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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

TRANSCRIPT: Jasmine Crockett speech at DNC: "Harris has a resume; Trump has a rap sheet" "She resides over the Senate while he keeps our national Secrets next to his..." read it here

CofA Blog transcript project

Good evening, America. On November 5th our nation will hire a president a commander in chief and leader of the free world. So let's compare their resumés, shall we? One candidate worked at McDonald’s while she was in college at an [music] HBCU [historically black college / university]. The other was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and helped his daddy in the family business, housing discrimination, that is.

Crockett on CBS

She became a career prosecutor while he became a career criminal, with felonies, two impeachments, and one porn star to prove [applause] it. Her entire career as an elected district attorney, attorney general, and senator she always works for one client, the people.

Meanwhile, he's a 78-year-old lifelong predator fraudster and cheat known for inciting violent mobs. Listen, y'all. He's only looked out for one person, himself.

As women are dying, he is bragging about overturning Roe.

And y'all know I come from Texas, and right now in Texas, come on Texas, but right now in Texas they want to reinstitute the death penalty, while Kamala Harris is fighting for our reproductive rights to be restored.

She is also the leader we need on the global stage. She helped secure the release of Americans wrongfully detained in Russia, at the same time he cozied up to his role model Vladimir Putin, and maga holds legislation hostage here at home, critical resources to secure the border, military aid to Ukraine, and even the farm bill.

She's lived the American dream while he's been America’s nightmare.

America, looking at the two choices before you who would you hire, Donald Trump or Kamala Harris? Kamala Harris has a resume; Donald Trump has a rap sheet. She presides over the senate while he keeps our national secrets next to his thinking chair, y'all know what I said that other time in real [inaudible].-

While Donald Trump wants to put our constitution through his project 2025 paper shredder and make every day January 6th, kamala Harris is fighting to fulfill the promise of America.

In the real world. This wouldn't even be close. But this election is- don't make a mistake- we are the underdogs in this fight, even though there is only one person qualified, only one person who's done the work, and who has delivered the results. And she needs you, she needs your one vote. This November can we count on you?

Some of you know a little bit of my history. Some of you don't. So let me tell you. I was a public defender. I did criminal defense as well as practiced civil rights law for almost two decades. I know a good prosecutor when I see one.

Kamala Harris is the kind of prosecutor we long for in the cases like those of Breonna Taylor, yeah. She was the first attorney general in the nation to order that her officers wear body cams, and she started the back on track program to reduce recidivism.

Listen y'all. She did all these things because she genuinely cares about people, she sees each person as just that, a person, not a statistic. She's proven that since the first day she stepped into a courtroom and said what y'all already heard Hillary say- I did not copy off of her speech I just want y'all to know. She walked into that courtroom and said kamala Harris for the people and she meant that.

Many of you know her credentials, but what I love about kamala Harris goes beyond her resume.  It's that she sees the humanity in everyone. She's the only candidate in this race who is capable of empathy.

When I first got to congress, I wasn't sure I made the right decision. The chaos caucus couldn't elect the speaker and the oversight committee was unhinged. I was going through all of this when I visited the vice president's residence for the first time. As I approached vice president Harris for our official photo she turned to me and asked what's wrong. Mind you, we'd never met, but she saw right through me. She saw the distress. I immediately began crying and the most powerful woman in the world wiped my tears and [applause] listened.

It's so hard for me to tell this- her- she then said among other things, you are exactly where god wants you. You're district chose you because they believe in you and so do it.

The next month I went viral for the first of many times to come for hitting republicans with a dose of their own own medicine. That brief but impactful interaction gave me my legislative legs, and I’ve been running ever since.

The question before us is will a vindictive vile villain violate voter's vision for a better America or not? I hear alliterations are back in style.

We deserve better. We deserve a president who can be a bright light in a sea of darkness, one who will pull us forward. Because we won't go back. Amanda Gordman said it best. There's always light if only we are brave enough to see it, if only we are brave enough to be it. Kamala Harris showed me that light and, America, when she is our president, together we will shine as that beacon of hope and freedom around the world once more, god bless y'all oh English

(ai-generated transcript, another addition to the transcript project on city of angels blog)

Watch the video here

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