Not just L.A., the City of Angels Is Everywhere
From 2017, read Transcripts documenting the coup interviews with Malcolm Nance
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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Read Transcripts for Harris/ Walz here at CofA Blog until the election. Read and watch my book in progress "America sided with the pedophile priests, and soon after, the nation fell" being written online at

Clooney tells Kimmel "It's very hard to let go of power and Biden did something extraordinary, That's what should be focused on."

Another entry in Transcripts for Harris / Walz at CofA Blog

TRANSCRIPT of "George Clooney on NY Times Op-Ed on Biden, Insults from Trump, Film with Brad Pitt & Pulling Pranks" on Jimmy Kimmel Live 09 18  (Video Linked at Bottom

01:45 into video

JK: All right I want to talk to you about the big thing and you know what that is. You as everyone knows now, in July you wrote an op-ed in the New York Times.

GC:  Got to get right into that don’t we have time for one more question?

JK: And it really it may well have- it did actually change the world. I mean it had an enormous impact on the presidential election, right?

GC: No I don't I don't know that that's true, [OVERLAPPING]  there was an awful lot of people yeah it was well you know listen.

Bottom line is as you know let's get right to the bottom line the bottom line is okay the bottom line is that that-

It's very hard to let go of power and President Biden did something really extraordinary, really extraordinary. And so honestly, I really do think that that's that's what should be focused on. Really yeah yeah-

JK: And yet it was a risky move. Because had he not decided to step aside, it would probably have damaged him. To to, I mean having been one of his great supporters and-

GC: What are you getting at J?

JK: I'm getting at you took a big swing and thank God you hit that ball out, because it could have gone very bad-

GC: [OVERLAPPING] it could have gone very very badly go badly listen I I don't know I mean seems to be going pretty well right now.

JK: But have you like have you thought about if Donald Trump wins, have you thought about the possibility he might use the power of the federal government against you personally?

GC: Yeah I have but I just- I'm confident in the fact that he's coming after you first

JK: that makes you feel better

GC: Yeah you know that theory about you don't have to be faster than the bear, you just have to be faster than the one kid. You're that one kid. [LAUGHTER]

JK: I'm that kid [LAUGHTER]

END OF TRANSCRIPT of "George Clooney on NY Times Op-Ed on Biden, Insults from Trump, Film with Brad Pitt & Pulling Pranks" 


City of Angels Blog continues to document our strange times with readable transcripts, so years / decades from now readers can come to this blog and try to figure out what happened.


Weblogged by Kay Ebeling 


if you Vote Democrat, I don't even want you around this church.” -France 24 report on Christian Nationalists in US: Pastors praise Rudy Giuliani, “God sent Trump”

Another edition of Transcripts for Harris/ Walz

FRANCE 24 report: “Trump's devout followers: How Christian nationalists could sway the US election” Sept video linked below  


F24: they call themselves God's soldiers, fighting to save the soul of America, their weapon the Bible. These Christian nationalists believe their religion should Define US laws and set the country back on track.

Woman: if you Vote Democrat, I don't even want you around this church. You can get out. You can get out, you demon.

F24: for Donald Trump they might even help him return to the White House.

Woman: President Trump is the man that will bring righteousness, the rule of law, and the Judeo Christian values to our civilization.


“It's okay to call me a Christian Nationalist because I believe in country and I believe in the Bible, okay. So how can you be wrong with that?” 


F24: Many stormed the capital in January and could have a drastic impact on American democracy. Many people Hannah Salesbury and Roxy Cruz are devout Christians, and they do more than just praying.

One wants more Bibles in public schools. The other is a pro-life activist.

Another woman: it's going out into the abortion clinics and it's praying Heaven down and saying oh Jesus let these people know that that life is precious and not to abort it but to embrace it. Then you go into the schools and you take Bibles. We have to go back to God and the Bible. We have to follow by God's commands. We have to fear God.

F24: Both women believe that the line between the church and the state should dissolve and the devil has taken our ground.

In Virginia this group of Christians have been given permission to gather in a government building. Their message is clear. America will be doomed if the population doesn't respect the Bible.

Man: Every measure of a healthy Society has been in freefall in America skyrocketing addiction pornography crime divorce.

[CLIP OF TRUMP AD] God looked down on his planned paradise and said I need a caretaker. So God gave us Trump.


“If you are talking about spiritual warfare all the time, it's a very small jump to get to actual Warfare.”


F24: Don Blake is one of the event organizers. He believes that church should guide politics and made a comparison with France.

Blake: Now I think the French people have missed a boat the last years by turning away from God, and government needs to be influenced by the biblical worldview, people, because God set up government. Yeah that's okay to call me a Christian Nationalist because I believe in the country and I believe in in the in the Bible, okay. So how can you be wrong with that?

F24: For many Christian Nationalists, Donald Trump is a hero. In an unofficial ad, the Republican candidate is compared to the Messiah.


God looked down on his planned paradise and said I need a caretaker. So God gave us Trump, a popularity that Trump is eager to maintain. They try and shame us us. I'm a very proud Christian.


F24: Actually Donald Trump also relies on preachers to Rally his Evangelical base, like [SOUNDS LIKE] Jackson Lawmayer, founder of pastors for Trump. At this Gathering, he's invited a special guest.


Pastor: absolutely will you all stand to your feet and welcome Mayor Rudy Giuloiani.

F24: Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump's former lawyer. Officially pastors are not allowed to tell people who to vote for but Jackson Lawmyer has found another way to influence voters.


You could Target them one by one, cost you a lot of money, take a lot of time. Or you could go and you could influence pastors to encourage their churches to register to vote, to vote their value system.

And if Christians vote their value system, they will vote for Donald Trump.


F24: According to religious experts, radical Christian nationalism is on the rise. If you are talking about spiritual warfare all the time, it's a very small jump to get to actual Warfare. Will we see more threats to uh poll workers to candidates to uh our democracy as a whole about a third of Americans say they support Christian nationalism and they could sway the upcoming election in November.


Watch video here:

Weblogged by Kay Ebeling, producer of City of Angels Blog 

Not Just L.A., the city of angels is everywhere 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Read Transcripts for Harris/ Walz here at CofA Blog until the election. Read and watch my book in progress "America sided with the pedophile priests, and soon after, the nation fell" being written online at CofA Blog: Continuing to document our strange times with readable transcripts, so years from now readers can come here and try to figure out what happened.

“We have so much more in common than what separates us” -Kamala Harris 09.17 ABC News Transcript

 Another entry in Transcripts for Harris/ Walz at CofA Blog

"“When you are bestowed with a microphone that big, a profound responsibility comes with that.”

Transcript of video: Kamala Harris says 'harmful' attacks on Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, 'a crying shame' linked below Sept. 17 on ABC News 

Harris on ABC 0917
ABC: Madam vice president, I want to move to Springfield Ohio and what's happening there. We've seen school closures, parents worried about their kids leaving the home because of racist conspiracy theories that I won't repeat here. But they have been repeated by leaders on  the Republican side, former president Trump and Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance. From your perspective, is this just a case of irredeemable racism that can't be mitigated by any rational action? Or is this a situation in which a federal response could help this community heal there's a question of resources and


Kamala Harris: It's a crying shame. I mean my heart breaks for this community. There were children, elementary school children who it was it was school photo day, you remember what that's like- going to school on picture day who were dressed up in their best, got all ready, knew what they were going to wear the night before, and had to be evacuated.

Children children, a whole community put in fear and i'll say a couple things about it.

One, I learned a long time ago in my career, having a background as a prosecutor. When you have these positions, when you have that kind of microphone in front of you, you really ought to understand at a very deep level how much your words have meaning.

I learned at a very young stage of my career that the meaning of my words could impact whether somebody was free or in prison.

As attorney general of California, fifth largest economy in the world, I was acutely aware that my words could move markets. When you are bestowed with a microphone that is that big, there is a profound responsibility that comes with that, that is an extension of what should not be lost in this moment this concept of the public trust.

To then understand what the public trust means, it means that you have been invested with trust to be responsible in the way you use your words, much less how you conduct yourself, and and especially when you have been and then seek to be again president of the United States of America.

And so I go back to it's a crying shame literally what's happening to those families, those children in that Community, not to mention what is happening in terms of look-


Spewing lies that are grounded in tropes that are ageold and look- this is not new. This is not new in terms of these tropes, not new where it's coming from.


You say you care about law enforcement, law enforcement resources being put into this because of these serious threats that are being issued against a community that was living a productive good life before this happened-

And spewing lies that are grounded in tropes that are ageold and look- I said it not very far from here the other day at the debate.

This is not new.

This is not new in terms of these tropes this is not new in terms of where it's coming from.

And whether it is refusing to rent to black families; whether it is taking out a full page ad in the New York Times against five innocent black and Latino teenagers the Central Park 5, calling for their execution; whether it is referring to the first black president of the United States with a lie, birther lies and look-

The American people deserve- and I do believe want- better than this, I do believe that. I know the vast majority of us as Americans know we have so much more in common than what separates us.


Let's turn the page on this.


I know that. I know that regardless of someone's background their race their gender their geographic location I know that people are deeply troubled by what is happening to that community, in Springfield Ohio and it's got to stop.

And we've got to say that you cannot be entrusted with standing behind the Seal of the president of the United States of America engaging in that hateful rhetoric that as usual is designed to divide us as a country, is designed to have people pointing fingers at each other, it's designed to do that.

And I think most people in our country, regardless of their race, are starting to see through this nonsense and to say-

Let's turn the page on this.

This is exhausting and it's harmful and it's hateful and and and and grounded in some age-old stuff that we should not have tolerance for. So let's turn the page and chart a new way forward and say you can't have that microphone again


English (auto-generated cleaned up by blogger for readability

Watch video here 

It's Better When You Watch It


Posted by Kay Ebeling, volunteering my blog to help Harris/Walz get elected


I just went to YouTube for a video of Kamala Harris to post next in my transcripts blog, and 90 percent of video available is Fox Fox Fox and the idiots making up lies about Harris and Walz, which means Harris/ Walz supporters Need To make videos and post them on social media. I'm already doing my blog but other Dems or Dem adjacents like me Need to go to work. Make videos and put key words in the titles and post them, please, just you on camera saying why you're voting for Kamala will help. Don’t let the Trump zombies dominate the media…

Soviet tactics everywhere and most Americans never learned what they are. I am watching America fall, oh Kamala
Kamala Kamala!!


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Read Transcripts for Harris/ Walz here at CofA Blog until the election

Read and watch my book in progress "America sided with the pedophile priests, and soon after, the nation fell" being written online at until it's finished

Trump's New Threat: The Bullets Are Flying And It Will Only Get Worse TRANSCRIPT Countdown w Keith Olbermann

[Another entry in Transcripts for Harris/ Walz at CofA Blog, video linked below]

Threats cause Springfield Ohio to place facilities on lockdown, evacuate, close, search, list below. A PR lady gets news to report that an apt building in Aurora CO was taken over by a Venezuelan gang. None of it's true.

Springfield OH 

of Countdown with Keith Olbermann 09/17/24 Starts 04.08 into video linked below

KO: Trump continued on the theme of deportation and that segued into a later statement in which it became clearer what he is trying to do now.

He is trying to transfer the threat of political violence he invoked into some kind of threat against minority voters.

The polls of course say he is hemorrhaging minority voters. Quote illegal migrants who are pouring into our country in record numbers are taking the jobs away from Black and Hispanic people who have held them for years unquote, the black jobs line again but now added to it the threat to Trump.

So in what he would call weaving and what the rest of us would call cynical and irrational exploitation, the environment of political violence which Trump has been fomenting for a decade suddenly becomes an excuse for more Prejudice and more suspicion and more violence directed at Democratic Leadership and at the migrants already here whom Trump has previously threatened to expel, even the ones here legally.


Springfield Ohio


05:15 in video

And suddenly we are back in Springfield Ohio and Trump's gangs and militias and the new excuse they have for their racism. Trump is now saying that the migrants there being persecuted, being threatened, living in a city turned upside down by the lies he and JD Vance and other Republicans have spread- they are in fact some kind of threat to him, the migrants in Ohio are somehow connected to the attempts to shoot at Trump, also connected to those threats defending the migrants prosecuting Trump the debate he lost last week.

It is one giant delusional paranoid Demand by Trump to America to let him do whatever he wants to and at its heart are those terrifying words- the bullets are flying and it will only get worse.

Only getting worse is exactly what Trump wants.

If like me you are of a certain age perhaps the similarity has already occurred to you between this madman and the madman president played by Martin Sheen in the stephen King film The Dead Zone.

Trump: the bullets are flying it will only get worse.

Martin Sheen: the missiles are flying hallelujah hallelujah !!!

Trump / Vance are playing a variant of good cop bad cop called Bad Cop other bad cop


It gets worse.


Trump and his running mate are now in fact playing a variant of good cop bad cop called Bad Cop other bad cop, leaving it for JD Vance to try to exploit this still further, and sow more death threats against the media for not selling the narrative Trump wants.

Vance complains about one newscast in particular, something on PBS he saw.

Vance quote- After spending seconds on the second assassination attempt on President Trump, they then focused on the real danger me and President Trump, who are according to them personally responsible for bomb threats against Springfield. Of course I repeatedly condemned those threats. Donald Trump and I are by their account directly responsible for bomb threats from foreign countries. Why? Because we had the audacity to repeat what residents told us about the problems in their Town. Meanwhile Harris allies call for Trump to be eliminated as the media publishes arguments that he deserved to be shot.

KO: if you think Vance is hallucinating and is way out on a limb here, he has in fact only started to move out onto that limb.

Quoting Vance again, it is one thing to say that pets are not in fact being eaten and another thing to say that anyone who disagrees is trying to murder people. Descent even vigorous descent is a great tradition of the United States; censorship is not. Unquote.


You have to let him make up stories about pets being eaten, otherwise you're not a real American.


Now we are approaching Vance's endpoint here. You have to let him make up stories about pets being eaten otherwise you're not a real American.

You have to let him paint a giant bullseye on a town in a state he putatively represents in the Senate of the United States, because the only other option is to support censorship and JV says censorship means wait for it-

Vance quote: the logic of censorship leads directly to one place, for there is only one way to permanently silence a human being, a bullet in his brain.


So according to JV Vance, this election is now a clear choice between letting him and Trump smear and slander and lie and endanger the lives of and about anyone and anything they want, or supporting bullets in the brain.

And remember, this insanity, this cold bloodless laser focused stupidity of JD Vance has actually overtaken the day-to-day lives of the people of Springfield Ohio.


Springfield Ohio


This is from the local Newsroom there of Spectrum News.

Quote: Facilities in Springfield Ohio that have either been placed on lockdown, evacuated, closed, or searched at some point over the last week due to threats.

It coincides with Vance and Trump amplifying what local and state officials say are baseless claims about Haitian migrants eating people's pets and local geese in the community.

Here is the list

One Springfield City Hall

Two Springfield's Bureau of Motor Vehicles

Three Springfield's drivers exam station

Four Springfield's local Ohio license bureau

Five Spring View government center

Six Clark County Department of Job and Family Services

Seven Clark County Common Pleas Court

Eight Clark County Court of Elections

Nine Clark County Juvenile Court AB Graham building Springfield Academy of Excellence Elementary School parin Woods Elementary School snowhill Elementary School Rosevelt Middle School karing Health Springfield Mercy Health Springfield Regional Medical Center Wittenberg University Clark State College Simon Kenton ele School Kenwood Elementary School.

And he adds

Springfield's annual culture Fest has been cancelled over security concerns.


Now Aurora Colorado is next, where he said “getting them out will be a bloody story.”


And note next on the Trump schedule is Aurora Colorado, where even before last week's debate, Trump was claiming immigrant gangs were quote taking over buildings, they're going in violently.

It was of Aurora that he had said earlier, “and getting getting them out will be a bloody story.”

The New York Times yesterday quoted what has actually happened in Aurora.

As far back as May, Aurora officials have been trying to force an out of-state landlord to fix up three blighted apartment complexes in the downtrodden East Corridor, which connects the cities of Denver and Aurora. In July the landlord CBZ management, which says is based in Colorado and Brooklyn, offered a new argument for why it couldn't repair the buildings.

Venezuelan gangs had taken over and the property. Managers had been forced to flee on August 5th.

A public relations agent Sarah Latman hired by CBZ pitched a quote tip to the local Fox television network affiliate in Denver:

Quote: An apartment building and its owners in Aurora Colorado have become the most recent victims of the Venezuelan gang TR Aragua violence, which has taken over several communities in the Denver area, unquote.

None of this is true.

No part of Colorado is under the control of anybody but bad landlords and if there is criminality in Aurora Colorado, it is not gangs, it is a bunch of landlords and their PR person.



Another entry in Transcripts for Harris/Walz

Posted by Kay Ebeling, volunteering my blog to help Harris/Walz get elected

Continuing to document our strange times with readable transcripts, so years / decades from now readers can come to this blog and try to figure out what happened.

Read Transcripts for Harris/ Walz here at CofA Blog until the election

Read and watch my book in progress

"America sided with the pedophile priests, and soon after, the nation fell"

being written online at

until it's finished

Monday, September 16, 2024

Why risk going to prison or getting deported just for an I Voted sticker? John Leguizamo on the Daily Show TRANSCRIPT

[Another entry in Transcripts for Harris / Walz at CofA Blog]

“Chingon… I faced hardships no human being would want to endure, all so I could vote for comptroller of Suffolk County.”

John Leguizamo: Yo, yo, yo, yo, what's up, everybody? [CHEERING, APPLAUSE] It's John Leguizamo here.

Look, in two short months, America is going to be deciding whether to elect Kamala Harris, its first woman, or Donald Trump, its grossest man. And I'm here because, you know how every time they say that a bell rings an angel gets its wings? Well, every time Donald says anything racist about a Latino, a handsome Colombian guy goes on The Daily Show. [CHEERING, APPLAUSE]

[TRILLING R'S] And if you watched the debate this week, you should know that Trump said a lot of shit about Latinos and immigration, even, even when he wasn't being asked about immigration.


Q: When it comes to the economy, do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago?

DT: We have millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums. They're dangerous. They're at the highest level of criminality, and we have to get them out. We have to get them out fast.


Oh, great answer about the economy, asshole. You really, really nailed it. It's like this dude has immigration Tourette's or something. Do you want fries with that, sir? You know what I don't want? I don't want immigrants eating our beautiful cats and dogs.

And these days, Republicans aren't just stoking fears about immigrants committing crimes and eating our pets. They're saying immigrants are sneaking into our American elections?

Republican leaders are now calling on Congress to pass what they're calling, an Election Integrity Bill. The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility or SAVE Act, would require registered voters to provide proof of citizenship, and for states to remove non-citizens from their lists of eligible voters.


Ted Cruz: And we want US citizens to vote, but we don't want illegal votSes.

Steve Scalise: Block illegal aliens from voting in our elections!

Lauren Boebert: Joe Biden and his regime are shelling out benefits to illegal immigrants like Oprah Winfrey on her show. Everyone gets a vote.


You're right, Lauren Boebert. You're right. You can't just casually give votes away. They're not like, like a hand job at a Beetlejuice musical. [CHEERING, APPLAUSE]

And just so everyone's up to speed, what this bill does, is require everyone to register with a documentation proving citizenship, like a passport or a birth certificate. And maybe you're thinking, well, you know, if there's a big problem of non-citizens voting illegally, why not try to stop it? Well, because there isn't a big problem! There isn't even a small problem! There isn't a problem at all. Do you need to hear it in Spanish? No Problemo! [CHEERING, APPLAUSE]

Data shows that non-citizen immigrants almost never vote. And why would they? Who would risk going to prison or getting deported just for an, I Voted sticker? [CHEERING, APPLAUSE] Can you imagine what that person would be thinking?

[CLIP] [One of the funniest things I've seen all year, watch it at

3:42 in video linked below]

Chingon. [in thick accent] I travel hundreds of miles, pay tens of thousands of dollars, left my beloved ones and faced hardships no human being would ever want to endure, so all I could do was vote for comptroller of Suffolk County. !Si se puede! CHEERING, APPLAUSE]  


If you ask me, this whole thing is just Republicans trying to suppress the Latino vote. And you know why I think that? Because of stuff like this.


The New York Times obtained recordings by conservative activists saying that non-citizens could be dissuaded from voting by posting signs in Spanish warning against illegally registering. They also suggested purging voter rolls by searching for ethnic names.


Damn. If they're looking for ethnic names to purge from the voting rolls, I am [BLEEP]. I mean, John, what's with that weird ass silent h? And by the time they got to Leguizamo, I'd be lucky if I could vote for The Masked Singer.

There is something funny about these Republican cabrones trying to write anti-voting signs in Spanish, because I doubt they have any Spanish speaking friends. They're just going to their cleaning ladies like, hey, Consuelo, como se dice, you cannot vote? And you know Consuelo will come back like, oh, I got you, papi. Yeah, I said tengo un pene pequeño. [CHEERING, APPLAUSE]  They're not going to catch me. The censors won't know what the [BLEEP] that is. Oops, that they would know.

All right, so, so basically, the only people these Republicans want voting is white people. So, if you want to vote, your skin better be as pure and as white as cocaine powder.

Ma, I don't actually know what cocaine is. I mean, is it white? I've never seen it. I definitely don't know what it smells like. I'm just kidding. My mom's a big coke head.


If they're looking for ethnic names to purge from the voting rolls, by the time they got to Leguizamo, I'd be lucky if I could vote for The Masked Singer


The point is, that Republicans are saying illegal aliens are stealing our votes, when in reality, they're the ones stealing votes by using racist fear mongering to suppress them.

And not only does this hurt democracy, but it also hurts real people, especially Latinos, because all the latest data is showing that hate crimes against Latinos are way up in America. And this bullshit suppresses the vote and propagates false narrative that Latinos don't belong here. When we do. We belong here. [CHEERING, APPLAUSE] Oh, yeah. Thank you. You make me feel like I belong.

Thank you. My own family goes back years on this continent, bitch! And we're almost done unpacking. Just got a few more boxes left. So,

Republicans, maybe you should spend less time focusing on the SAVE Act and more time on trying not to be-- But, hey, that's just my opinion.


Another entry in Transcripts for Harris / Walz at City of Angels Blog 

Continuing to document our strange times with readable transcripts, so years / decades from now readers can come to this blog and try to figure out what happened.
-Kay Ebeling

New Project

I'm writing a book online titled "America sided with the pedophile priests, and soon after, the nation fell" please read and support it at

side trip

Microsoft invading my computer and leaving stuff behind makes me feel like I've been raped by a digital nerd

Saturday, September 14, 2024

70,000 TikTok posts use Nazi sounds / images, and users want more. Transcript: Sky News Report

Another addition to the cofa Blog Transcript Project 

TRANSCRIPT: Sky News investigation finds over 70,000 TikTok posts using Nazi sounds (video linked at bottom]

 [German language audio then] Announcer: Adolf Hitler delivering a speech that later descends into an antisemitic rant to a German public, ready for the far right in the 1930s. The pictures consigned to the past but the audio brought back to Vivid life in the present.

And it's earning tens of millions of likes on TikTok.

Sky News has found Nazi speeches and marching music have been used as background sound on tens of thousands of TikTok videos, as far right groups try and spread their message.

To appeal to a wider audience, most of the speeches are set to a type of music popular on TikTok called Drift Funk without the Creator's permission or  knowledge, and that could be all sorts  cat videos, gismos, gaming or cars.


It's a way to get content shared widely before offering the user more Sinister stuff if they hit the sound button in the corner of a post


Here are a few of the most popular  categories we have seen used. It's a way to get content shared widely before offering the user more Sinister stuff if they hit the sound button in the corner of a post, which shows them other videos using the same sound.

For example, this is a more innocuous video of a cat that looks like Hitler. We'll put that back into the stack. And this is a huge stack. Here have a look at another type we've seen gaming. This video was made using Minecraft the German dictator recreated in the game. Now this is popular with  children.

The owner of Minecraft, Microsoft, told us that hate speech and terrorist content is strictly forbidden and they take action to remove such content. But on TikTok there are posts that are just too graphic to show, specifically antisemitic.

We've blurred this one here [1:37 on video] which shows images from gas Chambers set to the same type of audio. And there's much more of this graphic type of Content.


72.000 posts with 21 million likes


In fact Sky News has seen 72,000  posts used in this way.  Not only is that number big but the  level of Engagement is high too. Between  them these posts have racked up 21 million likes, showing people are  engaging with the videos. Well how are they engaging. this is a good example.

An image of a Nuremberg rally accompanied by  a Hitler speech. It's been liked by more than 56,000 users and in a comment there's been liked 1,695 times, one user states modern society needs him, another says we miss you.

It's difficult to know the motivations of the people posting it it's probably a range from people who are knowingly spreading white nationalist content to people who don't really understand but think it's cool or funny. However, the impact on the victim is the same, which is the kind of experience of hate of minority communities.


Songs bolted onto Nazi content without the performer’s knowledge


This is one of the musicians whose songs have been bolted onto Nazi content without their knowledge. The artist, Pastel Ghost, told us-

“I was not previously aware that my music was being used in this way and I find it shocking  and  deplorable.”

Sky News previously reported  about Islamic State supporters using the  same sounds loophole to gain more traction on Tik Tok. We forwarded all the Nazi videos we found this time to Tik Tok and asked the company for comment. The spokesperson told us this content was immediately removed for breaching our strict policies against hate speech, we regularly train our safety professionals and update our safeguards to detect hateful behavior on an ongoing basis and we removed 91% of this type of content. Before it is reported to us, content we flagged was taken down.

But it's still possible to find more century old ideology of hate pushed by Cutting Edge algorithms to a massive modern audience. Tom Cheshire Sky News


Watch the video Sky News investigation finds over 70,000 TikTok posts using Nazi sounds here



Cofa Blog continues to document our strange times with readable transcripts, so years / decades from now readers can come to this blog and get an idea of how it all happened.

Posted by Kay Ebeling, volunteering my blog to help Harris/Walz get elected

In 1994 a radio station convinced Rwandans to kill a million neighbors. Then in 1995 Fox News appeared on US cable lineups...

Thursday, September 12, 2024

 Health situation, have to stop blogging for a while

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I can't stop laughing at this


We cannot afford to lose four more years to the climate crisis- Jane Fonda on Kimmel post debate show TRANSCRIPT

"The orange man represents drill baby drill and seriously, guys, it's not rhetoric. It's true. It's happening." Jane Fonda 9/10/24

Here is Readable Transcript of the Jane Fonda interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night video linked below:

K: We believe that there is a significant number of Americans who really went into tonight's debate not knowing which one they would vote for, can you believe that?
F: I I don't I really don't, like I saw- I was watching CNN and they said oh we've got a panel we found many Americans. Like no you didn't you found six people who haven't decided yet. No I guess from what I read there are people who hadn't made up their minds because they didn't know enough about her and I think tonight we saw someone that has empathy, who cares about ordinary Americans, who talks about kitchen sink issues.
K: I I think she did well Fair, that's very fair but what about the pets that are being eaten in Springfield Ohio what's she going to do?
F: I understand that totally. It's why Trump hired Bobby Kennedy. He eats dead wild animals [OVERLAPPING] yes of course maybe RFK has been eating the pets of the neighborhood, going around to a lot of those wonderful States like Iowa and eating people's animals and blaming it on immigrants.
F: Maybe RFK has been eating the pets of the neighborhood, going around to a lot of those wonderful States like Iowa and eating people's animals and blaming it on immigrants.
K: I love this conspiracy theory.
K: I love this conspiracy theory totally. If you were a Republican, this would be all over Fox News right now, have you met the vice president
F: Yes we both spoke at the AFLCIO a couple of years ago and I met her and I I liked her very much.
K: Have you met Donald Trump?
F: I have mhm. I was married to Ted Turner and he was married to Marla Maples right. And he owned the Plaza Hotel at that time and I was doing something an interview or something. And he came and talked to me.
He promised he'd do something for an organization in Georgia that I started because he wanted to build a Trump Hotel in Atlanta. And I said well if you come there would you help me with this organization that helps teenagers? And he promised he would and nothing nothing nothing
What I didn't like about the debate is that it took an hour and a half to ask a question about climate
What I didn't like about the debate is that it took an hour and a half to ask a question about climate,
K: That is I know your your primary concern and a very valid concern
F: It should be all of our primary concerns. We are facing an historic catastrophe. I have to tell you, the thing that I think really puzzled me the most is that this is not something that's going- I mean of course disproportionately it will affect people who don't have money.
But this is going to affect everybody.
This is not something that anyone can dodge
And this is something that rich people, their grand kids- don't they care about that this is something that we all should be focused on as-
And here is the problem. So many elected officials Democrats as well as Republicans take money from the fossil fuel industry, and now it's going to be the nuclear industry. And so they won't vote for for the kind of policy and legislation that science says we have to have quickly.
And while I don't- look here's what I want to say to all of you. When we vote for a president, we're not marrying them, we're not even making out with them. We're not dating them. They're not perfect everybody's got issues including presidential candidates.
Here's the thing.
We cannot afford to lose four more years to The Climate crisis. We have one ticket.
The orange man represents drill baby drill and really, seriously guys, it's not rhetoric. It's true. It's happening.
K: What is the name of your PAC?
F: The Jane Fonda climate PAC, you can do support us at Jane pac dot com. Yeah [OVERLAPPING] what we do is well I I just want to finish. What I do want to say
When you vote, whether you're a Republican or Democrat, vote with climate in your heart. Vote for the candidate that will help create a livable future for your children and grandchildren and nieces and nephews cuz the other guy is going to burn us down.
Watch the entire interview here:

Posted by Kay Ebeling, volunteering my blog to he'llp Harris/Walz get elected

Another addition to the cofa Blog Transcript Project 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Why Hannibal Lecter keeps showing up in Trump speeches, Blogger 2cents

(Not part of the transcript project)


It scares me that Trump keeps saying “late great Hannibal Lecter” because in truth Lecter was a good guy; otherwise Clarice would have never fallen in love with him. Lecter only killed persons who were getting away with horrible crimes themselves. 

If Trump as president did carry out his apparent fantasies as reported Sept 9 in Rolling Stone, and if those acts resulted in murdered Americans, Trump might consider Hannibal the Cannibal as a kind of role model. I read the first three Thomas Harris books so my knowledge of the fictional character goes beyond the films about him. 

Lecter is a killer who is also a good guy and that is what scares me about the way Trump brings him up so fondly, and often. Is he fantasizing about the glory he would be able to get from murdering those who he deems to be bad guys, as outlined in several places in Project 2025?

He's projecting something with the Lecter references. So my brain asks, what is he projecting? Of all the characters in American literature, why else would Trump keep bringing up Hannibal Lecter? 

If Trump is identifying with this killer character, the former president is even more dangerous than he's been letting on. There's a romantic leap the reader takes as Clarice falls for Hannibal that so many of us wish we could take....

-kay ebeling