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Friday, July 5, 2024

Trump Airplane JOINS Putin and UAE Plane in ODD FORMATION (Meidas Touch July 5 transcript here)

Video here X post w photos here

Let's not forget that over this weekend Donald Trump's plane at Dulles Airport was right next to Vladimir Putin's Russian Embassy plane and right next to


The United Arab Emirates Air Force c17 plane let's not forget about that let's also not forget about the fact that in documents that were released in connection with the Jeffrey Epstein criminal grand jury Donald Trump's name repeatedly appeared on the message log of Epstein specifically in 2004. And there were lots of message logs about setting up massages with teenage girls


Separately and then as part of the stack of messages, Trump's name appears in other messages not those but in other messages. So remember the power of your pen as a media Network or the power of your lens what you cover and what you don't cover tells us a lot about what your priorities are. And this is one of our critiques of the media and what they refuse to cover. I do want to give a hat tip to Andrew Leyden incredible journalist for getting these photos for


Putting in the hard work. He's the one who captured over the weekend first Donald Trump's plane next to the Russian Embassy plane. The Russian Embassy plane was there because about every 6 months to a year, they're purportedly there based on this arrangement to pick up diplomats and move them out. That was the at least purported reason why they're there. But that plane next to Trump's plane and then a day later the UAE


United Arab Emirates plane was there. Someone asked Andrew Leyden any non-trump us planes park nearby. To which Andrew who was there said nope this was actually a very isolated part of the airport, between the runways not near the terminals or main airport report parking area. I just want to report the facts. I'm not trying to give you conspiracies to say that what was happening was Donald Trump giving classified information to Putin or the United Arab Emirates.


I'm not saying that at all. There's no evidence of that. It's odd that these planes were next to each other I am saying that this should be discussed. There should be an examination of what those planes were doing… to stop the ability to kind of get into

[Here Meidas quotes same quotes we posted at cofa Blog here


The Republican party went from Tear Down the Wall Mr. Gorbachev to [Trump, Kislyak, and Lavrov] in the Oval Office laughing and mocking us.



Do we think that any of that's actually taking place at all? And especially with these planes being at the line of sight, you're telling me you don't think that- I mean I don't know I'm asking that the United Arab Emirates plane the Russian plane and the Trump plane aren't able to share data based on the proximity. If they wanted to or able to get into each other's system, that kind of brings us to the broader topic where I don't want to get into conspiratorial territory. I just


Want to focus on the fact that those planes were next to each other at the- that's odd. And I think it should raise red flags period full stop. But I also want to talk about the facts, cuz you hear Trump and Maga always go oh you're just spreading lies about Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia. Well look. The very first act that Donald Trump did once he was in office, after he called on Russia to hack into his political opponents email. What was the very first


Thing that Donald Trump did? He had the Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov and the ambassador to the US Russia's other top foreign Diplomat, if you want even call him that, Sergey Kislyak were there in the Oval Office. And they were laughing and they were mocking the heck out of the United States right. The Republican party went from Tear Down the Wall Mr Gorbachev to they were in the oval laughing and mocking us.


And it is undisputed Trump provided them with highly classified information in the Oval Office. This is not a conspiracy, it's not oh did Trump give him the debt. Trump gave them classified information in the Oval Office. He went to a separate area where he allowed no other American interpreter or any of his other advisers to be theren and he spoke with Lavrov and Kislyak alone.


And then Trump bragged about giving them classified information in tweets. He tweeted about it. This isn't oh Donald Trump did it oh Russia Russia Russia. He did it. He tweeted about it. He said as president I wanted to share with Russia at an openly scheduled White House meeting, which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining to terrorism and Airline safety humanitarian reasons. Plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against Isis and terrorism Trump


Sent that May 16 2017. He was there with the Russian ambassadors [days before] it's right there it's all in front of our eyes. But of course the corporate media didn't want to call that out in any meaningful way. But just take a look at this. You go back to 2013 Fox. This is what Fox was saying in 2013 when they wanted to go after President Obama. Because remember Mitt Romney talked about the threat that was posed by Russia as a geopolitical foe. President


Obama in a debate basically tried to make light of Romney saying that and Romney turned out to be correct about the threat posed by Russia. So here was Fox when they were attacking Obama for basically downplaying the threat of Russia here play this clip and you know what Mitt Romney was right a year ago when he said that Russia was our greatest geopolitical foe.


"Russia is without question our number one geopolitical foe. They fight every cause for the world's worst actors." -Mitt Romney 2012



He was right whether it's Ed Snowden or Syria or many other things. Look at us now and here was Romney in 2012 saying that Russia was our biggest geopolitical foe play this Clip. Russia this is without question our number one geopolitical foe. They they fight every cause for the world's worst actors, but now you have Fox and Friends and others taking a very different turn. You've got Donald Trump


Holding rallies in Waco Texas where he has speakers like Ted Nugent opening act for Donald Trump. So this is what the Republican parties become they've gone from Reagan Mr Gorbachev tear down the wall to Mitt Romney skipped a bunch of years there but to Mitt Romney saying Russia is our greatest geopolitical Foe and then you have Trump surrogate Ted


Nugent kicking off the Trump rally in Waco Texas on the 30th anniversary of the Waco Siege where Donald Trump paid tribute to those who wanted to attack the FBI and law enforcement.

Posted by Kay Ebeling
City of Angels Blog
(Transcript is AI generated so not perfect)

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