As an aging female I get treated so bad when I'm out in public that I don't want to go out anymore. Combine misogyny with anti-aging idiocy... I get yelled at, sneered at, nasty things said to me. In restaurants waiters don’t want me in their stations, in lines I get pushed aside, people watch me struggle rather than reach out a helping hand, I don't feel welcome most places as I'm not camera friendly ... it's hard aging in a culture where decency died.
Like with so many things that are going wrong
in the world, the Pedophile Priest epidemic is a root cause of it, I think.
Once we as a culture accepted that priests can diddle and fiddle freely on
children with no repercussions, we opened the door for endless evil to happen
with no repercussions.
So now endless evil happens everywhere all the
time in USA with no repercussions.
If only the Catholic Church hierarchy had been decent world leaders and done the right thing dealing with their own crimes. Starting in the 1980s when first reports showed up in USA about pedophile priests, if bishops had taken responsibility, they would have set a tone, served as a good example for others to follow. So much in the world would be different and better now. I think.