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Monday, September 9, 2024

"A bloody story" for immigrants, promises Trump, with "violence, concentration camps, SWAT team raids, informants, military weaponry," and it barely makes the news

(TRANSCRIPT of 'TRUMP TO "BLOODY" IMMIGRANTS...AND ARREST YOU - 9.9.24 | Countdown with Keith Olbermann' )

KO: Here are the Monday countdown headlines. Trump is now threatening to imprison everybody who is opposing him in this election, from voters to donors to vote counters who produce results he does not like.

He is now threatening to kill any immigrants he cannot expel and promising quote getting them out will be a bloody story. And he is now trying to get Kamala Harris impeached as vice president.

And none of that made the front page of the New York Times times and all of it was prioritized below trump's merchandise sales numbers by the Washington post.

Our nation is dying of an utter consuming fatal lack of courage; when no one will tell the truth, the guy who lies loudest wins.

For eight years I have been talking and writing about trump's desire not just to purge America of immigrants documented or otherwise. Also he gets to decide who is an immigrant. And if you try to defend one of his targets, you become his new target, not only to do that, but also to purge them with violence, concentration camps, swat team raids, informants, military weaponry, bloodshed, and now even he is saying it, that bluntly, he is promising it out loud at his rallies, that it will be a bloody story.

He is blaming them and will kill Them.

TRUMP: In Colorado they're so brazen, They're taking over sections of the State and getting them out will Be a bloody story, should have never been Allowed to come into our country. not Going to be easy but we'll do it.

KO: And Here on CNN to discuss the pros and cons Of the mass murder of immigrants by the A-block United states government-this is madness.

To accept the Debate is to validate the debate, to Ignore trump's words is to sanitize him.

Ordering people Murdered?

the  only response Is to debate whether trump has lost the Ability to conceal his insanity and his Desire to kill people or whether he has Decided that this is a strategy he needs To employ right now. those are the only Two options.

if you are an American and You are asking any question about this Besides, is he an insane mass murderer or A strategic mass murderer, you are now a Trump enabler.

he has just promised not Threatened but promised mass bloodshed.

Congressman Ro Khana actually said Yesterday that he is upset that his Fellow Democrats have been calling the Republicans weird.

“We should lead with Respect and make our case through Persuasion of having a better vision for The Nation.”

Fine, congressman, because that's Worked real well since 2015. And when we Do it again and Trump regains power as a Result and he decides that all Immigrants are illegal immigrants and Anybody whose parents were not born in This country are immigrants, I’ll do what I can for you. when Trump sends the National guard to imprison you because Your parents were not born here- but by Then I’ll already be in prison because Of the other thing Trump did over the Weekend that nobody is taking seriously. Even though after judge Merchan gutted the Rule of law Friday here in New York, Trump has decided he can also get away With this quote cease and desist.


DONALD TRUMP: I Together with many attorneys and legal Scholars and watching the sanctity of The presidential election very Closely because I know better than most The rampant cheating and skullduggery That has taken place by the Democrats in The presidential election, it was a Disgrace to our nation.

Therefore the election where votes have just Started being cast will be under the Closest professional scrutiny and when I Win those people that cheated will be Prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law which will include long-term prison Sentences so that this depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot Let our country further devolve into a Third world nation and we won't.

Please Beware that this legal exposure extends To lawyers, political operatives, donors, Illegal voters, and corrupt election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous Behavior will be sought out, caught, and Prosecuted at levels unfortunately never Seen before in our Country.



It just warns America not to Get in his way. Don't vote against him, Don't donate to campaigns against him, Don't act politically against him.


KO: Trump put that out at 7:01 p.m. Saturday night; just in case you missed It and the New York Times missed it, he Put it out again Sunday Afternoon. so this one does not overtly Promise there will be blood.

Is Trump Pivoting? [lol]

It just warns America not to Get in his way. Don't vote against him, Don't donate to campaigns against him, Don't act politically against him, don't Take legal action against him, and not to Mistake this as some kind of bluster. Because he started it with the words Cease and desist and those in the throws Of narcissistic delusion love to wrap Their threats in legal terms. and that One is the favorite of the fascists and Businessmen.

And he's Both oh and as I said he has also Targeted the vice president for Immediate impeachment. This one won't Happen; it does however give away part of His debate strategy for tomorrow night.

He will tomorrow night try to build a Conspiracy theory in real time that Kamala Harris is only there at the debate Because of this vast plot against him.

Quoting Trump: I will support modifying the 25Th amendment to make clear that if a Vice president lies or engages in a Conspiracy to cover up the incapacity of The president of the United States if You do that with a coverup of the President of the United States, it's Grounds for impeachment immediately and Removal from office, because that's what they Did.

KO: I hope to god the vice president is Ready for all this and that she's ready To call Trump insane and to say that he Is a man lusting for the blood of Thousands if not hundreds of thousands If not millions of American Immigrants, and that he's ready to say That this is a man promising to put Anybody who stands in his way in prison. Because everybody else in a position to Call Trump out is too terrified or too Inert or just too morally bankrupt to Take the chance of doing It.


This is a man promising to put Anybody who stands in his way in prison. Because everybody else in a position to Call Trump out is too terrified or too Inert or just too morally bankrupt to Take the chance of doing It.


I mean yesterday after promising to Kill you or imprison you, he put this out, And nobody even blinks, an interview by Tucker Carlson of an election expert Indicates that 20% of the mail-in Ballots in Pennsylvania are fraudulent.

Here we go again. where is the U.S. Attorney General and FBI to investigate? Where is the Pennsylvania Republican Party?

CLIP: TRUMP: We will win Pennsylvania by a lot Unless the Dems are allowed to cheat; the RNC must activate Now activate news team assemble-

KO: Kamala Harris comes into the race, gets an Explosion of support, and the major media Coverage of her since has been Unanimously degrading, and insulting, Clickbait. She hasn't done enough press Conferences not like Trump; he did a Press conference last week, he did a Press conference and a town hall in the Same week, and he didn't take a single Question in either one of them. But so What he held them and where are her Policies he's out there with policy.

Promising to kill immigrants and jail Reporters and donors.

Where are her Policy proposals does she want to Counter Trump and perhaps oh jail Immigrants but kill Reporters where is her policy press Conference she hasn't mentioned a cannibal Once.

Kamala Harris is hit for one month by Condescending angry reporting by Reporters who are actually thinking of Only one thing in this marketplace, my Job may not exist next year, my news Outlet may not exist next year, I have to Surprise people, Trump isn't a surprise Anymore, let's attack this new Harris Instead, that's a Surprise.

Then after they succeed in Driving down her poll numbers they have A new story oh her poll numbers are down. The honeymoon is over midwestern voters Seem to like this tariffs and mass Murder combo. Trump is pitching to that Vital demographic, white males with kids Who are likely to become school Shooters but way 28% of respondents to The times shock poll yesterday that has Trump in front by a point. By the way the Margin of error there is three points. They say they feel like they still don't Know enough about Vice President Harris to decide about her.

This  includes more Than half of all voters under the age of 30 and the Times national poll Contradicts all of its own swing state Polls, but yeah. Trump is ahead so that's The only story not his promise To kill you or arrest you depending on Which demographic group you belong To.


Trump is ahead so that's The only story not his promise To kill you or arrest you depending on Which demographic group you belong To


By the way Emerson Polling for the Hill out yesterday has her within three Of him counting leaners in Florida and In Texas and The Hill average of Different polls has her ahead nationally By three and a half; and the average Has her ahead by three, but go on about The New York Times which long long ago Revealed that its understanding of the Election is you may vote but we Decide.

Oh and Trump called Elon Musk “Leon” hours ago and at the age of 78, He is complaining that voting in Georgia Or maybe it was the prosecution in Georgia it wasn't clear- but it was Corrupt in Georgia because of who signed Relevant documents.

He said quote you Have people that are in their 80s would You sign here? He's 78 and he continues to talk every day For hours on end like a drug addict Minutes away from an overdose; and he's Quoting Tucker Carlson now and now Promising bloodshed.

But let's just see How all this plays out in the next Times Sienna Pole.

And as this vital week begins if You had to say it is or it is not, you Would have to say this nation is dying From a lack of courage, individual Personal.

Our media knows what to do, when It needs to take a stand even if it's Just a stand of self-defense Against those would literally kill Everybody in it, this is what to do in a Time of crisis, Nothing.

The hacked Trump emails are Still being hidden by the Times by the Post by Politico even as they still Quote the Hillary Clinton emails.

And  I will again read you the great Flaming ball of cowardice from the Publisher of the New York Times Sulzberger printed by the Washington Post last Thursday. Sulzberger quite clearly sees our crisis Of courage and bravely says, well yeah, But that's not my job, quote.

“As someone Who strongly believes in the Foundational importance of journalistic Independence, I have no interest in wading into politics. I disagree with Those who have suggested that the risk Trump poses to the free press is so high That news organizations such as mine Should cast aside neutrality and directly Oppose his reelection. It is beyond Shortsighted to give up journalistic Independence out of fear that it might Later be taken away. at the Times we are Committed to following the facts and Presenting a full fair and accurate Picture of November’s election and the Candidates and issues shaping it; our Democratic model asks different Institutions to play different roles; This is Ours.”

[Blogger: Beyond shortsighted? Is that a thing? ]

KO: We can have Sulzberger put out the Concentration camp newspaper when we all Wind up There. The way this reads Mr. Sulzberger Might be trying to sell the New York Times to unfortunately the youngest Women voters who are also showing an Utter lack of courage.

This is from Rachel Janfaza writing in the latest Issue of Glamour magazine- don't laugh Glamour magazine it may be the most Important political data you hear on Which group do you think would be most Brutalized by another Trump presidency Or a Trump dictatorship or a realization Of The Handmaid's Tale it would be women Aged 18 to 29.

However, she writes quote “the Result a political untethering that Could reverberate for generations According to the glamour yugov poll just 56% of 18 to 29 year olds  are registered And intend to vote; this is the lowest Percentage of any age group by a wide Margin and at the time of the poll 25% Of that group said they still didn't Know who they would vote for if the Election was held that Day.

Which brings us all to the biggest Coward of them All; let us not mince words with Judge Juan Merchan. He has been bullied, he has Succumbed, he has failed the law, he has To paraphrase Thurber bent so far Backwards that he might as well have Fallen flat on his face.


Close quote: "Trump's desire is not just to purge America of immigrants documented or otherwise. Also he gets to decide who is an immigrant. And if you try to defend one of his targets, you become his new target, not only to do that, but also to purge them with violence, concentration camps, SWAT team raids, informants, military weaponry, bloodshed, and now even he is saying it, that bluntly, he is promising it out loud at his rallies, that it will be a bloody story.”


To listen to the entire podcast 

Blogger's note: I have no idea why AI inserted all those capital letters in this transcript. I've been working with these "automated" transcripts for a while now and... AI is getting smarter in some ways and dumber in others. 

Posted by Kay Ebeling, volunteering my blog to help Harris/Walz get elected

Another addition to the cofa Blog Transcript Project 

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