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Sunday, July 7, 2024

What people in UK say about the U.S. Anthony Davis 'Trump Allies Get DESTROYED in OVERSEAS REBUKE' Meidas Touch


The irony is that the U.S. now seems to be going the way of a monarchy, and through choice

It's important that we look to the rest of the world to see how other countries handle their democracies.

These leaders install themselves permanently, and Vladimir Putin's been there for what like 23 years now and shows no sign of leaving. He just signed himself in for another seven years.

I mean the guy [Trump] just did a deal with Saudi Arabia for goodness sake, the country where the 9/11 hijackers came from, the country who murdered Jamal Khashoggi, a journalist. This is who Donald Trump enjoys the company of.


British journalist & broadcaster covering U.S. politics Anthony Davis in the UK tells Meidas Touch what people in UK say about the U.S. transcript is AI generated from this video 


As a resident of the U.S., the way that Republicans are treating Donald Trump, they are treating him like a king.  They want him to be the king. He wants to be the king of the United States. And that is the issue here isn't it. Because I'm often criticized. People like to get into arguments with me about the monarchy versus The Republic. And yet the irony is that the U.S. now seems to be going the way of a monarchy, and through choice. And all these Trump supporters when interviewed at rallies, how do you feel about Donald Trump being a Dictator? And they're like well I suppose


I'd rather he was a dictator than have corrupt Joe Biden. And it's like whoa like you have got your head on backwards. So it's important that we look to the rest of the world to see how other countries handle their democracies. But we're not a democracy we're a constitutional republic that is a democracy. The U.S. is a democracy and must maintain its democracy. Otherwise it will go the way of Russia or North Korea.


These countries where these leaders install themselves permanently, and Vladimir Putin's been there for what like 23 years now and shows no sign of leaving. He just signed himself in for another seven years. And we have to think about what we really want for the United States. And the fact that the media has decided to jump on this anti-Joe Biden bandwagon because he had one bad 90 minute debate on CNN, a channel that nobody really watched.


That the debate was not widely viewed just clips of the debate that people have been circulating. Donald Trump lied for 90 minutes, didn't tell a single truth in that entire debate and yet all anybody wants to talk about is how Joe Biden kind of coughed and spluttered and wasn't able to finish sentences. These two people could not be more different. And the fact that people would think that to choose a dictator over a


Democrat, a delegator just because of one bad debate makes no sense to me. Well it does. I recognize that the media plays a huge part in this. And the New York Times has come out batting for Donald Trump and pushing for Joe Biden to step down. Joe Biden is a brilliant candidate




Read project 2025, ingest it, understand what they are offering. Because they're not hiding it, it is out there for everybody to see

I have no doubt that if he loses the election, he will contest the election. He will take it to the Supreme Court and they will reverse the decision. So this is a problem now isn't it. How do we deal with the Constitutional aspect the legal aspect of Donald Trump as a dictator. He and his friends at the Heritage Foundation and the people behind the scenes, the people we don't often really talk about, the Federalist Society putting all of the measures in place to guarantee Donald Trump a win.


Even if he loses, that is how high the stakes are. Read project 2025, ingest it, understand what they are offering. Because they're not hiding it, it is out there for everybody to see. And if you care about women's rights, if you care about the rights of Asylum Seekers, if you care about lgbtq plus Community, if you care about people of color, if you care about the working poor and the middle classes-


The only choice in this election is Joe Biden and the Democrats. Because Donald Trump has no interest in We the People. His interest is in big business, the the the super wealthy. I mean the guy just did a deal with Saudi Arabia for goodness sake, the country where the 9/11 hijackers came from, the country who murdered Jamal Khashoggi, a journalist. This is who Donald Trump enjoys the company of.


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