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Friday, June 28, 2024

Post debate ... Autocracy might not be all bad

I'm just hoping that under an autocracy broke old people will actually be treated better than we are under what the U.S. has turned into, as I've reached a place of acceptance. Global oil won.

Acceptance is the key to recovery, from drugs and alcohol addiction and from takeover of your country by shadowy forces. This is not USA anymore I've been saying that since the Obama administration, the way people were reacting to him.

They may be benevolent forces, whoever is taking over and ruining what's left of the USA. I was surprised, after studying Islam, what a peaceful practice it is, full of human rights and justice. Maybe if they take over, we'll all be better off.

Whatever. Just like with our vacancy tax election here locally, there are massive forces working against the American people right now, on levels we can't reach to even see who’s doing it, let alone fight back.

As an old lady news junkie, if nothing else, it's a fascinating time to be alive, observing from behind the trees…

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