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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

I think we have a Putin mole in South Lake Tahoe politics: Tami Wallace, council member / ex mayor / ubiquitous appointee to everything


By Kay Ebeling, Born to Muckrake:

(I didn't even know who Tamara Wallace was until, as Moderator of a local “Patriots” group on Facebook, she orchestrated a cyber attack on me. Then I found seditious shit about her in one five minute google search, talk about Instant Karma.) 

Part 2 of this story is here:

In the year 2000 Russia was in the first years of Vladimir Putin’s now 20 plus year reign. One of PM/ President/ PM/ President Putin’s first acts was to use skills he’d honed, in decades of running sections of the KGB, to recruit citizens from other countries who could be useful in the future. “Useful tool” is an Intelligence term for approachable and friendly persons who could be useful in any region where spies are trying to influence local politics.
So why did Putin single out the Wallaces, out of all the Americans showing up in media and politics around our country in the year 2000, when Tami and Duane were invited to speak at a “lakeside economics” conference run by Putin in Siberia?
What made Tami and Duane Wallace attractive to Vladimir Putin?
Useful tools who do not know they are being used are known as useful fools, in Intelligence
Do people in Tahoe remember that Tami Wallace went to Russia in 2000 to attend a conference on how to exploit natural resources from a lake where environmentalists don’t want you to?

Duane includes the trip in his Chamber of Commerce bio but Tami leaves it out: “In 2000 Duane and his wife traveled to Russia, Moscow, Irkutsk and Lake Baikal Siberia for an international televised conference on building an economy in a sensitive environment.”
A collection of officials in Vladimir Putin’s government ran the sessions, But Tami leaves the trip to Russia out of her bio where along with council woman and mayor she lists
California Tahoe Conservancy, City Selection Committee
Tahoe Transportation District (alternate)
California Tahoe Emergency Services Operations Authority
Clean Tahoe Program
League of California Cities – Sacramento Valley Division
City of South Lake Tahoe Finance Subcommittee
South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District Subcommittee
El Dorado County Two by Two
City of South Lake Tahoe Housing Subcommittee
City of South Lake Tahoe Short Term Economic Recovery Task Force
I'm sure she's putting what she learned from Putin to good use in these regional meetings.
Oh and I've gotten more quotes from Tami in my messages thanks to decent Tahoans who send them to me because they also see how awful she is.
Now she's claiming the First Amendment gives her free speech to continue to incite hate speech against city residents from her Patriots private group on Facebook.
Well I live under the First Amendment too and, Tami, you are a public figure. Expect to hear more from me, unless you do the decent thing and retire.


I went into news articles about the conference in 2000 Siberia and there were environmentalists demonstrating outside, or at least trying to.


I'm having a wonderful Tahoe experience. A city councilwoman here who runs a “Community Patriots Group” on Facebook has apparently orchestrated a hate campaign against me. A few people started sending me screenshots of all this inciteful hate being posted about me on the site. I messaged the City Public Servant begging her to make it stop then another screenshot showed up with the councilwoman herself participating in the cyber bullying. Former Mayor Tamara Wallace now city councilwoman who is married to the Chamber of Commerce, literally, gets assigned to almost every board that needs members, loving church secretary and grandma is leading a group of “patriots” who all think it's fine to dox and stalk a 75 year old woman. I thought it was terrible so reported it to the city attorney and I swear, within minutes of the email getting to that office, Tamara Wallace was finally responding to my Facebook messages begging hjer to make it stop with a stream of hostile angry stuff, claiming “I'm not their mom” about her position monitoring such a controversial group to begin with. I woke up this morning thinking, her messages seemed like she was drunk. This woman seems to have done nothing but use her connected husband to get herself into one powerful position after another in this city and yet she does not even know enough about the crisis USA is going through right now to know that she’s committing stochastic political violence against me with her little LOLs in her group. I doubt she even knows what stochastic violence is.
I have to say this just here on my blog now and only those who read enough to get to this point will read it. I don't care if it is insulting to City Councilwoman Tamara Wallace, it's what I think. Whenever I see these Trump mesmerized grannies, I can't help thinking, “They want him to grab them by theirs.” It's how my mind works, sorry.

THEN I did a Google search and found the Patriot / Putin / Wallace connection.
Damn I wish I could just retire.
but I can't.
I never un-took my oath to serve the USA
and I can't be quiet during this coup in USA 
by heads so empty any enemy can fill them 

Seditious Shit actually defines ANYTHING using the word "patriot" in this day and age


Posted on City of Angels Blog
Not just L.A., the City of Angels is Everywhere

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