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Sunday, January 19, 2020

I respect bus drivers more than Congress, the President, and every journalist in D.C.

All I can do anymore is laugh and, sorry, I'm laughing at Democrats who think they've accomplished something delivering a stack of papers to the Senate calling it impeachment (WTF? what century is this?) when what I see is a foreign oiled machine using D Trump to destroy the USA, shorten our lives, and suck up all the wealth to take with them someplace else. If I don't laugh at it, I'll cry, and look at them. Trump's team are from Central Casting, comedy background category. 
Thank you Vladimir for using entertaining actors to destroy us, 
it beats the A bomb...
Yeah Lev Parnas, I believe everything he says, I'm Rachel Madddow
aaarrrggh They Got to Rachel too aaaaarrrrgghhh there's No One Left to respect in USA, except the bus drivers. Tahoe bus drivers work hard, always show up, don't let weather and traffic make them late. I have more respect for hourly wage workers in America than probably ANYONE left in D.C.

this is what happened. They used TV screens and crafted messaging to control enough humans to take over a govt as GIANT and well armed as USA. And only a few spies got killed... gotta hand it to them. An A bomb would Never Accomplish what Vladimir Putin and his gang of centuries-educated espionage actors just did in USA.
I'm glad it's over, I accept it, they won, and Americans hadn't been doing a good job running their own country for decades, so I might even end up better off as a Russian (or Saudi whoever the F did this) senior citizen.
just hope street signs stay in English as I'm too old to learn a whole new alphabet...

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Meanwhile Saudi Arabia will soon run the world using KGB tactics to keep us all in line

My MSNBC, whose clips greet me w coffee every AM before I start work. Today I find myself LAUGHING at them, murmuring "yeah right, you fell for that" over and over.
Smart people can be manipulated too. Those reporters with PhD's all Rush in (fools rush in) and run with whatever new story breaks, and then they are fed More and More- thousands of new documents in one dump- and they embrace it and Speed Read Real Impressively then reiterate---
Doing everything the Trump machine wants them to do. Meanwhile Saudi Arabia will soon run the world using KGB tactics to keep us all in line
glad I'm hiding at six thousand feet in thick forest.
 While US news focuses on Ukraine politics, Trump is reigning free in Middle East.
I guess it's important for Americans to learn how Ukraine does politics, as corruption and murders in the shadows will be the American way soon.
3 episodes of Maddow based on Ukraine and Lev Parnas interview... barely a squeak about Iran/Iraq Saudis. This is Information Warfare.
When they attack the left, they hit smarter, but it's information warfare and MSNBC got swept up too.
When Pelosi obstructed investigation of Bush/Cheney for war crimes, she also encouraged the nation to pray.
We are all so f---ed

All those billions spent on weapons and defense and USA was taken out by lies and innuendo presented as news.
And continues to be destroyed by it, as the nation has not yet admitted what it let happen to itself.
I am so tired of repeating this and seeing Smart People still not get it, still describing Trump as President of a Nation that still exists.
Thank God for black and white movies on YouTube
(one cocktail later: )
I even wonder about the Lev Parnas texts that are now so "damning" as why now? Why let so much detail out now?
I don't believe ANYTHING released as news by US govt is true anymore. I watch and read news looking for a line of truth buried inside all the lies and propaganda.
America, you let this happen to yourself.
Dems, you let Donald Trump dictate how his own impeachment was done.
so sad, no leadership, no integrity anywhere near the top

Kay Ebeling 

Lev Parnas is really Andy Kaufman (as Tony Clifton)
Man on the Moon (1999) - IMDb
Man on the Moon (1999) - IMDb
Man on the Moon (1999) - IMDb