Not just L.A., the City of Angels Is Everywhere
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Monday, July 29, 2024

A Pres and VP who both cannot pass top security clearance is what we get if Republicans win. Hmm

more I learn about Vance, more I realize he would not have been able to get a top secret security clearance. To get one DOJ investigators ask questions, visit neighbors and relatives. A mother who was ODing and in prison after stealing opiods on her job, and with his drunken uncles, plus Vance’s psychological imbalance from a broken home life, changing his name often- he would not have gotten a high enough clearance to look at the kinds of documents he’ll see as VP if he gets in. Some of us remember shouting back in 2016 that Donald Trump also could not have gotten a top secret clearance with all his bankruptcies and rape accusations and settlements. Maybe that's why Trump et al liked Vance above other applicants for the VP job. Now they both can be compromised, which is how Vladimir Putin likes his tools. To me it's an interesting coincidence. 

Hemp sequesters carbon twice as much as trees, so gummies could save the climate

Friday, July 26, 2024

UN launches Climate Call to Action yesterday at Olympics, Sec'y Gen Guterres transcript here

(Another installment of the Transcript Project at CofA Blog, documenting our strange times in AI Generated print) 

"This past Sunday Monday and Tuesday were the three hottest days on record. Extreme temperatures are no longer a one day one week or one month phenomenon. Extreme heat is the new abnormal."

"Today we are launching a Global Call To Action"

"Extreme Heat: UN Secretary-General's Call to Action" Streamed live on Jul 25, 2024 (link below)

António Guterres: It's summertime but the living is no longer easy. This has been a week of unprecedented heat. First the European Union's Copernicus climate change service declared Sunday July 21st as the hottest day on record. Then on Monday July 22nd the Mercury climbed even higher. And now we have just received preliminary data indicating that Tuesday July 23rd was in the same range. In other words this past Sunday Monday and Tuesday were the three hottest days on record.

But let's face facts.


Extreme temperatures are no longer a one day one week or one month's phenomenon. If there is one thing that unites our divided world, it is that we are all increasingly feeling the fact that Earth is becoming hotter and more dangerous for everyone. Everywhere billions of people are facing an extreme heat epidemic, wilting under increasingly deadly Heat.

Heat waves with temperatures topping °50C around the world, that's 122° Fahrenheit and halfway to Boiling. This year we have seen a deadly Heatwave hit the Cil with spiking hospitalizations and death and broken temperature records across the United States reportedly displacing 120 million people and heat advisory Warnings.

Scorching conditions have killed 1300 pilgrims during Hajj, shut down tourist attractions in Europe sweet box cities, and closed schools across Asia and Africa, impacting more than 80 million children.

Of course summer heat is as old as the hills. But the world meteorological organization, the intergovernmental panel on climate change, and others have documented a rapid rise in the scale intensity frequency and duration of extreme heat events.

And it comes against the background of ever Rising temperatures with June officially the 13th consecutive months to break Global temperature records. Extreme heat is increasingly tearing through economies, widening inequalities, undermining the sustainable development goals, and killing people, in fact heat is estimated to kill almost half a million people a year, and that's about 30 times more than tropical Cyclones.

We know what is driving it: fossil fuel charged human induced climate change. And we know it's going to get worse. Extreme heat is the new abnormal.

But the good news news is that there are solutions. The good news is that we can save lives and we can limit its impact.

And so today we are launching a Global Call To Action with four areas of focus: first caring for the most vulnerable.

Crippling heat is everywhere but it doesn't affect everyone equally. Those most at risk when the Mercury soars include the urban poor, pregnant women, people with disabilities, older people, the very young, the sick, the displaced, and the impoverished who often live in substandard housing without access to cooling.

For example heat related deaths for people over 65 years of age increased around 85% in 20 Years….

So we must respond by massively increasing access to low carbon cooling, expanding passive cooling such as natural solutions and Urban Design, and cleaning up cooling Technologies while boosting their efficiency…  slashing emissions and saving consumers trillions US dollars a year.


More from UN channel: Earth is becoming hotter and more dangerous for everyone, everywhere. Billions of people around the world are wilting under increasingly severe heatwaves driven largely by a fossil-fuel charged, human-induced climate crisis. Extreme heat is tearing through economies, widening inequalities, undermining the Sustainable Development Goals, and killing people.

The Call for Action calls for an urgent and concerted effort to enhance international cooperation to address extreme heat in four critical areas: Caring for the vulnerable - Protecting workers - Boosting resilience of economies and societies using data and science - Limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C by phasing out fossil fuels and scaling up investment in renewable energy.


(Watch the entire Guterres speech on YouTube here )

Weblogged by Kay Ebeling

Former professional transcriber

 "This past Sunday Monday and Tuesday

 were the three hottest days on record."


-UN Secy General Guterres yesterday

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Vance graduated Yale Law in 2013. In 2016 Hillbilly Elegy was published. Somewhere in between he connected with someone who connected him with Harper Collins publishers and Ron Howard movie director. 

How did JD Vance get a book and movie deal out of nowhere? Who took his "Elegy" manuscript to Harper Collins and Ron Howard? That is Not Easy for a first time writer. Who wanted that book published in 2016 and made into a movie for 2020 release, and got the book publicized before anyone even knew who JD was? If anyone knows, please tell me.

Vance is Dangerous; so is his book. Politico 2022 interview re Hillbilly Elegy

'Silas House: It’s a dangerous book because it’s a treatise in disguise. Lots of times when I would voice my opposition to the book, well-intentioned people, often liberal people, would say, “But it’s a memoir, it’s his family story — how can you negate his own story?” My response to that is I don’t negate the family story, and I think that if it had just been a memoir, it would be a powerful piece of writing and it would be his own proof. But the problem is it is woven through with dog whistles about class and race, gender. And if your ears are attuned to those dog whistles, you know exactly what he’s saying. If you’re not, then it can read like a heartwarming rags-to-riches story. And everything that we’ve learned since the book came out sort of proves that it was just laying the groundwork for this political career.'

Read the 2022 interview with Silas House, chair of Appalachian Studies at Berea College, Kentucky at Politico Magazine here

As I wrote earlier, his book appealed to people who already were full of hate, in fact it was targeted at them. Like Fox News... another quote from House: 

'he talks about his uncles, who are these drunks who fight everybody and they beat their wives, and then he calls them the embodiment of the Appalachian man. Well, as an Appalachian man, that’s deeply troubling to me, because that doesn’t embody Appalachian masculinity as I know it. It does embody the stereotypes of Appalachian masculinity over the last 150 years of media. And that’s sort of what I mean. It just sort of presses the buttons that are already there and made people feel really satisfied, in that it’s sort of like, “Oh, well, I knew this all along, and now somebody is solidifying it for me.” '

"It just sort of presses the buttons"

Information warfare. One more quote:

House: It’s dangerous because there’s such a lack of complexity in the book in a time when the national conversation lacks more and more nuance. There’s no nuance in the book. There’s a lot that’s false and intentionally misleading, and I always think that’s really dangerous when there’s intentional misinformation being shared. And I think he’s dangerous because he embodies all of that. And it seems to me that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to rise. And I can think of nothing more dangerous in a politician than that.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

 'Mala: Make America Love Again

Does anyone know how JD Vance got his book published?

It's almost impossible to get a first manuscript to an agent or publisher, how did JD do that?

I think JD Vance is secretly Peter Thiel’s lover. Oops What? Did I say that, how awful of me. It's the PTSD, no impulse control.

Seriously Even Peter Thiel can't get through the blockades between first time authors and agents and publishers, I think. Vance's hillbilly book appeals to the ignorant who hate. And someone gets it published by Harper Collins when he's a nobody. I'm saying he might be a useful fool for Saudi/ Russia or even useful tool.

Kay Ebeling

Maybe I have it wrong. He wrote the book and met billionaire Peter Thiel, which came first?

Vance was a corporal in a PAO unit in Iraq. Enemies often find spies in PAOs; as journalists make good tools for spies, and Vance's job was, not as an officer but enlisted so powerless, escorting int'l writers around Iraq war zones to help them with their articles. I think that's where he was recruited; he's a tool, for whom I don't know. But his rise to the top is Too Convenient and Unearned (take that, objectivists).


Trump wanted to destroy the Republican Party from the start, looks like he succeeded in that one thing

By Kay Ebeling

The goal was to destroy the Republican party back in 2015 when Trump first came down the elevator. If I remember right, a LOT of pundits were saying that, even quoting anonymous sources. Donald Trump’s real purpose running for President to start with was to destroy the Republican Party, wonder if anyone else remembers that.

Now that Hulk Hogan headlined the Repub convention and their VP pick is a con artist who conned the biggest con artist, I’d say Trump’s original goal was met. He's destroyed the Republican Party.

Which bothers me, because I'm mostly a centrist, like to walk the fine line as an Independent in the middle and have even voted now and then for Republicans. HW Bush, I liked him, don’t remember why now but back then I liked him.

Anyway. I'm glad the Romney and Bush and Arnold S side of the party has stayed away from Trump. I'm enjoying the story now from my perch on top of a mountain where I watch in a low rent room on three laptops while gazing out the window at the glorious Tahoe sky.

I got to live through one of the most amazing periods in world history, born 1948 riding the planet all the way to this amazing final act. Hope it's the final act. I don't need anymore drama, just pass laws and stay out of the news, please, Congress. I want to just goof off for the rest of my life. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Vance opiod nonprofit was a scam; More JD Vance facts from Ben Meiselas; Read transcript

[Funny just this AM I was thinking about JD Vance, it takes a con artist* to con a con artist, then I watched what Meidas Touch said about the VP nom in video: "WOW! Trump Campaign In HUGE PANIC over KAMALA ENERGY" The more one looks at JD Vance, the more dirt appears. -ke]

TRANSCRIPT starts at 6:40 on video 

Ben Meiselas: 
Also if you look at JD Vance's background, he claims he's from Appalachia. he's really from the suburbs of Ohio [Middleton]. His whole life story, the Hillbilly Elegy it's like a total fraud and a total scam. and he worked in Silicon Valley after going to law school. he worked for Peter Thiel, made a lot of money doing that.

Then came back to Ohio, started a sham charity that claimed to address the opioid epidemic in the state but actually just exploited people, took money didn't give it to the community, funded a researcher who actually works with Purdue Pharma, to put opioids back into the community. And basically he used it as a sham to hire political consultants and to launch his political career.

I mean just an utterly pathetic human being. And so I suppose a perfect pick for Donald Trump. also he previously called Donald Trump America's Hitler. 

Watch video here 

[moretranscripts to come as we document conversations during this critical time of U.S. history in the making. ] 

[links here to relevant posts 111 222 333 at CofA Blog]

* Re nonprofit con artist 

Aug 18, 2022 — When bestselling author JD Vance founded “Our Ohio Renewal” a day after the 2016 presidential election, he promoted the charity as a vehicle ...
3 days ago — 3. Vance claimed he moved back to Ohio to help solve the opioid epidemic. He started a fake charity that paid for polling, campaign advisors and ...

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Kamala Harris accomplishments as VP

 For persons wonderinig


Get a better view of list on Twitter where I found it


'Trump is not subtle about his corruption' Dean Obeidallah today, linked here

Oligarchy on parade: Trump vows to make "life good" for Musk in exchange for massive campaign donation by Dean Obeidallah 

'Trump has broadcasted to the oligarch class that if you make a huge donation to help him win in 2024, he will deliver the policies you want.  Trump was referring to a report in the Wall Street Journal last Monday that Musk was planning to donate around $45 million a month to a pro-Trump super political-action committee called America PAC. Trump lavished praise on Musk, noting, “We have to make life good for our smart people, and he’s as smart as you get.”

'Thanks to some great reporting in May by The Washington Post. the paper reported that Trump had gathered “some of the country’s top oil executives at his Mar-a-Lago Club” and there he told them point blank, if you make mass donations to my campaign, I will ensure that as President I will enact policies that make you even more money.' 

Read more at Dean Obeidallah's Substack 

Peter Thiel created JD Vance the candidate; here are links to several sources

To me, the VP nominee being the creation of a German-American Libertarian in Silicon Valley is alarming. Read about it:  

May 3, 2022 — Tech billionaire Peter Thiel had already donated a record-breaking amount of money to support J.D. Vance in the Ohio Republican Senate ...
6 days ago — Donald Trump's pick for vice president made a 180-degree turn from fierce critic to bulldog surrogate for the former president.
Apr 20, 2022 — As MAGA World Bets on J.D. Vance and Blake Masters, a new breed of conservatism is gaining ground, and getting more radical.
1 day ago — When asked to weigh in on Peter Thiel's reasons for supporting Vance, Buttigieg broke it down plainly: Money ...
5 days ago — Vance's most prominent benefactor over the years has been iconoclastic tech investor Peter Thiel, who in recent months said he's not giving ...
4 days ago — Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel hired JD Vance at his venture capital firm and spent $15 million to elect Vance to the Senate in ...
4 days ago — Mr. Vance spent less than five years in Silicon Valley's tech industry, but the connections he made with Peter Thiel and others became ...
5 days ago — Vance once worked for Thiel in venture capital and later received millions of dollars in donations from the billionaire during his Senate ...
4 days ago — While Ohio Senator J.D. Vance's Appalachian roots are well-known, thanks to his best-selling memoir “Hillbilly Elegy,” another aspect of ...

2 days ago — Yale Law School graduate found allies in tech billionaires including Peter Thiel who rallied privately for him.
4 days ago — Donald Trump's VP pick was a venture capitalist who has been bankrolled in business and politics by billionaire investor.
3 days ago — Clay Clark, the conspiratorial mind behind the ReAwaken America Tour, decries Trump's choice of J.D. Vance.
Peter Thiel is the reason JD Vance has a political career. He and Musk are going to own Trump and Vance if they are elected.
5 days ago — Former PayPal CEO Peter Thiel has played an outsize role in helping JD Vance's career rocket in a short space of time.
3 days ago — Peter Thiel has bank rolled most of JD Vance's professional life, the award-winning journalist explained to the audience.
Mar 15, 2021 — The billionaire investor is putting $10 million behind the author of Hillbilly Elegy, J.D. Vance.
6 days ago — Vance as VP, Peter Thiel would finally have Trump right where he wants him. Why donate money to Trump when you can buy a candidate? Two men in ...
5 days ago — Vance has supported antitrust actions against big tech companies. He has even backed Lina Khan, who heads the Federal Trade Commission under ...
6 days ago — Vance is the first former venture capitalist on a major party ticket since Mitt Romney. His footprint is mostly tied by association to his ...

Oct 3, 2022 — GOP megadonor Peter Thiel is signaling he wants to help Arizona Senate hopeful Blake Masters before the midterms and is largely done with ...
Peter Thiel, the PayPal billionaire behind JD Vance's sudden rise
5 days ago — Inlight of Donald Trump's announcement of Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) as his running mate for the 2024 presidential election, entrepreneur and ...
May 5, 2022 — Now that J.D. Vance has won the GOP nomination for Senate in Ohio, heightened scrutiny will fall on his chief financial backer, ...
May 6, 2022 — A long with Donald Trump's endorsement, Peter Thiel's $10 million contribution is widely credited with boosting Hillbilly Elegy author J.D. ...
May 19, 2021 — Backing from conservative venture capitalists comes amid push for alternative social-media channels with looser rules on speech.
6 days ago — Donald Trump's selection Monday of Senator J.D. Vance to be his running mate elevates a figure with long-standing financial connections that ...
6 days ago — Vance has long had connections to Silicon Valley through his former life as a venture capitalist, including to longtime Donald Trump ...
3 days ago — The tech billionaire's early stake in right-wing candidates has produced enormous dividends. But for Thiel, it's far more than a personal ...
Rachel Maddow reviews the remarkably sparse qualifications J.D. Vance offers both as a campaign partner and as a potential vice president ...

Apr 20, 2022 — Billionaire entrepreneur Peter Thiel poured another $3.5 million into a Super Political Action Committee backing venture capitalist JD Vance ...
Feb 22, 2022 — A “dark money” group tied to Peter Thiel steered hundreds of thousands of dollars to a super PAC supporting J.D. Vance in Ohio's Senate ...
May 19, 2021 — Backing from conservative venture capitalists comes amid push for alternative social-media channels with looser rules on speech.
Theappointment of J.D. Vance as Donald Trump's running mate and vice-presidential nominee came as a surprise for most within and without the political ...
Jan 9, 2020 — The new fund has backing from major names including Peter Thiel, Marc Andreesen and Eric Schmidt.
Apr 15, 2021 — The GOP might have just found its next celebrity politician. Venture capitalist and “Hillbilly Elegy” author J.D. Vance reportedly told ...
15 hours ago — J.D. Vance (R-OH) prepared to accept the Republican Party's nomination to be Donald Trump's running mate, MSNBC's out host Rachel Maddow laid ...
Apr 20, 2022 — Billionaire tech entrepreneur Peter Thiel is donating $3.5 million to a super PAC backing Ohio GOP Senate candidate J.D. Vance after he won ...-ke