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Friday, June 21, 2024

Anti VT website spreads disinformation and local voters are believing it.

The website “Stop The Vacancy Tax” warns of a “$34 million increase in taxes on housing in South Lake Tahoe” leaving out the word "second" that it's only second homes that are subject to the tax. I've been getting messages from people angry at me for supporting a tax that is going to be a hardship on them, and they Only Own One Home in South Lake Tahoe and work here.

Bob Poet who runs the site from Nevada has managed to get a lot of people in South Lake Tahoe to think the vacancy tax would be a tax on every home in the city. He must have studied how to spread disinformation from the Trump campaign 2016.

And they accuse the pro tax people of being divisive.

Bob Poet spoke to the council Tuesday- transcript here:

Bob Poet drops a doo wah ditty bomb in Public Comments on vacancy tax at 06/18 city council mtg

[AI generated transcript so not perfect]

My name is Bob poet and I'd like to focus on


the Declaration of Occupancy it's a critical piece of the  tax

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