Thank you Vladimir for using entertaining actors to destroy us,
it beats the A bomb...
Yeah Lev Parnas, I believe everything he says, I'm Rachel Madddow
aaarrrggh They Got to Rachel too aaaaarrrrgghhh there's No One Left to respect in USA, except the bus drivers. Tahoe bus drivers work hard, always show up, don't let weather and traffic make them late. I have more respect for hourly wage workers in America than probably ANYONE left in D.C.
this is what happened. They used TV screens and crafted messaging to control enough humans to take over a govt as GIANT and well armed as USA. And only a few spies got killed... gotta hand it to them. An A bomb would Never Accomplish what Vladimir Putin and his gang of centuries-educated espionage actors just did in USA.
I'm glad it's over, I accept it, they won, and Americans hadn't been doing a good job running their own country for decades, so I might even end up better off as a Russian (or Saudi whoever the F did this) senior citizen.
just hope street signs stay in English as I'm too old to learn a whole new alphabet...
I'm glad it's over, I accept it, they won, and Americans hadn't been doing a good job running their own country for decades, so I might even end up better off as a Russian (or Saudi whoever the F did this) senior citizen.
just hope street signs stay in English as I'm too old to learn a whole new alphabet...