huka, some friend had made it and left it with me. It was all hardware store tubes connected to a big glass bottle, ugly, and I don't know why I had it on my table, I think we’d tried to smoke weed with it but it didn't work.

The cops returned to the car with a bag and a snarl oh their faces and we went on to jail. But there were all kinds of problems with my arrest. For instance, even though I’d been babbling nonstop, since they forgot to read me my Miranda rights, nothing I had said could be used against me.

As we rode towards downtown, it began to hit me, and I said to them, “What's going on? Am I under arrest?” Silence. Then one cop says to the other, did you Miranda her? No I thought you did.

So everything I had said could not be used against me. They Miranda’d me there and I stopped talking.

All they had against me was whatever was in that bag.

A few weeks earlier, my sister and I had gone in halves on a pound of Acapulco Gold because it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, I think that's how I convinced her.  I still had a good bit of it stashed somewhere in that dark scary bathroom, oh my god I hope that's not what the cops found.

They didn't find it.

Instead at my little hearing in a downtown criminal court, when the DA produced their evidence against me, it was the flimsy floppy stinking huka.

The judge said, what the F- and looked at me, What is this thing?

In a tiny voice I put out, “a work of art?”

My case was thrown out.

Back in my dark messy home, I filled with political rage, so instead of calling the temp agencies, I went to the Peace and Freedom Party headquarters and became one of their most enthusiastic volunteers, such a workaholic that soon I was one of about three persons in the state who were on paid staff. 

From that office, I watched as Robert F. Kennedy got shot in front of all of us on camera live. The election night party that had been going on at headquarters became quiet. I needed to talk to someone so wandered into the office of MH who had been running for district attorney and, of course, as a P&F Party proud socialist candidate, he had lost by a landslide.

I wanted to talk about how sad I was that Bobby Kennedy had been shot because even the radical left saw him as a sign of hope for the future. I think I was even in tears.

The candidate got up and grabbed me and I ended up having to fight him off as he chased me around the desk touching me in the wrong places, scaring the F out of me but I got away.

I went home and lost interest in politics for a while. 

KH: Let me be clear.

After decades in law enforcement, I know the importance of Safety and Security, especially at our border.

Last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades. The border patrol endorsed it.

But Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign. So he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal. Well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you.

As president, I will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that he killed, and I will sign it into law. I know-

I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system. We can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border.

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More from Kamala Harris at DNC 2024

I have a question for you. Who really wants a solution at our border?

Our Administration worked on the most significant border security bill in decades. It went after transnational gangs drug cartels and human traffickers that came into our country illegally.

I prosecuted them in case after case, and I won.

So here is my pledge to you.

As president, I will bring back the border security bill that Donald Trump killed and I will sign it into law and show Donald Trump what real leadership looks like. 

Man. I have really bad sex karma. see 
More to come

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