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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Keith Olbermann annihilates CNN post debate- Transcript here at City of Angels Blog

Notable Quotes: 

You cannot put a professional liar on television and never say you are not telling the truth. Factchecking is the essential element of Journalism.

As video electronic communications surpassed newspapers 50 years ago, we had predictions that journalism would drop out of Journalism. I think we have seen the low point of that.

Damn you to Hell Jake Tapper damn you to Hell Dana Bash damn you to Hell CNN. You blew your job tonight may you never get the opportunity to do it again.

Transcript Begins Here:


KO: Somewhere along the line it was prophesied, and many of us heard it 40 years ago 50 years ago, that eventually as television and other video electronic communications completely surpassed the newspaper organizations with their rigid standards and their extraordinarily competitive relationships with one another- as that happened as deadlines got tighter as the news cycle dropped


From well we're going to publish this story at 11 o'clock six hours from now to we're going to publish this story as soon as you finish typing it, the predictions were were made that so much of the journalism would drop out of Journalism. I think we have seen the low point of that. I began to worry about this and to talk about it on my first MSNBC show in 1998, when because the ratings were good-


The networks the news organizations of this country were willing to let a special prosecutor named Kenneth Starr do something as illegal as making public the secret videotaped grand jury testimony of the sitting president of the United States. That was what sent me fleeing back into sports because I didn't want to have anything more to do with it. Every time I brought it up, and every time I brought up the principal role of organizations like Fox News and Breitbart and the others of that time- every time I criticized the people who appeared on-


those networks or on those websites, I was accused of trying to be the left-wing version of fill in the blank. I was accused of doing this for the ratings. This is why I did it. Tonight is why I did it, in hopes of staving off the Fiasco that we saw tonight. You cannot put a man whose profession is lying on National Television in a debate for the most important job in the world at the most important moment in the history of the world, for at least the last 80 years.


You cannot put a professional liar on television and never say you are not telling the truth. Factchecking is the essential element of Journalism. It's where you begin. Is it raining or is it not raining? All you have to do Jake Tapper all you have to do Dana bash is walk over to the window and get us an answer. Or if you can't get us the answer


If your IFB cord is not long enough, if you're not wearing a mobile mic, if you can't get over there, at least ask the guy who just said not only is it raining but it's raining up from the ground- you have to ask him why he has said this, what is his evidence. You have to fact check him, CNN failed. They should go out of business tomorrow. We'll be back with a new edition of the podcast on Tuesday thank you for being with us I'm sorry the results were not better, I think I am repeating myself at this point.


But damn you to Hell Jake Tapper damn you to Hell Dana Bash bash damn you to Hell CNN. You blew your job tonight may you never get the opportunity to do it again. I'm Keith Olbermann thanks for being with us good night and good luck



English (transcript auto-generated)]

Watch the video here

Posted by KE


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