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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Thom Hartmann opening rant 06 25 Transcript*

"A steady decline in hate crimes from 1990 till 2015. Then Trump comes down an escalator and begins campaign of hate"

* New Project documenting Thom Hartmann’s words on his weekday show starts today at City of Angels Blog. Watch video of the June 25 program here

TH: Now hate has always been part of the American landscape. But interestingly 1990 or 91 was the year that the FBI began compiling statistics on hate crimes; it was a brand new thing this was during the George Herbert Walker Bush Administration. And looking at hate and hate crime seemed like a good


idea and so the FBI began compiling those statistics and with the exception of 1995 when for the first couple months after the Oklahoma city bombing every everybody in America thought it was Muslim, terrorists, and 2001 when 911 happened with the exception of those two years there has been a steady decline in hate crimes from 1990 till 2015 a steady decline a rather dramatic one in fact in two little bumps in the middle.


And  then Donald Trump jumps on the scene in 2015 in the republican primary comes down an escalator and begins his campaign with hate, hating on Mexicans calling them murderers and rapists and all this kind of thing. The fact of the the the simple reality is that communities that have the highest number of undocumented immigrants in them are the safest communities in America whether they're border towns along the southern border they have a lower crime rate than the


Rest of America or whether they big cities where where southern governors have shipped all kinds of migrants they now have the lowest crime rates in America too. Why, well of course because migrants are not coming to this country to commit crime. If they want to commit crime if they want to rob people or rape people they can do that in Mexico they can do that in Guatemala. They don't have to come here to do it, they come here looking for jobs and for freedom freedom from fear


Freedom from gangs freedom from violence. And they're looking looking to work they're not so quote illegal immigrants are more than 30% less likely to commit crimes in America than native born Americans. It's pretty amazing. But don't tell that to fox news don't tell that to to Donald trump don't tell that to the right- wingers the politics of of hate are cheap easy and effective which is why by and large


Since world war ii most of our politicians have not engaged in this. We had George Wallace back in the 60s and and Donald trump in 2015. And what happened in 2015 when Donald trump came came along well just that year the FBI reported that hate crimes in 2015 for the first time since 1990 with again with the exception of 95 and 2001 but basically for the first time since 1990 hate crimes went up 6.8% over 2014 the following year when trump became the


The republican party's nominee 2016 hate crimes went up another 5%. This is an explosion in hate violence. After trump declared he was going to ban all Muslim immigration after he became president anti-Muslimism hate crimes went up 67% and the fall winter of 2016 saw a 25.6% increase in documented hate crimes over the fourth quarter of 2015


A university of north Texas study found that counties that hosted a trump rally in 2016 saw a 126% increase in reported hate crimes when compared to counties in the same state that didn't have a trump rally. The simple reality is that hatred is contagious. It's every bit as contagious as a bacteria or a virus and when it infects a host and begins to grow to live and grow inside


That host it not only damages them psychologically and emotionally, it even damages them physically, this guy called into my program yesterday and was all bent out of shape about some illegal immigrant had raped some  girl someplace, some teenage girl right. And fox news had just pounded on it for days as has right-wing hate media, because hey any little excuse to promote hate, this


This is what the this is what the rightwing is all about these days. Let's find somebody to hate on let's hate on queer people let's hate on Muslims let's hate on black people let's hate out of Hispanics. This it's what they do. The Murdoch family has made billions pedaling hate in the united states England and the former prime minister of Australia Kevin Rudd wrote an op-ed for the Sydney Morning Herald, the kind of New York Times of Australia, that was headlined Rupert Murdoch is the cancer in Australian


Politics it's true. Trump's most recent hate filled abomination he was in front of a Christian conservative audience. And he said, let's throw immigrants into locked cages with professional cage fighters and see who wins. He said, I think the migrant guy might win that's how tough they are these are tough people these people are tough they're nasty they're mean it's incredible they come here to America totally- right sell that fear sell that hate there is truly no bottom.


* Watch video of the program here

End of transcript, documenting Thom Hartmann’s words, securing them to live for all time here at City of Angels Blog. More to come shortly.

[AI generated transcript so not perfect, time code may be seconds off]

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