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Monday, September 9, 2024

Fox repeats story on invasion of migrant gangs, right-wing media reruns it, Trump echoes the message. Then neighbors shout ‘you effing animals’ at each other. MAGA generates American anger

"Walz: Every time I hear Donald Trump give a speech, it's like the next screenplay for Mad Max or something."

Meidas Touch graphic
[partial transcript of video: “Trump STUNT in Colorado Gets QUICKLY EXPOSED “ from Meidas Touch Network, linked below***, starts at TC: 00:35]

Ben Meiselas: Maga and Fox and all the right-wing propaganda machine is saying that in Aurora Colorado a Venezuelan gang has taken over the entire city. And they've locked themselves in a compound in the [inaudible] apartments in Aurora where they're held up in these police standoffs, and they are controlling everything and running a criminal enterprise by taking over this apartment complex.

Fox ran a story on it over and over again. This has been all over right-wing media. If you're on x still which was previously twitter, this thing gets spread. And then Donald Trump echoes this type of message over and over again.

So for example when he spoke in North Carolina on Friday, he talked about how immigrants are taking over swaths of America right now, and when he gets in he's going to reconquer these areas. And he's going to do an executive order that declares this land America’s again and takes it back from the cartels and the gangs.

Here's what Donald Trump said play it/


Donald trump: as soon as I’m back in the white house, the conquest will end, and the great liberation of America will begin. And you're going to be the ones leading the pack. We will take back every single square inch of American territory.

And that's been invaded by these migrant gangs, it's been taken over- I mean real estate patches have been taken over and this is just the beginning. You haven't seen anything yet because they're just getting- they're just sort of assimilating.

Dt: [cont’d]  and how about what they're doing to our schools. They're going into schools they're beating the hell out of our other pupils. We're giving them cheers. And we're telling people that have been their families that have had their children in that school, you can't go to that school anymore.

End clip

And here's Donald Trump talking about the executive order that- no more cartels. He says that that's what's going to do it. He's going to do an executive order he says here play this clip:


Dt: George, I will sign an executive order on my first day making it the official policy of the us government to completely eliminate the president’s of drug cartels and foreign gangs in the united states. We're going to eliminate them.

End clip

Bm: I want to dig into this Aurora story with you. It's important because I’m going to show you what the local police chief is saying and saying. That this is not what's happening at all. I'm going to show you what the residents of the apartment complex are saying and they're saying this is all a lie.

They held a press conference this past week. That's not to say there's zero crime but what they're saying is that their landlord is exploiting them and trying to use Venezuelan gangs as a pretext to act as a slumlord.

That's the allegation that the tenants are making, and the police chief is saying.

Meanwhile this what's being presented on the news isn't happening. And I’m just again reporting on what the residents basically have been saying.


Walz: Every time I hear Donald Trump give a speech, it's like the next screen play for Mad Max or something.


Now what i want to show you over here is governor Walz, and here he talks about how what Donald Trump's just trying to do is act like America’s Mad Max. Like that this is this dystopian crime ridden everything's the worst- here play this clip.


Tim Walz: this is going to be door to door phone call to phone call. It's going to be engaging people who it is a deliberate effort by some people to make them believe that our political system is broken, to make them believe that things are pessimistic.

My god every time I hear Donald Trump give a speech it's like the next screen play for Mad Ma or something.

It's they're rooting against America they do not believe in the exceptional, they do not believe in people who built this, they simply want to complain about them. And by you coming here and talking neighbor to neighbor, that's what inspires people.


Here's a video of some of the residents at this apartment complex right here talking about what's going on play this clip.


Thing is, I spent the past month trying to apply for apartments but I have not been able to get approved for a single apartment. I think it's because I’m Venezuelan. I think there's some racism going on there. What we want from the government is we want the government to help us get apartments. But I’m not asking the government for a handout, I’m not asking them to give us money for rent.

We pay our rent we pay our way we make our own living. I just want them to help us help guarantee that we're able to get apartments.

End clip

Here is a me the types of messages that the people who live in this apartment complex are getting because of the disinformation that's being spread. “you effing animals I hope the Colorado veterans are building a militia with more firepower than you guys could ever imagine. You guys are animals.”

Making statements like this over and over again.  The Denver post just did an editorial: is a violent Venezuelan gang taking over Aurora?

There is no conspiracy to cover up activity of the tad gang in Colorado. Fact checked: has Aurora been taken over by violent Venezuela gang TDA of course not. Our editorial board right Kyle Clark who's a great reporter in Denver posted the following.

At this point tenants interviewed by the Colorado sun say they are more scared of white supremacists and people with animosity toward immigrants than they were of any Venezuelan gang.


Tenants interviewed by the Colorado sun say they are more scared of white supremacists and people with animosity toward immigrants than they were of any Venezuelan gang.


And here as a video from decoding fox news they do a very good job here. And they show here the types of stories that fox has been running with this Venezuelan gangs overtaking the apartment complex. But the resident staged this press conference and told the local fox affiliate that the management company was the problem not the gangs, here play this clip.  


As open borders is wreaking more havoc, officials in Aurora Colorado are setting up a task force after terrifying video emerged of a vicious apartment invasion, allegedly by a dangerous migrant gang. Developing this morning we're hearing the people living inside of one of those chaotic apartments in Aurora where the alleged gang activity is taking place. Neighbors telling us gangs are not the problem they say poor management is the problem.

End clip


Tenants at edge at Lowry apartments in Aurora holding a press conference to debunk rumors that Venezuelan gangs are taking over the building and demanding better living, they're demanding better living conditions for their apartment, and here in a rare joint appearance you have the mayor of Denver joined by the mayor of Aurora saying that-

If anything that there's an isolated threat that's taking place and it's very small risk compared to like other types of crimes that are taking place and that Venezuelans are being unfairly maligned.

End of readable transcript


Watch video here

Posted by kay ebeling, volunteering my blog to help Harris/Walz get elected

Another addition to the cofa blog transcript project 


[from here on transcript is not edited for readability but included in this post for future reference, documentation, etcetera]

[keep reading]


There are a lot of ops and stunts being pulled by maga this election cycle. We cover them all. And we try to expose them to the best of our ability just to allow you to know what's going on.

So for example they recently posted this image and said look governor walz's family supports donald trump. These aren't even like close relatives of governor walz. They're like if anything the most distant of distant cousins. But there's even one that's more serious right now that i want to highlight here, and go back, i'd show and expose all of these stunts that donald trump's doing, but this one where kind of

Cut from end

Here play this clip mayor johnson what are denver police telling you about the scope of the threat posed by this one criminal organization tda versus all of the criminal organizations operating in the metro area it's very small the threat from tda in denver it's smaller than many other organ ized criminal networks that might have been here for decades the ones like the bloods of the crips or others and so we're monitoring it closely we're going to make sure they don't get a foothold where we know we can intervene we can but mayor coffin's really right the risk on this is the folks most likely to be taken advantage of and abused by this are other newcomers are venezuelans who have arrived and are being bullied by these individuals and feel afraid to call the police or call the city we want to make very clear if you have the least bit of concern call call we do not ask for your citizenship or your status you're at no risk of adverse action we want to work to earn their trust to have their confidence to step forward and identify who the bad actors are i think both sides are in for a new awakening the folks that came here looking for the american dream will find it those folks who came here looking to cause chaos i think will find that this is their worst nightmare because we're not going to tolerate that in the city and here is just a photo of the resident saying stop lying there aren't any gangs here and look i i i want to show you that one incident cuz that's been used as one of these examples by trump and magga to say look what's going on they're taking over these buildings they're doing all of these things and again it's not to say that there's no crime i mean violent crime is down right now then significantly from when trump was in office but again they want to create these magas just this again mad max dystopian world where everybody's fearing and and and viewing america as like as donald trump would say here donald trump says that crime is worse in america than the terrible nations he says here play this clip to me the number one thing that i get spoken to by the people and i meet so many people is crime i mean they can't believe it they can't walk out of their apartments and by a loaf of bread without getting mugged or wrapped or shot you look at chicago it's like well there you have it folks hit subscribe let's get to million i wanted to make sure you got all the details in out of there love this video make sure you stay up to date on the latest breaking news and all things midas by signing up to the midas touch newsletter at midest newsletter


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