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Sunday, June 2, 2024

I Love Jimmy Carter

I was a single mom of a preschooler in Austin when I realized that driving around town to honkytonks singing for tips was not going to cut it. So I took a mundane job in the personnel office of a state agency where I filed employment applications and it was pretty simple. College grads went into the high paid drawer, non grads started at minimum wage. So I got into The University of Texas as a SOTA Student Older Than Average.

As Fall semester 1976 began, I was in the quad when a whispered message spread through the crowd. Jimmy Carter the candidate who was propelling to the Presidency, was here.

In a swarm, hundreds of us ran through the southern campus onto Congress Street down towards the Capitol and siphoned in the doors of a two-story office building. By then I was close to the front of the crowd.

Jimmy Carter stopped at the landing, the Austin sky in a window behind him. He turned around and looked down at us.

And I had the Jimmy Carter experience.

His eyes were so intense that they shot out a blue-white light. I was stunned. I thought he was looking straight at me but he was looking at everyone in the crowd with that same connection.  He gave a bit of his stump speech which I’d heard before; it was why I was supporting him.  He wanted amnesty for Vietnam War conscientious objectors who’d fled to places like Canada, an issue that strongly affected persons from my generation (born 1948).

Carter is also first politician I ever heard mention the plight and rights of Palestinians. In 1976. 

I was still stunned hours after that encounter with Carter. I fell in love with him then and everything he's ever done since then has made me love him still today. 

Next day I used a class that just started to get an internship with the Travis County Democratic Party that helped me connect to people and have an idea of a career, getting jobs that led to jobs that made my life incredibly interesting.

Here is the report: 

Counter culture reach-out project' for Jimmy Carter 1976, to get Vietnam war era 'dropouts' to drop back in and vote for him  

It jump started my career and my life.

Because I was one of the dropouts who dropped back in.

Read it to see what I mean:  


Posted by Kay Ebeling 

Producing City of Angels Blog since January 2007

the city of angels is everywhere


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