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Monday, September 2, 2024

For Canada, difference between a Harris or Trump presidency will be ‘managing chaos,’ says Quebec correspondent for CBC The Logic

 Another addition to the CofA Blog Transcript Project 

hey would much much rather have a Harris government in place for reasons of Sanity, let's be perfectly honest.” Transcript of “Trump or Harris — can Canada make it work? | Canada Tonight: CBC News 8/27” [video linked below]

Q: Well the United States was a big focus on the last day of the liberal cabinet retreat in Halifax.** The government says they're confident they can work with either the Democrats or Republicans after the November election. All this comes down amid speculation over Justin Trudeau's future as prime minister, despite a year of bad polling, and calls for a major party reset.

So how will the upcoming US election affect Canada's trade policy and how will this affect Canada's own elections that are coming up next year?

Let's bring in Martin Patrick Quinn. Martin is the Quebec correspondent for The Logic. Join us from Montreal, Martin, good to see you.

A: Thanks for having me.

Q: So what are you watching here because we we're talking about sort of what's happening on the United States side? The Canada US relations was a big conversation in the last day of the retreat in Halifax, with that US election now just a couple of months away, what are you anticipating what kind of changes might we see coming around this presidential election?

A: I mean fundamentally in  a certain respect there's not a whole lot of difference between what the Justin Trudeau government of the Donald Trump era went through and what he went through with the Joe Biden era and what he would would go through with the Kamala Harris.

See it's it's actually pretty simple. Both presidents are protectionist. They have protectionist desires. They have America First ideals that sort of thing. We saw it very clearly with Donald Trump, we saw it very clear with Joe Biden.

The difference I think is going to be chaos- is managing chaos.

Look, if Mr. Trump wins, you have to deal with protectionism.

But you also have to deal with almost psychotic Whimsy.

The fact that he sort of acts very very rashly and does things sort of categorically.


“Look, if Mr. Trump wins, you have to deal with protectionism but you also have to deal with almost psychotic Whimsy.”


I'll remind people, for example, he was the one that tried to stop steel imports from Canada on National Security grounds.

He's the guy that listened to a few farmers in Minnesota and all of a sudden we had a problem with Canadian Supply management when it came to milk and other such products, and lo and behold we were rewriting NAFTA.

That's the kind of thing that really gums up relations. Protectionist protest protectionism or not. Y

Q: You mentioned NAFTA, that bilateral agreement that's coming up for Renewal or I guess renegotiation, if you will. So we'll be well into what kind of government we're going to have here in Canada and what they're going to have in the United States. Painting a picture here what if we're dealing with Pier POV and guess perhaps a Donald Trump?

A: I don't I don't think there's that much different. I think everything with Trump comes down to personality. I'm fairly certain that he would, he has thrown a fair bit of shade at Mr. Trudeau as we all all know over the last nine years.

I have a feeling that personality-wise he might get along better with with PV but fundamentally Mr. PV and Mr. Trudeau are governing the same populace, the same populace that is extremely reliant on trade with America in order to keep the economy going.

So I mean it might come down to a little bit of personality but fundamentally the the fundamentals are exactly the same with the two.

Q: What about Kamala Harris? The polls show that they that she and Donald Trump are pretty much neck and neck what about factoring that in?

A: Look I mean I think if you go back to Mr. Trudeau built a government to basically have a Hillary Clinton presidency. That was what they were anticipating. That's what they wanted. I think it's pretty much it's very similar in this situation.

I think that they would much much rather have a Kamala Harris government in place for reasons discussed before for reasons of Sanity, let's be perfectly honest.


They would much much rather have a Kamala Harris government in place for reasons discussed before for reasons of Sanity, let's be perfectly honest.


And also they're probably more sympatico when it comes to non-economic issues, things on abortion rights and that kind of thing. Much More Much More sympatico. And look.

When you have a trade situation like this as it is in America, like the best thing in the world that you can have between two countries is a lack of drama.

And I think there'll be a lot less drama between the two countries if Kamala Harris becomes president.

Q: but we are seeing drama that's happening within the Liberal Party, a lot of drama that's happening around our prime minister Justin Trudeau. And and there's a lot of calls in terms of members of the party looking for shifts within the party real action from the Prime Minister. Talk to me about that, as he now looks at what's going to be happening South of the Border to what needs to happen within his own Liberal Party as they prepare for an election next year.

A: There's two things. Look there's two things there's one good. One could potentially be good for Mr. Trudeau, one's going to be bad.

The first is that inflation has been sort of wrangled and it looks like interest rates are going to continue falling. They're certainly falling, they're going to fall in the United States, and not to say that we're always in lock step with the States but fiscally we generally are.

When it comes to interest rates that's the good side of things, because that means every time someone goes out and buys gas somebody goes out and buys groceries buys Big Ticket items, all that kind of thing it's going to be cheaper. It's less easy it's it's it's harder for Mr. PF to come out and say candidate is broken when things are measurably better than they were three years ago.

The issue he's going to have is housing.

Look I mean we heard everybody in the cabinet Retreat or the the caucus Retreat pardon me in Halifax talking about the importance of Housing and everything like this. And it's great sure talk about housing they've been talking about it for for years.

Because I do these kinds of things, I looked at all the Electoral platforms from the last three elections from starting in 2015 they were talking about housing. It's mentioned 25 times in the platform.

We were going to build new housing we're going to do all this, they didn't do anything until they got caught. And when they got caught now they're panicking.

And the problem with housing is that it's not something that you can turn around in a year, and that's the area I think is going to be a very very sort of sore point for the Liberals, and a big point of attack for for the PO conservatives, a hot button issue indeed as we've been seeing it for the past decade.

Q: Martin thank you so much, Quebec correspondent for The Logic


END OF TRANSCRIPT watch video here


Liberal cabinet retreat to focus on housing, immigration 7 days ago — Housing and immigration will take centre stage on Monday as the federal cabinet retreat in Halifax moves into its first full day of meetings.

Weblogged by Kay Ebeling, volunteering my blog to help Harris/Walz get elected and I'm not even a Democrat. The U.S. will not survive another Trump presidency. 

Keep reading please

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