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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Op Matrioska at work as Putin ‘endorses’ Harris, after decades of supporting US extreme right.

Now Putin likes her laugh, so like the doll, Russian influence on US elections has layer after layer after layer… I blogged earlier this week about how Operation Matrioska worked in recent France election here: 

Russia created, then questioned fake news reports, using Operation Matrioska to sway recent French election, France 24 Truth or Fake report TRANSCRIPT (“Not only was the video entirely false, but Bots from Russia...

Now TRANSCRIPT “Hear what Putin says is ‘infectious’ about Kamala Harris” (video linked below) 

Matrioska dolls

CNN: A surprising endorsement from Russian President Vladimir Putin. He says he supports Kamala Harris for U.S. president. The Russian president has long been considered friendlier with Republican nominee Donald Trump. But has that changed or is Putin playing games? Have a listen to this remarkable comment.

Putin: As for the favorites, there is no need to define that. It's a choice by the people of America in the end. I've said that our so to say favorite was the acting president, Mr. Biden. He's been taken out of the race. But he advised all his supporters to support Mrs. Harris. That's what we'll do. We'll support her as well. That's the first thing. Secondly, her laugh is so expressive and infectious. That means that she's doing well this hmhm with two months ago until the U.S. election.

CNN: The U.S. Justice Department is accusing Russian state media company RT of funding a Tennessee company to push Russian propaganda. It was meant to influence the U.S. presidential election. Prosecutors say another goal was to weaken opposition to Russian interests, especially its ongoing war in Ukraine. CNN's Clare Sebastian has been monitoring the story, and she's joining us now live. So, Clare, let's talk about Vladimir Putin first and what he's saying that he's supporting Kamala Harris. He's notoriously, one who plays mind games. Is that what this is?

CNN2: You know, I think you got to look, Frederica. The body language, the sort of wry smile when he made those comments, and also the laughter from the audience. I think they interpreted it just as that, as essentially trolling it.

But he never misses an opportunity, really, to mock, to sort of throw shade at the U.S. and especially its democratic processes. So I think, that is mostly what we should read into this.

He, you know, he talked about Biden being removed from the race, which is obviously not completely true when you look at the facts. And, you know, he said, oh, you know, if everyone is being told by Biden to follow Kamala Harris, then we will, of course, do the same.

He has been a little inconsistent. He said back in February, we prefer Biden. He's more predictable, he's more experienced. But then over the summer, we had comments from him, for example, criticize the US, justice system is political after Trump's criminal conviction. He then said that he supports Trump's detail free plan to quickly end the war in Ukraine.

So it really isn't clear at this point, you know, who exactly Russia supports. Traditionally, of course, we have seen, support edging towards the Republican side, certainly when it comes to the war in Ukraine. But this, I think, was simply trolling and an attempt to in front of the domestic audience to mock the U.S. political system. Okay.

Q: And now, how does all of this, fit in with those new findings from the DOJ and FBI on Russian election interference?

A: Well, I think both of them show just how keenly Russia is watching the US political process. Right. Obviously, it was interesting that these comments fro Putin came just a day after the sort of broad, sweeping, evidence and crackdown from the US, on Russian disinformation.

But look, it's never as clear cut. I think that's the other thing we learn, as Russia is pro Trump and anti whoever the Democratic candidate is Biden or Harris.

This has been really about sowing division as well. They've traditionally amplified both extremes on the right and the left.

But I will say right now for Putin, his overarching goal is, of course, to win the war in Ukraine and to do anything he can do to weaken Western support for Ukraine does further that aim. And we've seen this with all sorts of sort of hybrid attacks by Russia in various different ways, not just disinformation.

The other thing to note, though, is that Russia seems to be growing in sophistication when it comes to these disinformation efforts. If you look at the evidence presented by the DOJ and the FBI, this company that CNN has named as Tenet Media operating out of Tennessee, the Department of Justice alleges that two employees at RT, the Russian state TV channel, set up and funneled almost $10 million in to try to sort of build up this bank of online videos.

These they seem to be, if you look at them broadly, in support of Trump. But that is a more sophisticated campaign than we've seen in the past.

And secondly, the FBI evidence that they've put forward shows that a number of companies that they believe were run directly from the Kremlin have even used AI generated content to try to sow disinformation online, all of it trying to bolster pro-Russian policies and, of course, influence U.S voters.

All right. Claire, Sebastian, thank you so much. Ian, Vladimir Putin calls her laugh infectious, says that she is doing well and that he supports her. What do you, as the campaign, say back to Mr. Putin?

I: Well, first I want to say I think we reject any foreign interference in this election at all, on any side from any country. This is an American election. And the vice president feels very, very strongly that only the American people should be deciding who is the next president of the United States. And any effort from foreign actors to interfere is completely inappropriate.

Obviously, the administration will speak to their actions.

Yesterday you know, I think everybody knows who dictators and bullies around the world prefer in this election. They prefer President Trump. We reject, the kind of, divisive, dictatorial leadership that is being offered from people like President Putin.

Obviously his invasion of Ukraine was horrible, and the vice president had been a leader with the president rallying the world against it. I'm not going to play too much psyops with the Russian president here on your show this morning. but I think that anybody who's been paying attention for the last decade knows where, President Putin stands, in the election and who his preferred candidate is, regardless of what he may say.

All right. Ian Sams for us this morning. sir, very grateful to have you on the show. I hope you'll come back as this campaign is in its final sprint. Thank you so much.

“Russia seems to be growing in sophistication when it comes to these disinformation efforts…. Putin never misses an opportunity to mock, to throw shade at the U.S. especially its democratic processes”

CNN: A surprising endorsement from Russian President Vladimir Putin. He says he supports Kamala Harris for U.S. president. The Russian president has long been considered friendlier with Republican nominee Donald Trump. But has that changed or is Putin playing games? Have a listen to this remarkable comment.

Putin: As for the favorites, there is no need to define that. It's a choice by the people of America in the end. I've said that our so to say favorite was the acting president, Mr. Biden. He's been taken out of the race. But he advised all his supporters to support Mrs. Harris. That's what we'll do. We'll support her as well. That's the first thing. Secondly, her laugh is so expressive and infectious. That means that she's doing well this hmhm with two months ago until the U.S. election.

CNN: The U.S. Justice Department is accusing Russian state media company RT of funding a Tennessee company to push Russian propaganda. It was meant to influence the U.S. presidential election. Prosecutors say another goal was to weaken opposition to Russian interests, especially its ongoing war in Ukraine. CNN's Clare Sebastian has been monitoring the story, and she's joining us now live. So, Clare, let's talk about Vladimir Putin first and what he's saying that he's supporting Kamala Harris. He's notoriously, one who plays mind games. Is that what this is?

CNN2: You know, I think you got to look, Frederica. The body language, the sort of wry smile when he made those comments, and also the laughter from the audience. I think they interpreted it just as that, as essentially trolling it.

But he never misses an opportunity, really, to mock, to sort of throw shade at the U.S. and especially its democratic processes. So I think, that is mostly what we should read into this.

He, you know, he talked about Biden being removed from the race, which is obviously not completely true when you look at the facts. And, you know, he said, oh, you know, if everyone is being told by Biden to follow Kamala Harris, then we will, of course, do the same.

He has been a little inconsistent. He said back in February, we prefer Biden. He's more predictable, he's more experienced. But then over the summer, we had comments from him, for example, criticize the US, justice system is political after Trump's criminal conviction. He then said that he supports Trump's detail free plan to quickly end the war in Ukraine.

So it really isn't clear at this point, you know, who exactly Russia supports. Traditionally, of course, we have seen, support edging towards the Republican side, certainly when it comes to the war in Ukraine. But this, I think, was simply trolling and an attempt to in front of the domestic audience to mock the U.S. political system. Okay.

Q: And now, how does all of this, fit in with those new findings from the DOJ and FBI on Russian election interference?

A: Well, I think both of them show just how keenly Russia is watching the US political process. Right. Obviously, it was interesting that these comments fro Putin came just a day after the sort of broad, sweeping, evidence and crackdown from the US, on Russian disinformation.

But look, it's never as clear cut. I think that's the other thing we learn, as Russia is pro Trump and anti whoever the Democratic candidate is Biden or Harris.

This has been really about sowing division as well. They've traditionally amplified both extremes on the right and the left.

But I will say right now for Putin, his overarching goal is, of course, to win the war in Ukraine and to do anything he can do to weaken Western support for Ukraine does further that aim. And we've seen this with all sorts of sort of hybrid attacks by Russia in various different ways, not just disinformation.

The other thing to note, though, is that Russia seems to be growing in sophistication when it comes to these disinformation efforts. If you look at the evidence presented by the DOJ and the FBI, this company that CNN has named as Tenet Media operating out of Tennessee, the Department of Justice alleges that two employees at RT, the Russian state TV channel, set up and funneled almost $10 million in to try to sort of build up this bank of online videos.

These they seem to be, if you look at them broadly, in support of Trump. But that is a more sophisticated campaign than we've seen in the past.

And secondly, the FBI evidence that they've put forward shows that a number of companies that they believe were run directly from the Kremlin have even used AI generated content to try to sow disinformation online, all of it trying to bolster pro-Russian policies and, of course, influence U.S voters.

All right. Claire, Sebastian, thank you so much. Ian, Vladimir Putin calls her laugh infectious, says that she is doing well and that he supports her. What do you, as the campaign, say back to Mr. Putin?

I: Well, first I want to say I think we reject any foreign interference in this election at all, on any side from any country. This is an American election. And the vice president feels very, very strongly that only the American people should be deciding who is the next president of the United States. And any effort from foreign actors to interfere is completely inappropriate.

Obviously, the administration will speak to their actions.

Yesterday you know, I think everybody knows who dictators and bullies around the world prefer in this election. They prefer President Trump. We reject, the kind of, divisive, dictatorial leadership that is being offered from people like President Putin.

Obviousy his invasion of Ukraine was horrible, and the vice president had been a leader with the president rallying the world against it. I'm not going to play too much psyops with the Russian president here on your show this morning. but I think that anybody who's been paying attention for the last decade knows where, President Putin stands, in the election and who his preferred candidate is, regardless of what he may say.

All right. Ian Sams for us this morning. sir, very grateful to have you on the show. I hope you'll come back as this campaign is in its final sprint. Thank you so much.


Watch video here

Another addition to the cofa Blog Transcript Project 

Posted by Kay Ebeling, volunteering my blog to help Harris/Walz get elected 

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