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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

“Armpits, ketchup, makeup, and a little butt” is how Adam Kinzinger describes Trump odor; after “red line you can't cross” at Arlington, former Pres deserves less respect now than even last week

Another addition to the cofa Blog Transcript Project 

J: What did he smell like specifically?

A: So if you take like armpits, ketchup, makeup, and a little butt, it's probably like that, all mixed up, that's the Trump formula, a little bit of a pungent odor.” 

Jimmy Kimmel interviewed Adam Kinzinger last night about "Trump’s Stunt at Arlington," the former pres's body odor, and Republicans "too scared to Speak Out" 


J: Our next guest is a former Air Force pilot and the only former Republican Congressman invited to speak at the Democratic National Convention,

CLIP: Donald Trump is a weak man pretending to be strong. He is a small man pretending to be big. He's a faithless man pretending to be righteous. He's a perpetrator who can't stop playing the victim.

J: Please welcome Adam [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kinzinger. Hey it's very good to finally meet you how you doing it's great to be with you thank you you.

Did you ever imagine as a lifelong Republican that you would ever speak at the Democratic National Convention and be embraced wholeheartedly there?

A: Yeah it was quite an experience and like no I never never imagined. I would say maybe a year or two years ago it kind of- if you told me it's maybe this makes sense. Because my party has just gone off the rails.


My party has just gone off the rails


And they no longer defend democracy. And it's like- that's what-

That's what my calling is,to defend that.

J: Are you surprised by that? When you first started saying hey this the guy Donald Trump should not be leading our country or our party, were you surprised at the vitriol that was directed at you?

A: No because that's what he does. I mean, look. He built a cult, he's really built a cult of personality. And when you go after the leader of a cult, it's almost like going after somebody's religion. Because this is what they have. Everything they do is built on this idea that Donald Trump's going to save America.

What did shock me a little bit is getting texts from Old Friends. My co-pilot I flew with in Iraq texting me that he's ashamed to have ever flown with me. Extended family members that basically sent a certified letter, which I guess they still have, sent to my parents house disowning me and saying I'm part of the devil's Army.


Family members that basically sent a certified letter disowning me, and I'm part of the devil's Army. This is what's happening to families all around this country.


I mean that's when you see- and I'm not saying that for sympathy- but this is what's happening to families all around this country, is they're being torn apart for a man that is more flawed than anybody that's ever sat in the Oval Office.

J: Is that- if you're assigning fault, is that Donald Trump's fault or is it the fault of these news organizations who- I mean for instance Fox did not air your speech. They did not run it. They did not run that part of the convention. Which is you know it's kind of crazy for a channel that says it's fair and balanced, that it's a news has the word news in their title, yeah, to whom do you assign the blame for that?

A: Well look this- I mean I think the ground for Donald Trump started before he came into the scene. I talk about this in my book it's Amia CPA of like-

Look, we used fear to raise money. We used division to raise money. You know that. To us it kind of felt harmless but this is a way to build the campaign coffers. So the news organizations politicians- and then Donald Trump comes along and Donald Trump has no commitment to truth.

I mean this is the thing.

Every president in the history of our country has at least had a basic commitment to saying the truth sometimes, right, or at least saying-


Every president in the history of our country has at least had a basic commitment to saying the truth sometimes.


I want when I get out of here to leave a country stronger than I came in. Donald Trump came in and basically has said it's all about me. The only thing that matters to him is his ego and what that means for him, not for the country. So yes he takes probably the Lion’s Share of the blame but look.

People like Kevin McCarthy- Donald Trump was persona non grata in the Republican party after January 6 for weeks. And then Kevin McCarthy goes to Mar a Lago and it was like the ambulance pulls up with those little battles that get your heart started again. And they resurrected- he resurrected him politically, so he bears a lot of blame as well.

Q: Are there other Republicans who are not speaking out who feel this way?

A: Oh there're so many of them and that's- the thing is like you know- people will tell me sometimes like Adam you're courageous. And I appreciate it. I'm not. I'm not courageous though I'm surrounded by cowards. So you know just reality I mean how hard as it to tell the truth?


I'm not courageous though, I'm surrounded by cowards. I mean how hard as it to tell the truth?


But so I think you'll see more from Liz Cheney soon I haven't talked to her about it I have no idea. But I would expect that w she's just so committed to this stuff.

But there are so many people I talk to that are sitting around like, I just can't speak out I can't speak.

Q: They're scared?

A: Yeah they're scared. I had somebody tell me actually a number of people tell me. Adam, I appreciate what you're doing. I can't say that because I'd lose in my district, but I appreciate you doing it.

It's like, I'm going to lose in my district by doing it join, the club, brother yeah.

Q: You tweeted something and I thought was fascinating, I think we have that, here this is a- last year you wrote about Donald Trump:

I'm genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven't talked about the odor. It's truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can.  So now I mean what did it smell like specifically?

A: So if you take like armpits, ketchup, makeup, and a little butt, it's probably like that all mixed up and that's that's the Trump formula little bit of a pungent odor. I would say yeah, you definitely wouldn't want to bottle it up and wear Trump cologne, that's for sure.


You definitely wouldn't want to bottle it up and wear Trump cologne, that's for sure.


J: Is this something that like you guys would talk about like oh boy wow he's got something going on?

A: I think people are a little scared to talk about it. But it was OB. Maybe it wasn't permanent or all the time.

Q:  but it's there. You spent time with him?

A: I did yeah.

Q: You got close to him?

A: Not too close [LAUGHTER] no. Like he’d invite all of us into the Oval Office all the time. And it's hard to hard to avoid that.

J: What’s this photo op situation that he concocted at Arlington National Cemetery? You've been there, you're a veteran, you've served, you've been in the- I mean explain why that's such a vile thing to do.

A: it's one thing for a sitting president or even a candidate to go on an official visit, to go not to take pictures, to honor the Fallen who have died for this country. It is like the last vesage of nonpartisanship that we have to hold in this country.

And we have to hold it in a very kind of religious way almost. People that gave everything- to go there to have one of his staff members push a worker who probably was pretty angry because she saw what was happening.

Which is these people that she's been committed probably her life to honoring- he's going to go there and make a mockery of it.


He's going to go to Arlington and make a mockery of it.


And he went in and turned it into a campaign event, God.

In the picture Trump smiled with his thumbs up, for God's sakes.

So what you can do is now if you politicize Arlington National Cemetery. Everybody running for Congress everybody running for the Senate is going to have to go there and get their picture taken at Arlington to show that they're a good solid American.

You cannot politicize Fallen American soldiers come hell or high water. That is a red line you can't cross. He crossed it happily and he's defending himself. And not just defending himself. Going after the worker that one of his people shoved. And that is just so beneath the presidency I feel like you know Donald Trump claims to be pro military.

All this nonsense. People forget that he is a draft dodger. This is a guy who got a medical ex exemption through his father's connections saying that his feet were bad too bad to serve, while he was playing on the basketball team at his school.

Q: And that just seems to mean nothing to any of his supporters?

A: No and not to mention what he said about mccain, not to mention the suckers and losers comments. It's literally every week he says something. And if you get into his head for one moment, you just have to say-


He is so utterly unqualified. He does not appreciate what it means to send people into combat, to lose lives.

And he smells?

And he smells.


This is a guy that literally cannot fathom cannot fathom what it means to do something bigger than yourself, or to do something for anybody but yourself. So he does think they're suckers and losers because to him why give your life if it's not going to benefit you.

And that's why he is so utterly unqualified be besides every other reason we've talked about. Because he does not appreciate what it means to send people into combat and to lose lives.

Q: And he smells.

A: And he smells

Q: Thank you Adam Kinzinger


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Another addition to the cofa Blog Transcript Project 

Weblogged by Kay Ebeling who has spent much of the last 20 years in a room by myself communicating with the world over the web without ever touching anyone.



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